// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/DataFlowGraph.h" #include "Luau/Ast.h" #include "Luau/BuiltinDefinitions.h" #include "Luau/Def.h" #include "Luau/Common.h" #include "Luau/Error.h" #include "Luau/TimeTrace.h" #include #include LUAU_FASTFLAG(DebugLuauFreezeArena) LUAU_FASTFLAG(LuauSolverV2) LUAU_FASTFLAG(LuauTypestateBuiltins) namespace Luau { bool doesCallError(const AstExprCall* call); // TypeInfer.cpp struct ReferencedDefFinder : public AstVisitor { bool visit(AstExprLocal* local) override { referencedLocalDefs.push_back(local->local); return true; } // ast defs is just a mapping from expr -> def in general // will get built up by the dfg builder // localDefs, we need to copy over std::vector referencedLocalDefs; }; struct PushScope { ScopeStack& stack; PushScope(ScopeStack& stack, DfgScope* scope) : stack(stack) { // `scope` should never be `nullptr` here. LUAU_ASSERT(scope); stack.push_back(scope); } ~PushScope() { stack.pop_back(); } }; const RefinementKey* RefinementKeyArena::leaf(DefId def) { return allocator.allocate(RefinementKey{nullptr, def, std::nullopt}); } const RefinementKey* RefinementKeyArena::node(const RefinementKey* parent, DefId def, const std::string& propName) { return allocator.allocate(RefinementKey{parent, def, propName}); } DefId DataFlowGraph::getDef(const AstExpr* expr) const { auto def = astDefs.find(expr); LUAU_ASSERT(def); return NotNull{*def}; } std::optional DataFlowGraph::getDefOptional(const AstExpr* expr) const { auto def = astDefs.find(expr); if (!def) return std::nullopt; return NotNull{*def}; } std::optional DataFlowGraph::getRValueDefForCompoundAssign(const AstExpr* expr) const { auto def = compoundAssignDefs.find(expr); return def ? std::optional(*def) : std::nullopt; } DefId DataFlowGraph::getDef(const AstLocal* local) const { auto def = localDefs.find(local); LUAU_ASSERT(def); return NotNull{*def}; } DefId DataFlowGraph::getDef(const AstStatDeclareGlobal* global) const { auto def = declaredDefs.find(global); LUAU_ASSERT(def); return NotNull{*def}; } DefId DataFlowGraph::getDef(const AstStatDeclareFunction* func) const { auto def = declaredDefs.find(func); LUAU_ASSERT(def); return NotNull{*def}; } const RefinementKey* DataFlowGraph::getRefinementKey(const AstExpr* expr) const { if (auto key = astRefinementKeys.find(expr)) return *key; return nullptr; } std::optional DfgScope::lookup(Symbol symbol) const { for (const DfgScope* current = this; current; current = current->parent) { if (auto def = current->bindings.find(symbol)) return NotNull{*def}; } return std::nullopt; } std::optional DfgScope::lookup(DefId def, const std::string& key) const { for (const DfgScope* current = this; current; current = current->parent) { if (auto props = current->props.find(def)) { if (auto it = props->find(key); it != props->end()) return NotNull{it->second}; } } return std::nullopt; } void DfgScope::inherit(const DfgScope* childScope) { for (const auto& [k, a] : childScope->bindings) { if (lookup(k)) bindings[k] = a; } for (const auto& [k1, a1] : childScope->props) { for (const auto& [k2, a2] : a1) props[k1][k2] = a2; } } bool DfgScope::canUpdateDefinition(Symbol symbol) const { for (const DfgScope* current = this; current; current = current->parent) { if (current->bindings.find(symbol)) return true; else if (current->scopeType == DfgScope::Loop) return false; } return true; } bool DfgScope::canUpdateDefinition(DefId def, const std::string& key) const { for (const DfgScope* current = this; current; current = current->parent) { if (auto props = current->props.find(def)) return true; else if (current->scopeType == DfgScope::Loop) return false; } return true; } DataFlowGraph DataFlowGraphBuilder::build(AstStatBlock* block, NotNull handle) { LUAU_TIMETRACE_SCOPE("DataFlowGraphBuilder::build", "Typechecking"); LUAU_ASSERT(FFlag::LuauSolverV2); DataFlowGraphBuilder builder; builder.handle = handle; DfgScope* moduleScope = builder.makeChildScope(block->location); PushScope ps{builder.scopeStack, moduleScope}; builder.visitBlockWithoutChildScope(block); builder.resolveCaptures(); if (FFlag::DebugLuauFreezeArena) { builder.defArena->allocator.freeze(); builder.keyArena->allocator.freeze(); } return