// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/Normalize.h" #include "Luau/ToString.h" #include #include "Luau/Clone.h" #include "Luau/Common.h" #include "Luau/RecursionCounter.h" #include "Luau/Set.h" #include "Luau/Simplify.h" #include "Luau/Subtyping.h" #include "Luau/Type.h" #include "Luau/TypeFwd.h" #include "Luau/Unifier.h" LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(DebugLuauCheckNormalizeInvariant, false) LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauNormalizeAwayUninhabitableTables, false) LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauNormalizeNotUnknownIntersection, false); LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauFixReduceStackPressure, false); LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauFixCyclicTablesBlowingStack, false); LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauNormalizeCacheLimit, 100000); LUAU_FASTFLAG(LuauSolverV2); LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauUseNormalizeIntersectionLimit, false) LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauNormalizeIntersectionLimit, 200) static bool fixReduceStackPressure() { return FFlag::LuauFixReduceStackPressure || FFlag::LuauSolverV2; } static bool fixCyclicTablesBlowingStack() { return FFlag::LuauFixCyclicTablesBlowingStack || FFlag::LuauSolverV2; } namespace Luau { // helper to make `FFlag::LuauNormalizeAwayUninhabitableTables` not explicitly required when DCR is enabled. static bool normalizeAwayUninhabitableTables() { return FFlag::LuauNormalizeAwayUninhabitableTables || FFlag::LuauSolverV2; } static bool shouldEarlyExit(NormalizationResult res) { // if res is hit limits, return control flow if (res == NormalizationResult::HitLimits || res == NormalizationResult::False) return true; return false; } TypeIds::TypeIds(std::initializer_list tys) { for (TypeId ty : tys) insert(ty); } void TypeIds::insert(TypeId ty) { ty = follow(ty); // get a reference to the slot for `ty` in `types` bool& entry = types[ty]; // if `ty` is fresh, we can set it to `true`, add it to the order and hash and be done. if (!entry) { entry = true; order.push_back(ty); hash ^= std::hash{}(ty); } } void TypeIds::clear() { order.clear(); types.clear(); hash = 0; } TypeId TypeIds::front() const { return order.at(0); } TypeIds::iterator TypeIds::begin() { return order.begin(); } TypeIds::iterator TypeIds::end() { return order.end(); } TypeIds::const_iterator TypeIds::begin() const { return order.begin(); } TypeIds::const_iterator TypeIds::end() const { return order.end(); } TypeIds::iterator TypeIds::erase(TypeIds::const_iterator it) { TypeId ty = *it; types[ty] = false; hash ^= std::hash{}(ty); return order.erase(it); } void TypeIds::erase(TypeId ty) { const_iterator it = std::find(order.begin(), order.end(), ty); if (it == order.end()) return; erase(it); } size_t TypeIds::size() const { return order.size(); } bool TypeIds::empty() const { return order.empty(); } size_t TypeIds::count(TypeId ty) const { ty = follow(ty); const bool* val = types.find(ty); return (val && *val) ? 1 : 0; } void TypeIds::retain(const TypeIds& there) { for (auto it = begin(); it != end();) { if (there.count(*it)) it++; else it = erase(it); } } size_t TypeIds::getHash() const { return hash; } bool TypeIds::isNever() const { return std::all_of( begin(), end(), [&](TypeId i) { // If each typeid is never, then I guess typeid's is also never? return get(i) != nullptr; } ); } bool TypeIds::operator==(const TypeIds& there) const { // we can early return if the hashes don't match. if (hash != there.hash) return false; // we have to check equality of the sets themselves if not. // if the sets are unequal sizes, then they cannot possibly be equal. // it is important to use `order` here and not `types` since the mappings // may have different sizes since removal is not possible, and so erase // simply writes `false` into the map. if (order.size() != there.order.size()) return false; // otherwise, we'll need to check that every element we have here is in `there`. for (auto ty : order) { // if it's not, we'll return `false` if (there.count(ty) == 0) return false; } // otherwise, we've proven the two equal! return true; } NormalizedStringType::NormalizedStringType() {} NormalizedStringType::NormalizedStringType(bool isCofinite, std::map singletons) : isCofinite(isCofinite) , singletons(std::move(singletons)) { } void NormalizedStringType::resetToString() { isCofinite = true; singletons.clear(); } void NormalizedStringType::resetToNever() { isCofinite = false; singletons.clear(); } bool NormalizedStringType::isNever() const { return !isCofinite && singletons.empty(); } bool NormalizedStringType::isString() const { return isCofinite && singletons.empty(); } bool NormalizedStringType::isUnion() const { return !isCofinite; } bool NormalizedStringType::isIntersection() const { return isCofinite; } bool NormalizedStringType::includes(const std::string& str) const { if (isString()) return true; else if (isUnion() && singletons.count(str)) return true; else if (isIntersection() && !singletons.count(str)) return true; else return false; } const NormalizedStringType NormalizedStringType::never; bool isSubtype(const NormalizedStringType& subStr, const NormalizedStringType& superStr) { if (subStr.isUnion() && (superStr.isUnion() && !superStr.isNever())) { for (auto [name, ty] : subStr.singletons) { if (!superStr.singletons.count(name)) return false; } } else if (subStr.isString() && superStr.isUnion()) return false; return true; } void NormalizedClassType::pushPair(TypeId ty, TypeIds negations) { auto result = classes.insert(std::make_pair(ty, std::move(negations))); if (result.second) ordering.push_back(ty); LUAU_ASSERT(ordering.size() == classes.size()); } void NormalizedClassType::resetToNever() { ordering.clear(); classes.clear(); } bool NormalizedClassType::isNever() const { return classes.empty(); } void NormalizedFunctionType::resetToTop() { isTop = true; parts.clear(); } void NormalizedFunctionType::resetToNever() { isTop = false; parts.clear(); } bool NormalizedFunctionType::isNever() const { return !isTop && parts.empty(); } NormalizedType::NormalizedType(NotNull builtinTypes) : tops(builtinTypes->neverType) , booleans(builtinTypes->neverType) , errors(builtinTypes->neverType) , nils(builtinTypes->neverType) , numbers(builtinTypes->neverType) , strings{NormalizedStringType::never} , threads(builtinTypes->neverType) , buffers(builtinTypes->neverType) { } bool NormalizedType::isUnknown() const { if (get(tops)) return true; // Otherwise, we can still be unknown! bool hasAllPrimitives = isPrim(booleans, PrimitiveType::Boolean) && isPrim(nils, PrimitiveType::NilType) && isNumber(numbers) && strings.isString() && isPrim(threads, PrimitiveType::Thread) && isThread(threads); // Check is class bool isTopClass = false; for (auto [t, disj] : classes.classes) { if (auto ct = get(t)) { if (ct->name == "class" && disj.empty()) { isTopClass = true; break; } } } // Check is table bool isTopTable = false; for (auto t : tables) { if (isPrim(t, PrimitiveType::Table)) { isTopTable = true; break; } } // any = unknown or error ==> we need to make sure we have all the unknown components, but not errors return get(errors) && hasAllPrimitives && isTopClass && isTopTable && functions.isTop; } bool NormalizedType::isExactlyNumber() const { return hasNumbers() && !hasTops() && !hasBooleans() && !hasClasses() && !hasErrors() && !hasNils() && !hasStrings() && !hasThreads() && !hasBuffers() && !hasTables() && !hasFunctions() && !hasTyvars(); } bool NormalizedType::isSubtypeOfString() const { return hasStrings() && !hasTops() && !hasBooleans() && !hasClasses() && !hasErrors() && !hasNils() && !hasNumbers() && !hasThreads() && !hasBuffers() && !hasTables() && !hasFunctions() && !hasTyvars(); } bool NormalizedType::isSubtypeOfBooleans() const { return hasBooleans() && !hasTops() && !hasClasses() && !hasErrors() && !hasNils() && !hasNumbers() && !hasStrings() && !hasThreads() && !hasBuffers() && !hasTables() && !hasFunctions() && !hasTyvars(); } bool NormalizedType::shouldSuppressErrors() const { return hasErrors() || get(tops); } bool NormalizedType::hasTopTable() const { return hasTables() && std::any_of( tables.begin(), tables.end(), [&](TypeId ty) { auto primTy = get(ty); return primTy && primTy->type == PrimitiveType::Type::Table; } ); } bool NormalizedType::hasTops() const { return !get(tops); } bool NormalizedType::hasBooleans() const { return !get(booleans); } bool NormalizedType::hasClasses() const { return !classes.isNever(); } bool NormalizedType::hasErrors() const { return !get(errors); } bool NormalizedType::hasNils() const { return !get(nils); } bool NormalizedType::hasNumbers() const { return !get(numbers); } bool NormalizedType::hasStrings() const { return !strings.isNever(); } bool NormalizedType::hasThreads() const { return !get(threads); } bool NormalizedType::hasBuffers() const { return !get(buffers); } bool NormalizedType::hasTables() const { return !tables.isNever(); } bool NormalizedType::hasFunctions() const { return !functions.isNever(); } bool NormalizedType::hasTyvars() const { return !tyvars.empty(); } bool NormalizedType::isFalsy() const { bool hasAFalse = false; if (auto singleton = get(booleans)) { if (auto bs = singleton->variant.get_if()) hasAFalse = !bs->value; } return (hasAFalse || hasNils()) && (!hasTops() && !hasClasses() && !hasErrors() && !hasNumbers() && !hasStrings() && !hasThreads() && !hasBuffers() && !hasTables() && !hasFunctions() && !hasTyvars()); } bool NormalizedType::isTruthy() const { return !isFalsy(); } static bool isShallowInhabited(const NormalizedType& norm) { // This test is just a shallow check, for example it returns `true` for `{ p : never }` return !get(norm.tops) || !get(norm.booleans) || !norm.classes.isNever() || !get(norm.errors) || !get(norm.nils) || !get(norm.numbers) || !norm.strings.isNever() || !get(norm.threads) || !get(norm.buffers) || !norm.functions.isNever() || !norm.tables.empty() || !norm.tyvars.empty(); } NormalizationResult Normalizer::isInhabited(const NormalizedType* norm) { Set seen{nullptr}; return isInhabited(norm, seen); } NormalizationResult Normalizer::isInhabited(const NormalizedType* norm, Set& seen) { RecursionCounter _rc(&sharedState->counters.recursionCount); if (!withinResourceLimits() || !norm) return NormalizationResult::HitLimits; if (!get(norm->tops) || !get(norm->booleans) || !get(norm->errors) || !get(norm->nils) || !get(norm->numbers) || !get(norm->threads) || !get(norm->buffers) || !norm->classes.isNever() || !norm->strings.isNever() || !norm->functions.isNever()) return NormalizationResult::True; for (const auto& [_, intersect] : norm->tyvars) { NormalizationResult