// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/Ast.h" #include "Luau/Common.h" namespace Luau { static void visitTypeList(AstVisitor* visitor, const AstTypeList& list) { for (AstType* ty : list.types) ty->visit(visitor); if (list.tailType) list.tailType->visit(visitor); } int gAstRttiIndex = 0; AstExprGroup::AstExprGroup(const Location& location, AstExpr* expr) : AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location) , expr(expr) { } void AstExprGroup::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) expr->visit(visitor); } AstExprConstantNil::AstExprConstantNil(const Location& location) : AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location) { } void AstExprConstantNil::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { visitor->visit(this); } AstExprConstantBool::AstExprConstantBool(const Location& location, bool value) : AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location) , value(value) { } void AstExprConstantBool::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { visitor->visit(this); } AstExprConstantNumber::AstExprConstantNumber(const Location& location, double value) : AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location) , value(value) { } void AstExprConstantNumber::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { visitor->visit(this); } AstExprConstantString::AstExprConstantString(const Location& location, const AstArray<char>& value) : AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location) , value(value) { } void AstExprConstantString::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { visitor->visit(this); } AstExprLocal::AstExprLocal(const Location& location, AstLocal* local, bool upvalue) : AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location) , local(local) , upvalue(upvalue) { } void AstExprLocal::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { visitor->visit(this); } AstExprGlobal::AstExprGlobal(const Location& location, const AstName& name) : AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location) , name(name) { } void AstExprGlobal::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { visitor->visit(this); } AstExprVarargs::AstExprVarargs(const Location& location) : AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location) { } void AstExprVarargs::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { visitor->visit(this); } AstExprCall::AstExprCall(const Location& location, AstExpr* func, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& args, bool self, const Location& argLocation) : AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location) , func(func) , args(args) , self(self) , argLocation(argLocation) { } void AstExprCall::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { func->visit(visitor); for (AstExpr* arg : args) arg->visit(visitor); } } AstExprIndexName::AstExprIndexName( const Location& location, AstExpr* expr, const AstName& index, const Location& indexLocation, const Position& opPosition, char op) : AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location) , expr(expr) , index(index) , indexLocation(indexLocation) , opPosition(opPosition) , op(op) { } void AstExprIndexName::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) expr->visit(visitor); } AstExprIndexExpr::AstExprIndexExpr(const Location& location, AstExpr* expr, AstExpr* index) : AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location) , expr(expr) , index(index) { } void AstExprIndexExpr::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { expr->visit(visitor); index->visit(visitor); } } AstExprFunction::AstExprFunction(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstName>& generics, const AstArray<AstName>& genericPacks, AstLocal* self, const AstArray<AstLocal*>& args, std::optional<Location> vararg, AstStatBlock* body, size_t functionDepth, const AstName& debugname, std::optional<AstTypeList> returnAnnotation, AstTypePack* varargAnnotation, bool hasEnd, std::optional<Location> argLocation) : AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location) , generics(generics) , genericPacks(genericPacks) , self(self) , args(args) , hasReturnAnnotation(returnAnnotation.has_value()) , returnAnnotation() , vararg(vararg.has_value()) , varargLocation(vararg.value_or(Location())) , varargAnnotation(varargAnnotation) , body(body) , functionDepth(functionDepth) , debugname(debugname) , hasEnd(hasEnd) , argLocation(argLocation) { if (returnAnnotation.has_value()) this->returnAnnotation = *returnAnnotation; } void AstExprFunction::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { for (AstLocal* arg : args) { if (arg->annotation) arg->annotation->visit(visitor); } if (varargAnnotation) varargAnnotation->visit(visitor); if (hasReturnAnnotation) visitTypeList(visitor, returnAnnotation); body->visit(visitor); } } AstExprTable::AstExprTable(const Location& location, const AstArray<Item>& items) : AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location) , items(items) { } void