std::move(builder.graph); } std::pair, std::vector>> DataFlowGraphBuilder::buildShared( AstStatBlock* block, NotNull handle ) { LUAU_TIMETRACE_SCOPE("DataFlowGraphBuilder::build", "Typechecking"); LUAU_ASSERT(FFlag::LuauSolverV2); DataFlowGraphBuilder builder; builder.handle = handle; DfgScope* moduleScope = builder.makeChildScope(block->location); PushScope ps{builder.scopeStack, moduleScope}; builder.visitBlockWithoutChildScope(block); builder.resolveCaptures(); if (FFlag::DebugLuauFreezeArena) { builder.defArena->allocator.freeze(); builder.keyArena->allocator.freeze(); } return {std::make_shared(std::move(builder.graph)), std::move(builder.scopes)}; } DataFlowGraph DataFlowGraphBuilder::updateGraph( const DataFlowGraph& staleGraph, const std::vector>& scopes, AstStatBlock* fragment, const Position& cursorPos, NotNull handle ) { LUAU_TIMETRACE_SCOPE("DataFlowGraphBuilder::build", "Typechecking"); LUAU_ASSERT(FFlag::LuauSolverV2); DataFlowGraphBuilder builder; builder.handle = handle; // Generate a list of prepopulated locals ReferencedDefFinder finder; fragment->visit(&finder); for (AstLocal* loc : finder.referencedLocalDefs) { if (staleGraph.localDefs.contains(loc)) { builder.graph.localDefs[loc] = *staleGraph.localDefs.find(loc); } } // Figure out which scope we should start re-accumulating DFG information from again DfgScope* nearest = nullptr; for (auto& sc : scopes) { if (nearest == nullptr || (sc->location.begin <= cursorPos && nearest->location.begin < sc->location.begin)) nearest = sc.get(); } // The scope stack should start with the nearest enclosing scope so we can resume DFG'ing correctly PushScope ps{builder.scopeStack, nearest}; // Conspire for the current scope in the scope stack to be a fresh dfg scope, parented to the above nearest enclosing scope, so any insertions are // isolated there DfgScope* scope = builder.makeChildScope(fragment->location); PushScope psAgain{builder.scopeStack, scope}; builder.visitBlockWithoutChildScope(fragment); if (FFlag::DebugLuauFreezeArena) { builder.defArena->allocator.freeze(); builder.keyArena->allocator.freeze(); } return std::move(builder.graph); } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::resolveCaptures() { for (const auto& [_, capture] : captures) { std::vector operands; for (size_t i = capture.versionOffset; i < capture.allVersions.size(); ++i) collectOperands(capture.allVersions[i], &operands); for (DefId captureDef : capture.captureDefs) { Phi* phi = const_cast(get(captureDef)); LUAU_ASSERT(phi); LUAU_ASSERT(phi->operands.empty()); phi->operands = operands; } } } DfgScope* DataFlowGraphBuilder::currentScope() { if (scopeStack.empty()) return nullptr; // nullptr is the root DFG scope. return scopeStack.back(); } DfgScope* DataFlowGraphBuilder::makeChildScope(Location loc, DfgScope::ScopeType scopeType) { return scopes.emplace_back(new DfgScope{currentScope(), scopeType, loc}).get(); } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::join(DfgScope* p, DfgScope* a, DfgScope* b) { joinBindings(p, *a, *b); joinProps(p, *a, *b); } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::joinBindings(DfgScope* p, const DfgScope& a, const DfgScope& b) { for (const auto& [sym, def1] : a.bindings) { if (auto def2 = b.bindings.find(sym)) p->bindings[sym] = defArena->phi(NotNull{def1}, NotNull{*def2}); else if (auto def2 = p->lookup(sym)) p->bindings[sym] = defArena->phi(NotNull{def1}, NotNull{*def2}); } for (const auto& [sym, def1] : b.bindings) { if (auto def2 = p->lookup(sym)) p->bindings[sym] = defArena->phi(NotNull{def1}, NotNull{*def2}); } } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::joinProps(DfgScope* result, const DfgScope& a, const DfgScope& b) { auto phinodify = [this](DfgScope* scope, const auto& a, const auto& b, DefId parent) mutable { auto& p = scope->props[parent]; for (const auto& [k, defA] : a) { if (auto it = b.find(k); it != b.end()) p[k] = defArena->phi(NotNull{it->second}, NotNull{defA}); else if (auto it = p.find(k); it != p.end()) p[k] = defArena->phi(NotNull{it->second}, NotNull{defA}); else if (auto def2 = scope->lookup(parent, k)) p[k] = defArena->phi(*def2, NotNull{defA}); else p[k] = defA; } for (const auto& [k, defB] : b) { if (auto it = a.find(k); it != a.end()) continue; else if (auto it = p.find(k); it != p.end()) p[k] = defArena->phi(NotNull{it->second}, NotNull{defB}); else if (auto def2 = scope->lookup(parent, k)) p[k] = defArena->phi(*def2, NotNull{defB}); else p[k] = defB; } }; for (const auto& [def, a1] : a.props) { result->props.try_insert(def, {}); if (auto a2 = b.props.find(def)) phinodify(result, a1, *a2, NotNull{def}); else if (auto a2 = result->props.find(def)) phinodify(result, a1, *a2, NotNull{def}); } for (const auto& [def, a1] : b.props) { result->props.try_insert(def, {}); if (a.props.find(def)) continue; else if (auto a2 = result->props.find(def)) phinodify(result, a1, *a2, NotNull{def}); } } DefId DataFlowGraphBuilder::lookup(Symbol symbol) { DfgScope* scope = currentScope(); // true if any of the considered scopes are a loop. bool outsideLoopScope = false; for (DfgScope* current = scope; current; current = current->parent) { outsideLoopScope = outsideLoopScope || current->scopeType == DfgScope::Loop; if (auto found = current->bindings.find(symbol)) return NotNull{*found}; else if (current->scopeType == DfgScope::Function) { FunctionCapture& capture = captures[symbol]; DefId captureDef = defArena->phi({}); capture.captureDefs.push_back(captureDef); // If we are outside of a loop scope, then we don't want to actually bind // uses of `symbol` to this new phi node since it will not get populated. if (!outsideLoopScope) scope->bindings[symbol] = captureDef; return NotNull{captureDef}; } } DefId result = defArena->freshCell(); scope->bindings[symbol] = result; captures[symbol].allVersions.push_back(result); return result; } DefId DataFlowGraphBuilder::lookup(DefId def, const std::string& key) { DfgScope* scope = currentScope(); for (DfgScope* current = scope; current; current = current->parent) { if (auto props = current->props.find(def)) { if (auto it = props->find(key); it != props->end()) return NotNull{it->second}; } else if (auto phi = get(def); phi && phi->operands.empty()) // Unresolved phi nodes { DefId result = defArena->freshCell(); scope->props[def][key] = result; return result; } } if (auto phi = get(def)) { std::vector defs; for (DefId operand : phi->operands) defs.push_back(lookup(operand, key)); DefId result = defArena->phi(defs); scope->props[def][key] = result; return result; } else if (get(def)) { DefId result = defArena->freshCell(); scope->props[def][key] = result; return result; } else handle->ice("Inexhaustive lookup cases in DataFlowGraphBuilder::lookup"); } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatBlock* b) { DfgScope* child = makeChildScope(b->location); ControlFlow cf; { PushScope ps{scopeStack, child}; cf = visitBlockWithoutChildScope(b); } currentScope()->inherit(child); return cf; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitBlockWithoutChildScope(AstStatBlock* b) { std::optional firstControlFlow; for (AstStat* stat : b->body) { ControlFlow cf = visit(stat); if (cf != ControlFlow::None && !firstControlFlow) firstControlFlow = cf; } return firstControlFlow.value_or(ControlFlow::None); } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStat* s) { if (auto b = s->as()) return visit(b); else if (auto i = s->as()) return visit(i); else if (auto w = s->as()) return visit(w); else if (auto r = s->as()) return visit(r); else if (auto b = s->as()) return visit(b); else if (auto c = s->as()) return visit(c); else if (auto r = s->as()) return visit(r); else if (auto e = s->as()) return visit(e); else if (auto l = s->as()) return visit(l); else if (auto f = s->as()) return visit(f); else if (auto f = s->as()) return visit(f); else if (auto a = s->as()) return visit(a); else if (auto c = s->as()) return visit(c); else if (auto f = s->as()) return visit(f); else if (auto l = s->as()) return visit(l); else if (auto t = s->as()) return visit(t); else if (auto f = s->as()) return visit(f); else if (auto d = s->as()) return visit(d); else if (auto d = s->as()) return visit(d); else if (auto d = s->as()) return visit(d); else if (auto error = s->as()) return visit(error); else handle->ice("Unknown AstStat in DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit"); } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatIf* i) { visitExpr(i->condition); DfgScope* thenScope = makeChildScope(i->thenbody->location); DfgScope* elseScope = makeChildScope(i->elsebody ? i->elsebody->location : i->location); ControlFlow thencf; { PushScope ps{scopeStack, thenScope}; thencf = visit(i->thenbody); } ControlFlow elsecf = ControlFlow::None; if (i->elsebody) { PushScope ps{scopeStack, elseScope}; elsecf = visit(i->elsebody); } DfgScope* scope = currentScope(); if (thencf != ControlFlow::None && elsecf == ControlFlow::None) join(scope, scope, elseScope); else if (thencf == ControlFlow::None && elsecf != ControlFlow::None) join(scope, thenScope, scope); else if ((thencf | elsecf) == ControlFlow::None) join(scope, thenScope, elseScope); if (thencf == elsecf) return thencf; else if (matches(thencf, ControlFlow::Returns | ControlFlow::Throws) && matches(elsecf, ControlFlow::Returns | ControlFlow::Throws)) return ControlFlow::Returns; else return ControlFlow::None; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatWhile* w) { // TODO(controlflow): entry point has a back edge from exit point DfgScope* whileScope = makeChildScope(w->location, DfgScope::Loop); { PushScope ps{scopeStack, whileScope}; visitExpr(w->condition); visit(w->body); } currentScope()->inherit(whileScope); return ControlFlow::None; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatRepeat* r) { // TODO(controlflow): entry point has a back edge from exit point DfgScope* repeatScope = makeChildScope(r->location, DfgScope::Loop); { PushScope ps{scopeStack, repeatScope}; visitBlockWithoutChildScope(r->body); visitExpr(r->condition); } currentScope()->inherit(repeatScope); return ControlFlow::None; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatBreak* b) { return ControlFlow::Breaks; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatContinue* c) { return ControlFlow::Continues; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatReturn* r) { for (AstExpr* e : r->list) visitExpr(e); return ControlFlow::Returns; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatExpr* e) { visitExpr(e->expr); if (auto call = e->expr->as(); call && doesCallError(call)) return ControlFlow::Throws; else return ControlFlow::None; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatLocal* l) { // We're gonna need a `visitExprList` and `visitVariadicExpr` (function calls and `...`) std::vector defs; defs.reserve(l->values.size); for (AstExpr* e : l->values) defs.push_back(visitExpr(e).def); for (size_t i = 0; i < l->vars.size; ++i) { AstLocal* local = l->vars.data[i]; if (local->annotation) visitType(local->annotation); // We need to create a new def to intentionally avoid alias tracking, but we'd like to // make sure that the non-aliased defs are also marked as a subscript for refinements. bool subscripted = i < defs.size() && containsSubscriptedDefinition(defs[i]); DefId def = defArena->freshCell(subscripted); if (i < l->values.size) { AstExpr* e = l->values.data[i]; if (const AstExprTable* tbl = e->as()) { def = defs[i]; } } graph.localDefs[local] = def; currentScope()->bindings[local] = def; captures[local].allVersions.push_back(def); } return ControlFlow::None; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatFor* f) { DfgScope* forScope = makeChildScope(f->location, DfgScope::Loop); visitExpr(f->from); visitExpr(f->to); if (f->step) visitExpr(f->step); { PushScope ps{scopeStack, forScope}; if (f->var->annotation) visitType(f->var->annotation); DefId def = defArena->freshCell(); graph.localDefs[f->var] = def; currentScope()->bindings[f->var] = def; captures[f->var].allVersions.push_back(def); // TODO(controlflow): entry point has a back edge from exit point visit(f->body); } currentScope()->inherit(forScope); return ControlFlow::None; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatForIn* f) { DfgScope* forScope = makeChildScope(f->location, DfgScope::Loop); { PushScope ps{scopeStack, forScope}; for (AstLocal* local : f->vars) { if (local->annotation) visitType(local->annotation); DefId def = defArena->freshCell(); graph.localDefs[local] = def; currentScope()->bindings[local] = def; captures[local].allVersions.push_back(def); } // TODO(controlflow): entry point has a back edge from exit point // We're gonna need a `visitExprList` and `visitVariadicExpr` (function calls and `...