// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Fixture.h" #include "Luau/AstQuery.h" #include "Luau/BuiltinDefinitions.h" #include "Luau/Common.h" #include "Luau/Constraint.h" #include "Luau/ModuleResolver.h" #include "Luau/NotNull.h" #include "Luau/Parser.h" #include "Luau/Type.h" #include "Luau/TypeAttach.h" #include "Luau/TypeInfer.h" #include "Luau/Transpiler.h" #include "doctest.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include static const char* mainModuleName = "MainModule"; LUAU_FASTFLAG(LuauSolverV2); LUAU_FASTFLAG(DebugLuauLogSolverToJsonFile) LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(DebugLuauForceAllNewSolverTests); extern std::optional randomSeed; // tests/main.cpp namespace Luau { std::optional TestFileResolver::resolveModuleInfo(const ModuleName& currentModuleName, const AstExpr& pathExpr) { if (auto name = pathExprToModuleName(currentModuleName, pathExpr)) return {{*name, false}}; return std::nullopt; } const ModulePtr TestFileResolver::getModule(const ModuleName& moduleName) const { LUAU_ASSERT(false); return nullptr; } bool TestFileResolver::moduleExists(const ModuleName& moduleName) const { auto it = source.find(moduleName); return (it != source.end()); } std::optional TestFileResolver::readSource(const ModuleName& name) { auto it = source.find(name); if (it == source.end()) return std::nullopt; SourceCode::Type sourceType = SourceCode::Module; auto it2 = sourceTypes.find(name); if (it2 != sourceTypes.end()) sourceType = it2->second; return SourceCode{it->second, sourceType}; } std::optional TestFileResolver::resolveModule(const ModuleInfo* context, AstExpr* expr) { if (AstExprGlobal* g = expr->as()) { if (g->name == "game") return ModuleInfo{"game"}; if (g->name == "workspace") return ModuleInfo{"workspace"}; if (g->name == "script") return context ? std::optional(*context) : std::nullopt; } else if (AstExprIndexName* i = expr->as(); i && context) { if (i->index == "Parent") { std::string_view view = context->name; size_t lastSeparatorIndex = view.find_last_of('/'); if (lastSeparatorIndex == std::string_view::npos) return std::nullopt; return ModuleInfo{ModuleName(view.substr(0, lastSeparatorIndex)), context->optional}; } else { return ModuleInfo{context->name + '/' + i->index.value, context->optional}; } } else if (AstExprIndexExpr* i = expr->as(); i && context) { if (AstExprConstantString* index = i->index->as()) { return ModuleInfo{context->name + '/' + std::string(index->value.data, index->value.size), context->optional}; } } else if (AstExprCall* call = expr->as(); call && call->self && call->args.size >= 1 && context) { if (AstExprConstantString* index = call->args.data[0]->as()) { AstName func = call->func->as()->index; if (func == "GetService" && context->name == "game") return ModuleInfo{"game/" + std::string(index->value.data, index->value.size)}; } } return std::nullopt; } std::string TestFileResolver::getHumanReadableModuleName(const ModuleName& name) const { // We have a handful of tests that need to distinguish between a canonical // ModuleName and the human-readable version so we apply a simple transform // here: We replace all slashes with dots. std::string result = name; for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) { if (result[i] == '/') result[i] = '.'; } return result; } std::optional TestFileResolver::getEnvironmentForModule(const ModuleName& name) const { auto it = environments.find(name); if (it != environments.end()) return it->second; return std::nullopt; } const Config& TestConfigResolver::getConfig(const ModuleName& name) const { auto it = configFiles.find(name); if (it != configFiles.end()) return it->second; return defaultConfig; } Fixture::Fixture(bool prepareAutocomplete) : frontend( &fileResolver, &configResolver, {/* retainFullTypeGraphs= */ true, /* forAutocomplete */ false, /* runLintChecks */ false, /* randomConstraintResolutionSeed */ randomSeed} ) , builtinTypes(frontend.builtinTypes) { configResolver.defaultConfig.mode = Mode::Strict; configResolver.defaultConfig.enabledLint.warningMask = ~0ull; configResolver.defaultConfig.parseOptions.captureComments = true; Luau::freeze(frontend.globals.globalTypes); Luau::freeze(frontend.globalsForAutocomplete.globalTypes); Luau::setPrintLine([](auto