AstExprTable::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { for (const Item& item : items) { if (item.key) item.key->visit(visitor); item.value->visit(visitor); } } } AstExprUnary::AstExprUnary(const Location& location, Op op, AstExpr* expr) : AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location) , op(op) , expr(expr) { } void AstExprUnary::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) expr->visit(visitor); } std::string toString(AstExprUnary::Op op) { switch (op) { case AstExprUnary::Minus: return "-"; case AstExprUnary::Not: return "not"; case AstExprUnary::Len: return "#"; default: LUAU_ASSERT(false); return ""; // MSVC requires this even though the switch/case is exhaustive } } AstExprBinary::AstExprBinary(const Location& location, Op op, AstExpr* left, AstExpr* right) : AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location) , op(op) , left(left) , right(right) { } void AstExprBinary::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { left->visit(visitor); right->visit(visitor); } } std::string toString(AstExprBinary::Op op) { switch (op) { case AstExprBinary::Add: return "+"; case AstExprBinary::Sub: return "-"; case AstExprBinary::Mul: return "*"; case AstExprBinary::Div: return "/"; case AstExprBinary::Mod: return "%"; case AstExprBinary::Pow: return "^"; case AstExprBinary::Concat: return ".."; case AstExprBinary::CompareNe: return "~="; case AstExprBinary::CompareEq: return "=="; case AstExprBinary::CompareLt: return "<"; case AstExprBinary::CompareLe: return "<="; case AstExprBinary::CompareGt: return ">"; case AstExprBinary::CompareGe: return ">="; case AstExprBinary::And: return "and"; case AstExprBinary::Or: return "or"; default: LUAU_ASSERT(false); return ""; // MSVC requires this even though the switch/case is exhaustive } } AstExprTypeAssertion::AstExprTypeAssertion(const Location& location, AstExpr* expr, AstType* annotation) : AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location) , expr(expr) , annotation(annotation) { } void AstExprTypeAssertion::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { expr->visit(visitor); annotation->visit(visitor); } } AstExprIfElse::AstExprIfElse(const Location& location, AstExpr* condition, bool hasThen, AstExpr* trueExpr, bool hasElse, AstExpr* falseExpr) : AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location) , condition(condition) , hasThen(hasThen) , trueExpr(trueExpr) , hasElse(hasElse) , falseExpr(falseExpr) { } void AstExprIfElse::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { condition->visit(visitor); trueExpr->visit(visitor); falseExpr->visit(visitor); } } AstExprError::AstExprError(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& expressions, unsigned messageIndex) : AstExpr(ClassIndex(), location) , expressions(expressions) , messageIndex(messageIndex) { } void AstExprError::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { for (AstExpr* expression : expressions) expression->visit(visitor); } } AstStatBlock::AstStatBlock(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstStat*>& body) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) , body(body) { } void AstStatBlock::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { for (AstStat* stat : body) stat->visit(visitor); } } AstStatIf::AstStatIf(const Location& location, AstExpr* condition, AstStatBlock* thenbody, AstStat* elsebody, bool hasThen, const Location& thenLocation, const std::optional<Location>& elseLocation, bool hasEnd) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) , condition(condition) , thenbody(thenbody) , elsebody(elsebody) , hasThen(hasThen) , thenLocation(thenLocation) , hasEnd(hasEnd) { if (bool(elseLocation)) { hasElse = true; this->elseLocation = *elseLocation; } } void AstStatIf::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { condition->visit(visitor); thenbody->visit(visitor); if (elsebody) elsebody->visit(visitor); } } AstStatWhile::AstStatWhile(const Location& location, AstExpr* condition, AstStatBlock* body, bool hasDo, const Location& doLocation, bool hasEnd) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) , condition(condition) , body(body) , hasDo(hasDo) , doLocation(doLocation) , hasEnd(hasEnd) { } void AstStatWhile::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { condition->visit(visitor); body->visit(visitor); } } AstStatRepeat::AstStatRepeat(const Location& location, AstExpr* condition, AstStatBlock* body, bool hasUntil) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) , condition(condition) , body(body) , hasUntil(hasUntil) { } void AstStatRepeat::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { body->visit(visitor); condition->visit(visitor); } } AstStatBreak::AstStatBreak(const Location& location) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) { } void AstStatBreak::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { visitor->visit(this); } AstStatContinue::AstStatContinue(const Location& location) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) { } void