res = isInhabited(intersect.get(), seen); if (res != NormalizationResult::False) return res; } for (TypeId table : norm->tables) { NormalizationResult res = isInhabited(table, seen); if (res != NormalizationResult::False) return res; } return NormalizationResult::False; } NormalizationResult Normalizer::isInhabited(TypeId ty) { if (cacheInhabitance) { if (bool* result = cachedIsInhabited.find(ty)) return *result ? NormalizationResult::True : NormalizationResult::False; } Set seen{nullptr}; NormalizationResult result = isInhabited(ty, seen); if (cacheInhabitance && result == NormalizationResult::True) cachedIsInhabited[ty] = true; else if (cacheInhabitance && result == NormalizationResult::False) cachedIsInhabited[ty] = false; return result; } NormalizationResult Normalizer::isInhabited(TypeId ty, Set& seen) { RecursionCounter _rc(&sharedState->counters.recursionCount); if (!withinResourceLimits()) return NormalizationResult::HitLimits; // TODO: use log.follow(ty), CLI-64291 ty = follow(ty); if (get(ty)) return NormalizationResult::False; if (!get(ty) && !get(ty) && !get(ty) && !get(ty)) return NormalizationResult::True; if (seen.count(ty)) return NormalizationResult::True; seen.insert(ty); if (const TableType* ttv = get(ty)) { for (const auto& [_, prop] : ttv->props) { if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) { // A table enclosing a read property whose type is uninhabitable is also itself uninhabitable, // but not its write property. That just means the write property doesn't exist, and so is readonly. if (auto ty = prop.readTy) { NormalizationResult res = isInhabited(*ty, seen); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) return res; } } else { NormalizationResult res = isInhabited(prop.type(), seen); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) return res; } } return NormalizationResult::True; } if (const MetatableType* mtv = get(ty)) { NormalizationResult res = isInhabited(mtv->table, seen); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) return res; return isInhabited(mtv->metatable, seen); } std::shared_ptr norm = normalize(ty); return isInhabited(norm.get(), seen); } NormalizationResult Normalizer::isIntersectionInhabited(TypeId left, TypeId right) { Set seen{nullptr}; return isIntersectionInhabited(left, right, seen); } NormalizationResult Normalizer::isIntersectionInhabited(TypeId left, TypeId right, Set& seenSet) { left = follow(left); right = follow(right); // We're asking if intersection is inahbited between left and right but we've already seen them .... if (cacheInhabitance) { if (bool* result = cachedIsInhabitedIntersection.find({left, right})) return *result ? NormalizationResult::True : NormalizationResult::False; } NormalizedType norm{builtinTypes}; NormalizationResult res = normalizeIntersections({left, right}, norm, seenSet); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) { if (cacheInhabitance && res == NormalizationResult::False) cachedIsInhabitedIntersection[{left, right}] = false; return res; } NormalizationResult result = isInhabited(&norm, seenSet); if (cacheInhabitance && result == NormalizationResult::True) cachedIsInhabitedIntersection[{left, right}] = true; else if (cacheInhabitance && result == NormalizationResult::False) cachedIsInhabitedIntersection[{left, right}] = false; return result; } static int tyvarIndex(TypeId ty) { if (const GenericType* gtv = get(ty)) return gtv->index; else if (const FreeType* ftv = get(ty)) return ftv->index; else if (const BlockedType* btv = get(ty)) return btv->index; else return 0; } static bool isTop(NotNull builtinTypes, const NormalizedClassType& classes) { if (classes.classes.size() != 1) return false; auto first = classes.classes.begin(); if (first->first != builtinTypes->classType) return false; if (!first->second.empty()) return false; return true; } static void resetToTop(NotNull builtinTypes, NormalizedClassType& classes) { classes.ordering.clear(); classes.classes.clear(); classes.pushPair(builtinTypes->classType, TypeIds{}); } #ifdef LUAU_ASSERTENABLED static bool isNormalizedTop(TypeId ty) { return get(ty) || get(ty) || get(ty); } static bool isNormalizedBoolean(TypeId ty) { if (get(ty)) return true; else if (const PrimitiveType* ptv = get(ty)) return ptv->type == PrimitiveType::Boolean; else if (const SingletonType* stv = get(ty)) return get(stv); else return false; } static bool isNormalizedError(TypeId ty) { if (get(ty) || get(ty)) return true; else return false; } static bool isNormalizedNil(TypeId ty) { if (get(ty)) return true; else if (const PrimitiveType* ptv = get(ty)) return ptv->type == PrimitiveType::NilType; else return false; } static bool isNormalizedNumber(TypeId ty) { if (get(ty)) return true; else if (const PrimitiveType* ptv = get(ty)) return ptv->type == PrimitiveType::Number; else return false; } static bool isNormalizedString(const NormalizedStringType& ty) { if (ty.isString()) return true; for (auto& [str, ty] : ty.singletons) { if (const SingletonType* stv = get(ty)) { if (const StringSingleton* sstv = get(stv)) { if (sstv->value != str) return false; } else return false; } else return false; } return true; } static bool isNormalizedThread(TypeId ty) { if (get(ty)) return true; else if (const PrimitiveType* ptv = get(ty)) return ptv->type == PrimitiveType::Thread; else return false; } static bool isNormalizedBuffer(TypeId ty) { if (get(ty)) return true; else if (const PrimitiveType* ptv = get(ty)) return ptv->type == PrimitiveType::Buffer; else return false; } static bool areNormalizedFunctions(const NormalizedFunctionType& tys) { for (TypeId ty : tys.parts) { if (!get(ty) && !get(ty)) return false; } return true; } static bool areNormalizedTables(const TypeIds& tys) { for (TypeId ty : tys) { if (get(ty) || get(ty)) continue; const PrimitiveType* pt = get(ty); if (!pt) return false; if (pt->type == PrimitiveType::Table) continue; return false; } return true; } static bool areNormalizedClasses(const NormalizedClassType& tys) { for (const auto& [ty, negations] : tys.classes) { const ClassType* ctv = get(ty); if (!ctv) { return false; } for (TypeId negation : negations) { const ClassType* nctv = get(negation); if (!nctv) { return false; } if (!isSubclass(nctv, ctv)) { return false; } } for (const auto& [otherTy, otherNegations] : tys.classes) { if (otherTy == ty) continue; const ClassType* octv = get(otherTy); if (!octv) { return false; } if (isSubclass(ctv, octv)) { auto iss = [ctv](TypeId t) { const ClassType* c = get(t); if (!c) return false; return isSubclass(ctv, c); }; if (!std::any_of(otherNegations.begin(), otherNegations.end(), iss)) return false; } } } return true; } static bool isPlainTyvar(TypeId ty) { return (get(ty) || get(ty) || get(ty) || get(ty) || get(ty)); } static bool isNormalizedTyvar(const NormalizedTyvars& tyvars) { for (auto& [tyvar, intersect] : tyvars) { if (!isPlainTyvar(tyvar)) return false; if (!isShallowInhabited(*intersect)) return false; for (auto& [other, _] : intersect->tyvars) if (tyvarIndex(other) <= tyvarIndex(tyvar)) return false; } return true; } #endif // LUAU_ASSERTENABLED static void assertInvariant(const NormalizedType& norm) { #ifdef LUAU_ASSERTENABLED if (!FFlag::DebugLuauCheckNormalizeInvariant) return; LUAU_ASSERT(isNormalizedTop(norm.tops)); LUAU_ASSERT(isNormalizedBoolean(norm.booleans)); LUAU_ASSERT(areNormalizedClasses(norm.classes)); LUAU_ASSERT(isNormalizedError(norm.errors)); LUAU_ASSERT(isNormalizedNil(norm.nils)); LUAU_ASSERT(isNormalizedNumber(norm.numbers)); LUAU_ASSERT(isNormalizedString(norm.strings)); LUAU_ASSERT(isNormalizedThread(norm.threads)); LUAU_ASSERT(isNormalizedBuffer(norm.buffers)); LUAU_ASSERT(areNormalizedFunctions(norm.functions)); LUAU_ASSERT(areNormalizedTables(norm.tables)); LUAU_ASSERT(isNormalizedTyvar(norm.tyvars)); for (auto& [_, child] : norm.tyvars) assertInvariant(*child); #endif } Normalizer::Normalizer(TypeArena* arena, NotNull builtinTypes, NotNull sharedState, bool cacheInhabitance) : arena(arena) , builtinTypes(builtinTypes) , sharedState(sharedState) , cacheInhabitance(cacheInhabitance) { } static bool isCacheable(TypeId ty, Set& seen); static bool isCacheable(TypePackId tp, Set& seen) { tp = follow(tp); auto it = begin(tp); auto endIt = end(tp); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { if (!isCacheable(*it, seen)) return false; } if (auto tail = it.tail()) { if (get(*tail) || get(*tail) || get(*tail)) return false; } return true; } static bool isCacheable(TypeId ty, Set& seen) { if (seen.contains(ty)) return true; seen.insert(ty); ty = follow(ty); if (get(ty) || get(ty) || get(ty)) return false; if (auto tfi = get(ty)) { for (TypeId t : tfi->typeArguments) { if (!isCacheable(t, seen)) return false; } for (TypePackId tp : tfi->packArguments) { if (!isCacheable(tp, seen)) return false; } } return true; } static bool isCacheable(TypeId ty) { Set seen{nullptr}; return isCacheable(ty, seen); } std::shared_ptr Normalizer::normalize(TypeId ty) { if (!arena) sharedState->iceHandler->ice("Normalizing types outside a module"); auto found = cachedNormals.find(ty); if (found != cachedNormals.end()) return found->second; NormalizedType norm{builtinTypes}; Set seenSetTypes{nullptr}; NormalizationResult res = unionNormalWithTy(norm, ty, seenSetTypes); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) return nullptr; if (norm.isUnknown()) { clearNormal(norm); norm.tops = builtinTypes->unknownType; } std::shared_ptr shared = std::make_shared(std::move(norm)); if (shared->isCacheable) cachedNormals[ty] = shared; return shared; } NormalizationResult Normalizer::normalizeIntersections(const std::vector& intersections, NormalizedType& outType, Set& seenSet) { if (!arena) sharedState->iceHandler->ice("Normalizing types outside a module"); NormalizedType norm{builtinTypes}; norm.tops = builtinTypes->anyType; // Now we need to intersect the two types for (auto ty : intersections) { NormalizationResult res = intersectNormalWithTy(norm, ty, seenSet); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) return res; } NormalizationResult res = unionNormals(outType, norm); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) return res; return NormalizationResult::True; } void Normalizer::clearNormal(NormalizedType& norm) { norm.tops = builtinTypes->neverType; norm.booleans = builtinTypes->neverType; norm.classes.resetToNever(); norm.errors = builtinTypes->neverType; norm.nils = builtinTypes->neverType; norm.numbers = builtinTypes->neverType; norm.strings.resetToNever(); norm.threads = builtinTypes->neverType; norm.buffers = builtinTypes->neverType; norm.tables.clear(); norm.functions.resetToNever(); norm.tyvars.clear(); } // ------- Cached TypeIds