s) {}); if (FFlag::DebugLuauLogSolverToJsonFile) { frontend.writeJsonLog = [&](const Luau::ModuleName& moduleName, std::string log) { std::string path = moduleName + ".log.json"; size_t pos = moduleName.find_last_of('/'); if (pos != std::string::npos) path = moduleName.substr(pos + 1); std::ofstream os(path); os << log << std::endl; MESSAGE("Wrote JSON log to ", path); }; } } Fixture::~Fixture() { Luau::resetPrintLine(); } AstStatBlock* Fixture::parse(const std::string& source, const ParseOptions& parseOptions) { sourceModule.reset(new SourceModule); ParseResult result = Parser::parse(source.c_str(), source.length(), *sourceModule->names, *sourceModule->allocator, parseOptions); sourceModule->name = fromString(mainModuleName); sourceModule->root = result.root; sourceModule->mode = parseMode(result.hotcomments); sourceModule->hotcomments = std::move(result.hotcomments); if (!result.errors.empty()) { // if AST is available, check how lint and typecheck handle error nodes if (result.root) { if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) { Mode mode = sourceModule->mode ? *sourceModule->mode : Mode::Strict; ModulePtr module = Luau::check( *sourceModule, mode, {}, builtinTypes, NotNull{&ice}, NotNull{&moduleResolver}, NotNull{&fileResolver}, frontend.globals.globalScope, /*prepareModuleScope*/ nullptr, frontend.options, {}, false, {} ); Luau::lint(sourceModule->root, *sourceModule->names, frontend.globals.globalScope, module.get(), sourceModule->hotcomments, {}); } else { TypeChecker typeChecker(frontend.globals.globalScope, &moduleResolver, builtinTypes, &frontend.iceHandler); ModulePtr module = typeChecker.check(*sourceModule, sourceModule->mode.value_or(Luau::Mode::Nonstrict), std::nullopt); Luau::lint(sourceModule->root, *sourceModule->names, frontend.globals.globalScope, module.get(), sourceModule->hotcomments, {}); } } throw ParseErrors(result.errors); } return result.root; } CheckResult Fixture::check(Mode mode, const std::string& source, std::optional options) { ModuleName mm = fromString(mainModuleName); configResolver.defaultConfig.mode = mode; fileResolver.source[mm] = std::move(source); frontend.markDirty(mm); CheckResult result = frontend.check(mm, options); return result; } CheckResult Fixture::check(const std::string& source, std::optional options) { return check(Mode::Strict, source, options); } LintResult Fixture::lint(const std::string& source, const std::optional& lintOptions) { ModuleName mm = fromString(mainModuleName); configResolver.defaultConfig.mode = Mode::Strict; fileResolver.source[mm] = std::move(source); frontend.markDirty(mm); return lintModule(mm); } LintResult Fixture::lintModule(const ModuleName& moduleName, const std::optional& lintOptions) { FrontendOptions options = frontend.options; options.runLintChecks = true; options.enabledLintWarnings = lintOptions; CheckResult result = frontend.check(moduleName, options); return result.lintResult; } ParseResult Fixture::parseEx(const std::string& source, const ParseOptions& options) { ParseResult result = tryParse(source, options); if (!result.errors.empty()) throw ParseErrors(result.errors); return result; } ParseResult Fixture::tryParse(const std::string& source, const ParseOptions& parseOptions) { ParseOptions options = parseOptions; options.allowDeclarationSyntax = true; sourceModule.reset(new SourceModule); ParseResult result = Parser::parse(source.c_str(), source.length(), *sourceModule->names, *sourceModule->allocator, options); sourceModule->root = result.root; return result; } ParseResult Fixture::matchParseError(const std::string& source, const std::string& message, std::optional location) { ParseOptions options; options.allowDeclarationSyntax = true; sourceModule.reset(new SourceModule); ParseResult result = Parser::parse(source.c_str(), source.length(), *sourceModule->names, *sourceModule->allocator, options); CHECK_MESSAGE(!result.errors.empty(), "Expected a parse error in '" << source << "'"); if (!result.errors.empty()) { CHECK_EQ(result.errors.front().getMessage(), message); if (location) CHECK_EQ(result.errors.front().getLocation(), *location); } return result; } ParseResult Fixture::matchParseErrorPrefix(const std::string& source, const std::string& prefix) { ParseOptions