# Run an individual test using the Lune CLI run-test TEST_NAME: cargo run --features reqwest/rustls-tls -- "tests/{{TEST_NAME}}" # Run an individual file using the Lune CLI run-file FILE_NAME: cargo run --features reqwest/rustls-tls -- "{{FILE_NAME}}" # Run tests for the Lune library test: cargo test --features reqwest/rustls-tls --package lune -- --test-threads 1 # Run tests for the Lune CLI test-cli: cargo test --features reqwest/rustls-tls --package lune-cli # Generate gitbook directory generate-gitbook: rm -rf ./gitbook mkdir gitbook mkdir gitbook/docs cp -R docs gitbook cp README.md gitbook/docs/README.md cp .gitbook.yaml gitbook/.gitbook.yaml rm -rf gitbook/docs/typedefs cargo run -- --generate-gitbook-dir # Publish gitbook directory to gitbook branch publish-gitbook: generate-gitbook npx push-dir --dir=gitbook --branch=gitbook list: #!/usr/bin/env bash for DIR in */ ; do cd "$DIR" for FILE in * ; do if [ ! -d "$FILE" ]; then echo "$DIR$FILE" fi done cd .. done