const TypeIds* Normalizer::cacheTypeIds(TypeIds tys) { auto found = cachedTypeIds.find(&tys); if (found != cachedTypeIds.end()) return found->first; std::unique_ptr uniq = std::make_unique(std::move(tys)); const TypeIds* result = uniq.get(); cachedTypeIds[result] = std::move(uniq); return result; } TypeId Normalizer::unionType(TypeId here, TypeId there) { here = follow(here); there = follow(there); if (here == there) return here; if (get(here) || get(there)) return there; if (get(there) || get(here)) return here; TypeIds tmps; if (const UnionType* utv = get(here)) { TypeIds heres; heres.insert(begin(utv), end(utv)); tmps.insert(heres.begin(), heres.end()); cachedUnions[cacheTypeIds(std::move(heres))] = here; } else tmps.insert(here); if (const UnionType* utv = get(there)) { TypeIds theres; theres.insert(begin(utv), end(utv)); tmps.insert(theres.begin(), theres.end()); cachedUnions[cacheTypeIds(std::move(theres))] = there; } else tmps.insert(there); auto cacheHit = cachedUnions.find(&tmps); if (cacheHit != cachedUnions.end()) return cacheHit->second; std::vector parts; parts.insert(parts.end(), tmps.begin(), tmps.end()); TypeId result = arena->addType(UnionType{std::move(parts)}); cachedUnions[cacheTypeIds(std::move(tmps))] = result; return result; } TypeId Normalizer::intersectionType(TypeId here, TypeId there) { here = follow(here); there = follow(there); if (here == there) return here; if (get(here) || get(there)) return here; if (get(there) || get(here)) return there; TypeIds tmps; if (const IntersectionType* utv = get(here)) { TypeIds heres; heres.insert(begin(utv), end(utv)); tmps.insert(heres.begin(), heres.end()); cachedIntersections[cacheTypeIds(std::move(heres))] = here; } else tmps.insert(here); if (const IntersectionType* utv = get(there)) { TypeIds theres; theres.insert(begin(utv), end(utv)); tmps.insert(theres.begin(), theres.end()); cachedIntersections[cacheTypeIds(std::move(theres))] = there; } else tmps.insert(there); if (tmps.size() == 1) return *tmps.begin(); auto cacheHit = cachedIntersections.find(&tmps); if (cacheHit != cachedIntersections.end()) return cacheHit->second; std::vector parts; parts.insert(parts.end(), tmps.begin(), tmps.end()); TypeId result = arena->addType(IntersectionType{std::move(parts)}); cachedIntersections[cacheTypeIds(std::move(tmps))] = result; return result; } void Normalizer::clearCaches() { cachedNormals.clear(); cachedIntersections.clear(); cachedUnions.clear(); cachedTypeIds.clear(); } // ------- Normalizing unions TypeId Normalizer::unionOfTops(TypeId here, TypeId there) { if (get(here) || get(there)) return there; else return here; } TypeId Normalizer::unionOfBools(TypeId here, TypeId there) { if (get(here)) return there; if (get(there)) return here; if (const BooleanSingleton* hbool = get(get(here))) if (const BooleanSingleton* tbool = get(get(there))) if (hbool->value == tbool->value) return here; return builtinTypes->booleanType; } void Normalizer::unionClassesWithClass(TypeIds& heres, TypeId there) { if (heres.count(there)) return; const ClassType* tctv = get(there); for (auto it = heres.begin(); it != heres.end();) { TypeId here = *it; const ClassType* hctv = get(here); if (isSubclass(tctv, hctv)) return; else if (isSubclass(hctv, tctv)) it = heres.erase(it); else it++; } heres.insert(there); } void Normalizer::unionClasses(TypeIds& heres, const TypeIds& theres) { for (TypeId there : theres) unionClassesWithClass(heres, there); } static bool isSubclass(TypeId test, TypeId parent) { const ClassType* testCtv = get(test); const ClassType* parentCtv = get(parent); LUAU_ASSERT(testCtv); LUAU_ASSERT(parentCtv); return isSubclass(testCtv, parentCtv); } void Normalizer::unionClassesWithClass(NormalizedClassType& heres, TypeId there) { for (auto it = heres.ordering.begin(); it != heres.ordering.end();) { TypeId hereTy = *it; TypeIds& hereNegations = heres.classes.at(hereTy); // If the incoming class is a subclass of another class in the map, we // must ensure that it is negated by one of the negations in the same // cluster. If it isn't, we do not need to insert it - the subtyping // relationship is already handled by this entry. If it is, we must // insert it, to capture the presence of this particular subtype. if (isSubclass(there, hereTy)) { for (auto nIt = hereNegations.begin(); nIt != hereNegations.end();) { TypeId hereNegation = *nIt; // If the incoming class is a subclass of one of the negations, // we must insert it into the class map. if (isSubclass(there, hereNegation)) { heres.pushPair(there, TypeIds{}); return; } // If the incoming class is a superclass of one of the // negations, then the negation no longer applies and must be // removed. This is also true if they are equal. Since classes // are, at this time, entirely persistent (we do not clone // them), a pointer identity check is sufficient. else if (isSubclass(hereNegation, there)) { nIt = hereNegations.erase(nIt); } // If the incoming class is unrelated to the negation, we move // on to the next item. else { ++nIt; } } // If, at the end of the above loop, we haven't returned, that means // that the class is not a subclass of one of the negations, and is // covered by the existing subtype relationship. We can return now. return; } // If the incoming class is a superclass of another class in the map, we // need to replace the existing class with the incoming class, // preserving the relevant negations. else if (isSubclass(hereTy, there)) { TypeIds negations = std::move(hereNegations); it = heres.ordering.erase(it); heres.classes.erase(hereTy); heres.pushPair(there, std::move(negations)); return; } // If the incoming class is unrelated to the class in the map, we move // on. If we do not otherwise exit from this method body, we will // eventually fall out of this loop and insert the incoming class, which // we have proven to be completely unrelated to any class in the map, // into the map itself. ++it; } heres.pushPair(there, TypeIds{}); } void Normalizer::unionClasses(NormalizedClassType& heres, const NormalizedClassType& theres) { // This method bears much similarity with unionClassesWithClass, but is // solving a more general problem. In unionClassesWithClass, we are dealing // with a singular positive type. Since it's one type, we can use early // returns as control flow. Since it's guaranteed to be positive, we do not // have negations to worry about combining. The two aspects combine to make // the tasks this method must perform different enough to warrant a separate // implementation. for (const TypeId thereTy : theres.ordering) { const TypeIds& thereNegations = theres.classes.at(thereTy); // If it happens that there are _no_ classes in the current map, or the // incoming class is completely unrelated to any class in the current // map, we must insert the incoming pair as-is. bool insert = true; for (auto it = heres.ordering.begin(); it != heres.ordering.end();) { TypeId hereTy = *it; TypeIds& hereNegations = heres.classes.at(hereTy); if (isSubclass(thereTy, hereTy)) { bool inserted = false; for (auto nIt = hereNegations.begin(); nIt != hereNegations.end();) { TypeId hereNegateTy = *nIt; // If the incoming class is a subclass of one of the negations, // we must insert it into the class map. if (isSubclass(thereTy, hereNegateTy)) { // We do not concern ourselves with iterator // invalidation here because we will break out of the // loop over `heres` when `inserted` is set, and we do // not read from the iterator after this point. inserted = true; heres.pushPair(thereTy, thereNegations); break; } // If the incoming class is a superclass of one of the // negations, then the negation no longer applies and must // be removed. This is also true if they are equal. Since // classes are, at this time, entirely persistent (we do not // clone them), a pointer identity check is sufficient. else if (isSubclass(hereNegateTy, thereTy)) { inserted = true; nIt = hereNegations.erase(nIt); break; } // If the incoming class is unrelated to the negation, we // move on to the next item. else { ++nIt; } } if (inserted) { insert = false; break; } } else if (isSubclass(hereTy, thereTy)) { TypeIds negations = std::move(hereNegations); unionClasses(negations, thereNegations); it = heres.ordering.erase(it); heres.classes.erase(hereTy); heres.pushPair(thereTy, std::move(negations)); insert = false; break; } else if (hereTy == thereTy) { unionClasses(hereNegations, thereNegations); insert = false; break; } ++it; } if (insert) { heres.pushPair(thereTy, thereNegations); } } } void Normalizer::unionStrings(NormalizedStringType& here, const NormalizedStringType& there) { if (there.isString()) here.resetToString(); else if (here.isUnion() && there.isUnion()) here.singletons.insert(there.singletons.begin(), there.singletons.end()); else if (here.isUnion() && there.isIntersection()) { here.isCofinite = true; for (const auto& pair : there.singletons) { auto it = here.singletons.find(pair.first); if (it != end(here.singletons)) here.singletons.erase(it); else here.singletons.insert(pair); } } else if (here.isIntersection() && there.isUnion()) { for (const auto& [name, ty] : there.singletons) here.singletons.erase(name); } else if (here.isIntersection() && there.isIntersection()) { auto iter = begin(here.singletons); auto endIter = end(here.singletons); while (iter != endIter) { if (!there.singletons.count(iter->first)) { auto eraseIt = iter; ++iter; here.singletons.erase(eraseIt); } else ++iter; } } else LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unreachable"); } std::optional Normalizer::unionOfTypePacks(TypePackId here, TypePackId there) { if (here == there) return here; std::vector head; std::optional tail; bool hereSubThere = true; bool thereSubHere = true; TypePackIterator ith = begin(here); TypePackIterator itt = begin(there); while (ith != end(here) && itt != end(there)) { TypeId hty = *ith; TypeId tty = *itt; TypeId ty = unionType(hty, tty); if (ty != hty) thereSubHere = false; if (ty != tty) hereSubThere = false; head.push_back(ty); ith++; itt++; } auto dealWithDifferentArities = [&](TypePackIterator& ith, TypePackIterator itt, TypePackId here, TypePackId there, bool& hereSubThere, bool& thereSubHere) { if (ith != end(here)) { TypeId tty = builtinTypes->nilType; if (std::optional ttail = itt.tail()) { if (const VariadicTypePack* tvtp = get(*ttail)) tty = tvtp->ty; else // Luau doesn't have unions of type pack variables return false; } else // Type packs of different arities are incomparable return false; while (ith != end(here)) { TypeId hty = *ith; TypeId ty = unionType(hty, tty); if (ty != hty) thereSubHere = false; if (ty != tty) hereSubThere = false; head.push_back(ty); ith++; } } return