#![allow(clippy::missing_errors_doc)] #![allow(clippy::missing_panics_doc)] #![allow(clippy::cargo_common_metadata)] use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use async_io::{block_on, Timer}; use mlua::prelude::*; use mlua_luau_scheduler::{Functions, Scheduler}; const MAIN_SCRIPT: &str = include_str!("./lua/scheduler_ordering.luau"); pub fn main() -> LuaResult<()> { tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_env_filter(tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter::from_default_env()) .with_target(false) .without_time() .init(); // Set up persistent Lua environment let lua = Lua::new(); let sched = Scheduler::new(&lua); let fns = Functions::new(&lua)?; lua.globals().set("spawn", fns.spawn)?; lua.globals().set("defer", fns.defer)?; lua.globals().set( "sleep", lua.create_async_function(|_, duration: Option| async move { let duration = duration.unwrap_or_default().max(1.0 / 250.0); let before = Instant::now(); let after = Timer::after(Duration::from_secs_f64(duration)).await; Ok((after - before).as_secs_f64()) })?, )?; // Load the main script into the scheduler, and keep track of the thread we spawn let main = lua.load(MAIN_SCRIPT); let id = sched.push_thread_front(main, ())?; // Run until completion block_on(sched.run()); // We should have gotten proper values back from our script let res = sched.get_thread_result(id).unwrap().unwrap(); let nums = Vec::::from_lua_multi(res, &lua)?; assert_eq!(nums, vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_scheduler_ordering() -> LuaResult<()> { main() }