// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #pragma once #include "Luau/Ast.h" #include "Luau/Location.h" #include "Luau/DenseHash.h" #include "Luau/Common.h" #include <vector> namespace Luau { class Allocator { public: Allocator(); Allocator(Allocator&&); Allocator& operator=(Allocator&&) = delete; ~Allocator(); void* allocate(size_t size); template<typename T, typename... Args> T* alloc(Args&&... args) { static_assert(std::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value, "Objects allocated with this allocator will never have their destructors run!"); T* t = static_cast<T*>(allocate(sizeof(T))); new (t) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...); return t; } private: struct Page { Page* next; char data[8192]; }; Page* root; size_t offset; }; struct Lexeme { enum Type { Eof = 0, // 1..255 means actual character values Char_END = 256, Equal, LessEqual, GreaterEqual, NotEqual, Dot2, Dot3, SkinnyArrow, DoubleColon, FloorDiv, InterpStringBegin, InterpStringMid, InterpStringEnd, // An interpolated string with no expressions (like `x`) InterpStringSimple, AddAssign, SubAssign, MulAssign, DivAssign, FloorDivAssign, ModAssign, PowAssign, ConcatAssign, RawString, QuotedString, Number, Name, Comment, BlockComment, BrokenString, BrokenComment, BrokenUnicode, BrokenInterpDoubleBrace, Error, Reserved_BEGIN, ReservedAnd = Reserved_BEGIN, ReservedBreak, ReservedDo, ReservedElse, ReservedElseif, ReservedEnd, ReservedFalse, ReservedFor, ReservedFunction, ReservedIf, ReservedIn, ReservedLocal, ReservedNil, ReservedNot, ReservedOr, ReservedRepeat, ReservedReturn, ReservedThen, ReservedTrue, ReservedUntil, ReservedWhile, ReservedChecked, Reserved_END }; Type type; Location location; unsigned int length; union { const char* data; // String, Number, Comment const char* name; // Name unsigned int codepoint; // BrokenUnicode }; Lexeme(const Location& location, Type type); Lexeme(const Location& location, char character); Lexeme(const Location& location, Type type, const char* data, size_t size); Lexeme(const Location& location, Type type, const char* name); std::string toString() const; }; class AstNameTable { public: AstNameTable(Allocator& allocator); AstName addStatic(const char* name, Lexeme::Type type = Lexeme::Name); std::pair<AstName, Lexeme::Type> getOrAddWithType(const char* name, size_t length); std::pair<AstName, Lexeme::Type> getWithType(const char* name, size_t length) const; AstName getOrAdd(const char* name); AstName get(const char* name) const; private: struct Entry { AstName value; uint32_t length; Lexeme::Type type; bool operator==(const Entry& other) const; }; struct EntryHash { size_t operator()(const Entry& e) const; }; DenseHashSet<Entry, EntryHash> data; Allocator& allocator; }; class Lexer { public: Lexer(const char* buffer, std::size_t bufferSize, AstNameTable& names); void setSkipComments(bool skip); void setReadNames(bool read); const Location& previousLocation() const { return prevLocation; } const Lexeme& next(); const Lexeme& next(bool skipComments, bool updatePrevLocation); void nextline(); Lexeme lookahead(); const Lexeme& current() const { return lexeme; } static bool isReserved(const std::string& word); static bool fixupQuotedString(std::string& data); static void fixupMultilineString(std::string& data); private: char peekch() const; char peekch(unsigned int lookahead) const; Position position() const; // consume() assumes current character is not a newline for performance; when that is not known, consumeAny() should be used instead. void consume(); void consumeAny(); Lexeme readCommentBody(); // Given a sequence [===[ or ]===], returns: // 1. number of equal signs (or 0 if none present) between the brackets // 2. -1 if this is not a long comment/string separator // 3. -N if this is a malformed separator // Does *not* consume the closing brace. int skipLongSeparator(); Lexeme readLongString(const Position& start, int sep, Lexeme::Type ok, Lexeme::Type broken); Lexeme readQuotedString(); Lexeme readInterpolatedStringBegin(); Lexeme readInterpolatedStringSection(Position start, Lexeme::Type formatType, Lexeme::Type endType); void readBackslashInString(); std::pair<AstName, Lexeme::Type> readName(); Lexeme readNumber(const Position& start, unsigned int startOffset); Lexeme readUtf8Error(); Lexeme readNext(); const char* buffer; std::size_t bufferSize; unsigned int offset; unsigned int line; unsigned int lineOffset; Lexeme lexeme; Location prevLocation; AstNameTable& names; bool skipComments; bool readNames; enum class BraceType { InterpolatedString, Normal }; std::vector<BraceType> braceStack; }; inline bool isSpace(char ch) { return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\v' || ch == '\f'; } } // namespace Luau