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synced 2025-03-02 18:23:36 +00:00
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NOTE: We export a couple different DateTimeValues types below to ensure
that types are completely accurate, for method args milliseconds will
always be optional, but for return values millis are always included
If we figure out some better strategy here where we can
export just a single type while maintaining accuracy we
can change to that in a future breaking semver release
type OptionalMillisecond = {
millisecond: number?,
type Millisecond = {
millisecond: number,
@interface Locale
@within DateTime
Enum type representing supported DateTime locales.
Currently supported locales are:
- `en` - English
- `de` - German
- `es` - Spanish
- `fr` - French
- `it` - Italian
- `ja` - Japanese
- `pl` - Polish
- `pt-br` - Brazilian Portuguese
- `pt` - Portuguese
- `tr` - Turkish
export type Locale = "en" | "de" | "es" | "fr" | "it" | "ja" | "pl" | "pt-br" | "pt" | "tr"
@interface DateTimeValues
@within DateTime
Individual date & time values, representing the primitives that make up a `DateTime`.
This is a dictionary that will contain the following values:
- `year` - Year(s), in the range 1400 -> 9999
- `month` - Month(s), in the range 1 -> 12
- `day` - Day(s), in the range 1 -> 31
- `hour` - Hour(s), in the range 0 -> 23
- `minute` - Minute(s), in the range 0 -> 59
- `second` - Second(s), in the range 0 -> 60, where 60 is a leap second
An additional `millisecond` value may also be included,
and should be within the range `0 -> 999`, but is optional.
However, any method returning this type should be guaranteed
to include milliseconds - see individual methods to verify.
export type DateTimeValues = {
year: number,
month: number,
day: number,
hour: number,
minute: number,
second: number,
@interface DateTimeValueArguments
@within DateTime
Alias for `DateTimeValues` with an optional `millisecond` value.
Refer to the `DateTimeValues` documentation for additional information.
export type DateTimeValueArguments = DateTimeValues & OptionalMillisecond
@interface DateTimeValueReturns
@within DateTime
Alias for `DateTimeValues` with a mandatory `millisecond` value.
Refer to the `DateTimeValues` documentation for additional information.
export type DateTimeValueReturns = DateTimeValues & Millisecond
local DateTime = {
--- Number of seconds passed since the UNIX epoch.
unixTimestamp = (nil :: any) :: number,
--- Number of milliseconds passed since the UNIX epoch.
unixTimestampMillis = (nil :: any) :: number,
@within DateTime
@tag Method
Formats this `DateTime` using the given `formatString` and `locale`, as local time.
The given `formatString` is parsed using a `strftime`/`strptime`-inspired
date and time formatting syntax, allowing tokens such as the following:
| Token | Example | Description |
| `%Y` | `1998` | Year number |
| `%m` | `04` | Month number |
| `%d` | `29` | Day number |
| `%A` | `Monday` | Weekday name |
| `%M` | `59` | Minute number |
| `%S` | `10` | Second number |
For a full reference of all available tokens, see the
[chrono documentation](https://docs.rs/chrono/latest/chrono/format/strftime/index.html).
If not provided, `formatString` and `locale` will default
to `"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` and `"en"` (english) respectively.
@param formatString -- A string containing formatting tokens
@param locale -- The locale the time should be formatted in
@return string -- The formatting string
function DateTime.formatLocalTime(self: DateTime, formatString: string?, locale: Locale?): string
return nil :: any
@within DateTime
@tag Method
Formats this `DateTime` using the given `formatString` and `locale`, as UTC (universal) time.
The given `formatString` is parsed using a `strftime`/`strptime`-inspired
date and time formatting syntax, allowing tokens such as the following:
| Token | Example | Description |
| `%Y` | `1998` | Year number |
| `%m` | `04` | Month number |
| `%d` | `29` | Day number |
| `%A` | `Monday` | Weekday name |
| `%M` | `59` | Minute number |
| `%S` | `10` | Second number |
For a full reference of all available tokens, see the
[chrono documentation](https://docs.rs/chrono/latest/chrono/format/strftime/index.html).
If not provided, `formatString` and `locale` will default
to `"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` and `"en"` (english) respectively.
@param formatString -- A string containing formatting tokens
@param locale -- The locale the time should be formatted in
@return string -- The formatting string
function DateTime.formatUniversalTime(
self: DateTime,
formatString: string?,
locale: Locale?
): string
return nil :: any
@within DateTime
@tag Method
Formats this `DateTime` as an ISO 8601 date-time string.
Some examples of ISO 8601 date-time strings are:
- `2020-02-22T18:12:08Z`
- `2000-01-31T12:34:56+05:00`
- `1970-01-01T00:00:00.055Z`
@return string -- The ISO 8601 formatted string
function DateTime.toIsoDate(self: DateTime): string
return nil :: any
@within DateTime
@tag Method
Extracts separated local date & time values from this `DateTime`.
The returned table contains the following values:
| Key | Type | Range |
| `year` | `number` | `1400 -> 9999` |
| `month` | `number` | `1 -> 12` |
| `day` | `number` | `1 -> 31` |
| `hour` | `number` | `0 -> 23` |
| `minute` | `number` | `0 -> 59` |
| `second` | `number` | `0 -> 60` |
| `millisecond` | `number` | `0 -> 999` |
@return DateTimeValueReturns -- A table of DateTime values
function DateTime.toLocalTime(self: DateTime): DateTimeValueReturns
return nil :: any
@within DateTime
@tag Method
Extracts separated UTC (universal) date & time values from this `DateTime`.
