// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/Error.h" #include "Luau/Clone.h" #include "Luau/StringUtils.h" #include "Luau/ToString.h" #include LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauTypeMismatchModuleNameResolution, false) LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauUseInternalCompilerErrorException, false) static std::string wrongNumberOfArgsString( size_t expectedCount, std::optional maximumCount, size_t actualCount, const char* argPrefix = nullptr, bool isVariadic = false) { std::string s = "expects "; if (isVariadic) s += "at least "; s += std::to_string(expectedCount) + " "; if (maximumCount && expectedCount != *maximumCount) s += "to " + std::to_string(*maximumCount) + " "; if (argPrefix) s += std::string(argPrefix) + " "; s += "argument"; if ((maximumCount ? *maximumCount : expectedCount) != 1) s += "s"; s += ", but "; if (actualCount == 0) { s += "none"; } else { if (actualCount < expectedCount) s += "only "; s += std::to_string(actualCount); } s += (actualCount == 1) ? " is" : " are"; s += " specified"; return s; } namespace Luau { struct ErrorConverter { FileResolver* fileResolver = nullptr; std::string operator()(const Luau::TypeMismatch& tm) const { std::string givenTypeName = Luau::toString(tm.givenType); std::string wantedTypeName = Luau::toString(tm.wantedType); std::string result; if (givenTypeName == wantedTypeName) { if (auto givenDefinitionModule = getDefinitionModuleName(tm.givenType)) { if (auto wantedDefinitionModule = getDefinitionModuleName(tm.wantedType)) { if (FFlag::LuauTypeMismatchModuleNameResolution && fileResolver != nullptr) { std::string givenModuleName = fileResolver->getHumanReadableModuleName(*givenDefinitionModule); std::string wantedModuleName = fileResolver->getHumanReadableModuleName(*wantedDefinitionModule); result = "Type '" + givenTypeName + "' from '" + givenModuleName + "' could not be converted into '" + wantedTypeName + "' from '" + wantedModuleName + "'"; } else { result = "Type '" + givenTypeName + "' from '" + *givenDefinitionModule + "' could not be converted into '" + wantedTypeName + "' from '" + *wantedDefinitionModule + "'"; } } } } if (result.empty()) result = "Type '" + givenTypeName + "' could not be converted into '" + wantedTypeName + "'"; if (tm.error) { result += "\ncaused by:\n "; if (!tm.reason.empty()) result += tm.reason + " "; if (FFlag::LuauTypeMismatchModuleNameResolution) { result += Luau::toString(*tm.error, TypeErrorToStringOptions{fileResolver}); } else { result += Luau::toString(*tm.error); } } else if (!tm.reason.empty()) { result += "; " + tm.reason; } return result; } std::string operator()(const Luau::UnknownSymbol& e) const { switch (e.context) { case UnknownSymbol::Binding: return "Unknown global '" + e.name + "'"; case UnknownSymbol::Type: return "Unknown type '" + e.name + "'"; case UnknownSymbol::Generic: return "Unknown generic '" + e.name + "'"; } LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unexpected context for UnknownSymbol"); return ""; } std::string operator()(const Luau::UnknownProperty& e) const { TypeId t = follow(e.table); if (get(t)) return "Key '" + e.key + "' not found in table '" + Luau::toString(t) + "'"; else if (get(t)) return "Key '" + e.key + "' not found in class '" + Luau::toString(t) + "'"; else return "Type '" + Luau::toString(e.table) + "' does not have key '" + e.key + "'"; } std::string operator()(const Luau::NotATable& e) const { return "Expected type table, got '" + Luau::toString(e.ty) + "' instead"; } std::string operator()(const Luau::CannotExtendTable& e) const { switch (e.context) { case Luau::CannotExtendTable::Property: return "Cannot add property '" + e.prop + "' to table '" + Luau::toString(e.tableType) + "'"; case Luau::CannotExtendTable::Metatable: return "Cannot add metatable to table '" + Luau::toString(e.tableType) + "'"; case Luau::CannotExtendTable::Indexer: return "Cannot add indexer to table '" + Luau::toString(e.tableType) + "'"; } LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unknown context"); return ""; } std::string operator()(const Luau::OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods& e) const { return "Cannot add method to non-table type '" + Luau::toString(e.tableType) + "'"; } std::string operator()(const Luau::DuplicateTypeDefinition& e) const { std::string