--[[ * Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ]] local bench = script and require(script.Parent.bench_support) or pcall(require, "bench_support") or require("../../bench_support") function test() local size = 30 local function createVector(x,y,z) return { x,y,z }; end local function sqrLengthVector(self) return self[1] * self[1] + self[2] * self[2] + self[3] * self[3]; end local function lengthVector(self) return math.sqrt(self[1] * self[1] + self[2] * self[2] + self[3] * self[3]); end local function addVector(self, v) self[1] = self[1] + v[1]; self[2] = self[2] + v[2]; self[3] = self[3] + v[3]; return self; end local function subVector(self, v) self[1] = self[1] - v[1]; self[2] = self[2] - v[2]; self[3] = self[3] - v[3]; return self; end local function scaleVector(self, scale) self[1] = self[1] * scale; self[2] = self[2] * scale; self[3] = self[3] * scale; return self; end local function normaliseVector(self) local len = math.sqrt(self[1] * self[1] + self[2] * self[2] + self[3] * self[3]); self[1] = self[1] / len; self[2] = self[2] / len; self[3] = self[3] / len; return self; end local function add(v1, v2) return { v1[1] + v2[1], v1[2] + v2[2], v1[3] + v2[3] }; end local function sub(v1, v2) return { v1[1] - v2[1], v1[2] - v2[2], v1[3] - v2[3] }; end local function scalev(v1, v2) return { v1[1] * v2[1], v1[2] * v2[2], v1[3] * v2[3] }; end local function dot(v1, v2) return v1[1] * v2[1] + v1[2] * v2[2] + v1[3] * v2[3]; end local function scale(v, scale) return { v[1] * scale, v[2] * scale, v[3] * scale }; end local function cross(v1, v2) return { v1[2] * v2[3] - v1[3] * v2[2], v1[3] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[3], v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1] }; end local function normalise(v) local len = lengthVector(v); return { v[1] / len, v[2] / len, v[3] / len }; end local function transformMatrix(self, v) local vals = self; local x = vals[1] * v[1] + vals[2] * v[2] + vals[3] * v[3] + vals[4]; local y = vals[5] * v[1] + vals[6] * v[2] + vals[7] * v[3] + vals[8]; local z = vals[9] * v[1] + vals[10] * v[2] + vals[11] * v[3] + vals[12]; return { x, y, z }; end local function invertMatrix(self) local temp = {} local tx = -self[4]; local ty = -self[8]; local tz = -self[12]; for h = 0,2 do for v = 0,2 do temp[h + v * 4 + 1] = self[v + h * 4 + 1]; end end for i = 0,10 do self[i + 1] = temp[i + 1]; end self[4] = tx * self[1] + ty * self[2] + tz * self[3]; self[8] = tx * self[5] + ty * self[6] + tz * self[7]; self[12] = tx * self[9] + ty * self[10] + tz * self[11]; return self; end -- Triangle intersection using barycentric coord method local function Triangle(p1, p2, p3) local this = {} local edge1 = sub(p3, p1); local edge2 = sub(p2, p1); local normal = cross(edge1, edge2); if (math.abs(normal[1]) > math.abs(normal[2])) then if (math.abs(normal[1]) > math.abs(normal[3])) then this.axis = 0; else this.axis = 2; end else if (math.abs(normal[2]) > math.abs(normal[3])) then this.axis = 1; else this.axis = 2; end end local u = (this.axis + 1) % 3; local v = (this.axis + 2) % 3; local u1 = edge1[u + 1]; local v1 = edge1[v + 1]; local u2 = edge2[u + 1]; local v2 = edge2[v + 1]; this.normal = normalise(normal); this.nu = normal[u + 1] / normal[this.axis + 1]; this.nv = normal[v + 1] / normal[this.axis + 1]; this.nd = dot(normal, p1) / normal[this.axis + 1]; local det = u1 * v2 - v1 * u2; this.eu = p1[u + 1]; this.ev = p1[v + 1]; this.nu1 = u1 / det; this.nv1 = -v1 / det; this.nu2 = v2 / det; this.nv2 = -u2 / det; this.material = { 0.7, 0.7, 0.7 }; this.intersect = function(self, orig, dir, near, far) local u = (self.axis + 1) % 3; local v = (self.axis + 2) % 3; local d = dir[self.axis + 1] + self.nu * dir[u + 1] + self.nv * dir[v + 1]; local t = (self.nd - orig[self.axis + 1] - self.nu * orig[u + 1] - self.nv * orig[v + 1]) / d; if (t < near or t > far) then return nil; end local Pu = orig[u + 1] + t * dir[u + 1] - self.eu; local Pv = orig[v + 1] + t * dir[v + 1] - self.ev; local a2 = Pv * self.nu1 + Pu * self.nv1; if (a2 < 0) then return nil; end local a3 = Pu * self.nu2 + Pv * self.nv2; if (a3 < 0) then return nil; end if ((a2 + a3) > 1) then return nil; end return t; end return this end local function Scene(a_triangles) local this = {} this.triangles = a_triangles; this.lights = {}; this.ambient = {0,0,0}; this.background = {0.8,0.8,1}; this.intersect = function(self, origin, dir, near, far) local closest = nil; for i = 0,#self.triangles-1 do local triangle = self.triangles[i + 1]; local d = triangle:intersect(origin, dir, near, far); if (d == nil or d > far or d < near) then -- continue; else far = d; closest = triangle; end end if (not closest) then return { self.background[1],self.background[2],self.background[3] }; end local normal = closest.normal; local hit = add(origin, scale(dir, far)); if (dot(dir, normal) > 0) then normal = { -normal[1], -normal[2], -normal[3] }; end local colour = nil; if (closest.shader) then colour = closest.shader(closest, hit, dir); else colour = closest.material; end -- do reflection local reflected = nil; if (colour.reflection or 0 > 0.001) then local reflection = addVector(scale(normal, -2*dot(dir, normal)), dir); reflected = self:intersect(hit, reflection, 0.0001, 1000000); if (colour.reflection >= 0.999999) then return reflected; end end local l = { self.ambient[1], self.ambient[2], self.ambient[3] }; for i = 0,#self.lights-1 do local light = self.lights[i + 1]; local toLight = sub(light, hit); local distance = lengthVector(toLight); scaleVector(toLight, 1.0/distance); distance = distance - 0.0001; if (self:blocked(hit, toLight, distance)) then -- continue; else local nl = dot(normal, toLight); if (nl > 0) then addVector(l, scale(light.colour, nl)); end end end l = scalev(l, colour); if (reflected) then l = addVector(scaleVector(l, 1 - colour.reflection), scaleVector(reflected, colour.reflection)); end return l; end this.blocked = function(self, O, D, far) local near = 0.0001; local closest = nil; for i = 0,#self.triangles-1 do local triangle = self.triangles[i + 1]; local d = triangle:intersect(O, D, near, far); if (d == nil or d > far or d < near) then --continue; else return true; end end return false; end return this end local zero = { 0,0,0 }; -- this camera code is from notes i made ages ago, it is from *somewhere* -- i cannot remember where -- that somewhere is local function Camera(origin, lookat, up) local this = {} local zaxis = normaliseVector(subVector(lookat, origin)); local xaxis = normaliseVector(cross(up, zaxis)); local yaxis = normaliseVector(cross(xaxis, subVector({ 0,0,0 }, zaxis))); local m = {}; m[1] = xaxis[1]; m[2] = xaxis[2]; m[3] = xaxis[3]; m[5] = yaxis[1]; m[6] = yaxis[2]; m[7] = yaxis[3]; m[9] = zaxis[1]; m[10] = zaxis[2]; m[11] = zaxis[3]; m[4] = 0; m[8] = 0; m[12] = 0; invertMatrix(m); m[4] = 0; m[8] = 0; m[12] = 0; this.origin = origin; this.directions = {}; this.directions[1] = normalise({ -0.7, 0.7, 1 }); this.directions[2] = normalise({ 0.7, 0.7, 1 }); this.directions[3] = normalise({ 0.7, -0.7, 1 }); this.directions[4] = normalise({ -0.7, -0.7, 1 }); this.directions[1] = transformMatrix(m, this.directions[1]); this.directions[2] = transformMatrix(m, this.directions[2]); this.directions[3] = transformMatrix(m, this.directions[3]); this.directions[4] = transformMatrix(m, this.directions[4]); this.generateRayPair = function(self, y) rays = { {}, {} } rays[1].origin = self.origin; rays[2].origin = self.origin; rays[1].dir = addVector(scale(self.directions[1], y), scale(self.directions[4], 