The returned table contains the following values:
| Key | Type | Range |
| `year` | `number` | `1400 -> 9999` |
| `month` | `number` | `1 -> 12` |
| `day` | `number` | `1 -> 31` |
| `hour` | `number` | `0 -> 23` |
| `minute` | `number` | `0 -> 59` |
| `second` | `number` | `0 -> 60` |
| `millisecond` | `number` | `0 -> 999` |
@return DateTimeValueReturns -- A table of DateTime values
function DateTime.toUniversalTime(self: DateTime): DateTimeValueReturns
return nil :: any
export type DateTime = typeof(DateTime)
@class DateTime
Built-in library for date & time
### Example usage
local DateTime = require("@lune/datetime")
-- Creates a DateTime for the current exact moment in time
local now = DateTime.now()
-- Formats the current moment in time as an ISO 8601 string
-- Formats the current moment in time, using the local
-- time, the French locale, and the specified time string
print(now:formatLocalTime("%A, %d %B %Y", "fr"))
-- Returns a specific moment in time as a DateTime instance
local someDayInTheFuture = DateTime.fromLocalTime({
year = 3033,
month = 8,
day = 26,
hour = 16,
minute = 56,
second = 28,
millisecond = 892,
-- Extracts the current local date & time as separate values (same values as above table)
-- Returns a DateTime instance from a given float, where the whole
-- denotes the seconds and the fraction denotes the milliseconds
-- Note that the fraction for millis here is completely optional
-- Extracts the current universal (UTC) date & time as separate values
local dateTime = {}
@within DateTime
@tag Constructor
Returns a `DateTime` representing the current moment in time.
@return DateTime -- The new DateTime object
function dateTime.now(): DateTime
return nil :: any
@within DateTime
@tag Constructor
Creates a new `DateTime` from the given UNIX timestamp.
This timestamp may contain both a whole and fractional part -
where the fractional part denotes milliseconds / nanoseconds.
Example usage of fractions:
- `DateTime.fromUnixTimestamp(123456789.001)` - one millisecond
- `DateTime.fromUnixTimestamp(123456789.000000001)` - one nanosecond
Note that the fractional part has limited precision down to exactly
one nanosecond, any fraction that is more precise will get truncated.
@param unixTimestamp -- Seconds passed since the UNIX epoch
@return DateTime -- The new DateTime object
function dateTime.fromUnixTimestamp(unixTimestamp: number): DateTime
return nil :: any
@within DateTime
@tag Constructor
Creates a new `DateTime` from the given date & time values table, in universal (UTC) time.
The given table must contain the following values:
| Key | Type | Range |
| `year` | `number` | `1400 -> 9999` |
| `month` | `number` | `1 -> 12` |
| `day` | `number` | `1 -> 31` |
| `hour` | `number` | `0 -> 23` |
| `minute` | `number` | `0 -> 59` |
| `second` | `number` | `0 -> 60` |
An additional `millisecond` value may also be included,
and should be within the range `0 -> 999`, but is optional.
Any non-integer values in the given table will be rounded down.
### Errors
This constructor is fallible and may throw an error in the following situations:
- Date units (year, month, day) were given that produce an invalid date. For example, January 32nd or February 29th on a non-leap year.
@param values -- Table containing date & time values
@return DateTime -- The new DateTime object
function dateTime.fromUniversalTime(values: DateTimeValueArguments): DateTime
return nil :: any
@within DateTime
@tag Constructor
Creates a new `DateTime` from the given date & time values table, in local time.
The given table must contain the following values:
| Key | Type | Range |
| `year` | `number` | `1400 -> 9999` |
| `month` | `number` | `1 -> 12` |
| `day` | `number` | `1 -> 31` |
| `hour` | `number` | `0 -> 23` |
| `minute` | `number` | `0 -> 59` |
| `second` | `number` | `0 -> 60` |
An additional `millisecond` value may also be included,
and should be within the range `0 -> 999`, but is optional.
Any non-integer values in the given table will be rounded down.
### Errors
This constructor is fallible and may throw an error in the following situations:
- Date units (year, month, day) were given that produce an invalid date. For example, January 32nd or February 29th on a non-leap year.
@param values -- Table containing date & time values
@return DateTime -- The new DateTime object
function dateTime.fromLocalTime(values: DateTimeValueArguments): DateTime
return nil :: any
@within DateTime
@tag Constructor
Creates a new `DateTime` from an ISO 8601 date-time string.
### Errors
This constructor is fallible and may throw an error if the given
string does not strictly follow the ISO 8601 date-time string format.
Some examples of valid ISO 8601 date-time strings are:
- `2020-02-22T18:12:08Z`
- `2000-01-31T12:34:56+05:00`
- `1970-01-01T00:00:00.055Z`
@param isoDate -- An ISO 8601 formatted string
@return DateTime -- The new DateTime object
function dateTime.fromIsoDate(isoDate: string): DateTime
return nil :: any
return dateTime