// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/AstQuery.h" #include "Luau/BuiltinDefinitions.h" #include "Luau/Frontend.h" #include "Luau/Scope.h" #include "Luau/TypeInfer.h" #include "Luau/Type.h" #include "Luau/VisitType.h" #include "Fixture.h" #include "ClassFixture.h" #include "ScopedFlags.h" #include "doctest.h" #include LUAU_FASTFLAG(LuauFixLocationSpanTableIndexExpr) LUAU_FASTFLAG(LuauSolverV2) LUAU_FASTFLAG(LuauInstantiateInSubtyping) LUAU_FASTINT(LuauCheckRecursionLimit) LUAU_FASTINT(LuauNormalizeCacheLimit) LUAU_FASTINT(LuauRecursionLimit) LUAU_FASTINT(LuauTypeInferRecursionLimit) LUAU_FASTFLAG(LuauAstTypeGroup2) LUAU_FASTFLAG(LuauNewNonStrictWarnOnUnknownGlobals) LUAU_FASTFLAG(LuauInferLocalTypesInMultipleAssignments) LUAU_FASTFLAG(LuauUnifyMetatableWithAny) using namespace Luau; TEST_SUITE_BEGIN("TypeInfer"); TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "tc_hello_world") { CheckResult result = check("local a = 7"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK("number" == toString(requireType("a"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "tc_propagation") { CheckResult result = check("local a = 7 local b = a"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); TypeId bType = requireType("b"); CHECK_EQ(getPrimitiveType(bType), PrimitiveType::Number); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "tc_error") { CheckResult result = check("local a = 7 local b = 'hi' a = b"); if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) { LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK("number | string" == toString(requireType("a"))); } else { LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CHECK_EQ( result.errors[0], (TypeError{Location{Position{0, 35}, Position{0, 36}}, TypeMismatch{builtinTypes->numberType, builtinTypes->stringType}}) ); } } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "tc_error_2") { CheckResult result = check("local a = 7 a = 'hi'"); if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) { LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK("number | string" == toString(requireType("a"))); } else { LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CHECK_EQ( result.errors[0], (TypeError{ Location{Position{0, 18}, Position{0, 22}}, TypeMismatch{ requireType("a"), builtinTypes->stringType, } }) ); } } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "infer_locals_with_nil_value") { CheckResult result = check("local f = nil; f = 'hello world'"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) { CHECK("string?" == toString(requireType("f"))); } else { TypeId ty = requireType("f"); CHECK_EQ(getPrimitiveType(ty), PrimitiveType::String); } } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "infer_locals_with_nil_value_2") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local a = 2 local b = a,nil )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK_EQ("number", toString(requireType("a"))); CHECK_EQ("number", toString(requireType("b"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "infer_locals_via_assignment_from_its_call_site") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local a function f(x) a = x end f(1) f("foo") )"); if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) { CHECK("unknown" == toString(requireType("a"))); CHECK("(unknown) -> ()" == toString(requireType("f"))); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } else { LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CHECK_EQ("number", toString(requireType("a"))); } } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "infer_in_nocheck_mode") { DOES_NOT_PASS_NEW_SOLVER_GUARD(); CheckResult result = check(R"( --!nocheck function f(x) return x end -- we get type information even if there's type errors f(1, 2) )"); CHECK_EQ("(any) -> (...any)", toString(requireType("f"))); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "obvious_type_error_in_nocheck_mode") { CheckResult result = check(R"( --!nocheck local x: string = 5 )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "expr_statement") { CheckResult result = check("local foo = 5 foo()"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "if_statement") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local a local b if true then a = 'hello' else b = 999 end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) { CHECK("string?" == toString(requireType("a"))); CHECK("number?" == toString(requireType("b"))); } else { CHECK_EQ(*builtinTypes->stringType, *requireType("a")); CHECK_EQ(*builtinTypes->numberType, *requireType("b")); } } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "statements_are_topologically_sorted") { CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo() return bar(999), bar("hi") end function bar(i) return i end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); dumpErrors(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "unify_nearly_identical_recursive_types") { DOES_NOT_PASS_NEW_SOLVER_GUARD(); CheckResult result = check(R"( local o o:method() local p p:method() o = p )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "warn_on_lowercase_parent_property") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local M = require(script.parent.DoesNotMatter) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); auto ed = get(result.errors[0]); REQUIRE(ed); REQUIRE_EQ("parent", ed->symbol); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "weird_case") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function f() return 4 end local d = math.deg(f()) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "dont_ice_when_failing_the_occurs_check") { DOES_NOT_PASS_NEW_SOLVER_GUARD(); CheckResult result = check(R"( --!strict local s s(s, 'a') )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(0, result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "occurs_check_does_not_recurse_forever_if_asked_to_traverse_a_cyclic_type") { CheckResult result = check(R"( --!strict function u(t, w) u(u, t) end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } #if 0 // CLI-29798 TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "crazy_complexity") { CheckResult result = check(R"( --!nonstrict A:A():A():A():A():A():A():A():A():A():A():A() )"); MESSAGE("OK! Allocated ", typeChecker.types.size(), " types"); } #endif TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "type_errors_infer_types") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local err = (true).x local c = err.Parent.Reward.GetChildren local d = err.Parent.Reward local e = err.Parent local f = err )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); UnknownProperty* err = get(result.errors[0]); REQUIRE(err != nullptr); CHECK_EQ("boolean", toString(err->table)); CHECK_EQ("x", err->key); // TODO: Should we assert anything about these tests when DCR is being used? if (!FFlag::LuauSolverV2) { CHECK_EQ("*error-type*", toString(requireType("c"))); CHECK_EQ("*error-type*", toString(requireType("d"))); CHECK_EQ("*error-type*", toString(requireType("e"))); CHECK_EQ("*error-type*", toString(requireType("f"))); } } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "should_be_able_to_infer_this_without_stack_overflowing") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function f(x, y) return x or y end local function dont_crash(x, y) local z: typeof(f(x, y)) = f(x, y) end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "exponential_blowup_from_copying_types") { CheckResult result = check(R"( --!strict -- An example of exponential blowup in number of types -- The problem is that if we define function f(a) return x end -- then this has type (t)->T where x:T -- *but* it copies T each time f is applied -- so { left = f("hi"), right = f(5) } -- has type { left : T_L, right : T_R } -- where T_L and T_R are copies of T. -- x0 : T0 where T0 = {} local x0 = {} -- f0 : (t)->T0 local function f0(a) return x0 end -- x1 : T1 where T1 = { left : T0_L, right : T0_R } local x1 = { left = f0("hi"), right = f0(5) } -- f1 : (t)->T1 local function f1(a) return x1 end -- x2 : T2 where T2 = { left : T1_L, right : T1_R } local x2 = { left = f1("hi"), right = f1(5) } -- f2 : (t)->T2 local function f2(a) return x2 end -- etc etc local x3 = { left = f2("hi"), right = f2(5) } local function f3(a) return x3 end local x4 = { left = f3("hi"), right = f3(5) } return x4 )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); ModulePtr module = getMainModule(); // If we're not careful about copying, this ends up with O(2^N) types rather than O(N) // (in this case 5 vs 31). CHECK_GE(5, module->interfaceTypes.types.size()); } // In these tests, a successful parse is required, so we need the parser to return the AST and then we can test the recursion depth limit in type // checker. We also want it to somewhat match up with production values, so we push up the parser recursion limit a little bit instead. TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "check_type_infer_recursion_count") { DOES_NOT_PASS_NEW_SOLVER_GUARD(); #if defined(LUAU_ENABLE_ASAN) int limit = 250; #elif defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_NOOPT) int limit = 350; #else int limit = 600; #endif ScopedFastInt sfi{FInt::LuauCheckRecursionLimit, limit}; CheckResult result = check("function f() return " + rep("{a=", limit) + "'a'" + rep("}", limit) + " end"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CHECK(nullptr != get(result.errors[0])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "check_block_recursion_limit") { #if defined(LUAU_ENABLE_ASAN) int limit = 250; #elif defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_NOOPT) int limit = 350; #else int limit = 600; #endif ScopedFastInt luauRecursionLimit{FInt::LuauRecursionLimit, limit + 100}; ScopedFastInt luauCheckRecursionLimit{FInt::LuauCheckRecursionLimit, limit - 100}; CheckResult result = check(rep("do ", limit) + "local a = 1" + rep(" end", limit)); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CHECK(nullptr != get(result.errors[0])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "check_expr_recursion_limit") { #if defined(LUAU_ENABLE_ASAN) int limit = 250; #elif defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_NOOPT) int limit = 300; #else int limit = 600; #endif ScopedFastInt luauRecursionLimit{FInt::LuauRecursionLimit, limit + 100}; ScopedFastInt luauCheckRecursionLimit{FInt::LuauCheckRecursionLimit, limit - 100}; CheckResult result = check(R"(("foo"))" + rep(":lower()", limit)); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CHECK_MESSAGE(nullptr != get(result.errors[0]), "Expected CodeTooComplex but got " << toString(result.errors[0])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "globals") { // The new solver does not permit