// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/IrAnalysis.h" #include "Luau/DenseHash.h" #include "Luau/IrData.h" #include "Luau/IrUtils.h" #include "Luau/IrVisitUseDef.h" #include "lobject.h" #include #include #include namespace Luau { namespace CodeGen { void updateUseCounts(IrFunction& function) { std::vector& blocks = function.blocks; std::vector& instructions = function.instructions; for (IrBlock& block : blocks) block.useCount = 0; for (IrInst& inst : instructions) inst.useCount = 0; auto checkOp = [&](IrOp op) { if (op.kind == IrOpKind::Inst) { IrInst& target = instructions[op.index]; CODEGEN_ASSERT(target.useCount < 0xffff); target.useCount++; } else if (op.kind == IrOpKind::Block) { IrBlock& target = blocks[op.index]; CODEGEN_ASSERT(target.useCount < 0xffff); target.useCount++; } }; for (IrInst& inst : instructions) { checkOp(inst.a); checkOp(inst.b); checkOp(inst.c); checkOp(inst.d); checkOp(inst.e); checkOp(inst.f); checkOp(inst.g); } } void updateLastUseLocations(IrFunction& function, const std::vector& sortedBlocks) { std::vector& instructions = function.instructions; #if defined(CODEGEN_ASSERTENABLED) // Last use assignements should be called only once for (IrInst& inst : instructions) CODEGEN_ASSERT(inst.lastUse == 0); #endif for (size_t i = 0; i < sortedBlocks.size(); ++i) { uint32_t blockIndex = sortedBlocks[i]; IrBlock& block = function.blocks[blockIndex]; if (block.kind == IrBlockKind::Dead) continue; CODEGEN_ASSERT(block.start != ~0u); CODEGEN_ASSERT(block.finish != ~0u); for (uint32_t instIdx = block.start; instIdx <= block.finish; instIdx++) { CODEGEN_ASSERT(instIdx < function.instructions.size()); IrInst& inst = instructions[instIdx]; auto checkOp = [&](IrOp op) { if (op.kind == IrOpKind::Inst) instructions[op.index].lastUse = uint32_t(instIdx); }; if (isPseudo(inst.cmd)) continue; checkOp(inst.a); checkOp(inst.b); checkOp(inst.c); checkOp(inst.d); checkOp(inst.e); checkOp(inst.f); checkOp(inst.g); } } } uint32_t getNextInstUse(IrFunction& function, uint32_t targetInstIdx, uint32_t startInstIdx) { CODEGEN_ASSERT(startInstIdx < function.instructions.size()); IrInst& targetInst = function.instructions[targetInstIdx]; for (uint32_t i = startInstIdx; i <= targetInst.lastUse; i++) { IrInst& inst = function.instructions[i]; if (isPseudo(inst.cmd)) continue; if (inst.a.kind == IrOpKind::Inst && inst.a.index == targetInstIdx) return i; if (inst.b.kind == IrOpKind::Inst && inst.b.index == targetInstIdx) return i; if (inst.c.kind == IrOpKind::Inst && inst.c.index == targetInstIdx) return i; if (inst.d.kind == IrOpKind::Inst && inst.d.index == targetInstIdx) return i; if (inst.e.kind == IrOpKind::Inst && inst.e.index == targetInstIdx) return i; if (inst.f.kind == IrOpKind::Inst && inst.f.index == targetInstIdx) return i; if (inst.g.kind == IrOpKind::Inst && inst.g.index == targetInstIdx) return i; } // There must be a next use since there is the last use location CODEGEN_ASSERT(!"Failed to find next use"); return targetInst.lastUse; } std::pair getLiveInOutValueCount(IrFunction& function, IrBlock& block) { uint32_t liveIns = 0; uint32_t liveOuts = 0; auto checkOp = [&](IrOp op) { if (op.kind == IrOpKind::Inst) { if (op.index >= block.start && op.index <= block.finish) liveOuts--; else liveIns++; } }; for (uint32_t instIdx = block.start; instIdx <= block.finish; instIdx++) { IrInst& inst = function.instructions[instIdx]; if (isPseudo(inst.cmd)) continue; liveOuts += inst.useCount; checkOp(inst.a); checkOp(inst.b); checkOp(inst.c); checkOp(inst.d); checkOp(inst.e); checkOp(inst.f); checkOp(inst.g); } return std::make_pair(liveIns, liveOuts); } uint32_t getLiveInValueCount(IrFunction& function, IrBlock& block) { return getLiveInOutValueCount(function, block).first; } uint32_t getLiveOutValueCount(IrFunction& function, IrBlock& block) { return getLiveInOutValueCount(function, block).second; } void