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2023-07-22 14:25:44 +02:00
# Roblox
Built-in library for manipulating Roblox place & model files
#### Example usage
local fs = require("@lune/fs")
local roblox = require("@lune/roblox")
-- Reading a place file
local placeFile = fs.readFile("myPlaceFile.rbxl")
local game = roblox.deserializePlace(placeFile)
-- Manipulating and reading instances - just like in Roblox!
local workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
for _, child in workspace:GetChildren() do
print("Found child " .. child.Name .. " of class " .. child.ClassName)
-- Writing a place file
local newPlaceFile = roblox.serializePlace(game)
fs.writeFile("myPlaceFile.rbxl", newPlaceFile)
## Functions
### deserializePlace
Deserializes a place into a DataModel instance.
This function accepts a string of contents, _not_ a file path. If reading a place file from a file
path is desired, `fs.readFile` can be used and the resulting string may be passed to this function.
#### Example usage
local fs = require("@lune/fs")
local roblox = require("@lune/roblox")
local placeFile = fs.readFile("filePath.rbxl")
local game = roblox.deserializePlace(placeFile)
#### Parameters
- `contents` The contents of the place to read
#### Returns
- DataModel
### deserializeModel
Deserializes a model into an array of instances.
This function accepts a string of contents, _not_ a file path. If reading a model file from a file
path is desired, `fs.readFile` can be used and the resulting string may be passed to this function.
#### Example usage
local fs = require("@lune/fs")
local roblox = require("@lune/roblox")
local modelFile = fs.readFile("filePath.rbxm")
local instances = roblox.deserializeModel(modelFile)
#### Parameters
- `contents` The contents of the model to read
#### Returns
- { Instance }
### serializePlace
Serializes a place from a DataModel instance.
This string can then be written to a file, or sent over the network.
#### Example usage
local fs = require("@lune/fs")
local roblox = require("@lune/roblox")
local placeFile = roblox.serializePlace(game)
fs.writeFile("filePath.rbxl", placeFile)
#### Parameters
- `dataModel` The DataModel for the place to serialize
- `xml` If the place should be serialized as xml or not. Defaults to `false`, meaning the place
gets serialized using the binary format and not xml.
#### Returns
- string
### serializeModel
Serializes one or more instances as a model.
This string can then be written to a file, or sent over the network.
#### Example usage
local fs = require("@lune/fs")
local roblox = require("@lune/roblox")
local modelFile = roblox.serializeModel({ instance1, instance2, ... })
fs.writeFile("filePath.rbxm", modelFile)
#### Parameters
- `instances` The array of instances to serialize
- `xml` If the model should be serialized as xml or not. Defaults to `false`, meaning the model
gets serialized using the binary format and not xml.
#### Returns
- string
### getAuthCookie
Gets the current auth cookie, for usage with Roblox web APIs.
Note that this auth cookie is formatted for use as a "Cookie" header, and that it contains
restrictions so that it may only be used for official Roblox endpoints. To get the raw cookie value
without any additional formatting, you can pass `true` as the first and only parameter.
#### Example usage
local roblox = require("@lune/roblox")
local net = require("@lune/net")
local cookie = roblox.getAuthCookie()
assert(cookie ~= nil, "Failed to get roblox auth cookie")
local myPrivatePlaceId = 1234567890
local response = net.request({
url = "" .. tostring(myPrivatePlaceId),
headers = {
Cookie = cookie,
local responseTable = net.jsonDecode(response.body)
local responseLocation = responseTable.locations[1].location
print("Download link to place: " .. responseLocation)
#### Parameters
- `raw` If the cookie should be returned as a pure value or not. Defaults to false
#### Returns
- string?
### getReflectionDatabase
Gets the bundled reflection database.
This database contains information about Roblox enums, classes, and their properties.
#### Example usage
local roblox = require("@lune/roblox")
local db = roblox.getReflectionDatabase()
print("There are", #db:GetClassNames(), "classes in the reflection database")
print("All base instance properties:")
local class = db:GetClass("Instance")
for name, prop in class.Properties do
"- %s with datatype %s and default value %s",
#### Returns
- Database