true; }; if (!dealWithDifferentArities(ith, itt, here, there, hereSubThere, thereSubHere)) return std::nullopt; if (!dealWithDifferentArities(itt, ith, there, here, thereSubHere, hereSubThere)) return std::nullopt; if (std::optional htail = ith.tail()) { if (std::optional ttail = itt.tail()) { if (*htail == *ttail) tail = htail; else if (const VariadicTypePack* hvtp = get(*htail)) { if (const VariadicTypePack* tvtp = get(*ttail)) { TypeId ty = unionType(hvtp->ty, tvtp->ty); if (ty != hvtp->ty) thereSubHere = false; if (ty != tvtp->ty) hereSubThere = false; bool hidden = hvtp->hidden & tvtp->hidden; tail = arena->addTypePack(VariadicTypePack{ty, hidden}); } else // Luau doesn't have unions of type pack variables return std::nullopt; } else // Luau doesn't have unions of type pack variables return std::nullopt; } else if (get(*htail)) { hereSubThere = false; tail = htail; } else // Luau doesn't have unions of type pack variables return std::nullopt; } else if (std::optional ttail = itt.tail()) { if (get(*ttail)) { thereSubHere = false; tail = htail; } else // Luau doesn't have unions of type pack variables return std::nullopt; } if (hereSubThere) return there; else if (thereSubHere) return here; if (!head.empty()) return arena->addTypePack(TypePack{head, tail}); else if (tail) return *tail; else // TODO: Add an emptyPack to singleton types return arena->addTypePack({}); } std::optional Normalizer::unionOfFunctions(TypeId here, TypeId there) { if (get(here)) return here; if (get(there)) return there; const FunctionType* hftv = get(here); LUAU_ASSERT(hftv); const FunctionType* tftv = get(there); LUAU_ASSERT(tftv); if (hftv->generics != tftv->generics) return std::nullopt; if (hftv->genericPacks != tftv->genericPacks) return std::nullopt; std::optional argTypes = intersectionOfTypePacks(hftv->argTypes, tftv->argTypes); if (!argTypes) return std::nullopt; std::optional retTypes = unionOfTypePacks(hftv->retTypes, tftv->retTypes); if (!retTypes) return std::nullopt; if (*argTypes == hftv->argTypes && *retTypes == hftv->retTypes) return here; if (*argTypes == tftv->argTypes && *retTypes == tftv->retTypes) return there; FunctionType result{*argTypes, *retTypes}; result.generics = hftv->generics; result.genericPacks = hftv->genericPacks; return arena->addType(std::move(result)); } void Normalizer::unionFunctions(NormalizedFunctionType& heres, const NormalizedFunctionType& theres) { if (heres.isTop) return; if (theres.isTop) heres.resetToTop(); if (theres.isNever()) return; TypeIds tmps; if (heres.isNever()) { tmps.insert(theres.parts.begin(), theres.parts.end()); heres.parts = std::move(tmps); return; } for (TypeId here : heres.parts) for (TypeId there : theres.parts) { if (std::optional fun = unionOfFunctions(here, there)) tmps.insert(*fun); else tmps.insert(builtinTypes->errorRecoveryType(there)); } heres.parts = std::move(tmps); } void Normalizer::unionFunctionsWithFunction(NormalizedFunctionType& heres, TypeId there) { if (heres.isNever()) { TypeIds tmps; tmps.insert(there); heres.parts = std::move(tmps); return; } TypeIds tmps; for (TypeId here : heres.parts) { if (std::optional fun = unionOfFunctions(here, there)) tmps.insert(*fun); else tmps.insert(builtinTypes->errorRecoveryType(there)); } heres.parts = std::move(tmps); } void Normalizer::unionTablesWithTable(TypeIds& heres, TypeId there) { // TODO: remove unions of tables where possible // we can always skip `never` if (normalizeAwayUninhabitableTables() && get(there)) return; heres.insert(there); } void Normalizer::unionTables(TypeIds& heres, const TypeIds& theres) { for (TypeId there : theres) { if (there == builtinTypes->tableType) { heres.clear(); heres.insert(there); return; } else { unionTablesWithTable(heres, there); } } } // So why `ignoreSmallerTyvars`? // // First up, what it does... Every tyvar has an index, and this parameter says to ignore // any tyvars in `there` if their index is less than or equal to the parameter. // The parameter is always greater than any tyvars mentioned in here, so the result is // a lower bound on any tyvars in `here.tyvars`. // // This is used to maintain in invariant, which is that in any tyvar `X&T`, any any tyvar // `Y&U` in `T`, the index of `X` is less than the index of `Y`. This is an implementation // of *ordered decision diagrams* (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_decision_diagram#Variable_ordering) // which are a compression technique used to save memory usage when representing boolean formulae. // // The idea is that if you have an out-of-order decision diagram // like `Z&(X|Y)`, to re-order it in this case to `(X&Z)|(Y&Z)`. // The hope is that by imposing a global order, there's a higher chance of sharing opportunities, // and hence reduced memory. // // And yes, this is essentially a SAT solver hidden inside a typechecker. // That's what you get for having a type system with generics, intersection and union types. NormalizationResult Normalizer::unionNormals(NormalizedType& here, const NormalizedType& there, int ignoreSmallerTyvars) { here.isCacheable &= there.isCacheable; TypeId tops = unionOfTops(here.tops, there.tops); if (get(tops) && (get(here.errors) || get(there.errors))) tops = builtinTypes->anyType; if (!get(tops)) { clearNormal(here); here.tops = tops; return NormalizationResult::True; } for (auto it = there.tyvars.begin(); it != there.tyvars.end(); it++) { TypeId tyvar = it->first; const NormalizedType& inter = *it->second; int index = tyvarIndex(tyvar); if (index <= ignoreSmallerTyvars) continue; auto [emplaced, fresh] = here.tyvars.emplace(tyvar, std::make_unique(NormalizedType{builtinTypes})); if (fresh) { NormalizationResult res = unionNormals(*emplaced->second, here, index); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) return res; } NormalizationResult res = unionNormals(*emplaced->second, inter, index); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) return res; } here.booleans = unionOfBools(here.booleans, there.booleans); unionClasses(here.classes, there.classes); here.errors = (get(there.errors) ? here.errors : there.errors); here.nils = (get(there.nils) ? here.nils : there.nils); here.numbers = (get(there.numbers) ? here.numbers : there.numbers); unionStrings(here.strings, there.strings); here.threads = (get(there.threads) ? here.threads : there.threads); here.buffers = (get(there.buffers) ? here.buffers : there.buffers); unionFunctions(here.functions, there.functions); unionTables(here.tables, there.tables); return NormalizationResult::True; } bool Normalizer::withinResourceLimits() { // If cache is too large, clear it if (FInt::LuauNormalizeCacheLimit > 0) { size_t cacheUsage = cachedNormals.size() + cachedIntersections.size() + cachedUnions.size() + cachedTypeIds.size() + cachedIsInhabited.size() + cachedIsInhabitedIntersection.size(); if (cacheUsage > size_t(FInt::LuauNormalizeCacheLimit)) { clearCaches(); return false; } } // Check the recursion count if (sharedState->counters.recursionLimit > 0) if (sharedState->counters.recursionLimit < sharedState->counters.recursionCount) return false; return true; } NormalizationResult Normalizer::intersectNormalWithNegationTy(TypeId toNegate, NormalizedType& intersect) { std::optional negated; std::shared_ptr normal = normalize(toNegate); negated = negateNormal(*normal); if (!negated) return NormalizationResult::False; intersectNormals(intersect, *negated); return NormalizationResult::True; } // See above for an explaination of `ignoreSmallerTyvars`. NormalizationResult Normalizer::unionNormalWithTy(NormalizedType& here, TypeId there, Set& seenSetTypes, int ignoreSmallerTyvars) { RecursionCounter _rc(&sharedState->counters.recursionCount); if (!withinResourceLimits()) return NormalizationResult::HitLimits; there = follow(there); if (get(there) || get(there)) { TypeId tops = unionOfTops(here.tops, there); if (get(tops) && get(here.errors)) tops = builtinTypes->anyType; clearNormal(here); here.tops = tops; return NormalizationResult::True; } else if (get(there) || get(here.tops)) return NormalizationResult::True; else if (get(there) && get(here.tops)) { here.tops = builtinTypes->anyType; return NormalizationResult::True; } else if (const UnionType* utv = get(there)) { if (seenSetTypes.count(there)) return NormalizationResult::True; seenSetTypes.insert(there); for (UnionTypeIterator it = begin(utv); it != end(utv); ++it) { NormalizationResult res = unionNormalWithTy(here, *it, seenSetTypes); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) { seenSetTypes.erase(there); return res; } } seenSetTypes.erase(there); return NormalizationResult::True; } else if (const IntersectionType* itv = get(there)) { if (seenSetTypes.count(there)) return NormalizationResult::True; seenSetTypes.insert(there); NormalizedType norm{builtinTypes}; norm.tops = builtinTypes->anyType; for (IntersectionTypeIterator it = begin(itv); it != end(itv); ++it) { NormalizationResult res = intersectNormalWithTy(norm, *it, seenSetTypes); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) { seenSetTypes.erase(there); return res; } } seenSetTypes.erase(there); return unionNormals(here, norm); } else if (get(here.tops)) return NormalizationResult::True; else if (get(there) || get(there) || get(there) || get(there) || get(there)) { if (tyvarIndex(there) <= ignoreSmallerTyvars) return NormalizationResult::True; NormalizedType inter{builtinTypes}; inter.tops = builtinTypes->unknownType; here.tyvars.insert_or_assign(there, std::make_unique(std::move(inter))); if (!isCacheable(there)) here.isCacheable = false; } else if (get(there)) unionFunctionsWithFunction(here.functions, there); else if (get(there) || get(there)) unionTablesWithTable(here.tables, there); else if (get(there)) unionClassesWithClass(here.classes, there); else if (get(there)) here.errors = there; else if (const PrimitiveType* ptv = get(there)) { if (ptv->type == PrimitiveType::Boolean) here.booleans = there; else if (ptv->type == PrimitiveType::NilType) here.nils = there; else if (ptv->type == PrimitiveType::Number) here.numbers = there; else if (ptv->type == PrimitiveType::String) here.strings.resetToString(); else if (ptv->type == PrimitiveType::Thread) here.threads = there; else if (ptv->type == PrimitiveType::Buffer) here.buffers = there; else if (ptv->type == PrimitiveType::Function) { here.functions.resetToTop(); } else if (ptv->type == PrimitiveType::Table) { here.tables.clear(); here.tables.insert(there); } else LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unreachable"); } else if (const SingletonType* stv = get(there)) { if (get(stv)) here.booleans = unionOfBools(here.booleans, there); else if (const StringSingleton* sstv = get(stv)) { if (here.strings.isCofinite) { auto