// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "lua.h" #include "Luau/DenseHash.h" #include <thread> #include <atomic> #include <string> struct Profiler { // static state lua_Callbacks* callbacks = nullptr; int frequency = 1000; std::thread thread; // variables for communication between loop and trigger std::atomic<bool> exit = false; std::atomic<uint64_t> ticks = 0; std::atomic<uint64_t> samples = 0; // private state for trigger uint64_t currentTicks = 0; std::string stackScratch; // statistics, updated by trigger Luau::DenseHashMap<std::string, uint64_t> data{""}; uint64_t gc[16] = {}; } gProfiler; static void profilerTrigger(lua_State* L, int gc) { uint64_t currentTicks = gProfiler.ticks.load(); uint64_t elapsedTicks = currentTicks - gProfiler.currentTicks; if (elapsedTicks) { std::string& stack = gProfiler.stackScratch; stack.clear(); if (gc > 0) stack += "GC,GC,"; lua_Debug ar; for (int level = 0; lua_getinfo(L, level, "sn", &ar); ++level) { if (!stack.empty()) stack += ';'; stack += ar.short_src; stack += ','; if (ar.name) stack += ar.name; stack += ','; if (ar.linedefined > 0) stack += std::to_string(ar.linedefined); } if (!stack.empty()) { gProfiler.data[stack] += elapsedTicks; } if (gc > 0) { gProfiler.gc[gc] += elapsedTicks; } } gProfiler.currentTicks = currentTicks; gProfiler.callbacks->interrupt = nullptr; } static void profilerLoop() { double last = lua_clock(); while (!gProfiler.exit) { double now = lua_clock(); if (now - last >= 1.0 / double(gProfiler.frequency)) { int64_t ticks = int64_t((now - last) * 1e6); gProfiler.ticks += ticks; gProfiler.samples++; gProfiler.callbacks->interrupt = profilerTrigger; last += ticks * 1e-6; } else { std::this_thread::yield(); } } } void profilerStart(lua_State* L, int frequency) { gProfiler.frequency = frequency; gProfiler.callbacks = lua_callbacks(L); gProfiler.exit = false; gProfiler.thread = std::thread(profilerLoop); } void profilerStop() { gProfiler.exit = true; gProfiler.thread.join(); } void profilerDump(const char* path) { FILE* f = fopen(path, "wb"); if (!f) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening profile %s\n", path); return; } uint64_t total = 0; for (auto& p : gProfiler.data) { fprintf(f, "%lld %s\n", static_cast<long long>(p.second), p.first.c_str()); total += p.second; } fclose(f); printf("Profiler dump written to %s (total runtime %.3f seconds, %lld samples, %lld stacks)\n", path, double(total) / 1e6, static_cast<long long>(gProfiler.samples.load()), static_cast<long long>(gProfiler.data.size())); uint64_t totalgc = 0; for (uint64_t p : gProfiler.gc) totalgc += p; if (totalgc) { printf("GC: %.3f seconds (%.2f%%)", double(totalgc) / 1e6, double(totalgc) / double(total) * 100); for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(gProfiler.gc); ++i) { extern const char* luaC_statename(int state); uint64_t p = gProfiler.gc[i]; if (p) printf(", %s %.2f%%", luaC_statename(int(i)), double(p) / double(totalgc) * 100); } printf("\n"); } }