// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details // This code is based on Lua 5.x implementation licensed under MIT License; see lua_LICENSE.txt for details #pragma once #include #include #include #include "luaconf.h" // option for multiple returns in `lua_pcall' and `lua_call' #define LUA_MULTRET (-1) /* ** pseudo-indices */ #define LUA_REGISTRYINDEX (-LUAI_MAXCSTACK - 2000) #define LUA_ENVIRONINDEX (-LUAI_MAXCSTACK - 2001) #define LUA_GLOBALSINDEX (-LUAI_MAXCSTACK - 2002) #define lua_upvalueindex(i) (LUA_GLOBALSINDEX - (i)) #define lua_ispseudo(i) ((i) <= LUA_REGISTRYINDEX) // thread status; 0 is OK enum lua_Status { LUA_OK = 0, LUA_YIELD, LUA_ERRRUN, LUA_ERRSYNTAX, // legacy error code, preserved for compatibility LUA_ERRMEM, LUA_ERRERR, LUA_BREAK, // yielded for a debug breakpoint }; enum lua_CoStatus { LUA_CORUN = 0, // running LUA_COSUS, // suspended LUA_CONOR, // 'normal' (it resumed another coroutine) LUA_COFIN, // finished LUA_COERR, // finished with error }; typedef struct lua_State lua_State; typedef int (*lua_CFunction)(lua_State* L); typedef int (*lua_Continuation)(lua_State* L, int status); /* ** prototype for memory-allocation functions */ typedef void* (*lua_Alloc)(void* ud, void* ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize); // non-return type #define l_noret void LUA_NORETURN /* ** basic types */ #define LUA_TNONE (-1) /* * WARNING: if you change the order of this enumeration, * grep "ORDER TYPE" */ // clang-format off enum lua_Type { LUA_TNIL = 0, // must be 0 due to lua_isnoneornil LUA_TBOOLEAN = 1, // must be 1 due to l_isfalse LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA, LUA_TNUMBER, LUA_TVECTOR, LUA_TSTRING, // all types above this must be value types, all types below this must be GC types - see iscollectable LUA_TTABLE, LUA_TFUNCTION, LUA_TUSERDATA, LUA_TTHREAD, LUA_TBUFFER, // values below this line are used in GCObject tags but may never show up in TValue type tags LUA_TPROTO, LUA_TUPVAL, LUA_TDEADKEY, // the count of TValue type tags LUA_T_COUNT = LUA_TPROTO }; // clang-format on // type of numbers in Luau typedef double lua_Number; // type for integer functions typedef int lua_Integer; // unsigned integer type typedef unsigned lua_Unsigned; /* ** state manipulation */ LUA_API lua_State* lua_newstate(lua_Alloc f, void* ud); LUA_API void lua_close(lua_State* L); LUA_API lua_State* lua_newthread(lua_State* L); LUA_API lua_State* lua_mainthread(lua_State* L); LUA_API void lua_resetthread(lua_State* L); LUA_API int lua_isthreadreset(lua_State* L); /* ** basic stack manipulation */ LUA_API int lua_absindex(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API int lua_gettop(lua_State* L); LUA_API void lua_settop(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API void lua_pushvalue(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API void lua_remove(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API void lua_insert(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API void lua_replace(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API int lua_checkstack(lua_State* L, int sz); LUA_API void lua_rawcheckstack(lua_State* L, int sz); // allows for unlimited stack frames LUA_API void lua_xmove(lua_State* from, lua_State* to, int n); LUA_API void lua_xpush(lua_State* from, lua_State* to, int idx); /* ** access functions (stack -> C) */ LUA_API int lua_isnumber(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API int lua_isstring(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API int lua_iscfunction(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API int lua_isLfunction(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API int lua_isuserdata(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API int lua_type(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API const char* lua_typename(lua_State* L, int tp); LUA_API int lua_equal(lua_State* L, int idx1, int idx2); LUA_API int lua_rawequal(lua_State* L, int idx1, int idx2); LUA_API int lua_lessthan(lua_State* L, int idx1, int idx2); LUA_API double lua_tonumberx(lua_State* L, int idx, int* isnum); LUA_API int lua_tointegerx(lua_State* L, int idx, int* isnum); LUA_API unsigned lua_tounsignedx(lua_State* L, int idx, int* isnum); LUA_API const float* lua_tovector(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API int lua_toboolean(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API const char* lua_tolstring(lua_State* L, int idx, size_t* len); LUA_API const char* lua_tostringatom(lua_State* L, int idx, int* atom); LUA_API const