requireVariadicSequence(RegisterSet& sourceRs, const RegisterSet& defRs, uint8_t varargStart) { if (!defRs.varargSeq) { // Peel away registers from variadic sequence that we define while (defRs.regs.test(varargStart)) varargStart++; CODEGEN_ASSERT(!sourceRs.varargSeq || sourceRs.varargStart == varargStart); sourceRs.varargSeq = true; sourceRs.varargStart = varargStart; } else { // Variadic use sequence might include registers before def sequence for (int i = varargStart; i < defRs.varargStart; i++) { if (!defRs.regs.test(i)) sourceRs.regs.set(i); } } } struct BlockVmRegLiveInComputation { BlockVmRegLiveInComputation(RegisterSet& defRs, std::bitset<256>& capturedRegs) : defRs(defRs) , capturedRegs(capturedRegs) { } RegisterSet& defRs; std::bitset<256>& capturedRegs; RegisterSet inRs; void def(IrOp op, int offset = 0) { defRs.regs.set(vmRegOp(op) + offset, true); } void use(IrOp op, int offset = 0) { if (!defRs.regs.test(vmRegOp(op) + offset)) inRs.regs.set(vmRegOp(op) + offset, true); } void maybeDef(IrOp op) { if (op.kind == IrOpKind::VmReg) defRs.regs.set(vmRegOp(op), true); } void maybeUse(IrOp op) { if (op.kind == IrOpKind::VmReg) { if (!defRs.regs.test(vmRegOp(op))) inRs.regs.set(vmRegOp(op), true); } } void defVarargs(uint8_t varargStart) { defRs.varargSeq = true; defRs.varargStart = varargStart; } void useVarargs(uint8_t varargStart) { requireVariadicSequence(inRs, defRs, varargStart); // Variadic sequence has been consumed defRs.varargSeq = false; defRs.varargStart = 0; } void defRange(int start, int count) { if (count == -1) { defVarargs(start); } else { for (int i = start; i < start + count; i++) defRs.regs.set(i, true); } } void useRange(int start, int count) { if (count == -1) { useVarargs(start); } else { for (int i = start; i < start + count; i++) { if (!defRs.regs.test(i)) inRs.regs.set(i, true); } } } void capture(int reg) { capturedRegs.set(reg, true); } }; static RegisterSet computeBlockLiveInRegSet(IrFunction& function, const IrBlock& block, RegisterSet& defRs, std::bitset<256>& capturedRegs) { BlockVmRegLiveInComputation visitor(defRs, capturedRegs); visitVmRegDefsUses(visitor, function, block); return visitor.inRs; } // The algorithm used here is commonly known as backwards data-flow analysis. // For each block, we track 'upward-exposed' (live-in) uses of registers - a use of a register that hasn't been defined in the block yet. // We also track the set of registers that were defined in the block. // When initial live-in sets of registers are computed, propagation of those uses upwards through predecessors is performed. // If predecessor doesn't define the register, we have to add it to the live-in set. // Extending the set of live-in registers of a block requires re-checking of that block. // Propagation runs iteratively, using a worklist of blocks to visit until a fixed point is reached. // This algorithm can be easily extended to cover phi instructions, but we don't use those yet. static void computeCfgLiveInOutRegSets(IrFunction& function) { CfgInfo& info = function.cfg; // Clear existing data // 'in' and 'captured' data is not cleared because it will be overwritten below info.def.clear(); info.out.clear(); // Try to compute Luau VM register use-def info info.in.resize(function.blocks.size()); info.def.resize(function.blocks.size()); info.out.resize(function.blocks.size()); // Captured registers are tracked for the whole function // It should be possible to have a more precise analysis for them in the future std::bitset<256> capturedRegs; // First we compute live-in set of each block for (size_t blockIdx = 0; blockIdx < function.blocks.size(); blockIdx++) { const IrBlock& block = function.blocks[blockIdx]; if (block.kind == IrBlockKind::Dead) continue; info.in[blockIdx] = computeBlockLiveInRegSet(function, block, info.def[blockIdx], capturedRegs); } info.captured.regs = capturedRegs; // With live-in sets ready, we can arrive at a fixed point for both in/out registers by requesting required registers from predecessors std::vector worklist; std::vector inWorklist; inWorklist.resize(function.blocks.size(), false); // We will have to visit each block at least once, so we add all of them to the worklist immediately for (size_t blockIdx = 0; blockIdx < function.blocks.size(); blockIdx++) { const IrBlock& block = function.blocks[blockIdx]; if (block.kind == IrBlockKind::Dead) continue; worklist.push_back(uint32_t(blockIdx)); inWorklist[blockIdx] = true; } while (!worklist.empty()) { uint32_t blockIdx = worklist.back(); worklist.pop_back(); inWorklist[blockIdx] = false; IrBlock& curr = function.blocks[blockIdx]; RegisterSet& inRs = info.in[blockIdx]; RegisterSet& defRs = info.def[blockIdx]; RegisterSet& outRs = info.out[blockIdx]; // Current block has to provide all registers in successor blocks BlockIteratorWrapper successorsIt = successors(info, blockIdx); for (uint32_t succIdx : successorsIt) { IrBlock& succ = function.blocks[succIdx]; // This is a step away from the usual definition of live range flow through CFG // Exit from a regular block to a fallback block is not considered a block terminator // This is because fallback blocks define an alternative implementation of the same operations // This can cause the current block to define more registers that actually were available at fallback entry if (curr.kind != IrBlockKind::Fallback && succ.kind == IrBlockKind::Fallback) { // If this is the only successor, this skip will not be valid CODEGEN_ASSERT(successorsIt.size() != 1); continue; } const RegisterSet& succRs = info.in[succIdx]; outRs.regs |= succRs.regs; if (succRs.varargSeq) { CODEGEN_ASSERT(!outRs.varargSeq || outRs.varargStart == succRs.varargStart); outRs.varargSeq = true; outRs.varargStart = succRs.varargStart; } } RegisterSet oldInRs = inRs; // If current block didn't define a live-out, it has to be live-in inRs.regs |= outRs.regs & ~defRs.regs; if (outRs.varargSeq) requireVariadicSequence(inRs, defRs, outRs.varargStart); // If we have new live-ins, we have to notify all predecessors // We don't allow changes to the start of the variadic sequence, so we skip checking that member if (inRs.regs != oldInRs.regs || inRs.varargSeq != oldInRs.varargSeq) { for (uint32_t predIdx : predecessors(info, blockIdx)) { if (!inWorklist[predIdx]) { worklist.push_back(predIdx); inWorklist[predIdx] = true; } } } } // If Proto data is available, validate that entry block arguments match required registers if (function.proto) { RegisterSet& entryIn = info.in[0]; CODEGEN_ASSERT(!entryIn.varargSeq); for (size_t i = 0; i < entryIn.regs.size(); i++) CODEGEN_ASSERT(!entryIn.regs.test(i) || i < function.proto->numparams); } } static void computeCfgBlockEdges(IrFunction& function) { CfgInfo& info = function.cfg; // Clear existing data info.predecessorsOffsets.clear(); info.successorsOffsets.clear(); // Compute predecessors block edges info.predecessorsOffsets.reserve(function.blocks.size()); info.successorsOffsets.reserve(function.blocks.size()); int edgeCount = 0; for (const IrBlock& block : function.blocks) { info.predecessorsOffsets.push_back(edgeCount); edgeCount += block.useCount; } info.predecessors.resize(edgeCount); info.successors.resize(edgeCount); edgeCount = 0; for (size_t blockIdx = 0; blockIdx < function.blocks.size(); blockIdx++) { const IrBlock& block = function.blocks[blockIdx]; info.successorsOffsets.push_back(edgeCount); if (block.kind == IrBlockKind::Dead) continue; for (uint32_t instIdx = block.start; instIdx <= block.finish; instIdx++) { const IrInst& inst = function.instructions[instIdx]; auto checkOp = [&](IrOp op) { if (op.kind == IrOpKind::Block) { // We use a trick here, where we use the starting offset of the predecessor list