use anyhow::Result; use mlua::Lua; pub mod globals; pub mod utils; use crate::{ globals::{Console, Fs, Net, Process}, utils::formatting::{pretty_print_luau_error, print_label}, }; pub struct Lune { lua: Lua, args: Vec, } impl Lune { pub fn new() -> Result { let lua = Lua::new(); lua.sandbox(true)?; Ok(Self { lua, args: vec![] }) } pub fn with_args(mut self, args: Vec) -> Result { self.args = args; Ok(self) } pub fn with_default_globals(self) -> Result { { let globals = self.lua.globals(); globals.set("console", Console::new())?; globals.set("fs", Fs())?; globals.set("net", Net::new())?; globals.set("process", Process::new(self.args.clone()))?; } Ok(self) } pub async fn run(&self, chunk: &str) -> Result<()> { self.handle_result(self.lua.load(chunk).exec_async().await) } pub async fn run_with_name(&self, chunk: &str, name: &str) -> Result<()> { self.handle_result(self.lua.load(chunk).set_name(name)?.exec_async().await) } fn handle_result(&self, result: mlua::Result<()>) -> Result<()> { match result { Ok(_) => Ok(()), Err(e) => { eprintln!(); print_label("ERROR").unwrap(); eprintln!(); pretty_print_luau_error(&e); Err(e.into()) } } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { macro_rules! run_tests { ($($name:ident: $value:expr,)*) => { $( #[tokio::test] async fn $name() { let args = vec![ "Foo".to_owned(), "Bar".to_owned() ]; let path = std::env::current_dir() .unwrap() .join(format!("src/tests/{}.luau", $value)); let lune = crate::Lune::new() .unwrap() .with_args(args) .unwrap() .with_default_globals() .unwrap(); let script = tokio::fs::read_to_string(&path) .await .unwrap(); if let Err(e) = lune.run_with_name(&script, $value).await { panic!("Test '{}' failed!\n{}", $value, e.to_string()) } } )* } } run_tests! { console_format: "console/format", console_set_color: "console/set_color", console_set_style: "console/set_style", fs_files: "fs/files", fs_dirs: "fs/dirs", process_args: "process/args", process_env: "process/env", // NOTE: This test does not currently work, it will exit the entire // process, meaning it will also exit our test runner and skip testing // process_exit: "process/exit", process_spawn: "process/spawn", net_request_codes: "net/request/codes", net_request_methods: "net/request/methods", net_request_redirect: "net/request/redirect", net_json_decode: "net/json/decode", net_json_encode: "net/json/encode", } }