--!nonstrict local bench = script and require(script.Parent.bench_support) or pcall(require, "bench_support") or require("../bench_support") local stretchTreeDepth = 18 -- about 16Mb local longLivedTreeDepth = 16 -- about 4Mb local arraySize = 500000 --about 4Mb local minTreeDepth = 4 local maxTreeDepth = 16 -- Nodes used by a tree of a given size function treeSize(i) return bit32.lshift(1, i + 1) - 1 end function getNumIters(i) return 2 * treeSize(stretchTreeDepth) / treeSize(i) end -- Build tree top down, assigning to older objects. function populate(depth, thisNode) if depth <= 0 then return end depth = depth - 1 thisNode.left = {} thisNode.right = {} populate(depth, thisNode.left) populate(depth, thisNode.right) end -- Build tree bottom-up function makeTree(depth) if depth <= 0 then return {} end return { left = makeTree(depth - 1), right = makeTree(depth - 1) } end function timeConstruction(depth) local numIters = getNumIters(depth) local tempTree = {} for i = 1, numIters do tempTree = {} populate(depth, tempTree) tempTree = nil end for i = 1, numIters do tempTree = makeTree(depth) tempTree = nil end end function test() -- Stretch the memory space quickly local _tempTree = makeTree(stretchTreeDepth) _tempTree = nil -- Create a long lived object local longLivedTree = {} populate(longLivedTreeDepth, longLivedTree) -- Create long-lived array, filling half of it local array = {} for i = 1, arraySize/2 do array[i] = 1.0 / i end for d = minTreeDepth,maxTreeDepth,2 do timeConstruction(d) end end bench.runs = 6 bench.extraRuns = 2 bench.runCode(test, "GC: Boehm tree")