--!nocheck --!nolint UnknownGlobal -- NOTE: This must be ran in Roblox Studio to get up-to-date enum values local contents = "" local longestNameLen = 0 for _, enum in Enum.Material:GetEnumItems() do longestNameLen = math.max(longestNameLen, #enum.Name) end contents ..= "\n#[rustfmt::skip]\nconst MATERIAL_ENUM_MAP: &[(&str, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32)] = &[\n" for _, enum in Enum.Material:GetEnumItems() do local props = PhysicalProperties.new(enum) contents ..= string.format( ' ("%s",%s %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f),\n', enum.Name, string.rep(" ", longestNameLen - #enum.Name), props.Density, props.Friction, props.Elasticity, props.FrictionWeight, props.ElasticityWeight ) end contents ..= "];\n" print(contents)