`) for (AstExpr* e : f->values) visitExpr(e); visit(f->body); } currentScope()->inherit(forScope); return ControlFlow::None; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatAssign* a) { std::vector defs; defs.reserve(a->values.size); for (AstExpr* e : a->values) defs.push_back(visitExpr(e).def); for (size_t i = 0; i < a->vars.size; ++i) { AstExpr* v = a->vars.data[i]; visitLValue(v, i < defs.size() ? defs[i] : defArena->freshCell()); } return ControlFlow::None; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatCompoundAssign* c) { (void)visitExpr(c->value); (void)visitExpr(c->var); return ControlFlow::None; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatFunction* f) { // In the old solver, we assumed that the name of the function is always a function in the body // but this isn't true, e.g. the following example will print `5`, not a function address. // // local function f() print(f) end // local g = f // f = 5 // g() --> 5 // // which is evidence that references to variables must be a phi node of all possible definitions, // but for bug compatibility, we'll assume the same thing here. visitLValue(f->name, defArena->freshCell()); visitExpr(f->func); if (auto local = f->name->as()) { // local f // function f() // if cond() then // f() -- should reference only the function version and other future version, and nothing prior // end // end FunctionCapture& capture = captures[local->local]; capture.versionOffset = capture.allVersions.size() - 1; } return ControlFlow::None; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatLocalFunction* l) { DefId def = defArena->freshCell(); graph.localDefs[l->name] = def; currentScope()->bindings[l->name] = def; captures[l->name].allVersions.push_back(def); visitExpr(l->func); return ControlFlow::None; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatTypeAlias* t) { DfgScope* unreachable = makeChildScope(t->location); PushScope ps{scopeStack, unreachable}; visitGenerics(t->generics); visitGenericPacks(t->genericPacks); visitType(t->type); return ControlFlow::None; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatTypeFunction* f) { DfgScope* unreachable = makeChildScope(f->location); PushScope ps{scopeStack, unreachable}; visitExpr(f->body); return ControlFlow::None; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatDeclareGlobal* d) { DefId def = defArena->freshCell(); graph.declaredDefs[d] = def; currentScope()->bindings[d->name] = def; captures[d->name].allVersions.push_back(def); visitType(d->type); return ControlFlow::None; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatDeclareFunction* d) { DefId def = defArena->freshCell(); graph.declaredDefs[d] = def; currentScope()->bindings[d->name] = def; captures[d->name].allVersions.push_back(def); DfgScope* unreachable = makeChildScope(d->location); PushScope ps{scopeStack, unreachable}; visitGenerics(d->generics); visitGenericPacks(d->genericPacks); visitTypeList(d->params); visitTypeList(d->retTypes); return ControlFlow::None; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatDeclareClass* d) { // This declaration does not "introduce" any bindings in value namespace, // so there's no symbolic value to begin with. We'll traverse the properties // because their type annotations may depend on something in the value namespace. DfgScope* unreachable = makeChildScope(d->location); PushScope ps{scopeStack, unreachable}; for (AstDeclaredClassProp prop : d->props) visitType(prop.ty); return ControlFlow::None; } ControlFlow DataFlowGraphBuilder::visit(AstStatError* error) { DfgScope* unreachable = makeChildScope(error->location); PushScope ps{scopeStack, unreachable}; for (AstStat* s : error->statements) visit(s); for (AstExpr* e : error->expressions) visitExpr(e); return ControlFlow::None; } DataFlowResult DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitExpr(AstExpr* e) { // Some subexpressions could be visited two times. If we've already seen it, just extract it. if (auto def = graph.astDefs.find(e)) { auto key = graph.astRefinementKeys.find(e); return {NotNull{*def}, key ? *key : nullptr}; } auto go = [&]() -> DataFlowResult { if (auto g = e->as()) return visitExpr(g); else if (auto c = e->as()) return {defArena->freshCell(), nullptr}; // ok else if (auto c = e->as()) return {defArena->freshCell(), nullptr}; // ok else if (auto c = e->as()) return {defArena->freshCell(), nullptr}; // ok else if (auto c = e->as()) return {defArena->freshCell(), nullptr}; // ok else if (auto l = e->as()) return visitExpr(l); else if (auto g = e->as()) return visitExpr(g); else if (auto v = e->as()) return {defArena->freshCell(), nullptr}; // ok else if (auto c = e->as()) return visitExpr(c); else if (auto i = e->as()) return visitExpr(i); else if (auto i = e->as()) return visitExpr(i); else if (auto f = e->as()) return visitExpr(f); else if (auto t = e->as()) return visitExpr(t); else if (auto u = e->as()) return visitExpr(u); else if (auto b = e->as()) return visitExpr(b); else if (auto t = e->as()) return visitExpr(t); else if (auto i = e->as()) return visitExpr(i); else if (auto i = e->as()) return visitExpr(i); else if (auto error = e->as()) return visitExpr(error); else handle->ice("Unknown AstExpr in DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitExpr"); }; auto [def, key] = go(); graph.astDefs[e] = def; if (key) graph.astRefinementKeys[e] = key; return {def, key}; } DataFlowResult DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitExpr(AstExprGroup* group) { return visitExpr(group->expr); } DataFlowResult DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitExpr(AstExprLocal* l) { DefId def = lookup(l->local); const RefinementKey* key = keyArena->leaf(def); return {def, key}; } DataFlowResult DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitExpr(AstExprGlobal* g) { DefId def = lookup(g->name); return {def, keyArena->leaf(def)}; } DataFlowResult DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitExpr(AstExprCall* c) { visitExpr(c->func); if (FFlag::LuauTypestateBuiltins && shouldTypestateForFirstArgument(*c) && c->args.size > 1 && isLValue(*c->args.begin())) { AstExpr* firstArg = *c->args.begin(); // this logic has to handle the name-like subset of expressions. std::optional result; if (auto l = firstArg->as()) result = visitExpr(l); else if (auto g = firstArg->as()) result = visitExpr(g); else if (auto i = firstArg->as()) result = visitExpr(i); else if (auto i = firstArg->as()) result = visitExpr(i); else LUAU_UNREACHABLE(); // This is unreachable because the whole thing is guarded by `isLValue`. LUAU_ASSERT(result); Location location = currentScope()->location; // This scope starts at the end of the call site and continues to the end of the original scope. location.begin = c->location.end; DfgScope* child = makeChildScope(location); scopeStack.push_back(child); auto [def, key] = *result; graph.astDefs[firstArg] = def; if (key) graph.astRefinementKeys[firstArg] = key; visitLValue(firstArg, def); } for (AstExpr* arg : c->args) visitExpr(arg); // calls should be treated as subscripted. return {defArena->freshCell(/* subscripted */ true), nullptr}; } DataFlowResult DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitExpr(AstExprIndexName* i) { auto [parentDef, parentKey] = visitExpr(i->expr); std::string index = i->index.value; DefId def = lookup(parentDef, index); return {def, keyArena->node(parentKey, def, index)}; } DataFlowResult DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitExpr(AstExprIndexExpr* i) { auto [parentDef, parentKey] = visitExpr(i->expr); visitExpr(i->index); if (auto string = i->index->as()) { std::string index{string->value.data, string->value.size}; DefId def = lookup(parentDef, index); return {def, keyArena->node(parentKey, def, index)}; } return {defArena->freshCell(/* subscripted= */ true), nullptr}; } DataFlowResult DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitExpr(AstExprFunction* f) { DfgScope* signatureScope = makeChildScope(f->location, DfgScope::Function); PushScope