char* lua_tolstringatom(lua_State* L, int idx, size_t* len, int* atom); LUA_API const char* lua_namecallatom(lua_State* L, int* atom); LUA_API int lua_objlen(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API lua_CFunction lua_tocfunction(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API void* lua_tolightuserdata(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API void* lua_tolightuserdatatagged(lua_State* L, int idx, int tag); LUA_API void* lua_touserdata(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API void* lua_touserdatatagged(lua_State* L, int idx, int tag); LUA_API int lua_userdatatag(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API int lua_lightuserdatatag(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API lua_State* lua_tothread(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API void* lua_tobuffer(lua_State* L, int idx, size_t* len); LUA_API const void* lua_topointer(lua_State* L, int idx); /* ** push functions (C -> stack) */ LUA_API void lua_pushnil(lua_State* L); LUA_API void lua_pushnumber(lua_State* L, double n); LUA_API void lua_pushinteger(lua_State* L, int n); LUA_API void lua_pushunsigned(lua_State* L, unsigned n); #if LUA_VECTOR_SIZE == 4 LUA_API void lua_pushvector(lua_State* L, float x, float y, float z, float w); #else LUA_API void lua_pushvector(lua_State* L, float x, float y, float z); #endif LUA_API void lua_pushlstring(lua_State* L, const char* s, size_t l); LUA_API void lua_pushstring(lua_State* L, const char* s); LUA_API const char* lua_pushvfstring(lua_State* L, const char* fmt, va_list argp); LUA_API LUA_PRINTF_ATTR(2, 3) const char* lua_pushfstringL(lua_State* L, const char* fmt, ...); LUA_API void lua_pushcclosurek(lua_State* L, lua_CFunction fn, const char* debugname, int nup, lua_Continuation cont); LUA_API void lua_pushboolean(lua_State* L, int b); LUA_API int lua_pushthread(lua_State* L); LUA_API void lua_pushlightuserdatatagged(lua_State* L, void* p, int tag); LUA_API void* lua_newuserdatatagged(lua_State* L, size_t sz, int tag); LUA_API void* lua_newuserdatataggedwithmetatable(lua_State* L, size_t sz, int tag); // metatable fetched with lua_getuserdatametatable LUA_API void* lua_newuserdatadtor(lua_State* L, size_t sz, void (*dtor)(void*)); LUA_API void* lua_newbuffer(lua_State* L, size_t sz); /* ** get functions (Lua -> stack) */ LUA_API int lua_gettable(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API int lua_getfield(lua_State* L, int idx, const char* k); LUA_API int lua_rawgetfield(lua_State* L, int idx, const char* k); LUA_API int lua_rawget(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API int lua_rawgeti(lua_State* L, int idx, int n); LUA_API void lua_createtable(lua_State* L, int narr, int nrec); LUA_API void lua_setreadonly(lua_State* L, int idx, int enabled); LUA_API int lua_getreadonly(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API void lua_setsafeenv(lua_State* L, int idx, int enabled); LUA_API int lua_getmetatable(lua_State* L, int objindex); LUA_API void lua_getfenv(lua_State* L, int idx); /* ** set functions (stack -> Lua) */ LUA_API void lua_settable(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API void lua_setfield(lua_State* L, int idx, const char* k); LUA_API void lua_rawsetfield(lua_State* L, int idx, const char* k); LUA_API void lua_rawset(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API void lua_rawseti(lua_State* L, int idx, int n); LUA_API int lua_setmetatable(lua_State* L, int objindex); LUA_API int lua_setfenv(lua_State* L, int idx); /* ** `load' and `call' functions (load and run Luau bytecode) */ LUA_API int luau_load(lua_State* L, const char* chunkname, const char* data, size_t size, int env); LUA_API void lua_call(lua_State* L, int nargs, int nresults); LUA_API int lua_pcall(lua_State* L, int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc); /* ** coroutine functions */ LUA_API int lua_yield(lua_State* L, int nresults); LUA_API int lua_break(lua_State* L); LUA_API int lua_resume(lua_State* L, lua_State* from, int narg); LUA_API int lua_resumeerror(lua_State* L, lua_State* from); LUA_API int lua_status(lua_State* L); LUA_API int lua_isyieldable(lua_State* L); LUA_API void* lua_getthreaddata(lua_State* L); LUA_API void lua_setthreaddata(lua_State* L, void* data); LUA_API int lua_costatus(lua_State* L, lua_State* co); /* ** garbage-collection function and options */ enum lua_GCOp { // stop and resume incremental garbage collection LUA_GCSTOP, LUA_GCRESTART, // run a full GC cycle; not recommended for latency sensitive applications LUA_GCCOLLECT, // return the