assignments to globals like this. DOES_NOT_PASS_NEW_SOLVER_GUARD(); CheckResult result = check(R"( --!nonstrict foo = true foo = "now i'm a string!" )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK_EQ("any", toString(requireType("foo"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "globals2") { DOES_NOT_PASS_NEW_SOLVER_GUARD(); CheckResult result = check(R"( --!nonstrict foo = function() return 1 end foo = "now i'm a string!" )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); TypeMismatch* tm = get(result.errors[0]); REQUIRE(tm); CHECK_EQ("() -> (...any)", toString(tm->wantedType)); CHECK_EQ("string", toString(tm->givenType)); CHECK_EQ("() -> (...any)", toString(requireType("foo"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "globals_are_banned_in_strict_mode") { CheckResult result = check(R"( --!strict foo = true )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); UnknownSymbol* us = get(result.errors[0]); REQUIRE(us); CHECK_EQ("foo", us->name); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "correctly_scope_locals_do") { CheckResult result = check(R"( do local a = 1 end local b = a -- oops! )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); UnknownSymbol* us = get(result.errors[0]); REQUIRE(us); CHECK_EQ(us->name, "a"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "checking_should_not_ice") { DOES_NOT_PASS_NEW_SOLVER_GUARD(); CHECK_NOTHROW(check(R"( --!nonstrict f,g = ... f(g(...))[...] = nil f,xpcall = ... local value = g(...)(g(...)) )")); CHECK_EQ("any", toString(requireType("value"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "cyclic_follow") { check(R"( --!nonstrict l0,table,_,_,_ = ... _,_,_,_.time(...)._.n0,l0,_ = function(l0) end,_.__index,(_),_.time(_.n0 or _,...) for l0=...,_,"" do end _ += not _ do end )"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "cyclic_follow_2") { check(R"( --!nonstrict n13,_,table,_,l0,_,_ = ... _,n0[(_)],_,_._(...)._.n39,l0,_._ = function(l84,...) end,_.__index,"",_,l0._(nil) for l0=...,table.n5,_ do end _:_(...).n1 /= _ do _(_ + _) do end end )"); } struct FindFreeTypes { bool foundOne = false; template void cycle(ID) { } template bool operator()(ID, T) { return !foundOne; } bool operator()(TypeId, FreeType) { foundOne = true; return false; } bool operator()(TypePackId, FreeTypePack) { foundOne = true; return false; } }; TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "tc_after_error_recovery") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local x = local a = 7 )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERRORS(result); TypeId aType = requireType("a"); CHECK_EQ(getPrimitiveType(aType), PrimitiveType::Number); } // Check that type checker knows about error expressions TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "tc_after_error_recovery_no_assert") { CheckResult result = check("function +() local _ = true end"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "tc_after_error_recovery_no_replacement_name_in_error") { { DOES_NOT_PASS_NEW_SOLVER_GUARD(); CheckResult result = check(R"( --!strict local t = { x = 10, y = 20 } return t. )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); } { CheckResult result = check(R"( --!strict export type = number export type = string )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(2, result); } { DOES_NOT_PASS_NEW_SOLVER_GUARD(); CheckResult result = check(R"( --!strict function string.() end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); } { CheckResult result = check(R"( --!strict local function () end local function () end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(2, result); } { CheckResult result = check(R"( --!strict local dm = {} function dm.() end function dm.() end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(2, result); } } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "index_expr_should_be_checked") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo: any print(foo[(true).x]) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); UnknownProperty* up = get(result.errors[0]); // Should probably be NotATable REQUIRE(up); CHECK_EQ("boolean", toString(up->table)); CHECK_EQ("x", up->key); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "stringify_nested_unions_with_optionals") { CheckResult result = check(R"( --!strict local a: number | (string | boolean) | nil local b: number = a )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); TypeMismatch* tm = get(result.errors[0]); REQUIRE(tm); CHECK_EQ(builtinTypes->numberType, tm->wantedType); CHECK_EQ("(boolean | number | string)?", toString(tm->givenType)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "cli_39932_use_unifier_in_ensure_methods") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local x: {number|number} = {1, 2, 3} local y = x[1] - x[2] )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "dont_report_type_errors_within_an_AstStatError") { DOES_NOT_PASS_NEW_SOLVER_GUARD(); CheckResult result = check(R"( foo )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "dont_report_type_errors_within_an_AstExprError") { DOES_NOT_PASS_NEW_SOLVER_GUARD(); CheckResult result = check(R"( local a = foo: )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(2, result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "dont_ice_on_astexprerror") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo = -; )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "luau_resolves_symbols_the_same_way_lua_does") { CheckResult result = check(R"( --!strict function Funky() local a: number = foo end local foo: string = 'hello' )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); auto e = result.errors.front(); REQUIRE_MESSAGE(get(e) != nullptr, "Expected UnknownSymbol, but got " << e); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "no_stack_overflow_from_isoptional") { CheckResult result = check(R"( function _(l0:t0): (any, ()->()) return 0,_ end type t0 = t0 | {} _(nil) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERRORS(result); std::optional t0 = lookupType("t0"); REQUIRE(t0); if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) CHECK("any" == toString(*t0)); else CHECK_EQ("*error-type*", toString(*t0)); auto it = std::find_if( result.errors.begin(), result.errors.end(), [](TypeError& err) { return get(err); } ); CHECK(it != result.errors.end()); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "no_stack_overflow_from_isoptional2") { CheckResult result = check(R"( function _(l0:({})|(t0)):((((typeof((xpcall)))|(t96))|(t13))&(t96),()->typeof(...)) return 0,_ end type t0 = ((typeof((_G)))|(({})|(t0)))|(t0) _(nil) local t: ({})|(t0) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "no_infinite_loop_when_trying_to_unify_uh_this") { CheckResult result = check(R"( function _(l22,l0):((((boolean)|(t0))|(t0))&(()->(()->(()->()->{},(t0)|(t0)),any))) return function():t0 end end type t0 = ((typeof(_))|(any))|(typeof(_)) _() )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "no_heap_use_after_free_error") { CheckResult result = check(R"( --!nonstrict _ += _:n0(xpcall,_) local l0 do end while _ do function _:_() _ += _(_._(_:n0(xpcall,_))) end end )"); if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2 && !FFlag::LuauNewNonStrictWarnOnUnknownGlobals) LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); else LUAU_REQUIRE_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "infer_type_assertion_value_type") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function f() return {4, "b", 3} :: {string|number} end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "infer_assignment_value_types") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local a: (number, number) -> number = function(a, b) return a - b end a = function(a, b) return a + b end local b: {number|string} local c: {number|string} b, c = {2, "s"}, {"b", 4} )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "infer_assignment_value_types_mutable_lval") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local a = {} a.x = 2 a = setmetatable(a, { __call = function(x) end }) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "infer_through_group_expr") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function f(a: (number, number) -> number) return a(1, 3) end f(((function(a, b) return a + b end))) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "tc_if_else_expressions1") { CheckResult result = check(R"(local a = if true then "true" else "false")"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); TypeId aType = requireType("a"); CHECK("string" == toString(aType)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "tc_if_else_expressions2") { // Test expression containing elseif CheckResult result = check(R"( local a = if false then "a" elseif false then "b" else "c" )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); TypeId aType = requireType("a"); CHECK("string" == toString(aType)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "tc_if_else_expressions_type_union") { CheckResult result = check(R"(local a: number? = if true then 42 else nil)"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK_EQ(toString(requireType("a"), {true}), "number?"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "tc_if_else_expressions_expected_type_1") { CheckResult result = check(R"( type X = {number | string} local a: X = if true then {"1", 2, 3} else {4, 5, 6} )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK_EQ(toString(requireType("a"), {true}), "{number | string}"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "tc_if_else_expressions_expected_type_2") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local a: number? = if true then 1 else nil )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "tc_if_else_expressions_expected_type_3") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function times(n: any, f: () -> T) local result: {T} = {} local res = f() table.insert(result, if true then res else n) return result end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "tc_interpolated_string_basic") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo: string = `hello {"world"}` )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "tc_interpolated_string_with_invalid_expression") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function f(x: number) end local foo: string = `hello {f("uh oh")}` )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "tc_interpolated_string_constant_type") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo: "hello" = `hello` )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } /* * If it wasn't instantly obvious, we have the fuzzer to thank for this gem of a test. * * We had an issue here where the scope for the `if` block here would * have an elevated TypeLevel even though there is no function nesting going on. * This would result in a free type for the type of _ that was much higher than * it should be. This type would be erroneously quantified in the definition of `aaa`. * This in turn caused an ice when evaluating `_()` in the while loop. */ TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "free_types_introduced_within_control_flow_constructs_do_not_get_an_elevated_TypeLevel") { check(R"( --!strict if _ then _[_], _ = nil _() end local aaa = function():typeof(_) return 1 end if aaa then while _() do end end )"); // No ice()? No problem. } /* * This is a bit elaborate. Bear with me. * * The type of _ becomes free with the first statement. With the second, we unify it with a function. * * At this point, it is important that the newly created fresh types of this new function type are promoted * to the same level as the original free type. If we do not, they are incorrectly ascribed the level of the * containing function. * * If this is allowed to happen, the final lambda erroneously quantifies the type of _ to something ridiculous * just before we typecheck the invocation to _. */ TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "fuzzer_found_this") { check(R"( l0, _ = nil local function p() _() end a = _( function():(typeof(p),typeof(_)) end )[nil] )"); } /* * We had a bug where we'd improperly cache the normalization of types that are * not fully solved yet. This eventually caused a crash elsewhere in the type * solver. */ TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "fuzzer_found_this_2") { (void)check(R"( local _ if _ then _ = _ while _() do _ = # _ end end )"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "indexing_a_cyclic_intersection_does_not_crash") { (void)check(R"( local _ if _ then while nil do _ = _ end end if _[if _ then ""] then while nil do _ = if _ then "" end end )"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "recursive_metatable_crash") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function getIt() local y y = setmetatable({}, y) return y end local a = getIt() local b = getIt() local c = a or b )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "bound_typepack_promote") { // No assertions should trigger check(R"( local function p() local this = {} this.pf = foo() function this:IsActive() end function this:Start(o) end return this end local function h(tp, o) ep = tp tp:Start(o) tp.pf.Connect(function() ep:IsActive() end) end function on() local t = p() h(t) end )"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "cli_50041_committing_txnlog_in_apollo_client_error") { DOES_NOT_PASS_NEW_SOLVER_GUARD(); CheckResult result = check(R"( --!strict --!nolint type FieldSpecifier = { fieldName: string, } type ReadFieldOptions = FieldSpecifier & { from: number? } type Policies = { getStoreFieldName: (self: Policies, fieldSpec: FieldSpecifier) -> string, } local Policies = {} local function foo(p: Policies) end function Policies:getStoreFieldName(specifier: FieldSpecifier): string return "" end function Policies:readField(options: ReadFieldOptions) local _ = self:getStoreFieldName(options) foo(self) end )"); if (FFlag::LuauInstantiateInSubtyping) { // though this didn't error before the flag, it seems as though it should error since fields of a table are invariant. // the user's intent would likely be that these "method" fields would be read-only, but without an annotation, accepting this should be // unsound. LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); const std::string expected = R"(Type 'Policies' from 'MainModule' could not be converted into 'Policies' from 'MainModule' caused by: Property 'getStoreFieldName' is not compatible. Type '(Policies, FieldSpecifier & {| from: number? |}) -> (a, b...)' could not be converted into '(Policies, FieldSpecifier) -> string' caused by: Argument #2 type is not compatible. Type 'FieldSpecifier' could not be converted into 'FieldSpecifier & {| from: number? |}' caused by: Not all intersection parts are compatible. Table type 'FieldSpecifier' not compatible with type '{| from: number? |}' because the former has extra field 'fieldName')"; CHECK_EQ(expected, toString(result.errors[0])); } else { LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "type_infer_recursion_limit_no_ice") { ScopedFastInt sfi(FInt::LuauTypeInferRecursionLimit, 2); CheckResult result = check(R"( function complex() function _(l0:t0): (any, ()->()) return 0,_ end type t0 = t0 | {} _(nil) end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERRORS(result); if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) CHECK("Type contains a self-recursive construct that cannot be resolved" == toString(result.errors[0])); else CHECK_EQ("Code is too complex to typecheck! Consider simplifying the code around this area", toString(result.errors[0])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "type_infer_recursion_limit_normalizer") { ScopedFastInt sfi(FInt::LuauTypeInferRecursionLimit, 10); CheckResult result = check(R"( function f() local x : a&b&c&d&e&f&g&h&(i?) local y : (a&b&c&d&e&f&g&h&i)? = x end )"); validateErrors(result.errors); REQUIRE_MESSAGE(!result.errors.empty(), getErrors(result)); if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) { CHECK(3 == result.errors.size()); if (FFlag::LuauAstTypeGroup2) CHECK(Location{{2, 