AstStatContinue::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { visitor->visit(this); } AstStatReturn::AstStatReturn(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& list) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) , list(list) { } void AstStatReturn::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { for (AstExpr* expr : list) expr->visit(visitor); } } AstStatExpr::AstStatExpr(const Location& location, AstExpr* expr) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) , expr(expr) { } void AstStatExpr::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) expr->visit(visitor); } AstStatLocal::AstStatLocal( const Location& location, const AstArray<AstLocal*>& vars, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& values, const std::optional<Location>& equalsSignLocation) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) , vars(vars) , values(values) { if (bool(equalsSignLocation)) { hasEqualsSign = true; this->equalsSignLocation = *equalsSignLocation; } } void AstStatLocal::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { for (AstLocal* var : vars) { if (var->annotation) var->annotation->visit(visitor); } for (AstExpr* expr : values) expr->visit(visitor); } } AstStatFor::AstStatFor(const Location& location, AstLocal* var, AstExpr* from, AstExpr* to, AstExpr* step, AstStatBlock* body, bool hasDo, const Location& doLocation, bool hasEnd) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) , var(var) , from(from) , to(to) , step(step) , body(body) , hasDo(hasDo) , doLocation(doLocation) , hasEnd(hasEnd) { } void AstStatFor::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { if (var->annotation) var->annotation->visit(visitor); from->visit(visitor); to->visit(visitor); if (step) step->visit(visitor); body->visit(visitor); } } AstStatForIn::AstStatForIn(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstLocal*>& vars, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& values, AstStatBlock* body, bool hasIn, const Location& inLocation, bool hasDo, const Location& doLocation, bool hasEnd) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) , vars(vars) , values(values) , body(body) , hasIn(hasIn) , inLocation(inLocation) , hasDo(hasDo) , doLocation(doLocation) , hasEnd(hasEnd) { } void AstStatForIn::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { for (AstLocal* var : vars) { if (var->annotation) var->annotation->visit(visitor); } for (AstExpr* expr : values) expr->visit(visitor); body->visit(visitor); } } AstStatAssign::AstStatAssign(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& vars, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& values) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) , vars(vars) , values(values) { } void AstStatAssign::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { for (AstExpr* lvalue : vars) lvalue->visit(visitor); for (AstExpr* expr : values) expr->visit(visitor); } } AstStatCompoundAssign::AstStatCompoundAssign(const Location& location, AstExprBinary::Op op, AstExpr* var, AstExpr* value) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) , op(op) , var(var) , value(value) { } void AstStatCompoundAssign::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { var->visit(visitor); value->visit(visitor); } } AstStatFunction::AstStatFunction(const Location& location, AstExpr* name, AstExprFunction* func) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) , name(name) , func(func) { } void AstStatFunction::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { name->visit(visitor); func->visit(visitor); } } AstStatLocalFunction::AstStatLocalFunction(const Location& location, AstLocal* name, AstExprFunction* func) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) , name(name) , func(func) { } void AstStatLocalFunction::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) func->visit(visitor); } AstStatTypeAlias::AstStatTypeAlias(const Location& location, const AstName& name, const AstArray<AstName>& generics, const AstArray<AstName>& genericPacks, AstType* type, bool exported) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) , name(name) , generics(generics) , genericPacks(genericPacks) , type(type) , exported(exported) { } void AstStatTypeAlias::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) type->visit(visitor); } AstStatDeclareGlobal::AstStatDeclareGlobal(const Location& location, const AstName& name, AstType* type) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) , name(name) , type(type) { } void AstStatDeclareGlobal::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) type->visit(visitor); } AstStatDeclareFunction::AstStatDeclareFunction(const Location& location, const AstName& name, const AstArray<AstName>& generics, const AstArray<AstName>& genericPacks, const AstTypeList& params, const AstArray<AstArgumentName>& paramNames, const AstTypeList& retTypes) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) , name(name) , generics(generics) , genericPacks(genericPacks) , params(params) , paramNames(paramNames) , retTypes(retTypes) { } void