// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/Substitution.h" #include "Luau/Common.h" #include "Luau/TxnLog.h" #include #include LUAU_FASTFLAG(LuauLowerBoundsCalculation) LUAU_FASTINTVARIABLE(LuauTarjanChildLimit, 1000) LUAU_FASTFLAG(LuauTypecheckOptPass) LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauSubstituteFollowNewTypes, false) LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauSubstituteFollowPossibleMutations, false) namespace Luau { void Tarjan::visitChildren(TypeId ty, int index) { if (FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass) LUAU_ASSERT(ty == log->follow(ty)); else ty = log->follow(ty); if (ignoreChildren(ty)) return; if (FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass) { if (auto pty = log->pending(ty)) ty = &pty->pending; } if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass ? get(ty) : log->getMutable(ty)) { visitChild(ftv->argTypes); visitChild(ftv->retType); } else if (const TableTypeVar* ttv = FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass ? get(ty) : log->getMutable(ty)) { LUAU_ASSERT(!ttv->boundTo); for (const auto& [name, prop] : ttv->props) visitChild(prop.type); if (ttv->indexer) { visitChild(ttv->indexer->indexType); visitChild(ttv->indexer->indexResultType); } for (TypeId itp : ttv->instantiatedTypeParams) visitChild(itp); for (TypePackId itp : ttv->instantiatedTypePackParams) visitChild(itp); } else if (const MetatableTypeVar* mtv = FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass ? get(ty) : log->getMutable(ty)) { visitChild(mtv->table); visitChild(mtv->metatable); } else if (const UnionTypeVar* utv = FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass ? get(ty) : log->getMutable(ty)) { for (TypeId opt : utv->options) visitChild(opt); } else if (const IntersectionTypeVar* itv = FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass ? get(ty) : log->getMutable(ty)) { for (TypeId part : itv->parts) visitChild(part); } else if (const ConstrainedTypeVar* ctv = get(ty)) { for (TypeId part : ctv->parts) visitChild(part); } } void Tarjan::visitChildren(TypePackId tp, int index) { if (FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass) LUAU_ASSERT(tp == log->follow(tp)); else tp = log->follow(tp); if (ignoreChildren(tp)) return; if (FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass) { if (auto ptp = log->pending(tp)) tp = &ptp->pending; } if (const TypePack* tpp = FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass ? get(tp) : log->getMutable(tp)) { for (TypeId tv : tpp->head) visitChild(tv); if (tpp->tail) visitChild(*tpp->tail); } else if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass ? get(tp) : log->getMutable(tp)) { visitChild(vtp->ty); } } std::pair Tarjan::indexify(TypeId ty) { if (FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass && !FFlag::LuauSubstituteFollowPossibleMutations) LUAU_ASSERT(ty == log->follow(ty)); else ty = log->follow(ty); bool fresh = !typeToIndex.contains(ty); int& index = typeToIndex[ty]; if (fresh) { index = int(indexToType.size()); indexToType.push_back(ty); indexToPack.push_back(nullptr); onStack.push_back(false); lowlink.push_back(index); } return {index, fresh}; } std::pair Tarjan::indexify(TypePackId tp) { if (FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass && !FFlag::LuauSubstituteFollowPossibleMutations) LUAU_ASSERT(tp == log->follow(tp)); else tp = log->follow(tp); bool fresh = !packToIndex.contains(tp); int& index = packToIndex[tp]; if (fresh) { index = int(indexToPack.size()); indexToType.push_back(nullptr); indexToPack.push_back(tp); onStack.push_back(false); lowlink.push_back(index); } return {index, fresh}; } void Tarjan::visitChild(TypeId ty) { if (!FFlag::LuauSubstituteFollowPossibleMutations) ty = log->follow(ty); edgesTy.push_back(ty); edgesTp.push_back(nullptr); } void Tarjan::visitChild(TypePackId tp) { if (!FFlag::LuauSubstituteFollowPossibleMutations) tp = log->follow(tp); edgesTy.push_back(nullptr); edgesTp.push_back(tp); } TarjanResult Tarjan::loop() { // Normally Tarjan is presented recursively, but this is a hot loop, so worth optimizing while (!worklist.empty()) { auto [index, currEdge, lastEdge] = worklist.back(); // First visit if (currEdge == -1) { ++childCount; if (childLimit > 0 && childLimit < childCount) return TarjanResult::TooManyChildren; stack.push_back(index); onStack[index] = true; currEdge = int(edgesTy.size()); // Fill in edge list of this vertex if (TypeId ty = indexToType[index]) visitChildren(ty, index); else if (TypePackId tp = indexToPack[index]) visitChildren(tp, index); lastEdge = int(edgesTy.size()); } // Visit children