--> A basic web socket server that echoes given messages local PORT = if process.env.PORT ~= nil and #process.env.PORT > 0 then assert(tonumber(process.env.PORT), "Failed to parse port from env") else 8080 -- Run the server on port 8080, if we get a normal http request on -- the port this will respond with 426 Upgrade Required by default local handle = net.serve(PORT, { handleWebSocket = function(socket) print("Got new web socket connection!") repeat local message = socket.next() if message ~= nil then socket.send("Echo - " .. message) end until message == nil print("Web socket disconnected.") end, }) print(`Listening on port {PORT} 🚀`) -- Exit our example after a small delay, if you copy this -- example just remove this part to keep the server running task.delay(10, function() print("Shutting down...") task.wait(1) handle.stop() task.wait(1) end)