-- This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details print("testing interrupts") -- this function will be called by C code with a special interrupt handler that validates hit locations function test() function foo() for i=1,10 do end return end foo() function bar() local i = 0 while i < 10 do i += i + 1 end end bar() function baz() end baz() end -- these functions will be called by C code with a special interrupt handler that terminates after a few invocations function infloop1() while true do end end function infloop2() while true do continue end end function infloop3() repeat until false end function infloop4() repeat continue until false end function infloop5() for i=0,0,0 do end end function infloop6() for i=0,0,0 do continue end end function infloop7() for i=1,math.huge do end end function infloop8() for i=1,math.huge do continue end end function infloop9() -- technically not a loop, but an exponentially recursive function local function boom() boom() boom() end boom() end function infloop10() for l0=4096,0,0 do repeat continue until function<t0>() end end end local haystack = string.rep("x", 100) local pattern = string.rep("x?", 100) .. string.rep("x", 100) function strhang1() string.find(haystack, pattern) end function strhang2() string.match(haystack, pattern) end function strhang3() string.gsub(haystack, pattern, "%0") end function strhang4() for k, v in string.gmatch(haystack, pattern) do end end function strhang5() local x = string.rep('x', 1000) string.match(x, string.rep('x.*', 100) .. 'y') end function strhangpcall() for i = 1,100 do local status, msg = pcall(string.find, haystack, pattern) assert(status == false) assert(msg == "timeout") end end return "OK"