bool foundFresh = false; for (; currEdge < lastEdge; currEdge++) { int childIndex = -1; bool fresh = false; if (auto ty = edgesTy[currEdge]) std::tie(childIndex, fresh) = indexify(ty); else if (auto tp = edgesTp[currEdge]) std::tie(childIndex, fresh) = indexify(tp); else LUAU_ASSERT(false); if (fresh) { // Original recursion point, update the parent continuation point and start the new element worklist.back() = {index, currEdge + 1, lastEdge}; worklist.push_back({childIndex, -1, -1}); // We need to continue the top-level loop from the start with the new worklist element foundFresh = true; break; } else if (onStack[childIndex]) { lowlink[index] = std::min(lowlink[index], childIndex); } visitEdge(childIndex, index); } if (foundFresh) continue; if (lowlink[index] == index) { visitSCC(index); while (!stack.empty()) { int popped = stack.back(); stack.pop_back(); onStack[popped] = false; if (popped == index) break; } } worklist.pop_back(); // Original return from recursion into a child if (!worklist.empty()) { auto [parentIndex, _, parentEndEdge] = worklist.back(); // No need to keep child edges around edgesTy.resize(parentEndEdge); edgesTp.resize(parentEndEdge); lowlink[parentIndex] = std::min(lowlink[parentIndex], lowlink[index]); visitEdge(index, parentIndex); } } return TarjanResult::Ok; } TarjanResult Tarjan::visitRoot(TypeId ty) { childCount = 0; if (childLimit == 0) childLimit = FInt::LuauTarjanChildLimit; ty = log->follow(ty); auto [index, fresh] = indexify(ty); worklist.push_back({index, -1, -1}); return loop(); } TarjanResult Tarjan::visitRoot(TypePackId tp) { childCount = 0; if (childLimit == 0) childLimit = FInt::LuauTarjanChildLimit; tp = log->follow(tp); auto [index, fresh] = indexify(tp); worklist.push_back({index, -1, -1}); return loop(); } bool FindDirty::getDirty(int index) { if (dirty.size() <= size_t(index)) dirty.resize(index + 1, false); return dirty[index]; } void FindDirty::setDirty(int index, bool d) { if (dirty.size() <= size_t(index)) dirty.resize(index + 1, false); dirty[index] = d; } void FindDirty::visitEdge(int index, int parentIndex) { if (getDirty(index)) setDirty(parentIndex, true); } void FindDirty::visitSCC(int index) { bool d = getDirty(index); for (auto it = stack.rbegin(); !d && it != stack.rend(); it++) { if (TypeId ty = indexToType[*it]) d = isDirty(ty); else if (TypePackId tp = indexToPack[*it]) d = isDirty(tp); if (*it == index) break; } if (!d) return; for (auto it = stack.rbegin(); it != stack.rend(); it++) { setDirty(*it, true); if (TypeId ty = indexToType[*it]) foundDirty(ty); else if (TypePackId tp = indexToPack[*it]) foundDirty(tp); if (*it == index) return; } } TarjanResult FindDirty::findDirty(TypeId ty) { return visitRoot(ty); } TarjanResult FindDirty::findDirty(TypePackId tp) { return visitRoot(tp); } std::optional Substitution::substitute(TypeId ty) { ty = log->follow(ty); auto result = findDirty(ty); if (result != TarjanResult::Ok) return std::nullopt; for (auto [oldTy, newTy] : newTypes) if (!ignoreChildren(oldTy)) replaceChildren(newTy); for (auto [oldTp, newTp] : newPacks) if (!ignoreChildren(oldTp)) replaceChildren(newTp); TypeId newTy = replace(ty); return newTy; } std::optional Substitution::substitute(TypePackId tp) { tp = log->follow(tp); auto result = findDirty(tp); if (result != TarjanResult::Ok) return std::nullopt; for (auto [oldTy, newTy] : newTypes) if (!ignoreChildren(oldTy)) replaceChildren(newTy); for (auto [oldTp, newTp] : newPacks) if (!ignoreChildren(oldTp)) replaceChildren(newTp); TypePackId newTp = replace(tp); return newTp; } TypeId Substitution::clone(TypeId ty) { ty = log->follow(ty); TypeId result = ty; if (FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass) { if (auto pty = log->pending(ty)) ty = &pty->pending; } if (const FunctionTypeVar* ftv = FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass ? get(ty) : log->getMutable(ty)) { FunctionTypeVar clone = FunctionTypeVar{ftv->level, ftv->argTypes, ftv->retType, ftv->definition, ftv->hasSelf}; clone.generics = ftv->generics; clone.genericPacks = ftv->genericPacks; clone.magicFunction = ftv->magicFunction; clone.tags = ftv->tags; clone.argNames = ftv->argNames; result = addType(std::move(clone)); } else if (const TableTypeVar* ttv = FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass ? get(ty) : log->getMutable(ty)) { LUAU_ASSERT(!ttv->boundTo); TableTypeVar clone = TableTypeVar{ttv->props, ttv->indexer, ttv->level, ttv->state}; clone.methodDefinitionLocations = ttv->methodDefinitionLocations; clone.definitionModuleName = ttv->definitionModuleName; clone.name = ttv->name; clone.syntheticName = ttv->syntheticName; clone.instantiatedTypeParams = ttv->instantiatedTypeParams; clone.instantiatedTypePackParams = ttv->instantiatedTypePackParams; clone.tags = ttv->tags; result = addType(std::move(clone)); } else if (const MetatableTypeVar* mtv = FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass ? get(ty) : log->getMutable(ty)) { MetatableTypeVar clone = MetatableTypeVar{mtv->table, mtv->metatable}; clone.syntheticName = mtv->syntheticName; result = addType(std::move(clone)); } else if (const UnionTypeVar* utv = FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass ? get(ty) : log->getMutable(ty)) { UnionTypeVar clone; clone.options = utv->options; result = addType(std::move(clone)); } else if (const IntersectionTypeVar* itv = FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass ? get(ty) : log->getMutable(ty)) { IntersectionTypeVar clone; clone.parts = itv->parts; result = addType(std::move(clone)); } else if (const ConstrainedTypeVar* ctv = get(ty)) { ConstrainedTypeVar clone{ctv->level, ctv->parts}; result = addType(std::move(clone)); } asMutable(result)->documentationSymbol = ty->documentationSymbol; return result; } TypePackId Substitution::clone(TypePackId tp) { tp = log->follow(tp); if (FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass) { if (auto ptp = log->pending(tp)) tp = &ptp->pending; } if (const TypePack* tpp = FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass ? get(tp) : log->getMutable(tp)) { TypePack clone; clone.head = tpp->head; clone.tail = tpp->tail; return addTypePack(std::move(clone)); } else if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass ? get(tp) : log->getMutable(tp)) { VariadicTypePack clone; clone.ty = vtp->ty; return addTypePack(std::move(clone)); } else return tp; } void Substitution::foundDirty(TypeId ty) { if (FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass && !FFlag::LuauSubstituteFollowPossibleMutations) LUAU_ASSERT(ty == log->follow(ty)); else ty = log->follow(ty); if (isDirty(ty)) newTypes[ty] = FFlag::LuauSubstituteFollowNewTypes ? follow(clean(ty)) : clean(ty); else newTypes[ty] = FFlag::LuauSubstituteFollowNewTypes ? follow(clone(ty)) : clone(ty); } void Substitution::foundDirty(TypePackId tp) { if (FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass && !FFlag::LuauSubstituteFollowPossibleMutations) LUAU_ASSERT(tp == log->follow(tp)); else tp = log->follow(tp); if (isDirty(tp)) newPacks[tp] = FFlag::LuauSubstituteFollowNewTypes ? follow(clean(tp)) : clean(tp); else newPacks[tp] = FFlag::LuauSubstituteFollowNewTypes ? follow(clone(tp)) : clone(tp); } TypeId Substitution::replace(TypeId ty) { ty = log->follow(ty); if (TypeId* prevTy = newTypes.find(ty)) return *prevTy; else return ty; } TypePackId Substitution::replace(TypePackId tp) { tp = log->follow(tp); if (TypePackId* prevTp = newPacks.find(tp)) return *prevTp; else return tp; } void Substitution::replaceChildren(TypeId ty) { if (BoundTypeVar* btv = log->getMutable(ty); FFlag::LuauLowerBoundsCalculation && btv) btv->boundTo = replace(btv->boundTo); if (FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass) LUAU_ASSERT(ty == log->follow(ty)); else ty = log->follow(ty); if (ignoreChildren(ty)) return; if (FunctionTypeVar* ftv = getMutable(ty)) { ftv->argTypes = replace(ftv->argTypes); ftv->retType = replace(ftv->retType); } else if (TableTypeVar* ttv = getMutable(ty)) { LUAU_ASSERT(!ttv->boundTo); for (auto& [name, prop] : ttv->props) prop.type = replace(prop.type); if (ttv->indexer) { ttv->indexer->indexType = replace(ttv->indexer->indexType); ttv->indexer->indexResultType = replace(ttv->indexer->indexResultType); } for (TypeId& itp : ttv->instantiatedTypeParams) itp = replace(itp); for (TypePackId& itp : ttv->instantiatedTypePackParams) itp = replace(itp); } else if (MetatableTypeVar* mtv = getMutable(ty)) { mtv->table = replace(mtv->table); mtv->metatable = replace(mtv->metatable); } else if (UnionTypeVar* utv = getMutable(ty)) { for (TypeId& opt : utv->options) opt = replace(opt); } else if (IntersectionTypeVar* itv = getMutable(ty)) { for (TypeId& part : itv->parts) part = replace(part); } else if (ConstrainedTypeVar* ctv = getMutable(ty)) { for (TypeId& part : ctv->parts) part = replace(part); } } void Substitution::replaceChildren(TypePackId tp) { if (FFlag::LuauTypecheckOptPass) LUAU_ASSERT(tp == log->follow(tp)); else tp = log->follow(tp); if (ignoreChildren(tp)) return; if (TypePack* tpp = getMutable(tp)) { for (TypeId& tv : tpp->head) tv = replace(tv); if (tpp->tail) tpp->tail = replace(*tpp->tail); } else if (VariadicTypePack* vtp = getMutable(tp)) { vtp->ty = replace(vtp->ty); } } } // namespace Luau