heap size in KB and the remainder in bytes LUA_GCCOUNT, LUA_GCCOUNTB, // return 1 if GC is active (not stopped); note that GC may not be actively collecting even if it's running LUA_GCISRUNNING, /* ** perform an explicit GC step, with the step size specified in KB ** ** garbage collection is handled by 'assists' that perform some amount of GC work matching pace of allocation ** explicit GC steps allow to perform some amount of work at custom points to offset the need for GC assists ** note that GC might also be paused for some duration (until bytes allocated meet the threshold) ** if an explicit step is performed during this pause, it will trigger the start of the next collection cycle */ LUA_GCSTEP, /* ** tune GC parameters G (goal), S (step multiplier) and step size (usually best left ignored) ** ** garbage collection is incremental and tries to maintain the heap size to balance memory and performance overhead ** this overhead is determined by G (goal) which is the ratio between total heap size and the amount of live data in it ** G is specified in percentages; by default G=200% which means that the heap is allowed to grow to ~2x the size of live data. ** ** collector tries to collect S% of allocated bytes by interrupting the application after step size bytes were allocated. ** when S is too small, collector may not be able to catch up and the effective goal that can be reached will be larger. ** S is specified in percentages; by default S=200% which means that collector will run at ~2x the pace of allocations. ** ** it is recommended to set S in the interval [100 / (G - 100), 100 + 100 / (G - 100))] with a minimum value of 150%; for example: ** - for G=200%, S should be in the interval [150%, 200%] ** - for G=150%, S should be in the interval [200%, 300%] ** - for G=125%, S should be in the interval [400%, 500%] */ LUA_GCSETGOAL, LUA_GCSETSTEPMUL, LUA_GCSETSTEPSIZE, }; LUA_API int lua_gc(lua_State* L, int what, int data); /* ** memory statistics ** all allocated bytes are attributed to the memory category of the running thread (0..LUA_MEMORY_CATEGORIES-1) */ LUA_API void lua_setmemcat(lua_State* L, int category); LUA_API size_t lua_totalbytes(lua_State* L, int category); /* ** miscellaneous functions */ LUA_API l_noret lua_error(lua_State* L); LUA_API int lua_next(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API int lua_rawiter(lua_State* L, int idx, int iter); LUA_API void lua_concat(lua_State* L, int n); LUA_API uintptr_t lua_encodepointer(lua_State* L, uintptr_t p); LUA_API double lua_clock(); LUA_API void lua_setuserdatatag(lua_State* L, int idx, int tag); typedef void (*lua_Destructor)(lua_State* L, void* userdata); LUA_API void lua_setuserdatadtor(lua_State* L, int tag, lua_Destructor dtor); LUA_API lua_Destructor lua_getuserdatadtor(lua_State* L, int tag); // alternative access for metatables already registered with luaL_newmetatable LUA_API void lua_setuserdatametatable(lua_State* L, int tag, int idx); LUA_API void lua_getuserdatametatable(lua_State* L, int tag); LUA_API void lua_setlightuserdataname(lua_State* L, int tag, const char* name); LUA_API const char* lua_getlightuserdataname(lua_State* L, int tag); LUA_API void lua_clonefunction(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API void lua_cleartable(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API lua_Alloc lua_getallocf(lua_State* L, void** ud); /* ** reference system, can be used to pin objects */ #define LUA_NOREF -1 #define LUA_REFNIL 0 LUA_API int lua_ref(lua_State* L, int idx); LUA_API void lua_unref(lua_State* L, int ref); #define lua_getref(L, ref) lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, (ref)) /* ** =============================================================== ** some useful macros ** =============================================================== */ #define lua_tonumber(L, i) lua_tonumberx(L, i, NULL) #define lua_tointeger(L, i) lua_tointegerx(L, i, NULL) #define lua_tounsigned(L, i) lua_tounsignedx(L, i, NULL) #define lua_pop(L, n) lua_settop(L, -(n)-1) #define lua_newtable(L) lua_createtable(L, 0, 0) #define lua_newuserdata(L, s) lua_newuserdatatagged(L, s, 0) #define lua_strlen(L, i) lua_objlen(L, (i)) #define lua_isfunction(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TFUNCTION) #define lua_istable(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TTABLE) #define lua_islightuserdata(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA) #define lua_isnil(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TNIL) #define lua_isboolean(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TBOOLEAN) #define