1 - y)); rays[2].dir = addVector(scale(self.directions[2], y), scale(self.directions[3], 1 - y)); return rays; end function renderRows(camera, scene, pixels, width, height, starty, stopy) for y = starty,stopy-1 do local rays = camera:generateRayPair(y / height); for x = 0,width-1 do local xp = x / width; local origin = addVector(scale(rays[1].origin, xp), scale(rays[2].origin, 1 - xp)); local dir = normaliseVector(addVector(scale(rays[1].dir, xp), scale(rays[2].dir, 1 - xp))); local l = scene:intersect(origin, dir, 0, math.huge); pixels[y + 1][x + 1] = l; end end end this.render = function(self, scene, pixels, width, height) local cam = self; local row = 0; renderRows(cam, scene, pixels, width, height, 0, height); end return this end local function raytraceScene() local startDate = 13154863; local numTriangles = 2 * 6; local triangles = {}; -- numTriangles); local tfl = createVector(-10, 10, -10); local tfr = createVector( 10, 10, -10); local tbl = createVector(-10, 10, 10); local tbr = createVector( 10, 10, 10); local bfl = createVector(-10, -10, -10); local bfr = createVector( 10, -10, -10); local bbl = createVector(-10, -10, 10); local bbr = createVector( 10, -10, 10); -- cube!!! -- front local i = 0; triangles[i + 1] = Triangle(tfl, tfr, bfr); i = i + 1; triangles[i + 1] = Triangle(tfl, bfr, bfl); i = i + 1; -- back triangles[i + 1] = Triangle(tbl, tbr, bbr); i = i + 1; triangles[i + 1] = Triangle(tbl, bbr, bbl); i = i + 1; -- triangles[i-1].material = [0.7,0.2,0.2]; -- triangles[i-1].material.reflection = 0.8; -- left triangles[i + 1] = Triangle(tbl, tfl, bbl); i = i + 1; -- triangles[i-1].reflection = 0.6; triangles[i + 1] = Triangle(tfl, bfl, bbl); i = i + 1; -- triangles[i-1].reflection = 0.6; -- right triangles[i + 1] = Triangle(tbr, tfr, bbr); i = i + 1; triangles[i + 1] = Triangle(tfr, bfr, bbr); i = i + 1; -- top triangles[i + 1] = Triangle(tbl, tbr, tfr); i = i + 1; triangles[i + 1] = Triangle(tbl, tfr, tfl); i = i + 1; -- bottom triangles[i + 1] = Triangle(bbl, bbr, bfr); i = i + 1; triangles[i + 1] = Triangle(bbl, bfr, bfl); i = i + 1; -- Floor!!!! local green = createVector(0.0, 0.4, 0.0); green.reflection = 0; -- local grey = createVector(0.4, 0.4, 0.4); grey.reflection = 1.0; local floorShader = function(tri, pos, view) local x = ((pos[1]/32) % 2 + 2) % 2; local z = ((pos[3]/32 + 0.3) % 2 + 2) % 2; if ((x < 1) ~= (z < 1)) then --in the real world we use the fresnel term... -- local angle = 1-dot(view, tri.normal); -- angle *= angle; -- angle *= angle; -- angle *= angle; --grey.reflection = angle; return grey; else return green; end end local ffl = createVector(-1000, -30, -1000); local ffr = createVector( 1000, -30, -1000); local fbl = createVector(-1000, -30, 1000); local fbr = createVector( 1000, -30, 1000); triangles[i + 1] = Triangle(fbl, fbr, ffr); i = i + 1; triangles[i-1 + 1].shader = floorShader; triangles[i + 1] = Triangle(fbl, ffr, ffl); i = i + 1; triangles[i-1 + 1].shader = floorShader; local _scene = Scene(triangles); _scene.lights[1] = createVector(20, 38, -22); _scene.lights[1].colour = createVector(0.7, 0.3, 0.3); _scene.lights[2] = createVector(-23, 40, 17); _scene.lights[2].colour = createVector(0.7, 0.3, 0.3); _scene.lights[3] = createVector(23, 20, 17); _scene.lights[3].colour = createVector(0.7, 0.7, 0.7); _scene.ambient = createVector(0.1, 0.1, 0.1); -- _scene.background = createVector(0.7, 0.7, 1.0); local pixels = {}; for y = 0,size-1 do pixels[y + 1] = {}; for x = 0,size-1 do pixels[y + 1][x + 1] = 0; end end local _camera = Camera(createVector(-40, 40, 40), createVector(0, 0, 0), createVector(0, 1, 0)); _camera:render(_scene, pixels, size, size); return pixels; end local function arrayToCanvasCommands(pixels) local s = {}; table.insert(s, '