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283 lines
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use std::process::ExitCode;
use mlua::prelude::*;
use crate::{
queue::{DeferredThreadQueue, SpawnedThreadQueue},
util::{is_poll_pending, LuaThreadOrFunction, ThreadResult},
Lua state does not have scheduler metadata attached!\
\nThis is most likely caused by creating functions outside of a scheduler.\
\nScheduler functions must always be created from within an active scheduler.\
const EXIT_IMPL_LUA: &str = r"
const WRAP_IMPL_LUA: &str = r"
local t = create(...)
return function(...)
local r = { resume(t, ...) }
if r[1] then
return select(2, unpack(r))
error(r[2], 2)
A collection of lua functions that may be called to interact with a [`Scheduler`].
Note that these may all be implemented using [`LuaSchedulerExt`], however, this struct
is implemented using internal (non-public) APIs, and generally has better performance.
pub struct Functions<'lua> {
Implementation of `coroutine.resume` that handles async polling properly.
Defers onto the scheduler queue if the thread calls an async function.
pub resume: LuaFunction<'lua>,
Implementation of `coroutine.wrap` that handles async polling properly.
Defers onto the scheduler queue if the thread calls an async function.
pub wrap: LuaFunction<'lua>,
Resumes a function / thread once instantly, and runs until first yield.
Spawns onto the scheduler queue if not completed.
pub spawn: LuaFunction<'lua>,
Defers a function / thread onto the scheduler queue.
Does not resume instantly, only adds to the queue.
pub defer: LuaFunction<'lua>,
Cancels a function / thread, removing it from the queue.
pub cancel: LuaFunction<'lua>,
Exits the scheduler, stopping all other threads and closing the scheduler.
Yields the calling thread to ensure that it does not continue.
pub exit: LuaFunction<'lua>,
impl<'lua> Functions<'lua> {
Creates a new collection of Lua functions that may be called to interact with a [`Scheduler`].
# Errors
Errors when out of memory, or if default Lua globals are missing.
# Panics
Panics when the given [`Lua`] instance does not have an attached [`Scheduler`].
pub fn new(lua: &'lua Lua) -> LuaResult<Self> {
let spawn_queue = lua
let defer_queue = lua
let error_callback = lua
let result_map = lua
let resume_queue = defer_queue.clone();
let resume_map = result_map.clone();
let resume =
lua.create_function(move |lua, (thread, args): (LuaThread, LuaMultiValue)| {
let _span = tracing::trace_span!("Scheduler::fn_resume").entered();
match thread.resume::<_, LuaMultiValue>(args.clone()) {
Ok(v) => {
if v.get(0).is_some_and(is_poll_pending) {
// Pending, defer to scheduler and return nil
resume_queue.push_item(lua, &thread, args)?;
(true, LuaValue::Nil).into_lua_multi(lua)
} else {
// Not pending, store the value if thread is done
if thread.status() != LuaThreadStatus::Resumable {
let id = ThreadId::from(&thread);
if resume_map.is_tracked(id) {
let res = ThreadResult::new(Ok(v.clone()), lua);
resume_map.insert(id, res);
(true, v).into_lua_multi(lua)
Err(e) => {
// Not pending, store the error
let id = ThreadId::from(&thread);
if resume_map.is_tracked(id) {
let res = ThreadResult::new(Err(e.clone()), lua);
resume_map.insert(id, res);
(false, e.to_string()).into_lua_multi(lua)
let wrap_env = lua.create_table_from(vec![
("resume", resume.clone()),
("error", lua.globals().get::<_, LuaFunction>("error")?),
("select", lua.globals().get::<_, LuaFunction>("select")?),
("unpack", lua.globals().get::<_, LuaFunction>("unpack")?),
.get::<_, LuaTable>("coroutine")?
.get::<_, LuaFunction>("create")?,
let wrap = lua
let spawn_map = result_map.clone();
let spawn = lua.create_function(
move |lua, (tof, args): (LuaThreadOrFunction, LuaMultiValue)| {
let _span = tracing::trace_span!("Scheduler::fn_spawn").entered();
let thread = tof.into_thread(lua)?;
if thread.status() == LuaThreadStatus::Resumable {
// NOTE: We need to resume the thread once instantly for correct behavior,
// and only if we get the pending value back we can spawn to async executor
match thread.resume::<_, LuaMultiValue>(args.clone()) {
Ok(v) => {
if v.get(0).is_some_and(is_poll_pending) {
spawn_queue.push_item(lua, &thread, args)?;
} else {
// Not pending, store the value if thread is done
if thread.status() != LuaThreadStatus::Resumable {
let id = ThreadId::from(&thread);
if spawn_map.is_tracked(id) {
let res = ThreadResult::new(Ok(v), lua);
spawn_map.insert(id, res);
Err(e) => {
// Not pending, store the error
let id = ThreadId::from(&thread);
if spawn_map.is_tracked(id) {
let res = ThreadResult::new(Err(e), lua);
spawn_map.insert(id, res);
let defer = lua.create_function(
move |lua, (tof, args): (LuaThreadOrFunction, LuaMultiValue)| {
let _span = tracing::trace_span!("Scheduler::fn_defer").entered();
let thread = tof.into_thread(lua)?;
if thread.status() == LuaThreadStatus::Resumable {
defer_queue.push_item(lua, &thread, args)?;
let close = lua
.get::<_, LuaTable>("coroutine")?
.get::<_, LuaFunction>("close")?;
let close_key = lua.create_registry_value(close)?;
let cancel = lua.create_function(move |lua, thread: LuaThread| {
let _span = tracing::trace_span!("Scheduler::fn_cancel").entered();
let close: LuaFunction = lua.registry_value(&close_key)?;
match close.call(thread) {
Err(LuaError::CoroutineInactive) | Ok(()) => Ok(()),
Err(e) => Err(e),
let exit_env = lua.create_table_from(vec![
lua.create_function(|lua, code: Option<u8>| {
let _span = tracing::trace_span!("Scheduler::fn_exit").entered();
let code = code.map(ExitCode::from).unwrap_or_default();
.get::<_, LuaTable>("coroutine")?
.get::<_, LuaFunction>("yield")?,
let exit = lua
Ok(Self {
impl Functions<'_> {
Injects [`Scheduler`]-compatible functions into the given [`Lua`] instance.
This will overwrite the following functions:
- `coroutine.resume`
- `coroutine.wrap`
# Errors
Errors when out of memory, or if default Lua globals are missing.
pub fn inject_compat(&self, lua: &Lua) -> LuaResult<()> {
let co: LuaTable = lua.globals().get("coroutine")?;
co.set("resume", self.resume.clone())?;
co.set("wrap", self.wrap.clone())?;