// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "luau.pb.h" static const std::string kNames[] = { "_G", "_VERSION", "__add", "__call", "__concat", "__div", "__eq", "__idiv", "__index", "__iter", "__le", "__len", "__lt", "__mod", "__mode", "__mul", "__namecall", "__newindex", "__pow", "__sub", "__type", "__unm", "abs", "acos", "arshift", "asin", "assert", "atan", "atan2", "band", "bit32", "bnot", "boolean", "bor", "btest", "buffer", "bxor", "byte", "ceil", "char", "charpattern", "clamp", "clear", "clock", "clone", "close", "codepoint", "codes", "collectgarbage", "concat", "copy", "coroutine", "cos", "cosh", "countlz", "countrz", "create", "date", "debug", "deg", "difftime", "error", "exp", "extract", "fill", "find", "floor", "fmod", "foreach", "foreachi", "format", "freeze", "frexp", "fromstring", "function", "gcinfo", "getfenv", "getmetatable", "getn", "gmatch", "gsub", "huge", "info", "insert", "ipairs", "isfrozen", "isyieldable", "ldexp", "len", "loadstring", "log", "log10", "lower", "lrotate", "lshift", "match", "math", "max", "maxn", "min", "modf", "move", "newproxy", "next", "nil", "noise", "number", "offset", "os", "pack", "packsize", "pairs", "pcall", "pi", "pow", "print", "rad", "random", "randomseed", "rawequal", "rawget", "rawlen", "rawset", "readf32", "readf64", "readi16", "readi32", "readi8", "readstring", "readu16", "readu32", "readu8", "remove", "rep", "replace", "require", "resume", "reverse", "round", "rrotate", "rshift", "running", "select", "setfenv", "setmetatable", "sign", "sin", "sinh", "sort", "split", "sqrt", "status", "string", "sub", "table", "tan", "tanh", "thread", "time", "tonumber", "tostring", "tostring", "traceback", "type", "typeof", "unpack", "upper", "userdata", "utf8", "vector", "wrap", "writef32", "writef64", "writei16", "writei32", "writei8", "writestring", "writeu16", "writeu32", "writeu8", "xpcall", "yield", }; static const std::string kTypes[] = { "any", "boolean", "buffer", "nil", "number", "string", "thread", "vector", }; static const std::string kClasses[] = { "Vector3", "Instance", "Part", }; struct ProtoToLuau { struct Function { int loops = 0; bool vararg = false; }; std::string source; std::vector<Function> functions; bool types = false; ProtoToLuau() { Function top = {}; top.vararg = true; functions.push_back(top); } void ident(const luau::Name& name) { if (name.has_builtin()) { size_t index = size_t(name.builtin()) % std::size(kNames); source += kNames[index]; } else if (name.has_custom()) { source += 'n'; source += std::to_string(name.custom() & 0xff); } else { source += '_'; } } void ident(const luau::Typename& name) { source += 't'; source += std::to_string(name.index() & 0xff); } template<typename T> void genericidents(const T& node) { if (node.generics_size() || node.genericpacks_size()) { source += '<'; bool first = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < node.generics_size(); ++i) { if (!first) source += ','; first = false; ident(node.generics(i)); } for (size_t i = 0; i < node.genericpacks_size(); ++i) { if (!first) source += ','; first = false; ident(node.genericpacks(i)); source += "..."; } source += '>'; } } void print(const luau::Expr& expr) { if (expr.has_group()) print(expr.group()); else if (expr.has_nil()) print(expr.nil()); else if (expr.has_bool_()) print(expr.bool_()); else if (expr.has_number()) print(expr.number()); else if (expr.has_string()) print(expr.string()); else if (expr.has_local()) print(expr.local()); else if (expr.has_global()) print(expr.global()); else if (expr.has_varargs()) print(expr.varargs()); else if (expr.has_call()) print(expr.call()); else if (expr.has_index_name()) print(expr.index_name()); else if (expr.has_index_expr()) print(expr.index_expr()); else if (expr.has_function()) print(expr.function()); else if (expr.has_table()) print(expr.table()); else if (expr.has_unary()) print(expr.unary()); else if (expr.has_binary()) print(expr.binary()); else if (expr.has_ifelse()) print(expr.ifelse()); else if (expr.has_interpstring()) print(expr.interpstring()); else source += "_"; } void print(const luau::ExprPrefix& expr) { if (expr.has_group()) print(expr.group()); else if (expr.has_local()) print(expr.local()); else if (expr.has_global()) print(expr.global()); else if (expr.has_call()) print(expr.call()); else if (expr.has_index_name()) print(expr.index_name()); else if (expr.has_index_expr()) print(expr.index_expr()); else source += "_"; } void print(const luau::ExprGroup& expr) { source += '('; print(expr.expr()); source += ')'; } void print(const luau::ExprConstantNil& expr) { source += "nil"; } void print(const luau::ExprConstantBool& expr) { source += expr.val() ? "true" : "false"; } void print(const luau::ExprConstantNumber& expr) { source += std::to_string(expr.val()); } void print(const luau::ExprConstantString& expr) { source += '"'; for (char ch : expr.val()) if (isalpha(ch)) source += ch; source += '"'; } void print(const luau::Local& var) { source += 'l'; source += std::to_string(var.name() & 0xff); } void print(const luau::ExprLocal& expr) { print(expr.var()); } void print(const luau::ExprGlobal& expr) { ident(expr.name()); } void print(const luau::ExprVarargs& expr) { if (functions.back().vararg) source += "..."; else source += "_"; } void print(const luau::ExprCall& expr) { if (expr.func().has_index_name()) print(expr.func().index_name(), expr.self()); else print(expr.func()); source += '('; for (int i = 0; i < expr.args_size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) source += ','; print(expr.args(i)); } source += ')'; } void print(const luau::ExprIndexName& expr, bool self = false) { print(expr.expr()); source += self ? ':' : '.'; ident(expr.index()); } void print(const luau::ExprIndexExpr& expr) { print(expr.expr()); source += '['; print(expr.index()); source += ']'; } void function(const luau::ExprFunction& expr) { genericidents(expr); source += "("; for (int i = 0; i < expr.args_size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) source += ','; print(expr.args(i)); if (types && i < expr.types_size()) { source += ':'; print(expr.types(i)); } } if (expr.vararg()) { if (expr.args_size()) source += ','; source += "..."; } source += ')'; if (types && expr.rettypes_size()) { source += ':'; if (expr.rettypes_size() > 1) source += '('; for (size_t i = 0; i < expr.rettypes_size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) source += ','; print(expr.rettypes(i)); } if (expr.rettypes_size() > 1) source += ')'; } source += '\n'; Function func = {}; func.vararg = expr.vararg(); functions.push_back(func); print(expr.body()); functions.pop_back(); source += "end"; } void print(const luau::ExprFunction& expr) { source += "function"; function(expr); } void print(const luau::ExprTable& expr) { source += '{'; for (int i = 0; i < expr.items_size(); ++i) { if (expr.items(i).has_key_name()) { ident(expr.items(i).key_name()); source += '='; } else if (expr.items(i).has_key_expr()) { source += "["; print(expr.items(i).key_expr()); source += "]="; } print(expr.items(i).value()); source += ','; } source += '}'; } void print(const luau::ExprUnary& expr) { if (expr.op() == luau::ExprUnary::Not) source += "not "; else if (expr.op() == luau::ExprUnary::Minus) source += "- "; else if (expr.op() == luau::ExprUnary::Len) source += "# "; print(expr.expr()); } void print(const luau::ExprBinary& expr) { print(expr.left()); if (expr.op() == luau::ExprBinary::Add) source += " + "; else if (expr.op() == luau::ExprBinary::Sub) source += " - "; else if (expr.op() == luau::ExprBinary::Mul) source += " * "; else if (expr.op() == luau::ExprBinary::Div) source += " / "; else if (expr.op() == luau::ExprBinary::FloorDiv) source += " // "; else if (expr.op() == luau::ExprBinary::Mod) source += " % "; else if (expr.op() == luau::ExprBinary::Pow) source += " ^ "; else if (expr.op() == luau::ExprBinary::Concat) source += " .. "; else if (expr.op() == luau::ExprBinary::CompareNe) source += " ~= "; else if (expr.op() == luau::ExprBinary::CompareEq) source += " == "; else if (expr.op() == luau::ExprBinary::CompareLt) source += " < "; else if (expr.op() == luau::ExprBinary::CompareLe) source += " <= "; else if (expr.op() == luau::ExprBinary::CompareGt) source += " > "; else if (expr.op() == luau::ExprBinary::CompareGe) source += " >= "; else if (expr.op() == luau::ExprBinary::And) source += " and "; else if (expr.op() == luau::ExprBinary::Or) source += " or "; print(expr.right()); } void print(const luau::ExprIfElse& expr) { source += "if "; print(expr.cond()); source += " then "; print(expr.then()); if (expr.has_else_()) { source += " else "; print(expr.else_()); } else if (expr.has_elseif()) { source += " else"; print(expr.elseif()); } } void print(const luau::ExprInterpString& expr) { source += "`"; for (int i = 0; i < expr.parts_size(); ++i) { if (expr.parts(i).has_string()) { // String literal is added surrounded with "", but that's ok print(expr.parts(i)); } else { source += "{"; print(expr.parts(i)); source += "}"; } } source += "`"; } void print(const luau::LValue& expr) { if (expr.has_local()) print(expr.local()); else if (expr.has_global()) print(expr.global()); else