local DateTime = require("@lune/DateTime") assert( math.abs(DateTime.fromUniversalTime()["unixTimestamp"] - os.time()) <= 3, "expected DateTime.fromLocalTime() with no args to return DateTime at the current moment" ) assert( DateTime.fromUniversalTime({ ["year"] = 2023, ["month"] = "aug", ["day"] = 26, ["hour"] = 16, ["minute"] = 56, ["second"] = 28, ["millisecond"] = 0, })["unixTimestamp"] == 1693068988, "expected DateTime.fromUniversalTime() with DateTimeValues arg to return 1693068988s" ) assert( DateTime.fromUniversalTime({ ["year"] = 2023, ["month"] = "aug", ["day"] = 26, ["hour"] = 16, ["minute"] = 56, ["second"] = 28, ["millisecond"] = 892, })["unixTimestampMillis"] == 1693068988892, "expected DateTime.fromUniversalTime() with DateTimeValues arg with millis to return 1693068988892ms" )