22}, {2, 42}} == result.errors[0].location); else CHECK(Location{{2, 22}, {2, 41}} == result.errors[0].location); CHECK(Location{{3, 22}, {3, 42}} == result.errors[1].location); if (FFlag::LuauAstTypeGroup2) CHECK(Location{{3, 22}, {3, 41}} == result.errors[2].location); else CHECK(Location{{3, 23}, {3, 40}} == result.errors[2].location); CHECK_EQ("Code is too complex to typecheck! Consider simplifying the code around this area", toString(result.errors[0])); CHECK_EQ("Code is too complex to typecheck! Consider simplifying the code around this area", toString(result.errors[1])); CHECK_EQ("Code is too complex to typecheck! Consider simplifying the code around this area", toString(result.errors[2])); } else { CHECK(1 == result.errors.size()); CHECK(Location{{3, 12}, {3, 46}} == result.errors[0].location); CHECK_EQ("Code is too complex to typecheck! Consider simplifying the code around this area", toString(result.errors[0])); } } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "type_infer_cache_limit_normalizer") { ScopedFastInt sfi(FInt::LuauNormalizeCacheLimit, 10); CheckResult result = check(R"( local x : ((number) -> number) & ((string) -> string) & ((nil) -> nil) & (({}) -> {}) local y : (number | string | nil | {}) -> (number | string | nil | {}) = x )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERRORS(result); CHECK_EQ("Code is too complex to typecheck! Consider simplifying the code around this area", toString(result.errors[0])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "follow_on_new_types_in_substitution") { // CLI-114134 DOES_NOT_PASS_NEW_SOLVER_GUARD(); CheckResult result = check(R"( local obj = {} function obj:Method() self.fieldA = function(object) if object.a then self.arr[object] = true elseif object.b then self.fieldB[object] = object:Connect(function(arg) self.arr[arg] = nil end) end end end return obj )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "types_stored_in_astResolvedTypes") { CheckResult result = check(R"( type alias = typeof("hello") local function foo(param: alias) end )"); auto node = findNodeAtPosition(*getMainSourceModule(), {2, 16}); auto ty = lookupType("alias"); REQUIRE(node); REQUIRE(node->is()); REQUIRE(ty); auto func = node->as(); REQUIRE(func->args.size == 1); auto arg = *func->args.begin(); auto annotation = arg->annotation; CHECK_EQ(*getMainModule()->astResolvedTypes.find(annotation), *ty); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "bidirectional_checking_of_higher_order_function") { CheckResult result = check(R"( function higher(cb: (number) -> ()) end higher(function(n) -- no error here. n : number local e: string = n -- error here. n /: string end) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); Location location = result.errors[0].location; CHECK(location.begin.line == 4); CHECK(location.end.line == 4); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "it_is_ok_to_have_inconsistent_number_of_return_values_in_nonstrict") { CheckResult result = check(R"( --!nonstrict function validate(stats, hits, misses) local checked = {} for _,l in ipairs(hits) do if not (stats[l] and stats[l] > 0) then return false, string.format("expected line %d to be hit", l) end checked[l] = true end for _,l in ipairs(misses) do if not (stats[l] and stats[l] == 0) then return false, string.format("expected line %d to be missed", l) end checked[l] = true end for k,v in pairs(stats) do if type(k) == "number" and not checked[k] then return false, string.format("expected line %d to be absent", k) end end return true end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "fuzz_free_table_type_change_during_index_check") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local _ = nil while _["" >= _] do end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "typechecking_in_type_guards") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local a = type(foo) == 'nil' local b = typeof(foo) ~= 'nil' )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(2, result); CHECK(toString(result.errors[0]) == "Unknown global 'foo'"); CHECK(toString(result.errors[1]) == "Unknown global 'foo'"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "occurs_isnt_always_failure") { CheckResult result = check(R"( function f(x, c) -- x : X local y = if c then x else nil -- y : X? local z = if c then x else nil -- z : X? y = z end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "dcr_delays_expansion_of_function_containing_blocked_parameter_type") { ScopedFastFlag sff[] = { {FFlag::LuauSolverV2, true}, }; CheckResult result = check(R"( local b: any function f(x) local a = b[1] or 'Cn' local c = x[1] if a:sub(1, #c) == c then end end )"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "recursive_function_that_invokes_itself_with_a_refinement_of_its_parameter") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local TRUE: true = true local function matches(value, t: true) if value then return true end end local function readValue(breakpoint) if matches(breakpoint, TRUE) then readValue(breakpoint) end end )"); if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) CHECK("(unknown) -> ()" == toString(requireType("readValue"))); else CHECK("(a) -> ()" == toString(requireType("readValue"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "recursive_function_that_invokes_itself_with_a_refinement_of_its_parameter_2") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function