s = "Redefinition of type '" + e.name + "'"; if (e.previousLocation) s += ", previously defined at line " + std::to_string(e.previousLocation->begin.line + 1); return s; } std::string operator()(const Luau::CountMismatch& e) const { const std::string expectedS = e.expected == 1 ? "" : "s"; const std::string actualS = e.actual == 1 ? "" : "s"; const std::string actualVerb = e.actual == 1 ? "is" : "are"; switch (e.context) { case CountMismatch::Return: return "Expected to return " + std::to_string(e.expected) + " value" + expectedS + ", but " + std::to_string(e.actual) + " " + actualVerb + " returned here"; case CountMismatch::FunctionResult: // It is alright if right hand side produces more values than the // left hand side accepts. In this context consider only the opposite case. return "Function only returns " + std::to_string(e.expected) + " value" + expectedS + ", but " + std::to_string(e.actual) + " " + actualVerb + " required here"; case CountMismatch::ExprListResult: return "Expression list has " + std::to_string(e.expected) + " value" + expectedS + ", but " + std::to_string(e.actual) + " " + actualVerb + " required here"; case CountMismatch::Arg: if (!e.function.empty()) return "Argument count mismatch. Function '" + e.function + "' " + wrongNumberOfArgsString(e.expected, e.maximum, e.actual, /*argPrefix*/ nullptr, e.isVariadic); else return "Argument count mismatch. Function " + wrongNumberOfArgsString(e.expected, e.maximum, e.actual, /*argPrefix*/ nullptr, e.isVariadic); } LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unknown context"); return ""; } std::string operator()(const Luau::FunctionDoesNotTakeSelf&) const { return std::string("This function does not take self. Did you mean to use a dot instead of a colon?"); } std::string operator()(const Luau::FunctionRequiresSelf& e) const { return "This function must be called with self. Did you mean to use a colon instead of a dot?"; } std::string operator()(const Luau::OccursCheckFailed&) const { return "Type contains a self-recursive construct that cannot be resolved"; } std::string operator()(const Luau::UnknownRequire& e) const { if (e.modulePath.empty()) return "Unknown require: unsupported path"; else return "Unknown require: " + e.modulePath; } std::string operator()(const Luau::IncorrectGenericParameterCount& e) const { std::string name = e.name; if (!e.typeFun.typeParams.empty() || !e.typeFun.typePackParams.empty()) { name += "<"; bool first = true; for (auto param : e.typeFun.typeParams) { if (first) first = false; else name += ", "; name += toString(param.ty); } for (auto param : e.typeFun.typePackParams) { if (first) first = false; else name += ", "; name += toString(param.tp); } name += ">"; } if (e.typeFun.typeParams.size() != e.actualParameters) return "Generic type '" + name + "' " + wrongNumberOfArgsString(e.typeFun.typeParams.size(), std::nullopt, e.actualParameters, "type", !e.typeFun.typePackParams.empty()); return "Generic type '" + name + "' " + wrongNumberOfArgsString(e.typeFun.typePackParams.size(), std::nullopt, e.actualPackParameters, "type pack", /*isVariadic*/ false); } std::string operator()(const Luau::SyntaxError& e) const { return e.message; } std::string operator()(const Luau::CodeTooComplex&) const { return "Code is too complex to typecheck! Consider simplifying the code around this area"; } std::string operator()(const Luau::UnificationTooComplex&) const { return "Internal error: Code is too complex to typecheck! Consider adding type annotations around this area"; } std::string operator()(const Luau::UnknownPropButFoundLikeProp& e) const { std::string candidatesSuggestion = "Did you mean "; if (e.candidates.size() != 1) candidatesSuggestion += "one of "; bool first = true; for (Name name : e.candidates) { if (first) first = false; else candidatesSuggestion += ", "; candidatesSuggestion += "'" + name + "'"; } std::string s = "Key '" + e.key + "' not found in "; TypeId t = follow(e.table); if (get(t)) s += "class"; else s += "table"; s += " '" + toString(e.table) + "'. " + candidatesSuggestion + "?"; return s; } std::string operator()(const Luau::GenericError& e) const { return e.message; } std::string operator()(const Luau::InternalError& e) const { return e.message; } std::string operator()(const Luau::CannotCallNonFunction& e) const { return "Cannot call