// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #pragma once #include "Luau/Bytecode.h" #include "Luau/DenseHash.h" #include "Luau/StringUtils.h" #include <string> namespace Luau { class BytecodeEncoder { public: virtual ~BytecodeEncoder() {} virtual void encode(uint32_t* data, size_t count) = 0; }; class BytecodeBuilder { public: // BytecodeBuilder does *not* copy the data passed via StringRef; instead, it keeps the ref around until finalize() // Please be careful with the lifetime of the data that's being passed because of this. // The safe and correct pattern is to only build StringRefs out of pieces of AST (AstName or AstArray<>) that are backed by AstAllocator. // Note that you must finalize() the builder before the Allocator backing the Ast is destroyed. struct StringRef { // To construct a StringRef, use sref() from Compiler.cpp. const char* data = nullptr; size_t length = 0; bool operator==(const StringRef& other) const; }; struct TableShape { static const unsigned int kMaxLength = 32; int32_t keys[kMaxLength]; unsigned int length = 0; bool operator==(const TableShape& other) const; }; BytecodeBuilder(BytecodeEncoder* encoder = 0); uint32_t beginFunction(uint8_t numparams, bool isvararg = false); void endFunction(uint8_t maxstacksize, uint8_t numupvalues, uint8_t flags = 0); void setMainFunction(uint32_t fid); int32_t addConstantNil(); int32_t addConstantBoolean(bool value); int32_t addConstantNumber(double value); int32_t addConstantVector(float x, float y, float z, float w); int32_t addConstantString(StringRef value); int32_t addImport(uint32_t iid); int32_t addConstantTable(const TableShape& shape); int32_t addConstantClosure(uint32_t fid); int16_t addChildFunction(uint32_t fid); void emitABC(LuauOpcode op, uint8_t a, uint8_t b, uint8_t c); void emitAD(LuauOpcode op, uint8_t a, int16_t d); void emitE(LuauOpcode op, int32_t e); void emitAux(uint32_t aux); size_t emitLabel(); [[nodiscard]] bool patchJumpD(size_t jumpLabel, size_t targetLabel); [[nodiscard]] bool patchSkipC(size_t jumpLabel, size_t targetLabel); void foldJumps(); void expandJumps(); void setFunctionTypeInfo(std::string value); void pushLocalTypeInfo(LuauBytecodeType type, uint8_t reg, uint32_t startpc, uint32_t endpc); void pushUpvalTypeInfo(LuauBytecodeType type); void setDebugFunctionName(StringRef name); void setDebugFunctionLineDefined(int line); void setDebugLine(int line); void pushDebugLocal(StringRef name, uint8_t reg, uint32_t startpc, uint32_t endpc); void pushDebugUpval(StringRef name); size_t getInstructionCount() const; size_t getTotalInstructionCount() const; uint32_t getDebugPC() const; void addDebugRemark(const char* format, ...) LUAU_PRINTF_ATTR(2, 3); void finalize(); enum DumpFlags { Dump_Code = 1 << 0, Dump_Lines = 1 << 1, Dump_Source = 1 << 2, Dump_Locals = 1 << 3, Dump_Remarks = 1 << 4, Dump_Types = 1 << 5, }; void setDumpFlags(uint32_t flags) { dumpFlags = flags; dumpFunctionPtr = &BytecodeBuilder::dumpCurrentFunction; } void setDumpSource(const std::string& source); bool needsDebugRemarks() const { return (dumpFlags & Dump_Remarks) != 0; } const std::string& getBytecode() const { LUAU_ASSERT(!bytecode.empty()); // did you forget to call finalize? return bytecode; } std::string dumpFunction(uint32_t id) const; std::string dumpEverything() const; std::string dumpSourceRemarks() const; std::string dumpTypeInfo() const; void annotateInstruction(std::string& result, uint32_t fid, uint32_t instpos) const; static uint32_t getImportId(int32_t id0); static uint32_t getImportId(int32_t id0, int32_t id1); static uint32_t getImportId(int32_t id0, int32_t id1, int32_t id2); static int decomposeImportId(uint32_t