if (expr.has_index_name()) print(expr.index_name()); else if (expr.has_index_expr()) print(expr.index_expr()); else source += "_"; } void print(const luau::Stat& stat) { if (stat.has_block()) print(stat.block()); else if (stat.has_if_()) print(stat.if_()); else if (stat.has_while_()) print(stat.while_()); else if (stat.has_repeat()) print(stat.repeat()); else if (stat.has_break_()) print(stat.break_()); else if (stat.has_continue_()) print(stat.continue_()); else if (stat.has_return_()) print(stat.return_()); else if (stat.has_call()) print(stat.call()); else if (stat.has_local()) print(stat.local()); else if (stat.has_for_()) print(stat.for_()); else if (stat.has_for_in()) print(stat.for_in()); else if (stat.has_assign()) print(stat.assign()); else if (stat.has_compound_assign()) print(stat.compound_assign()); else if (stat.has_function()) print(stat.function()); else if (stat.has_local_function()) print(stat.local_function()); else if (stat.has_type_alias()) print(stat.type_alias()); else if (stat.has_require_into_local()) print(stat.require_into_local()); else source += "do end\n"; } void print(const luau::StatBlock& stat) { for (int i = 0; i < stat.body_size(); ++i) { if (stat.body(i).has_block()) { source += "do\n"; print(stat.body(i)); source += "end\n"; } else { print(stat.body(i)); // parser will reject code with break/continue/return being non-trailing statements in a block if (stat.body(i).has_break_() || stat.body(i).has_continue_() || stat.body(i).has_return_()) break; } } } void print(const luau::StatIf& stat) { source += "if "; print(stat.cond()); source += " then\n"; print(stat.then()); if (stat.has_else_()) { source += "else\n"; print(stat.else_()); source += "end\n"; } else if (stat.has_elseif()) { source += "else"; print(stat.elseif()); } else { source += "end\n"; } } void print(const luau::StatWhile& stat) { source += "while "; print(stat.cond()); source += " do\n"; functions.back().loops++; print(stat.body()); functions.back().loops--; source += "end\n"; } void print(const luau::StatRepeat& stat) { source += "repeat\n"; functions.back().loops++; print(stat.body()); functions.back().loops--; source += "until "; print(stat.cond()); source += "\n"; } void print(const luau::StatBreak& stat) { if (functions.back().loops) source += "break\n"; else source += "do end\n"; } void print(const luau::StatContinue& stat) { if (functions.back().loops) source += "continue\n"; else source += "do end\n"; } void print(const luau::StatReturn& stat) { source += "return "; for (int i = 0; i < stat.list_size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) source += ','; print(stat.list(i)); } source += "\n"; } void print(const luau::StatCall& stat) { print(stat.expr()); source += '\n'; } void print(const luau::StatLocal& stat) { source += "local "; if (stat.vars_size() == 0) source += '_'; for (int i = 0; i < stat.vars_size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) source += ','; print(stat.vars(i)); if (types && i < stat.types_size()) { source += ':'; print(stat.types(i)); } } if (stat.values_size() != 0) source += " = "; for (int i = 0; i < stat.values_size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) source += ','; print(stat.values(i)); } source += '\n'; } void print(const luau::StatFor& stat) { source += "for "; print(stat.var()); source += '='; print(stat.from()); source += ','; print(stat.to()); if (stat.has_step()) { source += ','; print(stat.step()); } source += " do\n"; functions.back().loops++; print(stat.body()); functions.back().loops--; source += "end\n"; } void print(const luau::StatForIn& stat) { source += "for "; if (stat.vars_size() == 0) source += '_'; for (int i = 0; i < stat.vars_size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) source += ','; print(stat.vars(i)); } source += " in "; if (stat.values_size() == 0) source += "..."; for (int i = 0; i < stat.values_size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) source += ','; print(stat.values(i)); } source += " do\n"; functions.back().loops++; print(stat.body()); functions.back().loops--; source += "end\n"; } void print(const luau::StatAssign& stat) { if (stat.vars_size() == 0) source += '_'; for (int i = 0; i < stat.vars_size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) source += ','; print(stat.vars(i)); } source += " = "; if (stat.values_size() == 0) source += "nil"; for (int i = 0; i < stat.values_size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) source += ','; print(stat.values(i)); } source += '\n'; } void print(const luau::StatCompoundAssign& stat) { print(stat.var()); if (stat.op() == luau::StatCompoundAssign::Add) source += " += "; else if (stat.op() == luau::StatCompoundAssign::Sub) source += " -= "; else if (stat.op() == luau::StatCompoundAssign::Mul) source += " *= "; else if (stat.op() == luau::StatCompoundAssign::Div) source += " /= "; else if (stat.op() == luau::StatCompoundAssign::Mod) source += " %= "; else if (stat.op() == luau::StatCompoundAssign::Pow) source += " ^= "; else if (stat.op() == luau::StatCompoundAssign::Concat) source += " ..