options; options.allowDeclarationSyntax = true; sourceModule.reset(new SourceModule); ParseResult result = Parser::parse(source.c_str(), source.length(), *sourceModule->names, *sourceModule->allocator, options); CHECK_MESSAGE(!result.errors.empty(), "Expected a parse error in '" << source << "'"); if (!result.errors.empty()) { const std::string& message = result.errors.front().getMessage(); CHECK_GE(message.length(), prefix.length()); CHECK_EQ(prefix, message.substr(0, prefix.size())); } return result; } ModulePtr Fixture::getMainModule(bool forAutocomplete) { if (forAutocomplete && !FFlag::LuauSolverV2) return frontend.moduleResolverForAutocomplete.getModule(fromString(mainModuleName)); return frontend.moduleResolver.getModule(fromString(mainModuleName)); } SourceModule* Fixture::getMainSourceModule() { return frontend.getSourceModule(fromString(mainModuleName)); } std::optional Fixture::getPrimitiveType(TypeId ty) { REQUIRE(ty != nullptr); TypeId aType = follow(ty); REQUIRE(aType != nullptr); const PrimitiveType* pt = get(aType); if (pt != nullptr) return pt->type; else return std::nullopt; } std::optional Fixture::getType(const std::string& name, bool forAutocomplete) { ModulePtr module = getMainModule(forAutocomplete); REQUIRE(module); if (!module->hasModuleScope()) return std::nullopt; if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) return linearSearchForBinding(module->getModuleScope().get(), name.c_str()); else return lookupName(module->getModuleScope(), name); } TypeId Fixture::requireType(const std::string& name) { std::optional ty = getType(name); REQUIRE_MESSAGE(bool(ty), "Unable to requireType \"" << name << "\""); return follow(*ty); } TypeId Fixture::requireType(const ModuleName& moduleName, const std::string& name) { ModulePtr module = frontend.moduleResolver.getModule(moduleName); REQUIRE(module); return requireType(module, name); } TypeId Fixture::requireType(const ModulePtr& module, const std::string& name) { if (!module->hasModuleScope()) FAIL("requireType: module scope data is not available"); return requireType(module->getModuleScope(), name); } TypeId Fixture::requireType(const ScopePtr& scope, const std::string& name) { std::optional ty = lookupName(scope, name); REQUIRE_MESSAGE(ty, "requireType: No type \"" << name << "\""); return *ty; } std::optional Fixture::findTypeAtPosition(Position position) { ModulePtr module = getMainModule(); SourceModule* sourceModule = getMainSourceModule(); return Luau::findTypeAtPosition(*module, *sourceModule, position); } std::optional Fixture::findExpectedTypeAtPosition(Position position) { ModulePtr module = getMainModule(); SourceModule* sourceModule = getMainSourceModule(); return Luau::findExpectedTypeAtPosition(*module, *sourceModule, position); } TypeId Fixture::requireTypeAtPosition(Position position) { auto ty = findTypeAtPosition(position); REQUIRE_MESSAGE(ty, "requireTypeAtPosition: No type at position " << position); return *ty; } std::optional Fixture::lookupType(const std::string& name) { ModulePtr module = getMainModule(); if (!module->hasModuleScope()) return std::nullopt; if (auto typeFun = module->getModuleScope()->lookupType(name)) return typeFun->type; return std::nullopt; } std::optional Fixture::lookupImportedType(const std::string& moduleAlias, const std::string& name) { ModulePtr module = getMainModule(); if (!module->hasModuleScope()) FAIL("lookupImportedType: module scope data is not available"); if (auto typeFun = module->getModuleScope()->lookupImportedType(moduleAlias, name)) return typeFun->type; return std::nullopt; } TypeId Fixture::requireTypeAlias(const std::string& name) { std::optional ty = lookupType(name); REQUIRE(ty); return follow(*ty); } TypeId Fixture::requireExportedType(const ModuleName& moduleName, const std::string& name) { ModulePtr module = frontend.moduleResolver.getModule(moduleName); REQUIRE(module); auto it = module->exportedTypeBindings.find(name); REQUIRE(it != module->exportedTypeBindings.end()); return it->second.type; } std::string Fixture::decorateWithTypes(const std::string& code) { fileResolver.source[mainModuleName] = code; Luau::CheckResult typeInfo = frontend.check(mainModuleName); SourceModule* sourceModule = frontend.getSourceModule(mainModuleName); attachTypeData(*sourceModule, *frontend.moduleResolver.getModule(mainModuleName)); return transpileWithTypes(*sourceModule->root); } void Fixture::dumpErrors(std::ostream& os, const std::vector& errors) { for (const auto& error : errors) { os << std::endl; os << "Error: " << error << std::endl; std::string_view source = fileResolver.source[error.moduleName]; std::vector lines = Luau::split(source, '\n'); if (error.location.begin.line >= lines.size()) { os << "\tSource not available?" << std::endl; continue; } std::string_view theLine = lines[error.location.begin.line]; os << "Line:\t" << theLine << std::endl; int startCol = error.location.begin.column; int endCol = error.location.end.line == error.location.begin.line ? error.location.end.column : int(theLine.size()); os << '\t' << std::string(startCol, ' ') << std::string(std::max(1, endCol - startCol), '-') << std::endl; } } void Fixture::registerTestTypes() { addGlobalBinding(frontend.globals, "game", builtinTypes->anyType, "@luau"); addGlobalBinding(frontend.globals, "workspace", builtinTypes->anyType, "@luau"); addGlobalBinding(frontend.globals, "script", builtinTypes->anyType, "@luau"); } void Fixture::dumpErrors(const CheckResult& cr) { if (hasDumpedErrors) return; hasDumpedErrors = true; std::string error = getErrors(cr); if (!error.empty()) MESSAGE(error); } void Fixture::dumpErrors(const ModulePtr& module) { if (hasDumpedErrors) return; hasDumpedErrors = true; std::stringstream ss; dumpErrors(ss, module->errors); if (!ss.str().empty()) MESSAGE(ss.str()); } void Fixture::dumpErrors(const Module& module) { if (hasDumpedErrors) return; hasDumpedErrors = true; std::stringstream ss; dumpErrors(ss, module.errors); if (!ss.str().empty()) MESSAGE(ss.str()); } std::string Fixture::getErrors(const CheckResult& cr) { std::stringstream ss; dumpErrors(ss, cr.errors); return ss.str(); } void Fixture::validateErrors(const std::vector& errors) { std::ostringstream oss; // This helps us validate that error stringification doesn't crash, using both user-facing and internal test-only representation // Also we exercise error comparison to make sure it's at least able to compare the error equal to itself for (const Luau::TypeError& e : errors) { oss.clear(); oss << e; toString(e); // CHECK(e == e); TODO: this doesn't work due to union/intersection type vars } } LoadDefinitionFileResult Fixture::loadDefinition(const std::string& source, bool forAutocomplete) { GlobalTypes& globals = forAutocomplete ? frontend.globalsForAutocomplete : frontend.globals; unfreeze(globals.globalTypes); LoadDefinitionFileResult result = frontend.loadDefinitionFile( globals, globals.globalScope, source, "@test", /* captureComments */ false, /* typecheckForAutocomplete */ forAutocomplete ); freeze(globals.globalTypes); if (result.module) dumpErrors(result.module); REQUIRE_MESSAGE(result.success, "loadDefinition: unable to load definition file"); return result; } BuiltinsFixture::BuiltinsFixture(bool prepareAutocomplete) : Fixture(prepareAutocomplete) { Luau::unfreeze(frontend.globals.globalTypes); Luau::unfreeze(frontend.globalsForAutocomplete.globalTypes); registerBuiltinGlobals(frontend, frontend.globals); if (prepareAutocomplete) registerBuiltinGlobals(frontend, frontend.globalsForAutocomplete, /*typeCheckForAutocomplete*/ true); registerTestTypes(); Luau::freeze(frontend.globals.globalTypes); Luau::freeze(frontend.globalsForAutocomplete.globalTypes); } static std::vector parsePathExpr(const AstExpr& pathExpr) { const AstExprIndexName* indexName = pathExpr.as(); if (!indexName) return {}; std::vector segments{indexName->index.value}; while (true) { if (AstExprIndexName* in = indexName->expr->as()) { segments.push_back(in->index.value); indexName = in; continue; } else if (AstExprGlobal* indexNameAsGlobal = indexName->expr->as()) { segments.push_back(indexNameAsGlobal->name.value); break; } else if (AstExprLocal* indexNameAsLocal = indexName->expr->as()) { segments.push_back(indexNameAsLocal->local->name.value); break; } else return {}; } std::reverse(segments.begin(), segments.end()); return segments; } std::optional pathExprToModuleName(const ModuleName& currentModuleName, const std::vector& segments) { if (segments.empty()) return std::nullopt; std::vector result; auto it = segments.begin(); if (*it == "script" && !currentModuleName.empty()) { result = split(currentModuleName, '/'); ++it; } for (; it != segments.end(); ++it) { if (result.size() > 1 && *it == "Parent") result.pop_back(); else result.push_back(*it); } return join(result, "/"); } std::optional pathExprToModuleName(const ModuleName& currentModuleName, const AstExpr& pathExpr) { std::vector segments = parsePathExpr(pathExpr); return pathExprToModuleName(currentModuleName, segments); } ModuleName fromString(std::string_view name) { return ModuleName(name); } std::string rep(const std::string& s, size_t n) { std::string r; r.reserve(s.length() * n); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) r += s; return r; } bool isInArena(TypeId t, const TypeArena& arena) { return arena.types.contains(t); } void dumpErrors(const ModulePtr& module) { for (const auto& error : module->errors) std::cout << "Error: " << error << std::endl; } void dump(const std::string& name, TypeId ty) { std::cout << name << '\t' << toString(ty, {true}) << std::endl; } std::optional lookupName(ScopePtr scope, const std::string& name) { auto binding = scope->linearSearchForBinding(name); if (binding) return binding->typeId; else return std::nullopt; } std::optional linearSearchForBinding(Scope* scope, const char* name) { while (scope) { for (const auto& [n, ty] : scope->bindings) { if (n.astName() == name) return ty.typeId; } scope = scope->parent.get(); } return std::nullopt; } void registerHiddenTypes(Frontend* frontend) { GlobalTypes& globals = frontend->globals; unfreeze(globals.globalTypes); TypeId t = globals.globalTypes.addType(GenericType{"T"}); GenericTypeDefinition genericT{t}; TypeId u = globals.globalTypes.addType(GenericType{"U"}); GenericTypeDefinition genericU{u}; ScopePtr globalScope = globals.globalScope; globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["Not"] = TypeFun{{genericT}, globals.globalTypes.addType(NegationType{t})}; globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["Mt"] = TypeFun{{genericT, genericU}, globals.globalTypes.addType(MetatableType{t, u})}; globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["fun"] = TypeFun{{}, frontend->builtinTypes->functionType}; globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["cls"] = TypeFun{{}, frontend->builtinTypes->classType}; globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["err"] = TypeFun{{}, frontend->builtinTypes->errorType}; globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["tbl"] = TypeFun{{}, frontend->builtinTypes->tableType}; freeze(globals.globalTypes); } void createSomeClasses(Frontend* frontend) { GlobalTypes& globals = frontend->globals; TypeArena& arena = globals.globalTypes; unfreeze(arena); ScopePtr moduleScope = globals.globalScope; TypeId parentType = arena.addType(ClassType{"Parent", {}, frontend->builtinTypes->classType, std::nullopt, {}, nullptr, "Test", {}}); ClassType* parentClass = getMutable(parentType); parentClass->props["method"] = {makeFunction(arena, parentType, {}, {})}; parentClass->props["virtual_method"] = {makeFunction(arena, parentType, {}, {})}; addGlobalBinding(globals, "Parent", {parentType}); moduleScope->exportedTypeBindings["Parent"] = TypeFun{{}, parentType}; TypeId childType = arena.addType(ClassType{"Child", {}, parentType, std::nullopt, {}, nullptr, "Test", {}}); addGlobalBinding(globals, "Child", {childType}); moduleScope->exportedTypeBindings["Child"] = TypeFun{{}, childType}; TypeId anotherChildType = arena.addType(ClassType{"AnotherChild", {}, parentType, std::nullopt, {}, nullptr, "Test", {}}); addGlobalBinding(globals, "AnotherChild", {anotherChildType}); moduleScope->exportedTypeBindings["AnotherChild"] = TypeFun{{}, anotherChildType}; TypeId unrelatedType = arena.addType(ClassType{"Unrelated", {}, frontend->builtinTypes->classType, std::nullopt, {}, nullptr, "Test", {}}); addGlobalBinding(globals, "Unrelated", {unrelatedType}); moduleScope->exportedTypeBindings["Unrelated"] = TypeFun{{}, unrelatedType}; for (const auto& [name, ty] : moduleScope->exportedTypeBindings) persist(ty.type); freeze(arena); } void dump(const std::vector& constraints) { ToStringOptions opts; for (const auto& c : constraints) printf("%s\n", toString(c, opts).c_str()); } } // namespace Luau