non-function " + toString(e.ty); } std::string operator()(const Luau::ExtraInformation& e) const { return e.message; } std::string operator()(const Luau::DeprecatedApiUsed& e) const { return "The property ." + e.symbol + " is deprecated. Use ." + e.useInstead + " instead."; } std::string operator()(const Luau::ModuleHasCyclicDependency& e) const { if (e.cycle.empty()) return "Cyclic module dependency detected"; std::string s = "Cyclic module dependency: "; bool first = true; for (const ModuleName& name : e.cycle) { if (first) first = false; else s += " -> "; s += name; } return s; } std::string operator()(const Luau::FunctionExitsWithoutReturning& e) const { return "Not all codepaths in this function return '" + toString(e.expectedReturnType) + "'."; } std::string operator()(const Luau::IllegalRequire& e) const { return "Cannot require module " + e.moduleName + ": " + e.reason; } std::string operator()(const Luau::MissingProperties& e) const { std::string s = "Table type '" + toString(e.subType) + "' not compatible with type '" + toString(e.superType) + "' because the former"; switch (e.context) { case MissingProperties::Missing: s += " is missing field"; break; case MissingProperties::Extra: s += " has extra field"; break; } if (e.properties.size() > 1) s += "s"; s += " "; for (size_t i = 0; i < e.properties.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) s += ", "; if (i > 0 && i == e.properties.size() - 1) s += "and "; s += "'" + e.properties[i] + "'"; } return s; } std::string operator()(const Luau::DuplicateGenericParameter& e) const { return "Duplicate type parameter '" + e.parameterName + "'"; } std::string operator()(const Luau::CannotInferBinaryOperation& e) const { std::string ss = "Unknown type used in " + toString(e.op); switch (e.kind) { case Luau::CannotInferBinaryOperation::Comparison: ss += " comparison"; break; case Luau::CannotInferBinaryOperation::Operation: ss += " operation"; } if (e.suggestedToAnnotate) ss += "; consider adding a type annotation to '" + *e.suggestedToAnnotate + "'"; return ss; } std::string operator()(const Luau::SwappedGenericTypeParameter& e) const { switch (e.kind) { case Luau::SwappedGenericTypeParameter::Type: return "Variadic type parameter '" + e.name + "...' is used as a regular generic type; consider changing '" + e.name + "...' to '" + e.name + "' in the generic argument list"; case Luau::SwappedGenericTypeParameter::Pack: return "Generic type '" + e.name + "' is used as a variadic type parameter; consider changing '" + e.name + "' to '" + e.name + "...' in the generic argument list"; default: LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unknown kind"); return ""; } } std::string operator()(const Luau::OptionalValueAccess& e) const { return "Value of type '" + toString(e.optional) + "' could be nil"; } std::string operator()(const Luau::MissingUnionProperty& e) const { std::string ss = "Key '" + e.key + "' is missing from "; bool first = true; for (auto ty : e.missing) { if (first) first = false; else ss += ", "; ss += "'" + toString(ty) + "'"; } return ss + " in the type '" + toString(e.type) + "'"; } std::string operator()(const TypesAreUnrelated& e) const { return "Cannot cast '" + toString(e.left) + "' into '" + toString(e.right) + "' because the types are unrelated"; } std::string operator()(const NormalizationTooComplex&) const { return "Code is too complex to typecheck! Consider simplifying the code around this area"; } }; struct InvalidNameChecker { std::string invalidName = "%error-id%"; bool operator()(const Luau::UnknownProperty& e) const { return e.key == invalidName; } bool operator()(const Luau::CannotExtendTable& e) const { return e.prop == invalidName; } bool operator()(const Luau::DuplicateTypeDefinition& e) const { return e.name == invalidName; } template bool operator()(const T& other) const { return false; } }; TypeMismatch::TypeMismatch(TypeId wantedType, TypeId givenType) : wantedType(wantedType) , givenType(givenType) { } TypeMismatch::TypeMismatch(TypeId wantedType, TypeId givenType, std::string reason) : wantedType(wantedType) , givenType(givenType) , reason(reason) { } TypeMismatch::TypeMismatch(TypeId wantedType, TypeId givenType, std::string reason, std::optional error) : wantedType(wantedType) , givenType(givenType) , reason(reason) , error(error ? std::make_shared(std::move(*error)) : nullptr) { } bool TypeMismatch::operator==(const TypeMismatch& rhs) const { if (!!error != !!rhs.error) return false; if (error && !