it = here.strings.singletons.find(sstv->value); if (it != here.strings.singletons.end()) here.strings.singletons.erase(it); } else here.strings.singletons.insert({sstv->value, there}); } else LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unreachable"); } else if (const NegationType* ntv = get(there)) { std::optional tn; std::shared_ptr thereNormal = normalize(ntv->ty); tn = negateNormal(*thereNormal); if (!tn) return NormalizationResult::False; NormalizationResult res = unionNormals(here, *tn); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) return res; } else if (get(there) || get(there)) { // nothing } else LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unreachable"); for (auto& [tyvar, intersect] : here.tyvars) { NormalizationResult res = unionNormalWithTy(*intersect, there, seenSetTypes, tyvarIndex(tyvar)); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) return res; } assertInvariant(here); return NormalizationResult::True; } // ------- Negations std::optional Normalizer::negateNormal(const NormalizedType& here) { NormalizedType result{builtinTypes}; result.isCacheable = here.isCacheable; if (!get(here.tops)) { // The negation of unknown or any is never. Easy. return result; } if (!get(here.errors)) { // Negating an error yields the same error. result.errors = here.errors; return result; } if (get(here.booleans)) result.booleans = builtinTypes->booleanType; else if (get(here.booleans)) result.booleans = builtinTypes->neverType; else if (auto stv = get(here.booleans)) { auto boolean = get(stv); LUAU_ASSERT(boolean != nullptr); if (boolean->value) result.booleans = builtinTypes->falseType; else result.booleans = builtinTypes->trueType; } if (here.classes.isNever()) { resetToTop(builtinTypes, result.classes); } else if (isTop(builtinTypes, result.classes)) { result.classes.resetToNever(); } else { TypeIds rootNegations{}; for (const auto& [hereParent, hereNegations] : here.classes.classes) { if (hereParent != builtinTypes->classType) rootNegations.insert(hereParent); for (TypeId hereNegation : hereNegations) unionClassesWithClass(result.classes, hereNegation); } if (!rootNegations.empty()) result.classes.pushPair(builtinTypes->classType, rootNegations); } result.nils = get(here.nils) ? builtinTypes->nilType : builtinTypes->neverType; result.numbers = get(here.numbers) ? builtinTypes->numberType : builtinTypes->neverType; result.strings = here.strings; result.strings.isCofinite = !result.strings.isCofinite; result.threads = get(here.threads) ? builtinTypes->threadType : builtinTypes->neverType; result.buffers = get(here.buffers) ? builtinTypes->bufferType : builtinTypes->neverType; /* * Things get weird and so, so complicated if we allow negations of * arbitrary function types. Ordinary code can never form these kinds of * types, so we decline to negate them. */ if (here.functions.isNever()) result.functions.resetToTop(); else if (here.functions.isTop) result.functions.resetToNever(); else return std::nullopt; /* * It is not possible to negate an arbitrary table type, because function * types are not runtime-testable. Thus, we prohibit negation of anything * other than `table` and `never`. */ if (here.tables.empty()) result.tables.insert(builtinTypes->tableType); else if (here.tables.size() == 1 && here.tables.front() == builtinTypes->tableType) result.tables.clear(); else return std::nullopt; // TODO: negating tables // TODO: negating tyvars? return result; } TypeIds Normalizer::negateAll(const TypeIds& theres) { TypeIds tys; for (TypeId there : theres) tys.insert(negate(there)); return tys; } TypeId Normalizer::negate(TypeId there) { there = follow(there); if (get(there)) return there; else if (get(there)) return builtinTypes->neverType; else if (get(there)) return builtinTypes->unknownType; else if (auto ntv = get(there)) return ntv->ty; // TODO: do we want to normalize this? else if (auto utv = get(there)) { std::vector parts; for (TypeId option : utv) parts.push_back(negate(option)); return arena->addType(IntersectionType{std::move(parts)}); } else if (auto itv = get(there)) { std::vector options; for (TypeId part : itv) options.push_back(negate(part)); return arena->addType(UnionType{std::move(options)}); } else return there; } void Normalizer::subtractPrimitive(NormalizedType& here, TypeId ty) { const PrimitiveType* ptv = get(follow(ty)); LUAU_ASSERT(ptv); switch (ptv->type) { case PrimitiveType::NilType: here.nils = builtinTypes->neverType; break; case PrimitiveType::Boolean: here.booleans = builtinTypes->neverType; break; case PrimitiveType::Number: here.numbers = builtinTypes->neverType; break; case PrimitiveType::String: here.strings.resetToNever(); break; case PrimitiveType::Thread: here.threads = builtinTypes->neverType; break; case PrimitiveType::Buffer: here.buffers = builtinTypes->neverType; break; case PrimitiveType::Function: here.functions.resetToNever(); break; case PrimitiveType::Table: here.tables.clear(); break; } } void Normalizer::subtractSingleton(NormalizedType& here, TypeId ty) { const SingletonType* stv = get(ty); LUAU_ASSERT(stv); if (const StringSingleton* ss = get(stv)) { if (here.strings.isCofinite) here.strings.singletons.insert({ss->value, ty}); else { auto it = here.strings.singletons.find(ss->value); if (it != here.strings.singletons.end()) here.strings.singletons.erase(it); } } else if (const BooleanSingleton* bs = get(stv)) { if (get(here.booleans)) { // Nothing } else if (get(here.booleans)) here.booleans = bs->value ? builtinTypes->falseType : builtinTypes->trueType; else if (auto hereSingleton = get(here.booleans)) { const BooleanSingleton* hereBooleanSingleton = get(hereSingleton); LUAU_ASSERT(hereBooleanSingleton); // Crucial subtlety: ty (and thus bs) are the value that is being // negated out. We therefore reduce to never when the values match, // rather than when they differ. if (bs->value == hereBooleanSingleton->value) here.booleans = builtinTypes->neverType; } else LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unreachable"); } else LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unreachable"); } // ------- Normalizing intersections TypeId Normalizer::intersectionOfTops(TypeId here, TypeId there) { if (get(here) || get(there)) return here; else return there; } TypeId Normalizer::intersectionOfBools(TypeId here, TypeId there) { if (get(here)) return here; if (get(there)) return there; if (const BooleanSingleton* hbool = get(get(here))) if (const BooleanSingleton* tbool = get(get(there))) return (hbool->value == tbool->value ? here : builtinTypes->neverType); else return here; else return there; } void Normalizer::intersectClasses(NormalizedClassType& heres, const NormalizedClassType& theres) { if (theres.isNever()) { heres.resetToNever(); return; } else if (isTop(builtinTypes, theres)) { return; } // For intersections of two distinct class sets, we must normalize to a map // where, for each entry, one of the following is true: // - The class is the superclass of all other classes in the map // - The class is a subclass of another class B in the map _and_ a subclass // of one of B's negations. // // Once we have identified the common superclass, we proceed down the list // of class types. For each class and negation pair in the incoming set, we // check each entry in the current set. // - If the incoming class is exactly identical to a class in the current // set, we union the negations together and move on. // - If the incoming class is a subclass of a class in the current set, we // replace the current class with the incoming class. We keep negations // that are a subclass of the incoming class, and discard ones that // aren't. // - If the incoming class is a superclass of a class in the current set, we // take the negations that are a subclass of the current class and union // them with the negations for the current class. // - If the incoming class is unrelated to any class in the current set, we // declare the result of the intersection operation to be never. for (const TypeId thereTy : theres.ordering) { const TypeIds& thereNegations = theres.classes.at(thereTy); for (auto it = heres.ordering.begin(); it != heres.ordering.end();) { TypeId hereTy = *it; TypeIds& hereNegations = heres.classes.at(hereTy); if (isSubclass(thereTy, hereTy)) { // If thereTy is a subtype of hereTy, we need to replace hereTy // by thereTy and combine their negation lists. // // If any types in the negation list are not subtypes of // thereTy, they need to be removed from the negation list. TypeIds negations = std::move(hereNegations); for (auto nIt = negations.begin(); nIt != negations.end();) { if (!isSubclass(*nIt, thereTy)) { nIt = negations.erase(nIt); } else { ++nIt; } } unionClasses(negations, thereNegations); it = heres.ordering.erase(it); heres.classes.erase(hereTy); heres.pushPair(thereTy, std::move(negations)); break; } else if (isSubclass(hereTy, thereTy)) { // If thereTy is a supertype of hereTy, we need to extend the // negation list of hereTy by that of thereTy. // // If any of the types of thereTy's negations are not subtypes // of hereTy, they must not be added to hereTy's negation list. // // If any of the types of thereTy's negations are supertypes of // hereTy, then hereTy must be removed entirely. // // If any of the types of thereTy's negations are supertypes of // the negations of herety, the former must supplant the latter. TypeIds negations = thereNegations; bool erasedHere = false; for (auto nIt = negations.begin(); nIt != negations.end();) { if (isSubclass(hereTy, *nIt)) { // eg SomeClass & (class & ~SomeClass) // or SomeClass & (class & ~ParentClass) heres.classes.erase(hereTy); it = heres.ordering.erase(it); erasedHere = true; break; } // eg SomeClass & (class & ~Unrelated) if (!isSubclass(*nIt, hereTy)) nIt = negations.erase(nIt); else ++nIt; } if (!erasedHere) { unionClasses(hereNegations, negations); ++it; } } else if (hereTy == thereTy) { unionClasses(hereNegations, thereNegations); break; } else { it = heres.ordering.erase(it); heres.classes.erase(hereTy); } } } } void Normalizer::intersectClassesWithClass(NormalizedClassType& heres, TypeId there) { for (auto it = heres.ordering.begin(); it != heres.ordering.end();) { TypeId hereTy = *it; const TypeIds& hereNegations = heres.classes.at(hereTy); // If the incoming class _is_ the current class, we skip it. Maybe // another entry will have a different story. We check for this first // because isSubclass will be true if the types are equal, and entering // either of those branches below will trigger wrong behaviors. if (hereTy == there) { ++it; } // If the incoming class is a subclass of this type, we replace the // current class with the incoming class. We preserve negations that are // a subclass of the incoming class, and discard ones that aren't. else if (isSubclass(there, hereTy)) { TypeIds negations = std::move(hereNegations); for (auto nIt = negations.begin(); nIt != negations.end();) { if (!isSubclass(*nIt, there)) { nIt = negations.erase(nIt); } else { ++nIt; } } it = heres.ordering.erase(it); heres.classes.erase(hereTy); heres.pushPair(there, std::move(negations)); break; } // If the incoming class is a superclass of the current class, we don't // insert it into the map. else if (isSubclass(hereTy, there)) { return; } // If the incoming class is completely unrelated to the current class, // we drop the current class from the map. else { it = heres.ordering.erase(it); heres.classes.erase(hereTy); } } } void Normalizer::intersectStrings(NormalizedStringType& here, const NormalizedStringType& there) { /* There are 9 cases to worry about here Normalized Left | Normalized Right C1 string | string ===> trivial C2 string - {u_1,..