--> A basic web socket client communicates with an echo server local URL = "wss://demo.piesocket.com/v3/" -- Connect to our web socket server local socket = net.socket(URL) print("Connected to echo web socket server at '" .. URL .. "'") print("Sending a message every second for 5 seconds...") -- Force exit after 10 seconds in case the server is not responding well task.delay(10, function() warn("Example did not complete in time, exiting...") process.exit(1) end) -- Send one message per second and time it for i = 1, 5 do local start = os.clock() socket.send(tostring(1)) local response = socket.next() local elapsed = os.clock() - start print(`Got response '{response}' in {elapsed * 1_000} milliseconds`) task.wait(1 - elapsed) end -- Everything went well, and we are done with the socket, so we can close it print("Closing web socket...") socket.close() print("Done! 🌙")