readValue(breakpoint) if type(breakpoint) == 'number' then readValue(breakpoint) end end )"); if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) CHECK("(unknown) -> ()" == toString(requireType("readValue"))); else CHECK("(number) -> ()" == toString(requireType("readValue"))); } /* * We got into a case where, as we unified two nearly identical unions with one * another, where we had a concatenated TxnLog that created a cycle between two * free types. * * This code used to crash the type checker. See CLI-71190 */ TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "convoluted_case_where_two_TypeVars_were_bound_to_each_other") { check(R"( type React_Ref = { current: ElementType } | ((ElementType) -> ()) type React_AbstractComponent = { render: ((ref: React_Ref) -> nil) } local createElement : (React_AbstractComponent) -> () function ScrollView:render() local one = table.unpack( if true then a else b ) createElement(one) createElement(one) end )"); // If this code does not crash, we are in good shape. } /* * Under DCR we had an issue where constraint resolution resulted in the * following: * * *blocked-55* ~ hasProp {- name: *blocked-55* -}, "name" * * This is a perfectly reasonable constraint, but one that doesn't actually * constrain anything. When we encounter a constraint like this, we need to * replace the result type by a free type that is scoped to the enclosing table. * * Conceptually, it's simplest to think of this constraint as one that is * tautological. It does not actually contribute any new information. */ TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "handle_self_referential_HasProp_constraints") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function calculateTopBarHeight(props) end local function isTopPage(props) local topMostOpaquePage if props.avatarRoute then topMostOpaquePage = props.avatarRoute.opaque.name else topMostOpaquePage = props.opaquePage end end function TopBarContainer:updateTopBarHeight(prevProps, prevState) calculateTopBarHeight(self.props) isTopPage(self.props) local topMostOpaquePage if self.props.avatarRoute then topMostOpaquePage = self.props.avatarRoute.opaque.name -- ^--------------------------------^ else topMostOpaquePage = self.props.opaquePage end end )"); } /* We had an issue where we were unifying two type packs * * free-2-0... and (string, free-4-0...) * * The correct thing to do here is to promote everything on the right side to * level 2-0 before binding the left pack to the right. If we fail to do this, * then the code fragment here fails to typecheck because the argument and * return types of C are generalized before we ever get to checking the body of * C. */ TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "promote_tail_type_packs") { CheckResult result = check(R"( --!strict local A: any = nil local C local D = A( A({}, { __call = function(a): string local E: string = C(a) return E end }), { F = function(s: typeof(C)) end } ) function C(b: any): string return '' end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "lti_must_record_contributing_locations") { ScopedFastFlag sff_LuauSolverV2{FFlag::LuauSolverV2, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( local function f(a) if math.random() > 0.5 then math.abs(a) else string.len(a) end end )"); // We inspect the actual errors in other tests; this test verifies that we // actually recorded breadcrumbs for a. LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(3, result); TypeId fnTy = requireType("f"); const FunctionType* fn = get(fnTy); REQUIRE(fn); TypeId argTy = *first(fn->argTypes); std::vector> locations = getMainModule()->upperBoundContributors[argTy]; CHECK(locations.size() == 2); } /* * CLI-49876 * * We had a bug where we would not use the correct TxnLog when evaluating a * variadic overload. We could therefore get into a state where the TxnLog has * logged that a generic matches to one type, but the variadic tail has already * been bound to another type outside of that TxnLog. * * This caused type checking to succeed when it should have failed. */ TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "be_sure_to_use_active_txnlog_when_evaluating_a_variadic_overload") { DOES_NOT_PASS_NEW_SOLVER_GUARD(); CheckResult result = check(R"( local function concat(target: {T}, ...: {T} | T): {T} return (nil :: any) :: {T} end local res = concat({"alic"}, 1, 2) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERRORS(result); for (const auto& e : result.errors) CHECK(5 == e.location.begin.line); } /* * We had an issue where this kind of typeof() call could produce the untestable type ~{} */ TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "typeof_cannot_refine_builtin_alias") { GlobalTypes& globals = frontend.globals; TypeArena& arena = globals.globalTypes; unfreeze(arena); globals.globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["GlobalTable"] = TypeFun{{}, arena.addType(TableType{TableState::Sealed, TypeLevel{}})}; freeze(arena); (void)check(R"( function foo(x) if typeof(x) == 'GlobalTable' then end end )"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "bad_iter_metamethod") { CheckResult result = check(R"( function iter(): unknown return nil end local a = {__iter = iter} setmetatable(a, a) for i in a do end )"); if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) { LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CannotCallNonFunction* ccnf = get(result.errors[0]); REQUIRE(ccnf); CHECK("unknown" == toString(ccnf->ty)); } else { LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "leading_bar") { CheckResult result = check(R"( type Bar = | number )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK("number" == toString(requireTypeAlias("Bar"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "leading_bar_question_mark") { CheckResult result = check(R"( type Bar = |? )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CHECK("Expected type, got '?'" == toString(result.errors[0])); CHECK("*error-type*?" == toString(requireTypeAlias("Bar"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "leading_ampersand") { CheckResult result = check(R"( type Amp = & string )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK("string" == toString(requireTypeAlias("Amp"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "leading_bar_no_type") { CheckResult result = check(R"( type Bar = | )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CHECK("Expected type, got " == toString(result.errors[0])); CHECK("*error-type*" == toString(requireTypeAlias("Bar"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "leading_ampersand_no_type") { CheckResult result = check(R"( type Amp = & )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_ERROR_COUNT(1, result); CHECK("Expected type, got " == toString(result.errors[0])); CHECK("*error-type*" == toString(requireTypeAlias("Amp"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "react_lua_follow_free_type_ub") { ScopedFastFlag _{FFlag::LuauSolverV2, true}; LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(check(R"( return function(Roact) local Tree = Roact.Component:extend("Tree") function Tree:render() local breadth, components, depth, id, wrap = self.props.breadth, self.props.components, self.props.depth, self.props.id, self.props.wrap local Box = components.Box if depth == 0 then Roact.createElement(Box, {}) else Roact.createElement(Tree, {}) end end end )")); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "visit_error_nodes_in_lvalue") { ScopedFastFlag _{FFlag::LuauSolverV2, true}; // This should always fail to parse, but shouldn't assert. Previously this // would assert as we end up _roughly_ parsing this (with a lot of error // nodes) as: // // do // x :: T, y = z // end // // We assume that `T` has some resolved type that is set up during // constraint generation and resolved during constraint solving to // be used during typechecking. We didn't descend into error nodes // in lvalue positions. LUAU_REQUIRE_ERRORS(check(R"( --!strict (::, )")); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "avoid_blocking_type_function") { ScopedFastFlag _{FFlag::LuauSolverV2, true}; LUAU_CHECK_NO_ERRORS(check(R"( --!strict local function foo(a : string?) local b = a or "" return b:upper() end )")); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "avoid_double_reference_to_free_type") { ScopedFastFlag _{FFlag::LuauSolverV2, true}; LUAU_CHECK_NO_ERRORS(check(R"( --!strict local function wtf(name: string?) local message message = "invalid alternate fiber: " .. (name or "UNNAMED alternate") end )")); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "infer_types_of_globals") { ScopedFastFlag sff_LuauSolverV2{FFlag::LuauSolverV2, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( --!strict foo = 5 print(foo) )"); CHECK_EQ("number", toString(requireTypeAtPosition({3, 14}))); REQUIRE_EQ(1, result.errors.size()); CHECK_EQ("Unknown global 'foo'", toString(result.errors[0])); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "multiple_assignment") { ScopedFastFlag sff_LuauSolverV2{FFlag::LuauSolverV2, true}; ScopedFastFlag sff_InferLocalTypesInMultipleAssignments{FFlag::LuauInferLocalTypesInMultipleAssignments, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( local function requireString(arg: string) end local function requireNumber(arg: number) end local function f(): ...number end local w: "a", x, y, z = "a", 1, f() requireString(w) requireNumber(x) requireNumber(y) requireNumber(z) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "getmetatable_works_with_any") { ScopedFastFlag _{FFlag::LuauUnifyMetatableWithAny, true}; LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(check(R"( return { new = function(name: string) local self = newproxy(true) :: any getmetatable(self).__tostring = function() return "Hello, I am " .. name end return self end, } )")); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "getmetatable_infer_any_ret") { ScopedFastFlag _{FFlag::LuauUnifyMetatableWithAny, true}; LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(check(R"( local function spooky(x: any) return getmetatable(x) end )")); CHECK_EQ("(any) -> any", toString(requireType("spooky"))); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "getmetatable_infer_any_param") { ScopedFastFlag sffs[] = { {FFlag::LuauSolverV2, true}, {FFlag::LuauUnifyMetatableWithAny, true}, }; auto result = check(R"( local function check(x): any return getmetatable(x) end )"); // CLI-144695: We're leaking the `MT` generic here, this happens regardless // of if `LuauUnifyMetatableWithAny` is set. CHECK_EQ("({ @metatable MT, {+ +} }) -> any", toString(requireType("check"))); } TEST_SUITE_END();