ids, int32_t& id0, int32_t& id1, int32_t& id2); static uint32_t getStringHash(StringRef key); static std::string getError(const std::string& message); static uint8_t getVersion(); static uint8_t getTypeEncodingVersion(); private: struct Constant { enum Type { Type_Nil, Type_Boolean, Type_Number, Type_Vector, Type_String, Type_Import, Type_Table, Type_Closure, }; Type type; union { bool valueBoolean; double valueNumber; float valueVector[4]; unsigned int valueString; // index into string table uint32_t valueImport; // 10-10-10-2 encoded import id uint32_t valueTable; // index into tableShapes[] uint32_t valueClosure; // index of function in global list }; }; struct ConstantKey { Constant::Type type; // Note: this stores value* from Constant; when type is Type_Number, this stores the same bits as double does but in uint64_t. // For Type_Vector, x and y are stored in 'value' and z and w are stored in 'extra'. uint64_t value; uint64_t extra = 0; bool operator==(const ConstantKey& key) const { return type == key.type && value == key.value && extra == key.extra; } }; struct Function { std::string data; uint8_t maxstacksize = 0; uint8_t numparams = 0; uint8_t numupvalues = 0; bool isvararg = false; unsigned int debugname = 0; int debuglinedefined = 0; std::string dump; std::string dumpname; std::vector<int> dumpinstoffs; std::string typeinfo; }; struct DebugLocal { unsigned int name; uint8_t reg; uint32_t startpc; uint32_t endpc; }; struct DebugUpval { unsigned int name; }; struct TypedLocal { LuauBytecodeType type; uint8_t reg; uint32_t startpc; uint32_t endpc; }; struct TypedUpval { LuauBytecodeType type; }; struct Jump { uint32_t source; uint32_t target; }; struct StringRefHash { size_t operator()(const StringRef& v) const; }; struct ConstantKeyHash { size_t operator()(const ConstantKey& key) const; }; struct TableShapeHash { size_t operator()(const TableShape& v) const; }; std::vector<Function> functions; uint32_t currentFunction = ~0u; uint32_t mainFunction = ~0u; size_t totalInstructionCount = 0; std::vector<uint32_t> insns; std::vector<int> lines; std::vector<Constant> constants; std::vector<uint32_t> protos; std::vector<Jump> jumps; std::vector<TableShape> tableShapes; bool hasLongJumps = false; DenseHashMap<ConstantKey, int32_t, ConstantKeyHash> constantMap; DenseHashMap<TableShape, int32_t, TableShapeHash> tableShapeMap; DenseHashMap<uint32_t, int16_t> protoMap; int debugLine = 0; std::vector<DebugLocal> debugLocals; std::vector<DebugUpval> debugUpvals; std::vector<TypedLocal> typedLocals; std::vector<TypedUpval> typedUpvals; DenseHashMap<StringRef, unsigned int, StringRefHash> stringTable; std::vector<StringRef> debugStrings; std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> debugRemarks; std::string debugRemarkBuffer; BytecodeEncoder* encoder = nullptr; std::string bytecode; uint32_t dumpFlags = 0; std::vector<std::string> dumpSource; std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>> dumpRemarks; std::string tempTypeInfo; std::string (BytecodeBuilder::*dumpFunctionPtr)(std::vector<int>&) const = nullptr; void validate() const; void validateInstructions() const; void validateVariadic() const; std::string dumpCurrentFunction(std::vector<int>& dumpinstoffs) const; void dumpConstant(std::string& result, int k) const; void dumpInstruction(const uint32_t* opcode, std::string& output, int targetLabel) const; void writeFunction(std::string& ss, uint32_t id, uint8_t flags); void writeLineInfo(std::string& ss) const; void writeStringTable(std::string& ss) const; int32_t addConstant(const ConstantKey& key, const Constant& value); unsigned int addStringTableEntry(StringRef value); }; } // namespace Luau