} | string ===> trivial C3 {u_1, ..} | string ===> trivial C4 string | string - {v_1, ..} ===> string - {v_1, ..} C5 string - {u_1,..} | string - {v_1, ..} ===> string - ({u_s} U {v_s}) C6 {u_1, ..} | string - {v_1, ..} ===> {u_s} - {v_s} C7 string | {v_1, ..} ===> {v_s} C8 string - {u_1,..} | {v_1, ..} ===> {v_s} - {u_s} C9 {u_1, ..} | {v_1, ..} ===> {u_s} ∩ {v_s} */ // Case 1,2,3 if (there.isString()) return; // Case 4, Case 7 else if (here.isString()) { here.singletons.clear(); for (const auto& [key, type] : there.singletons) here.singletons[key] = type; here.isCofinite = here.isCofinite && there.isCofinite; } // Case 5 else if (here.isIntersection() && there.isIntersection()) { here.isCofinite = true; for (const auto& [key, type] : there.singletons) here.singletons[key] = type; } // Case 6 else if (here.isUnion() && there.isIntersection()) { here.isCofinite = false; for (const auto& [key, _] : there.singletons) here.singletons.erase(key); } // Case 8 else if (here.isIntersection() && there.isUnion()) { here.isCofinite = false; std::map result(there.singletons); for (const auto& [key, _] : here.singletons) result.erase(key); here.singletons = result; } // Case 9 else if (here.isUnion() && there.isUnion()) { here.isCofinite = false; std::map result; result.insert(here.singletons.begin(), here.singletons.end()); result.insert(there.singletons.begin(), there.singletons.end()); for (auto it = result.begin(); it != result.end();) if (!here.singletons.count(it->first) || !there.singletons.count(it->first)) it = result.erase(it); else ++it; here.singletons = result; } else LUAU_ASSERT(0 && "Internal Error - unrecognized case"); } std::optional Normalizer::intersectionOfTypePacks(TypePackId here, TypePackId there) { if (here == there) return here; std::vector head; std::optional tail; bool hereSubThere = true; bool thereSubHere = true; TypePackIterator ith = begin(here); TypePackIterator itt = begin(there); while (ith != end(here) && itt != end(there)) { TypeId hty = *ith; TypeId tty = *itt; TypeId ty = intersectionType(hty, tty); if (ty != hty) hereSubThere = false; if (ty != tty) thereSubHere = false; head.push_back(ty); ith++; itt++; } auto dealWithDifferentArities = [&](TypePackIterator& ith, TypePackIterator itt, TypePackId here, TypePackId there, bool& hereSubThere, bool& thereSubHere) { if (ith != end(here)) { TypeId tty = builtinTypes->nilType; if (std::optional ttail = itt.tail()) { if (const VariadicTypePack* tvtp = get(*ttail)) tty = tvtp->ty; else // Luau doesn't have intersections of type pack variables return false; } else // Type packs of different arities are incomparable return false; while (ith != end(here)) { TypeId hty = *ith; TypeId ty = intersectionType(hty, tty); if (ty != hty) hereSubThere = false; if (ty != tty) thereSubHere = false; head.push_back(ty); ith++; } } return true; }; if (!dealWithDifferentArities(ith, itt, here, there, hereSubThere, thereSubHere)) return std::nullopt; if (!dealWithDifferentArities(itt, ith, there, here, thereSubHere, hereSubThere)) return std::nullopt; if (std::optional htail = ith.tail()) { if (std::optional ttail = itt.tail()) { if (*htail == *ttail) tail = htail; else if (const VariadicTypePack* hvtp = get(*htail)) { if (const VariadicTypePack* tvtp = get(*ttail)) { TypeId ty = intersectionType(hvtp->ty, tvtp->ty); if (ty != hvtp->ty) thereSubHere = false; if (ty != tvtp->ty) hereSubThere = false; bool hidden = hvtp->hidden & tvtp->hidden; tail = arena->addTypePack(VariadicTypePack{ty, hidden}); } else // Luau doesn't have unions of type pack variables return std::nullopt; } else // Luau doesn't have unions of type pack variables return std::nullopt; } else if (get(*htail)) hereSubThere = false; else // Luau doesn't have unions of type pack variables return std::nullopt; } else if (std::optional ttail = itt.tail()) { if (get(*ttail)) thereSubHere = false; else // Luau doesn't have unions of type pack variables return std::nullopt; } if (hereSubThere) return here; else if (thereSubHere) return there; if (!head.empty()) return arena->addTypePack(TypePack{head, tail}); else if (tail) return *tail; else // TODO: Add an emptyPack to singleton types return arena->addTypePack({}); } std::optional Normalizer::intersectionOfTables(TypeId here, TypeId there, Set& seenSet) { if (here == there) return here; RecursionCounter _rc(&sharedState->counters.recursionCount); if (sharedState->counters.recursionLimit > 0 && sharedState->counters.recursionLimit < sharedState->counters.recursionCount) return std::nullopt; if (isPrim(here, PrimitiveType::Table)) return there; else if (isPrim(there, PrimitiveType::Table)) return here; if (get(here)) return there; else if (get(there)) return here; else if (get(here)) return there; else if (get(there)) return here; TypeId htable = here; TypeId hmtable = nullptr; if (const MetatableType* hmtv = get(here)) { htable = follow(hmtv->table); hmtable = follow(hmtv->metatable); } TypeId ttable = there; TypeId tmtable = nullptr; if (const MetatableType* tmtv = get(there)) { ttable = follow(tmtv->table); tmtable = follow(tmtv->metatable); } const TableType* httv = get(htable); if (!httv) return std::nullopt; const TableType* tttv = get(ttable); if (!tttv) return std::nullopt; if (httv->state == TableState::Free || tttv->state == TableState::Free) return std::nullopt; if (httv->state == TableState::Generic || tttv->state == TableState::Generic) return std::nullopt; TableState state = httv->state; if (tttv->state == TableState::Unsealed) state = tttv->state; TypeLevel level = max(httv->level, tttv->level); Scope* scope = max(httv->scope, tttv->scope); std::unique_ptr result = nullptr; bool hereSubThere = true; bool thereSubHere = true; for (const auto& [name, hprop] : httv->props) { Property prop = hprop; auto tfound = tttv->props.find(name); if (tfound == tttv->props.end()) thereSubHere = false; else { const auto& [_name, tprop] = *tfound; // TODO: variance issues here, which can't be fixed until we have read/write property types if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) { if (hprop.readTy.has_value()) { if (tprop.readTy.has_value()) { // if the intersection of the read types of a property is uninhabited, the whole table is `never`. if (fixReduceStackPressure()) { // We've seen these table prop elements before and we're about to ask if their intersection // is inhabited if (fixCyclicTablesBlowingStack()) { if (seenSet.contains(*hprop.readTy) && seenSet.contains(*tprop.readTy)) { seenSet.erase(*hprop.readTy); seenSet.erase(*tprop.readTy); return {builtinTypes->neverType}; } else { seenSet.insert(*hprop.readTy); seenSet.insert(*tprop.readTy); } } NormalizationResult res = isIntersectionInhabited(*hprop.readTy, *tprop.readTy); // Cleanup if (fixCyclicTablesBlowingStack()) { seenSet.erase(*hprop.readTy); seenSet.erase(*tprop.readTy); } if (normalizeAwayUninhabitableTables() && NormalizationResult::True != res) return {builtinTypes->neverType}; } else { if (normalizeAwayUninhabitableTables() && NormalizationResult::False == isIntersectionInhabited(*hprop.readTy, *tprop.readTy)) return {builtinTypes->neverType}; } TypeId ty = simplifyIntersection(builtinTypes, NotNull{arena}, *hprop.readTy, *tprop.readTy).result; prop.readTy = ty; hereSubThere &= (ty == hprop.readTy); thereSubHere &= (ty == tprop.readTy); } else { prop.readTy = *hprop.readTy; thereSubHere = false; } } else if (tprop.readTy.has_value()) { prop.readTy = *tprop.readTy; hereSubThere = false; } if (hprop.writeTy.has_value()) { if (tprop.writeTy.has_value()) { prop.writeTy = simplifyIntersection(builtinTypes, NotNull{arena}, *hprop.writeTy, *tprop.writeTy).result; hereSubThere &= (prop.writeTy == hprop.writeTy); thereSubHere &= (prop.writeTy == tprop.writeTy); } else { prop.writeTy = *hprop.writeTy; thereSubHere = false; } } else if (tprop.writeTy.has_value()) { prop.writeTy = *tprop.writeTy; hereSubThere = false; } } else { prop.setType(intersectionType(hprop.type(), tprop.type())); hereSubThere &= (prop.type() == hprop.type()); thereSubHere &= (prop.type() == tprop.type()); } } // TODO: string indexers if (prop.readTy || prop.writeTy) { if (!result.get()) result = std::make_unique(TableType{state, level, scope}); result->props[name] = prop; } } for (const auto& [name, tprop] : tttv->props) { if (httv->props.count(name) == 0) { if (!result.get()) result = std::make_unique(TableType{state, level, scope}); result->props[name] = tprop; hereSubThere = false; } } if (httv->indexer && tttv->indexer) { // TODO: What should intersection of indexes be? TypeId index = unionType(httv->indexer->indexType, tttv->indexer->indexType); TypeId indexResult = intersectionType(httv->indexer->indexResultType, tttv->indexer->indexResultType); if (!result.get()) result = std::make_unique(TableType{state, level, scope}); result->indexer = {index, indexResult}; hereSubThere &= (httv->indexer->indexType == index) && (httv->indexer->indexResultType == indexResult); thereSubHere &= (tttv->indexer->indexType == index) && (tttv->indexer->indexResultType == indexResult); } else if (httv->indexer) { if (!result.get()) result = std::make_unique(TableType{state, level, scope}); result->indexer = httv->indexer; thereSubHere = false; } else if (tttv->indexer) { if (!result.get()) result = std::make_unique(TableType{state, level, scope}); result->indexer = tttv->indexer; hereSubThere = false; } TypeId table; if (hereSubThere) table = htable; else if (thereSubHere) table = ttable; else { if (result.get()) table = arena->addType(std::move(*result)); else table = arena->addType(TableType{state, level, scope}); } if (tmtable && hmtable) { // NOTE: this assumes metatables are ivariant if (std::optional mtable = intersectionOfTables(hmtable, tmtable, seenSet)) { if (table == htable && *mtable == hmtable) return here; else if (table == ttable && *mtable == tmtable) return there; else return arena->addType(MetatableType{table, *mtable}); } else return std::nullopt; } else if (hmtable) { if (table == htable) return here; else return arena->addType(MetatableType{table, hmtable}); } else if (tmtable) { if (table == ttable) return there; else return arena->addType(MetatableType{table, tmtable}); } else return table; } void Normalizer::intersectTablesWithTable(TypeIds& heres, TypeId there, Set& seenSetTypes) { TypeIds tmp; for (TypeId here : heres) { if (std::optional inter = intersectionOfTables(here, there, seenSetTypes)) tmp.insert(*inter); } heres.retain(tmp); heres.insert(tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); } void Normalizer::intersectTables(TypeIds& heres, const TypeIds& theres) { TypeIds tmp; for (TypeId here : heres) { for (TypeId there : theres) { Set seenSetTypes{nullptr}; if (std::optional inter = intersectionOfTables(here, there, seenSetTypes)) tmp.insert(*inter); } } heres.retain(tmp); heres.insert(tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); } std::optional Normalizer::intersectionOfFunctions(TypeId here, TypeId there) { const FunctionType* hftv = get(here); LUAU_ASSERT(hftv); const FunctionType* tftv = get(there); LUAU_ASSERT(tftv); if (hftv->generics != tftv->generics) return std::nullopt; if (hftv->genericPacks != tftv->genericPacks) return std::nullopt; TypePackId argTypes; TypePackId retTypes; if (hftv->retTypes == tftv->retTypes) { std::optional argTypesOpt = unionOfTypePacks(hftv->argTypes, tftv->argTypes); if (!argTypesOpt) return std::nullopt; argTypes = *argTypesOpt; retTypes = hftv->retTypes; } else if (hftv->argTypes == tftv->argTypes) { std::optional retTypesOpt = intersectionOfTypePacks(hftv->argTypes, tftv->argTypes); if (!retTypesOpt) return std::nullopt; argTypes = hftv->argTypes; retTypes = *retTypesOpt; } else return std::nullopt; if (argTypes == hftv->argTypes && retTypes == hftv->retTypes) return here; if (argTypes == tftv->argTypes && retTypes == tftv->retTypes) return there; FunctionType result{argTypes, retTypes}; result.generics = hftv->generics; result.genericPacks = hftv->genericPacks; return arena->addType(std::move(result)); } std::optional Normalizer::unionSaturatedFunctions(TypeId here, TypeId there) { // Deep breath... // // When we come to check overloaded functions for subtyping, // we have to compare (F1 & ... & FM) <: (G1 & ... G GN) // where each Fi or Gj is a function type. Now that intersection on the right is no // problem, since that's true if and only if (F1 & ... & FM) <: Gj for every j. // But the intersection on the left is annoying, since we might have // (F1 & ... & FM) <: G but no Fi <: G. For example // // ((number? -> number?) & (string? -> string?)) <: (nil -> nil) // // So in this case, what we do is define Apply for the result of applying // a function of type F to an argument of type T, and then F <: (T -> U) // if and only if Apply <: U. For example: // // if f : ((number? -> number?) & (string? -> string?)) // then f(nil) must be nil, so // Apply<((number? -> number?) & (string? -> string?)), nil> is nil // // So subtyping on overloaded functions "just" boils down to defining Apply. // // Now for non-overloaded functions, this is easy! // Apply<(R -> S), T> is S if T <: R, and an error type otherwise. // // But for overloaded functions it's not so simple. We'd like Apply // to just be Apply & ... & Apply but oh dear // // if f : ((number -> number) & (string -> string)) // and x : (number | string) // then f(x) : (number | string) // // so we want // // Apply<((number -> number) & (string -> string)), (number | string)> is (number | string) // // but // // Apply<(number -> number), (number | string)> is an error // Apply<(string -> string), (number | string)> is an error // // that is Apply should consider all possible combinations of overloads of F, // not just individual overloads. // // For this reason, when we're normalizing function types (in order to check subtyping // or perform overload resolution) we should first *union-saturate* them. An overloaded // function is union-saturated whenever: // // if (R -> S) is an overload of F // and (T -> U) is an overload of F // then ((R | T) -> (S | U)) is a subtype of an overload of F // // Any overloaded function can be normalized to a union-saturated one by adding enough extra overloads. // For example, union-saturating // // ((number -> number) & (string -> string)) // // is // // ((number -> number) & (string -> string) & ((number | string) -> (number | string))) // // For union-saturated overloaded functions, the "obvious" algorithm works: // // Apply is Apply & ... & Apply // // so we can define Apply, so we can perform overloaded function resolution // and check subtyping on overloaded function types, yay! // // This is yet another potential source of exponential blow-up, sigh, since // the union-saturation of a function with N overloads may have 2^N overloads // (one for every subset). In practice, that hopefully won't happen that often, // in particular we only union-saturate overloads with different return types, // and there are hopefully not very many cases of that. // // All of this is mechanically verified in Agda, at https://github.com/luau-lang/agda-typeck // // It is essentially the algorithm defined in https://pnwamk.github.io/sst-tutorial/ // except that we're precomputing the union-saturation rather than converting // to disjunctive normal form on the fly. // // This is all built on semantic subtyping: // // Covariance and Contravariance, Giuseppe Castagna, // Logical Methods in Computer Science 16(1), 2022 // https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.01427 // // A gentle introduction to semantic subtyping, Giuseppe Castagna and Alain Frisch, // Proc. Principles and practice of declarative programming 2005, pp 198–208 // https://doi.org/10.1145/1069774.1069793 const FunctionType* hftv = get(here); if (!hftv) return std::nullopt; const FunctionType* tftv = get(there); if (!tftv) return std::nullopt; if (hftv->generics != tftv->generics) return std::nullopt; if (hftv->genericPacks != tftv->genericPacks) return std::nullopt; std::optional argTypes = unionOfTypePacks(hftv->argTypes, tftv->argTypes); if (!argTypes) return std::nullopt; std::optional retTypes = unionOfTypePacks(hftv->retTypes, tftv->retTypes); if (!retTypes) return std::nullopt; FunctionType result{*argTypes, *retTypes}; result.generics = hftv->generics; result.genericPacks = hftv->genericPacks; return arena->addType(std::move(result)); } void Normalizer::intersectFunctionsWithFunction(NormalizedFunctionType& heres, TypeId there) { if (heres.isNever()) return; heres.isTop = false; for (auto it = heres.parts.begin(); it != heres.parts.end();) { TypeId here = *it; if (get(here)) it++; else if (std::optional tmp = intersectionOfFunctions(here, there)) { heres.parts.erase(it); heres.parts.insert(*tmp); return; } else it++; } TypeIds tmps; for (TypeId here : heres.parts) { if (std::optional tmp = unionSaturatedFunctions(here, there)) tmps.insert(*tmp); } heres.parts.insert(there); heres.parts.insert(tmps.begin(), tmps.end()); } void Normalizer::intersectFunctions(NormalizedFunctionType& heres, const NormalizedFunctionType& theres) { if (heres.isNever()) return; else if (theres.isNever()) { heres.resetToNever(); return; } else { for (TypeId there : theres.parts) intersectFunctionsWithFunction(heres, there); } } NormalizationResult Normalizer::intersectTyvarsWithTy(NormalizedTyvars& here, TypeId there, Set& seenSetTypes) { for (auto it = here.begin(); it != here.end();) { NormalizedType& inter = *it->second; NormalizationResult res = intersectNormalWithTy(inter, there, seenSetTypes); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) return res; if (isShallowInhabited(inter)) ++it; else it = here.erase(it); } return NormalizationResult::True; } // See above for an explaination of `ignoreSmallerTyvars`. NormalizationResult Normalizer::intersectNormals(NormalizedType& here, const NormalizedType& there, int ignoreSmallerTyvars) { if (!get(there.tops)) { here.tops = intersectionOfTops(here.tops, there.tops); return NormalizationResult::True; } else if (!get(here.tops)) { clearNormal(here); return unionNormals(here, there, ignoreSmallerTyvars); } if (FFlag::LuauUseNormalizeIntersectionLimit) { // Limit based on worst-case expansion of the table intersection // This restriction can be relaxed when table intersection simplification is improved if (here.tables.size() * there.tables.size() >= size_t(FInt::LuauNormalizeIntersectionLimit)) return NormalizationResult::HitLimits; } here.booleans = intersectionOfBools(here.booleans, there.booleans); intersectClasses(here.classes, there.classes); here.errors = (get(there.errors) ? there.errors : here.errors); here.nils = (get(there.nils) ? there.nils : here.nils); here.numbers = (get(there.numbers) ? there.numbers : here.numbers); intersectStrings(here.strings, there.strings); here.threads = (get(there.threads) ? there.threads : here.threads); here.buffers = (get(there.buffers) ? there.buffers : here.buffers); intersectFunctions(here.functions, there.functions); intersectTables(here.tables, there.tables); for (auto& [tyvar, inter] : there.tyvars) { int index = tyvarIndex(tyvar); if (ignoreSmallerTyvars < index) { auto [found, fresh] = here.tyvars.emplace(tyvar, std::make_unique(NormalizedType{builtinTypes})); if (fresh) { NormalizationResult res = unionNormals(*found->second, here, index); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) return res; } } } for (auto it = here.tyvars.begin(); it != here.tyvars.end();) { TypeId tyvar = it->first; NormalizedType& inter = *it->second; int index = tyvarIndex(tyvar); LUAU_ASSERT(ignoreSmallerTyvars < index); auto found = there.tyvars.find(tyvar); if (found == there.tyvars.end()) { NormalizationResult res = intersectNormals(inter, there, index); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) return res; } else { NormalizationResult res = intersectNormals(inter, *found->second, index); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) return res; } if (isShallowInhabited(inter)) it++; else it = here.tyvars.erase(it); } return NormalizationResult::True; } NormalizationResult Normalizer::intersectNormalWithTy(NormalizedType& here, TypeId there, Set& seenSetTypes) { RecursionCounter _rc(&sharedState->counters.recursionCount); if (!withinResourceLimits()) return NormalizationResult::HitLimits; there = follow(there); if (get(there) || get(there)) { here.tops = intersectionOfTops(here.tops, there); return NormalizationResult::True; } else if (!get(here.tops)) { clearNormal(here); return unionNormalWithTy(here, there, seenSetTypes); } else if (const UnionType* utv = get(there)) { NormalizedType norm{builtinTypes}; for (UnionTypeIterator it = begin(utv); it != end(utv); ++it) { NormalizationResult res = unionNormalWithTy(norm, *it, seenSetTypes); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) return res; } return intersectNormals(here, norm); } else if (const IntersectionType* itv = get(there)) { for (IntersectionTypeIterator it = begin(itv); it != end(itv); ++it) { NormalizationResult res = intersectNormalWithTy(here, *it, seenSetTypes); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) return res; } return NormalizationResult::True; } else if (get(there) || get(there) || get(there) || get(there) || get(there)) { NormalizedType thereNorm{builtinTypes}; NormalizedType topNorm{builtinTypes}; topNorm.tops = builtinTypes->unknownType; thereNorm.tyvars.insert_or_assign(there, std::make_unique(std::move(topNorm))); here.isCacheable = false; return intersectNormals(here, thereNorm); } NormalizedTyvars tyvars = std::move(here.tyvars); if (const FunctionType* utv = get(there)) { NormalizedFunctionType functions = std::move(here.functions); clearNormal(here); intersectFunctionsWithFunction(functions, there); here.functions = std::move(functions); } else if (get(there) || get(there)) { TypeIds tables = std::move(here.tables); clearNormal(here); intersectTablesWithTable(tables, there, seenSetTypes); here.tables = std::move(tables); } else if (get(there)) { NormalizedClassType nct = std::move(here.classes); clearNormal(here); intersectClassesWithClass(nct, there); here.classes = std::move(nct); } else if (get(there)) { TypeId errors = here.errors; clearNormal(here); here.errors = errors; } else if (const PrimitiveType* ptv = get(there)) { TypeId booleans = here.booleans; TypeId nils = here.nils; TypeId numbers = here.numbers; NormalizedStringType strings = std::move(here.strings); NormalizedFunctionType functions = std::move(here.functions); TypeId threads = here.threads; TypeId buffers = here.buffers; TypeIds tables = std::move(here.tables); clearNormal(here); if (ptv->type == PrimitiveType::Boolean) here.booleans = booleans; else if (ptv->type == PrimitiveType::NilType) here.nils = nils; else if (ptv->type == PrimitiveType::Number) here.numbers = numbers; else if (ptv->type == PrimitiveType::String) here.strings = std::move(strings); else if (ptv->type == PrimitiveType::Thread) here.threads = threads; else if (ptv->type == PrimitiveType::Buffer) here.buffers = buffers; else if (ptv->type == PrimitiveType::Function) here.functions = std::move(functions); else if (ptv->type == PrimitiveType::Table) here.tables = std::move(tables); else LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unreachable"); } else if (const SingletonType* stv = get(there)) { TypeId booleans = here.booleans; NormalizedStringType strings = std::move(here.strings); clearNormal(here); if (get(stv)) here.booleans = intersectionOfBools(booleans, there); else if (const StringSingleton* sstv = get(stv)) { if (strings.includes(sstv->value)) here.strings.singletons.insert({sstv->value, there}); } else LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unreachable"); } else if (const NegationType* ntv = get(there)) { TypeId t = follow(ntv->ty); if (const PrimitiveType* ptv = get(t)) subtractPrimitive(here, ntv->ty); else if (const SingletonType* stv = get(t)) subtractSingleton(here, follow(ntv->ty)); else if (get(t)) { NormalizationResult res = intersectNormalWithNegationTy(t, here); if (shouldEarlyExit(res)) return res; } else if (const UnionType* itv = get(t)) { for (TypeId part : itv->options) { NormalizationResult res = intersectNormalWithNegationTy(part, here); if (shouldEarlyExit(res)) return res; } } else if (get(t)) { // HACK: Refinements sometimes intersect with ~any under the // assumption that it is the same as any. return NormalizationResult::True; } else if (get(t)) { // if we're intersecting with `~never`, this is equivalent to intersecting with `unknown` // this is a noop since an intersection with `unknown` is trivial. return NormalizationResult::True; } else if ((FFlag::LuauNormalizeNotUnknownIntersection || FFlag::LuauSolverV2) && get(t)) { // if we're intersecting with `~unknown`, this is equivalent to intersecting with `never` // this means we should clear the type entirely. clearNormal(here); return NormalizationResult::True; } else if (auto nt = get(t)) return intersectNormalWithTy(here, nt->ty, seenSetTypes); else { // TODO negated unions, intersections, table, and function. // Report a TypeError for other types. LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unimplemented"); } } else if (get(there)) { here.classes.resetToNever(); } else LUAU_ASSERT(!"Unreachable"); NormalizationResult res = intersectTyvarsWithTy(tyvars, there, seenSetTypes); if (res != NormalizationResult::True) return res; here.tyvars = std::move(tyvars); return NormalizationResult::True; } void makeTableShared(TypeId ty) { ty = follow(ty); if (auto tableTy = getMutable(ty)) { for (auto& [_, prop] : tableTy->props) prop.makeShared(); } else if (auto metatableTy = get(ty)) { makeTableShared(metatableTy->metatable); makeTableShared(metatableTy->table); } } // -------- Convert back from a normalized type to a type TypeId Normalizer::typeFromNormal(const NormalizedType& norm) { assertInvariant(norm); if (!get(norm.tops)) return norm.tops; std::vector result; if (!get(norm.booleans)) result.push_back(norm.booleans); if (isTop(builtinTypes, norm.classes)) { result.push_back(builtinTypes->classType); } else if (!norm.classes.isNever()) { std::vector parts; parts.reserve(norm.classes.classes.size()); for (const TypeId normTy : norm.classes.ordering) { const TypeIds& normNegations = norm.classes.classes.at(normTy); if (normNegations.empty()) { parts.push_back(normTy); } else { std::vector intersection; intersection.reserve(normNegations.size() + 1); intersection.push_back(normTy); for (TypeId negation : normNegations) { intersection.push_back(arena->addType(NegationType{negation})); } parts.push_back(arena->addType(IntersectionType{std::move(intersection)})); } } if (parts.size() == 1) { result.push_back(parts.at(0)); } else if (parts.size() > 1) { result.push_back(arena->addType(UnionType{std::move(parts)})); } } if (!get(norm.errors)) result.push_back(norm.errors); if (norm.functions.isTop) result.push_back(builtinTypes->functionType); else if (!norm.functions.isNever()) { if (norm.functions.parts.size() == 1) result.push_back(*norm.functions.parts.begin()); else { std::vector parts; parts.insert(parts.end(), norm.functions.parts.begin(), norm.functions.parts.end()); result.push_back(arena->addType(IntersectionType{std::move(parts)})); } } if (!get(norm.nils)) result.push_back(norm.nils); if (!get(norm.numbers)) result.push_back(norm.numbers); if (norm.strings.isString()) result.push_back(builtinTypes->stringType); else if (norm.strings.isUnion()) { for (auto& [_, ty] : norm.strings.singletons) result.push_back(ty); } else if (norm.strings.isIntersection()) { std::vector parts; parts.push_back(builtinTypes->stringType); for (const auto& [name, ty] : norm.strings.singletons) parts.push_back(arena->addType(NegationType{ty})); result.push_back(arena->addType(IntersectionType{std::move(parts)})); } if (!get(norm.threads)) result.push_back(builtinTypes->threadType); if (!get(norm.buffers)) result.push_back(builtinTypes->bufferType); if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) { result.reserve(result.size() + norm.tables.size()); for (auto table : norm.tables) { makeTableShared(table); result.push_back(table); } } else result.insert(result.end(), norm.tables.begin(), norm.tables.end()); for (auto& [tyvar, intersect] : norm.tyvars) { if (get(intersect->tops)) { TypeId ty = typeFromNormal(*intersect); result.push_back(arena->addType(IntersectionType{{tyvar, ty}})); } else result.push_back(tyvar); } if (result.size() == 0) return builtinTypes->neverType; else if (result.size() == 1) return result[0]; else return arena->addType(UnionType{std::move(result)}); } bool isSubtype(TypeId subTy, TypeId superTy, NotNull scope, NotNull builtinTypes, InternalErrorReporter& ice) { UnifierSharedState sharedState{&ice}; TypeArena arena; Normalizer normalizer{&arena, builtinTypes, NotNull{&sharedState}}; TypeFunctionRuntime typeFunctionRuntime; // TODO: maybe subtyping checks should not invoke user-defined type function runtime // Subtyping under DCR is not implemented using unification! if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) { Subtyping subtyping{builtinTypes, NotNull{&arena}, NotNull{&normalizer}, NotNull{&typeFunctionRuntime}, NotNull{&ice}}; return subtyping.isSubtype(subTy, superTy, scope).isSubtype; } else { Unifier u{NotNull{&normalizer}, scope, Location{}, Covariant}; u.tryUnify(subTy, superTy); return !u.failure; } } bool isSubtype(TypePackId subPack, TypePackId superPack, NotNull scope, NotNull builtinTypes, InternalErrorReporter& ice) { UnifierSharedState sharedState{&ice}; TypeArena arena; Normalizer normalizer{&arena, builtinTypes, NotNull{&sharedState}}; TypeFunctionRuntime typeFunctionRuntime; // TODO: maybe subtyping checks should not invoke user-defined type function runtime // Subtyping under DCR is not implemented using unification! if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) { Subtyping subtyping{builtinTypes, NotNull{&arena}, NotNull{&normalizer}, NotNull{&typeFunctionRuntime}, NotNull{&ice}}; return subtyping.isSubtype(subPack, superPack, scope).isSubtype; } else { Unifier u{NotNull{&normalizer}, scope, Location{}, Covariant}; u.tryUnify(subPack, superPack); return !u.failure; } } bool isConsistentSubtype(TypeId subTy, TypeId superTy, NotNull scope, NotNull builtinTypes, InternalErrorReporter& ice) { LUAU_ASSERT(!FFlag::LuauSolverV2); UnifierSharedState sharedState{&ice}; TypeArena arena; Normalizer normalizer{&arena, builtinTypes, NotNull{&sharedState}}; Unifier u{NotNull{&normalizer}, scope, Location{}, Covariant}; u.tryUnify(subTy, superTy); const bool ok = u.errors.empty() && u.log.empty(); return ok; } bool isConsistentSubtype( TypePackId subPack, TypePackId superPack, NotNull scope, NotNull builtinTypes, InternalErrorReporter& ice ) { LUAU_ASSERT(!FFlag::LuauSolverV2); UnifierSharedState sharedState{&ice}; TypeArena arena; Normalizer normalizer{&arena, builtinTypes, NotNull{&sharedState}}; Unifier u{NotNull{&normalizer}, scope, Location{}, Covariant}; u.tryUnify(subPack, superPack); const bool ok = u.errors.empty() && u.log.empty(); return ok; } } // namespace Luau