local net = require("@lune/net") local task = require("@lune/task") local process = require("@lune/process") local PORT = 8080 local URL = `{PORT}` local RESPONSE = "Hello, lune!" local thread = task.delay(0.2, function() task.spawn(error, "Serve must not block the current thread") process.exit(1) end) local handle = net.serve(PORT, function(request) -- info("Request:", request) -- info("Responding with", RESPONSE) assert(request.path == "/some/path") assert(request.query.key == "param2") assert(request.query.key2 == "param3") return RESPONSE end) local response = net.request(URL .. "/some/path?key=param1&key=param2&key2=param3").body assert(response == RESPONSE, "Invalid response from server") task.cancel(thread) handle.stop() -- Stopping is not guaranteed to happen instantly since it is async, but -- it should happen on the next yield, so we wait the minimum amount here task.wait() -- Sending a net request may error if there was -- a connection issue, we should handle that here local success, response2 = pcall(net.request, URL) if not success then local message = tostring(response2) assert( string.find(message, "Connection reset") or string.find(message, "Connection closed") or string.find(message, "Connection refused"), "Server did not stop responding to requests" ) else assert(not response2.ok, "Server did not stop responding to requests") end --[[ Trying to stop the server again should error and mention that the server has already been stopped Note that we cast pcall to any because of a Luau limitation where it throws a type error for `err` because handle.stop doesn't return any value ]] local success2, err = (pcall :: any)(handle.stop) assert(not success2, "Calling stop twice on the net serve handle should error") local message = tostring(err) assert( string.find(message, "stop") or string.find(message, "shutdown") or string.find(message, "shut down"), "The error message for calling stop twice on the net serve handle should be descriptive" )