(*error == *rhs.error)) return false; return *wantedType == *rhs.wantedType && *givenType == *rhs.givenType && reason == rhs.reason; } bool UnknownSymbol::operator==(const UnknownSymbol& rhs) const { return name == rhs.name; } bool UnknownProperty::operator==(const UnknownProperty& rhs) const { return *table == *rhs.table && key == rhs.key; } bool NotATable::operator==(const NotATable& rhs) const { return ty == rhs.ty; } bool CannotExtendTable::operator==(const CannotExtendTable& rhs) const { return *tableType == *rhs.tableType && prop == rhs.prop && context == rhs.context; } bool OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods::operator==(const OnlyTablesCanHaveMethods& rhs) const { return *tableType == *rhs.tableType; } bool DuplicateTypeDefinition::operator==(const DuplicateTypeDefinition& rhs) const { return name == rhs.name && previousLocation == rhs.previousLocation; } bool CountMismatch::operator==(const CountMismatch& rhs) const { return expected == rhs.expected && maximum == rhs.maximum && actual == rhs.actual && context == rhs.context && function == rhs.function; } bool FunctionDoesNotTakeSelf::operator==(const FunctionDoesNotTakeSelf&) const { return true; } bool FunctionRequiresSelf::operator==(const FunctionRequiresSelf& e) const { return true; } bool OccursCheckFailed::operator==(const OccursCheckFailed&) const { return true; } bool UnknownRequire::operator==(const UnknownRequire& rhs) const { return modulePath == rhs.modulePath; } bool IncorrectGenericParameterCount::operator==(const IncorrectGenericParameterCount& rhs) const { if (name != rhs.name) return false; if (typeFun.type != rhs.typeFun.type) return false; if (typeFun.typeParams.size() != rhs.typeFun.typeParams.size()) return false; if (typeFun.typePackParams.size() != rhs.typeFun.typePackParams.size()) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < typeFun.typeParams.size(); ++i) { if (typeFun.typeParams[i].ty != rhs.typeFun.typeParams[i].ty) return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < typeFun.typePackParams.size(); ++i) { if (typeFun.typePackParams[i].tp != rhs.typeFun.typePackParams[i].tp) return false; } return true; } bool SyntaxError::operator==(const SyntaxError& rhs) const { return message == rhs.message; } bool CodeTooComplex::operator==(const CodeTooComplex&) const { return true; } bool UnificationTooComplex::operator==(const UnificationTooComplex&) const { return true; } bool UnknownPropButFoundLikeProp::operator==(const UnknownPropButFoundLikeProp& rhs) const { return *table == *rhs.table && key == rhs.key && candidates.size() == rhs.candidates.size() && std::equal(candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), rhs.candidates.begin()); } bool GenericError::operator==(const GenericError& rhs) const { return message == rhs.message; } bool InternalError::operator==(const InternalError& rhs) const { return message == rhs.message; } bool CannotCallNonFunction::operator==(const CannotCallNonFunction& rhs) const { return ty == rhs.ty; } bool ExtraInformation::operator==(const ExtraInformation& rhs) const { return message == rhs.message; } bool DeprecatedApiUsed::operator==(const DeprecatedApiUsed& rhs) const { return symbol == rhs.symbol && useInstead == rhs.useInstead; } bool FunctionExitsWithoutReturning::operator==(const FunctionExitsWithoutReturning& rhs) const { return expectedReturnType == rhs.expectedReturnType; } int TypeError::code() const { return 1000 + int(data.index()); } bool TypeError::operator==(const TypeError& rhs) const { return location == rhs.location && data == rhs.data; } bool ModuleHasCyclicDependency::operator==(const ModuleHasCyclicDependency& rhs) const { return cycle.size() == rhs.cycle.size() && std::equal(cycle.begin(), cycle.end(), rhs.cycle.begin()); } bool IllegalRequire::operator==(const IllegalRequire& rhs) const { return moduleName == rhs.moduleName && reason == rhs.reason; } bool MissingProperties::operator==(const MissingProperties& rhs) const { return *superType == *rhs.superType && *subType == *rhs.subType && properties.size() == rhs.properties.size() && std::equal(properties.begin(), properties.end(), rhs.properties.begin()) && context == rhs.context; } bool DuplicateGenericParameter::operator==(const DuplicateGenericParameter& rhs) const { return parameterName == rhs.parameterName; } bool CannotInferBinaryOperation::operator==(const CannotInferBinaryOperation& rhs) const { return op == rhs.op && suggestedToAnnotate == rhs.suggestedToAnnotate && kind == rhs.kind; } bool SwappedGenericTypeParameter::operator==(const SwappedGenericTypeParameter& rhs) const { return name == rhs.name && kind == rhs.kind; } bool OptionalValueAccess::operator==(const OptionalValueAccess& rhs) const { return *optional == *rhs.optional; } bool MissingUnionProperty::operator==(const MissingUnionProperty& rhs) const { if (missing.size() != rhs.missing.size()) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < missing.size(); ++i) { if (*missing[i] != *rhs.missing[i]) return false; } return *type == *rhs.type && key == rhs.key; } bool TypesAreUnrelated::operator==(const TypesAreUnrelated& rhs) const { return left == rhs.left && right == rhs.right; } std::string toString(const TypeError& error) { return toString(error, TypeErrorToStringOptions{}); } std::string toString(const TypeError& error, TypeErrorToStringOptions options) { ErrorConverter converter{options.fileResolver}; return Luau::visit(converter, error.data); } bool containsParseErrorName(const TypeError& error) { return Luau::visit(InvalidNameChecker{}, error.data); } template void copyError(T& e, TypeArena& destArena, CloneState cloneState) { auto clone = [&](auto&& ty) { return ::Luau::clone(ty, destArena, cloneState); }; auto visitErrorData = [&](auto&& e) { copyError(e, destArena, cloneState); }; if constexpr (false) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { e.wantedType = clone(e.wantedType); e.givenType = clone(e.givenType); if (e.error) visit(visitErrorData, e.error->data); } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { e.table = clone(e.table); } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { e.ty = clone(e.ty); } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { e.tableType = clone(e.tableType); } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { e.tableType = clone(e.tableType); } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { e.typeFun = clone(e.typeFun); } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { e.table = clone(e.table); } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { e.ty = clone(e.ty); } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { e.expectedReturnType = clone(e.expectedReturnType); } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { e.superType = clone(e.superType); e.subType = clone(e.subType); } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { e.optional = clone(e.optional); } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { e.type = clone(e.type); for (auto& ty : e.missing) ty = clone(ty); } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { e.left = clone(e.left); e.right = clone(e.right); } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { } else static_assert(always_false_v, "Non-exhaustive type switch"); } void copyErrors(ErrorVec& errors, TypeArena& destArena) { CloneState cloneState; auto visitErrorData = [&](auto&& e) { copyError(e, destArena, cloneState); }; LUAU_ASSERT(!destArena.typeVars.isFrozen()); LUAU_ASSERT(!destArena.typePacks.isFrozen()); for (TypeError& error : errors) visit(visitErrorData, error.data); } void InternalErrorReporter::ice(const std::string& message, const Location& location) { if (FFlag::LuauUseInternalCompilerErrorException) { InternalCompilerError error(message, moduleName, location); if (onInternalError) onInternalError(error.what()); throw error; } else { std::runtime_error error("Internal error in " + moduleName + " at " + toString(location) + ": " + message); if (onInternalError) onInternalError(error.what()); throw error; } } void InternalErrorReporter::ice(const std::string& message) { if (FFlag::LuauUseInternalCompilerErrorException) { InternalCompilerError error(message, moduleName); if (onInternalError) onInternalError(error.what()); throw error; } else { std::runtime_error error("Internal error in " + moduleName + ": " + message); if (onInternalError) onInternalError(error.what()); throw error; } } const char* InternalCompilerError::what() const throw() { return this->message.data(); } } // namespace Luau