ps{scopeStack, signatureScope}; if (AstLocal* self = f->self) { // There's no syntax for `self` to have an annotation if using `function t:m()` LUAU_ASSERT(!self->annotation); DefId def = defArena->freshCell(); graph.localDefs[self] = def; signatureScope->bindings[self] = def; captures[self].allVersions.push_back(def); } for (AstLocal* param : f->args) { if (param->annotation) visitType(param->annotation); DefId def = defArena->freshCell(); graph.localDefs[param] = def; signatureScope->bindings[param] = def; captures[param].allVersions.push_back(def); } if (f->varargAnnotation) visitTypePack(f->varargAnnotation); if (f->returnAnnotation) visitTypeList(*f->returnAnnotation); // TODO: function body can be re-entrant, as in mutations that occurs at the end of the function can also be // visible to the beginning of the function, so statically speaking, the body of the function has an exit point // that points back to itself, e.g. // // local function f() print(f) f = 5 end // local g = f // g() --> function: address // g() --> 5 visit(f->body); return {defArena->freshCell(), nullptr}; } DataFlowResult DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitExpr(AstExprTable* t) { DefId tableCell = defArena->freshCell(); currentScope()->props[tableCell] = {}; for (AstExprTable::Item item : t->items) { DataFlowResult result = visitExpr(item.value); if (item.key) { visitExpr(item.key); if (auto string = item.key->as()) currentScope()->props[tableCell][string->value.data] = result.def; } } return {tableCell, nullptr}; } DataFlowResult DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitExpr(AstExprUnary* u) { visitExpr(u->expr); return {defArena->freshCell(), nullptr}; } DataFlowResult DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitExpr(AstExprBinary* b) { visitExpr(b->left); visitExpr(b->right); return {defArena->freshCell(), nullptr}; } DataFlowResult DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitExpr(AstExprTypeAssertion* t) { auto [def, key] = visitExpr(t->expr); visitType(t->annotation); return {def, key}; } DataFlowResult DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitExpr(AstExprIfElse* i) { visitExpr(i->condition); visitExpr(i->trueExpr); visitExpr(i->falseExpr); return {defArena->freshCell(), nullptr}; } DataFlowResult DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitExpr(AstExprInterpString* i) { for (AstExpr* e : i->expressions) visitExpr(e); return {defArena->freshCell(), nullptr}; } DataFlowResult DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitExpr(AstExprError* error) { DfgScope* unreachable = makeChildScope(error->location); PushScope ps{scopeStack, unreachable}; for (AstExpr* e : error->expressions) visitExpr(e); return {defArena->freshCell(), nullptr}; } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitLValue(AstExpr* e, DefId incomingDef) { auto go = [&]() { if (auto l = e->as()) return visitLValue(l, incomingDef); else if (auto g = e->as()) return visitLValue(g, incomingDef); else if (auto i = e->as()) return visitLValue(i, incomingDef); else if (auto i = e->as()) return visitLValue(i, incomingDef); else if (auto error = e->as()) return visitLValue(error, incomingDef); else handle->ice("Unknown AstExpr in DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitLValue"); }; graph.astDefs[e] = go(); } DefId DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitLValue(AstExprLocal* l, DefId incomingDef) { DfgScope* scope = currentScope(); // In order to avoid alias tracking, we need to clip the reference to the parent def. if (scope->canUpdateDefinition(l->local)) { DefId updated = defArena->freshCell(containsSubscriptedDefinition(incomingDef)); scope->bindings[l->local] = updated; captures[l->local].allVersions.push_back(updated); return updated; } else return visitExpr(static_cast(l)).def; } DefId DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitLValue(AstExprGlobal* g, DefId incomingDef) { DfgScope* scope = currentScope(); // In order to avoid alias tracking, we need to clip the reference to the parent def. if (scope->canUpdateDefinition(g->name)) { DefId updated = defArena->freshCell(containsSubscriptedDefinition(incomingDef)); scope->bindings[g->name] = updated; captures[g->name].allVersions.push_back(updated); return updated; } else return visitExpr(static_cast(g)).def; } DefId DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitLValue(AstExprIndexName* i, DefId incomingDef) { DefId parentDef = visitExpr(i->expr).def; DfgScope* scope = currentScope(); if (scope->canUpdateDefinition(parentDef, i->index.value)) { DefId updated = defArena->freshCell(containsSubscriptedDefinition(incomingDef)); scope->props[parentDef][i->index.value] = updated; return updated; } else return visitExpr(static_cast(i)).def; } DefId DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitLValue(AstExprIndexExpr* i, DefId incomingDef) { DefId parentDef = visitExpr(i->expr).def; visitExpr(i->index); DfgScope* scope = currentScope(); if (auto string = i->index->as()) { if (scope->canUpdateDefinition(parentDef, string->value.data)) { DefId updated = defArena->freshCell(containsSubscriptedDefinition(incomingDef)); scope->props[parentDef][string->value.data] = updated; return updated; } else return visitExpr(static_cast(i)).def; } else return defArena->freshCell(/*subscripted=*/true); } DefId DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitLValue(AstExprError* error, DefId incomingDef) { return visitExpr(error).def; } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitType(AstType* t) { if (auto r = t->as()) return visitType(r); else if (auto table = t->as()) return visitType(table); else if (auto f = t->as()) return visitType(f); else if (auto tyof = t->as()) return visitType(tyof); else if (auto u = t->as()) return visitType(u); else if (auto i = t->as()) return visitType(i); else if (auto e = t->as()) return visitType(e); else if (auto s = t->as()) return; // ok else if (auto s = t->as()) return; // ok else handle->ice("Unknown AstType in DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitType"); } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitType(AstTypeReference* r) { for (AstTypeOrPack param : r->parameters) { if (param.type) visitType(param.type); else visitTypePack(param.typePack); } } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitType(AstTypeTable* t) { for (AstTableProp p : t->props) visitType(p.type); if (t->indexer) { visitType(t->indexer->indexType); visitType(t->indexer->resultType); } } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitType(AstTypeFunction* f) { visitGenerics(f->generics); visitGenericPacks(f->genericPacks); visitTypeList(f->argTypes); visitTypeList(f->returnTypes); } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitType(AstTypeTypeof* t) { visitExpr(t->expr); } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitType(AstTypeUnion* u) { for (AstType* t : u->types) visitType(t); } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitType(AstTypeIntersection* i) { for (AstType* t : i->types) visitType(t); } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitType(AstTypeError* error) { for (AstType* t : error->types) visitType(t); } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitTypePack(AstTypePack* p) { if (auto e = p->as()) return visitTypePack(e); else if (auto v = p->as()) return visitTypePack(v); else if (auto g = p->as()) return; // ok else handle->ice("Unknown AstTypePack in DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitTypePack"); } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitTypePack(AstTypePackExplicit* e) { visitTypeList(e->typeList); } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitTypePack(AstTypePackVariadic* v) { visitType(v->variadicType); } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitTypeList(AstTypeList l) { for (AstType* t : l.types) visitType(t); if (l.tailType) visitTypePack(l.tailType); } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitGenerics(AstArray g) { for (AstGenericType generic : g) { if (generic.defaultValue) visitType(generic.defaultValue); } } void DataFlowGraphBuilder::visitGenericPacks(AstArray g) { for (AstGenericTypePack generic : g) { if (generic.defaultValue) visitTypePack(generic.defaultValue); } } } // namespace Luau