lua_isvector(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TVECTOR) #define lua_isthread(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TTHREAD) #define lua_isbuffer(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TBUFFER) #define lua_isnone(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TNONE) #define lua_isnoneornil(L, n) (lua_type(L, (n)) <= LUA_TNIL) #define lua_pushliteral(L, s) lua_pushlstring(L, "" s, (sizeof(s) / sizeof(char)) - 1) #define lua_pushcfunction(L, fn, debugname) lua_pushcclosurek(L, fn, debugname, 0, NULL) #define lua_pushcclosure(L, fn, debugname, nup) lua_pushcclosurek(L, fn, debugname, nup, NULL) #define lua_pushlightuserdata(L, p) lua_pushlightuserdatatagged(L, p, 0) #define lua_setglobal(L, s) lua_setfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, (s)) #define lua_getglobal(L, s) lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, (s)) #define lua_tostring(L, i) lua_tolstring(L, (i), NULL) #define lua_pushfstring(L, fmt, ...) lua_pushfstringL(L, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) /* ** {====================================================================== ** Debug API ** ======================================================================= */ typedef struct lua_Debug lua_Debug; // activation record // Functions to be called by the debugger in specific events typedef void (*lua_Hook)(lua_State* L, lua_Debug* ar); LUA_API int lua_stackdepth(lua_State* L); LUA_API int lua_getinfo(lua_State* L, int level, const char* what, lua_Debug* ar); LUA_API int lua_getargument(lua_State* L, int level, int n); LUA_API const char* lua_getlocal(lua_State* L, int level, int n); LUA_API const char* lua_setlocal(lua_State* L, int level, int n); LUA_API const char* lua_getupvalue(lua_State* L, int funcindex, int n); LUA_API const char* lua_setupvalue(lua_State* L, int funcindex, int n); LUA_API void lua_singlestep(lua_State* L, int enabled); LUA_API int lua_breakpoint(lua_State* L, int funcindex, int line, int enabled); typedef void (*lua_Coverage)(void* context, const char* function, int linedefined, int depth, const int* hits, size_t size); LUA_API void lua_getcoverage(lua_State* L, int funcindex, void* context, lua_Coverage callback); // Warning: this function is not thread-safe since it stores the result in a shared global array! Only use for debugging. LUA_API const char* lua_debugtrace(lua_State* L); struct lua_Debug { const char* name; // (n) const char* what; // (s) `Lua', `C', `main', `tail' const char* source; // (s) const char* short_src; // (s) int linedefined; // (s) int currentline; // (l) unsigned char nupvals; // (u) number of upvalues unsigned char nparams; // (a) number of parameters char isvararg; // (a) void* userdata; // only valid in luau_callhook char ssbuf[LUA_IDSIZE]; }; // }====================================================================== /* Callbacks that can be used to reconfigure behavior of the VM dynamically. * These are shared between all coroutines. * * Note: interrupt is safe to set from an arbitrary thread but all other callbacks * can only be changed when the VM is not running any code */ struct lua_Callbacks { void* userdata; // arbitrary userdata pointer that is never overwritten by Luau void (*interrupt)(lua_State* L, int gc); // gets called at safepoints (loop back edges, call/ret, gc) if set void (*panic)(lua_State* L, int errcode); // gets called when an unprotected error is raised (if longjmp is used) void (*userthread)(lua_State* LP, lua_State* L); // gets called when L is created (LP == parent) or destroyed (LP == NULL) int16_t (*useratom)(const char* s, size_t l); // gets called when a string is created; returned atom can be retrieved via tostringatom void (*debugbreak)(lua_State* L, lua_Debug* ar); // gets called when BREAK instruction is encountered void (*debugstep)(lua_State* L, lua_Debug* ar); // gets called after each instruction in single step mode void (*debuginterrupt)(lua_State* L, lua_Debug* ar); // gets called when thread execution is interrupted by break in another thread void (*debugprotectederror)(lua_State* L); // gets called when protected call results in an error void (*onallocate)(lua_State* L, size_t osize, size_t nsize); // gets called when memory is allocated }; typedef struct lua_Callbacks lua_Callbacks; LUA_API lua_Callbacks* lua_callbacks(lua_State* L); /****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Roblox Corporation * Copyright (C) 1994-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************************/