use std::{ collections::HashMap, future::Future, pin::Pin, sync::Arc, task::{Context, Poll}, }; use mlua::prelude::*; use hyper::{body::to_bytes, server::conn::AddrStream, service::Service}; use hyper::{Body, Request, Response, Server}; use hyper_tungstenite::{is_upgrade_request as is_ws_upgrade_request, upgrade as ws_upgrade}; use reqwest::Method; use tokio::{sync::mpsc, task}; use crate::{ lua::{ // net::{NetWebSocketClient, NetWebSocketServer}, net::{NetClient, NetClientBuilder, ServeConfig}, task::TaskScheduler, }, utils::{net::get_request_user_agent_header, table::TableBuilder}, }; pub fn create(lua: &'static Lua) -> LuaResult { // Create a reusable client for performing our // web requests and store it in the lua registry let client = NetClientBuilder::new() .headers(&[("User-Agent", get_request_user_agent_header())])? .build()?; lua.set_named_registry_value("net.client", client)?; // Create the global table for net TableBuilder::new(lua)? .with_function("jsonEncode", net_json_encode)? .with_function("jsonDecode", net_json_decode)? .with_async_function("request", net_request)? .with_async_function("socket", net_socket)? .with_async_function("serve", net_serve)? .build_readonly() } fn net_json_encode(_: &'static Lua, (val, pretty): (LuaValue, Option)) -> LuaResult { if let Some(true) = pretty { serde_json::to_string_pretty(&val).map_err(LuaError::external) } else { serde_json::to_string(&val).map_err(LuaError::external) } } fn net_json_decode(lua: &'static Lua, json: String) -> LuaResult { let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&json).map_err(LuaError::external)?; lua.to_value(&json) } async fn net_request<'a>(lua: &'static Lua, config: LuaValue<'a>) -> LuaResult> { let client: NetClient = lua.named_registry_value("net.client")?; // Extract stuff from config and make sure its all valid let (url, method, headers, body) = match config { LuaValue::String(s) => { let url = s.to_string_lossy().to_string(); let method = "GET".to_string(); Ok((url, method, HashMap::new(), None)) } LuaValue::Table(tab) => { // Extract url let url = match tab.raw_get::<_, LuaString>("url") { Ok(config_url) => Ok(config_url.to_string_lossy().to_string()), Err(_) => Err(LuaError::RuntimeError( "Missing 'url' in request config".to_string(), )), }?; // Extract method let method = match tab.raw_get::<_, LuaString>("method") { Ok(config_method) => config_method.to_string_lossy().trim().to_ascii_uppercase(), Err(_) => "GET".to_string(), }; // Extract headers let headers = match tab.raw_get::<_, LuaTable>("headers") { Ok(config_headers) => { let mut lua_headers = HashMap::new(); for pair in config_headers.pairs::() { let (key, value) = pair?.to_owned(); lua_headers.insert(key, value); } lua_headers } Err(_) => HashMap::new(), }; // Extract body let body = match tab.raw_get::<_, LuaString>("body") { Ok(config_body) => Some(config_body.as_bytes().to_owned()), Err(_) => None, }; Ok((url, method, headers, body)) } value => Err(LuaError::RuntimeError(format!( "Invalid request config - expected string or table, got {}", value.type_name() ))), }?; // Convert method string into proper enum let method = method.trim().to_ascii_uppercase(); let method = match method.as_ref() { "GET" => Ok(Method::GET), "POST" => Ok(Method::POST), "PUT" => Ok(Method::PUT), "DELETE" => Ok(Method::DELETE), "HEAD" => Ok(Method::HEAD), "OPTIONS" => Ok(Method::OPTIONS), "PATCH" => Ok(Method::PATCH), _ => Err(LuaError::RuntimeError(format!( "Invalid request config method '{}'", &method ))), }?; // Create and send the request let mut request = client.request(method, &url); for (header, value) in headers { request = request.header(header.to_str()?, value.to_str()?); } let res = request .body(body.unwrap_or_default()) .send() .await .map_err(LuaError::external)?; // Extract status, headers let res_status = res.status().as_u16(); let res_status_text = res.status().canonical_reason(); let res_headers = res .headers() .iter() .map(|(name, value)| (name.to_string(), value.to_str().unwrap().to_owned())) .collect::>(); // Read response bytes let res_bytes = res.bytes().await.map_err(LuaError::external)?; // Construct and return a readonly lua table with results TableBuilder::new(lua)? .with_value("ok", (200..300).contains(&res_status))? .with_value("statusCode", res_status)? .with_value("statusMessage", res_status_text)? .with_value("headers", res_headers)? .with_value("body", lua.create_string(&res_bytes)?)? .build_readonly() } async fn net_socket<'a>(lua: &'static Lua, url: String) -> LuaResult { let (ws, _) = tokio_tungstenite::connect_async(url) .await .map_err(LuaError::external)?; todo!() // let sock = NetWebSocketClient::from(ws); // let table = sock.into_lua_table(lua)?; // Ok(table) } async fn net_serve<'a>( lua: &'static Lua, (port, config): (u16, ServeConfig<'a>), ) -> LuaResult> { // Note that we need to use a mpsc here and not // a oneshot channel since we move the sender // into our table with the stop function let (shutdown_tx, mut shutdown_rx) = mpsc::channel::<()>(1); let server_request_callback = Arc::new(lua.create_registry_value(config.handle_request)?); let server_websocket_callback = Arc::new(|handler| { lua.create_registry_value(handler) .expect("Failed to store websocket handler") })); let server = Server::bind(&([127, 0, 0, 1], port).into()) .http1_only(true) .http1_keepalive(true) .executor(LocalExec) .serve(MakeNetService( lua, server_request_callback, server_websocket_callback, )) .with_graceful_shutdown(async move { shutdown_rx.recv().await.unwrap(); shutdown_rx.close(); }); // TODO: Spawn a new scheduler future with this so we don't block // and make sure that we register it properly to prevent shutdown server.await.map_err(LuaError::external)?; // Create a new read-only table that contains methods // for manipulating server behavior and shutting it down let handle_stop = move |_, _: ()| { if shutdown_tx.try_send(()).is_err() { Err(LuaError::RuntimeError( "Server has already been stopped".to_string(), )) } else { Ok(()) } }; TableBuilder::new(lua)? .with_function("stop", handle_stop)? .build_readonly() } // Hyper service implementation for net, lots of boilerplate here // but make_svc and make_svc_function do not work for what we need pub struct NetService( &'static Lua, Arc, Arc>, ); impl Service> for NetService { type Response = Response; type Error = LuaError; type Future = Pin>>>; fn poll_ready(&mut self, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll> { Poll::Ready(Ok(())) } fn call(&mut self, mut req: Request) -> Self::Future { let lua = self.0; if self.2.is_some() && is_ws_upgrade_request(&req) { // Websocket upgrade request + websocket handler exists, // we should now upgrade this connection to a websocket // and then call our handler with a new socket object let kopt = self.2.clone(); let key = kopt.as_ref().as_ref().unwrap(); let handler: LuaFunction = lua.registry_value(key).expect("Missing websocket handler"); let (response, ws) = ws_upgrade(&mut req, None).expect("Failed to upgrade websocket"); // TODO: This should be spawned as part of the scheduler, // the scheduler may exit early and cancel this even though what // we want here is a long-running task that keeps the program alive task::spawn_local(async move { // Create our new full websocket object, then // schedule our handler to get called asap let ws = ws.await.map_err(LuaError::external)?; // let sock = NetWebSocketServer::from(ws); // let table = sock.into_lua_table(lua)?; // let sched = lua.app_data_mut::<&TaskScheduler>().unwrap(); // sched.schedule_current_resume( // LuaValue::Function(handler), // LuaMultiValue::from_vec(vec![LuaValue::Table(table)]), // ) Ok::<_, LuaError>(()) }); Box::pin(async move { Ok(response) }) } else { // Got a normal http request or no websocket handler // exists, just call the http request handler let key = self.1.clone(); let (parts, body) = req.into_parts(); Box::pin(async move { // Convert request body into bytes, extract handler // function & lune message sender to use later let bytes = to_bytes(body).await.map_err(LuaError::external)?; let handler: LuaFunction = lua.registry_value(&key)?; // Create a readonly table for the request query params let query_params = TableBuilder::new(lua)? .with_values( parts .uri .query() .unwrap_or_default() .split('&') .filter_map(|q| q.split_once('=')) .collect(), )? .build_readonly()?; // Do the same for headers let header_map = TableBuilder::new(lua)? .with_values( parts .headers .iter() .map(|(name, value)| { (name.to_string(), value.to_str().unwrap().to_string()) }) .collect(), )? .build_readonly()?; // Create a readonly table with request info to pass to the handler let request = TableBuilder::new(lua)? .with_value("path", parts.uri.path())? .with_value("query", query_params)? .with_value("method", parts.method.as_str())? .with_value("headers", header_map)? .with_value("body", lua.create_string(&bytes)?)? .build_readonly()?; match { // Plain strings from the handler are plaintext responses Ok(LuaValue::String(s)) => Ok(Response::builder() .status(200) .header("Content-Type", "text/plain") .body(Body::from(s.as_bytes().to_vec())) .unwrap()), // Tables are more detailed responses with potential status, headers, body Ok(LuaValue::Table(t)) => { let status = t.get::<_, Option>("status")?.unwrap_or(200); let mut resp = Response::builder().status(status); if let Some(headers) = t.get::<_, Option>("headers")? { for pair in headers.pairs::() { let (h, v) = pair?; resp = resp.header(&h, v.as_bytes()); } } let body = t .get::<_, Option>("body")? .map(|b| Body::from(b.as_bytes().to_vec())) .unwrap_or_else(Body::empty); Ok(resp.body(body).unwrap()) } // If the handler returns an error, generate a 5xx response Err(_) => { // TODO: Send above error to task scheduler so that it can emit properly Ok(Response::builder() .status(500) .body(Body::from("Internal Server Error")) .unwrap()) } // If the handler returns a value that is of an invalid type, // this should also be an error, so generate a 5xx response Ok(value) => { // TODO: Send below error to task scheduler so that it can emit properly let _ = LuaError::RuntimeError(format!( "Expected net serve handler to return a value of type 'string' or 'table', got '{}'", value.type_name() )); Ok(Response::builder() .status(500) .body(Body::from("Internal Server Error")) .unwrap()) } } }) } } } struct MakeNetService( &'static Lua, Arc, Arc>, ); impl Service<&AddrStream> for MakeNetService { type Response = NetService; type Error = hyper::Error; type Future = Pin>>>; fn poll_ready(&mut self, _: &mut Context) -> Poll> { Poll::Ready(Ok(())) } fn call(&mut self, _: &AddrStream) -> Self::Future { let lua = self.0; let key1 = self.1.clone(); let key2 = self.2.clone(); Box::pin(async move { Ok(NetService(lua, key1, key2)) }) } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] struct LocalExec; impl hyper::rt::Executor for LocalExec where F: std::future::Future + 'static, // not requiring `Send` { fn execute(&self, fut: F) { task::spawn_local(fut); } }