= "; print(stat.value()); source += '\n'; } void print(const luau::StatFunction& stat) { source += "function "; if (stat.var().has_index_name()) print(stat.var().index_name(), stat.self()); else if (stat.var().has_index_expr()) source += '_'; // function foo[bar]() is invalid syntax else print(stat.var()); function(stat.func()); source += '\n'; } void print(const luau::StatLocalFunction& stat) { source += "local function "; print(stat.var()); function(stat.func()); source += '\n'; } void print(const luau::StatTypeAlias& stat) { if (stat.export_()) source += "export "; source += "type "; ident(stat.name()); genericidents(stat); source += " = "; print(stat.type()); source += '\n'; } void print(const luau::StatRequireIntoLocalHelper& stat) { source += "local "; print(stat.var()); source += " = require(module" + std::to_string(stat.modulenum() % 2) + ")\n"; } void print(const luau::Type& type) { if (type.has_primitive()) print(type.primitive()); else if (type.has_literal()) print(type.literal()); else if (type.has_table()) print(type.table()); else if (type.has_function()) print(type.function()); else if (type.has_typeof()) print(type.typeof()); else if (type.has_union_()) print(type.union_()); else if (type.has_intersection()) print(type.intersection()); else if (type.has_class_()) print(type.class_()); else if (type.has_ref()) print(type.ref()); else if (type.has_boolean()) print(type.boolean()); else if (type.has_string()) print(type.string()); else source += "any"; } void print(const luau::TypePrimitive& type) { size_t index = size_t(type.kind()) % std::size(kTypes); source += kTypes[index]; } void print(const luau::TypeLiteral& type) { ident(type.name()); if (type.generics_size() || type.genericpacks_size()) { source += '<'; bool first = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < type.generics_size(); ++i) { if (!first) source += ','; first = false; print(type.generics(i)); } for (size_t i = 0; i < type.genericpacks_size(); ++i) { if (!first) source += ','; first = false; ident(type.genericpacks(i)); source += "..."; } source += '>'; } } void print(const luau::TypeTable& type) { source += '{'; for (size_t i = 0; i < type.items_size(); ++i) { ident(type.items(i).key()); source += ':'; print(type.items(i).type()); source += ','; } if (type.has_indexer()) { source += '['; print(type.indexer().key()); source += "]:"; print(type.indexer().value()); } source += '}'; } void print(const luau::TypeFunction& type) { genericidents(type); source += '('; for (size_t i = 0; i < type.args_size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) source += ','; print(type.args(i)); } source += ")->"; if (type.rets_size() != 1) source += '('; for (size_t i = 0; i < type.rets_size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) source += ','; print(type.rets(i)); } if (type.rets_size() != 1) source += ')'; } void print(const luau::TypeTypeof& type) { source += "typeof("; print(type.expr()); source += ')'; } void print(const luau::TypeUnion& type) { source += '('; print(type.left()); source += ")|("; print(type.right()); source += ')'; } void print(const luau::TypeIntersection& type) { source += '('; print(type.left()); source += ")&("; print(type.right()); source += ')'; } void print(const luau::TypeClass& type) { size_t index = size_t(type.kind()) % std::size(kClasses); source += kClasses[index]; } void print(const luau::TypeRef& type) { print(type.prefix()); source += '.'; ident(type.index()); } void print(const luau::TypeBoolean& type) { source += type.val() ? "true" : "false"; } void print(const luau::TypeString& type) { source += '"'; for (char ch : type.val()) if (isgraph(ch)) source += ch; source += '"'; } }; std::vector<std::string> protoprint(const luau::ModuleSet& stat, bool types) { std::vector<std::string> result; if (stat.has_module()) { ProtoToLuau printer; printer.types = types; printer.print(stat.module()); result.push_back(printer.source); } ProtoToLuau printer; printer.types = types; printer.print(stat.program()); result.push_back(printer.source); return result; }