AstStatDeclareFunction::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { visitTypeList(visitor, params); visitTypeList(visitor, retTypes); } } AstStatDeclareClass::AstStatDeclareClass( const Location& location, const AstName& name, std::optional<AstName> superName, const AstArray<AstDeclaredClassProp>& props) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) , name(name) , superName(superName) , props(props) { } void AstStatDeclareClass::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { for (const AstDeclaredClassProp& prop : props) prop.ty->visit(visitor); } } AstStatError::AstStatError( const Location& location, const AstArray<AstExpr*>& expressions, const AstArray<AstStat*>& statements, unsigned messageIndex) : AstStat(ClassIndex(), location) , expressions(expressions) , statements(statements) , messageIndex(messageIndex) { } void AstStatError::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { for (AstNode* expression : expressions) expression->visit(visitor); for (AstNode* statement : statements) statement->visit(visitor); } } AstTypeReference::AstTypeReference( const Location& location, std::optional<AstName> prefix, AstName name, bool hasParameterList, const AstArray<AstTypeOrPack>& parameters) : AstType(ClassIndex(), location) , hasPrefix(bool(prefix)) , hasParameterList(hasParameterList) , prefix(prefix ? *prefix : AstName()) , name(name) , parameters(parameters) { } void AstTypeReference::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { for (const AstTypeOrPack& param : parameters) { if (param.type) param.type->visit(visitor); else param.typePack->visit(visitor); } } } AstTypeTable::AstTypeTable(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstTableProp>& props, AstTableIndexer* indexer) : AstType(ClassIndex(), location) , props(props) , indexer(indexer) { } void AstTypeTable::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { for (const AstTableProp& prop : props) prop.type->visit(visitor); if (indexer) { indexer->indexType->visit(visitor); indexer->resultType->visit(visitor); } } } AstTypeFunction::AstTypeFunction(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstName>& generics, const AstArray<AstName>& genericPacks, const AstTypeList& argTypes, const AstArray<std::optional<AstArgumentName>>& argNames, const AstTypeList& returnTypes) : AstType(ClassIndex(), location) , generics(generics) , genericPacks(genericPacks) , argTypes(argTypes) , argNames(argNames) , returnTypes(returnTypes) { LUAU_ASSERT(argNames.size == 0 || argNames.size == argTypes.types.size); } void AstTypeFunction::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { visitTypeList(visitor, argTypes); visitTypeList(visitor, returnTypes); } } AstTypeTypeof::AstTypeTypeof(const Location& location, AstExpr* expr) : AstType(ClassIndex(), location) , expr(expr) { } void AstTypeTypeof::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) expr->visit(visitor); } AstTypeUnion::AstTypeUnion(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstType*>& types) : AstType(ClassIndex(), location) , types(types) { } void AstTypeUnion::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { for (AstType* type : types) type->visit(visitor); } } AstTypeIntersection::AstTypeIntersection(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstType*>& types) : AstType(ClassIndex(), location) , types(types) { } void AstTypeIntersection::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { for (AstType* type : types) type->visit(visitor); } } AstTypeError::AstTypeError(const Location& location, const AstArray<AstType*>& types, bool isMissing, unsigned messageIndex) : AstType(ClassIndex(), location) , types(types) , isMissing(isMissing) , messageIndex(messageIndex) { } void AstTypeError::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { for (AstType* type : types) type->visit(visitor); } } AstTypePackExplicit::AstTypePackExplicit(const Location& location, AstTypeList typeList) : AstTypePack(ClassIndex(), location) , typeList(typeList) { } void AstTypePackExplicit::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) { for (AstType* type : typeList.types) type->visit(visitor); if (typeList.tailType) typeList.tailType->visit(visitor); } } AstTypePackVariadic::AstTypePackVariadic(const Location& location, AstType* variadicType) : AstTypePack(ClassIndex(), location) , variadicType(variadicType) { } void AstTypePackVariadic::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { if (visitor->visit(this)) variadicType->visit(visitor); } AstTypePackGeneric::AstTypePackGeneric(const Location& location, AstName name) : AstTypePack(ClassIndex(), location) , genericName(name) { } void AstTypePackGeneric::visit(AstVisitor* visitor) { visitor->visit(this); } AstName getIdentifier(AstExpr* node) { if (AstExprGlobal* expr = node->as<AstExprGlobal>()) return expr->name; if (AstExprLocal* expr = node->as<AstExprLocal>()) return expr->local->name; return AstName(); } } // namespace Luau