as the position where to write next predecessor // The values will be adjusted back in a separate loop later info.predecessors[info.predecessorsOffsets[op.index]++] = uint32_t(blockIdx); info.successors[edgeCount++] = op.index; } }; checkOp(inst.a); checkOp(inst.b); checkOp(inst.c); checkOp(inst.d); checkOp(inst.e); checkOp(inst.f); checkOp(inst.g); } } // Offsets into the predecessor list were used as iterators in the previous loop // To adjust them back, block use count is subtracted (predecessor count is equal to how many uses block has) for (size_t blockIdx = 0; blockIdx < function.blocks.size(); blockIdx++) { const IrBlock& block = function.blocks[blockIdx]; info.predecessorsOffsets[blockIdx] -= block.useCount; } } // Assign tree depth and pre- and post- DFS visit order of the tree/graph nodes // Optionally, collect required node order into a vector template void computeBlockOrdering( IrFunction& function, std::vector& ordering, std::vector* preOrder, std::vector* postOrder) { CfgInfo& info = function.cfg; CODEGEN_ASSERT(info.idoms.size() == function.blocks.size()); ordering.clear(); ordering.resize(function.blocks.size()); // Get depth-first post-order using manual stack instead of recursion struct StackItem { uint32_t blockIdx; uint32_t itPos; }; std::vector stack; if (preOrder) preOrder->reserve(function.blocks.size()); if (postOrder) postOrder->reserve(function.blocks.size()); uint32_t nextPreOrder = 0; uint32_t nextPostOrder = 0; stack.push_back({0, 0}); ordering[0].visited = true; ordering[0].preOrder = nextPreOrder++; while (!stack.empty()) { StackItem& item = stack.back(); BlockIteratorWrapper children = childIt(info, item.blockIdx); if (item.itPos < children.size()) { uint32_t childIdx = children[item.itPos++]; BlockOrdering& childOrdering = ordering[childIdx]; if (!childOrdering.visited) { childOrdering.visited = true; childOrdering.depth = uint32_t(stack.size()); childOrdering.preOrder = nextPreOrder++; if (preOrder) preOrder->push_back(item.blockIdx); stack.push_back({childIdx, 0}); } } else { ordering[item.blockIdx].postOrder = nextPostOrder++; if (postOrder) postOrder->push_back(item.blockIdx); stack.pop_back(); } } } // Dominance tree construction based on 'A Simple, Fast Dominance Algorithm' [Keith D. Cooper, et al] // This solution has quadratic complexity in the worst case. // It is possible to switch to SEMI-NCA algorithm (also quadratic) mentioned in 'Linear-Time Algorithms for Dominators and Related Problems' [Loukas // Georgiadis] // Find block that is common between blocks 'a' and 'b' on the path towards the entry static uint32_t findCommonDominator(const std::vector& idoms, const std::vector& data, uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { while (a != b) { while (data[a].postOrder < data[b].postOrder) { a = idoms[a]; CODEGEN_ASSERT(a != ~0u); } while (data[b].postOrder < data[a].postOrder) { b = idoms[b]; CODEGEN_ASSERT(b != ~0u); } } return a; } void computeCfgImmediateDominators(IrFunction& function) { CfgInfo& info = function.cfg; // Clear existing data info.idoms.clear(); info.idoms.resize(function.blocks.size(), ~0u); std::vector ordering; std::vector blocksInPostOrder; computeBlockOrdering(function, ordering, /* preOrder */ nullptr, &blocksInPostOrder); // Entry node is temporarily marked to be an idom of itself to make algorithm work info.idoms[0] = 0; // Iteratively compute immediate dominators bool updated = true; while (updated) { updated = false; // Go over blocks in reverse post-order of CFG // '- 2' skips the root node which is last in post-order traversal for (int i = int(blocksInPostOrder.size() - 2); i >= 0; i--) { uint32_t blockIdx = blocksInPostOrder[i]; uint32_t newIdom = ~0u; for (uint32_t predIdx : predecessors(info, blockIdx)) { if (uint32_t predIdom = info.idoms[predIdx]; predIdom != ~0u) { if (newIdom == ~0u) newIdom = predIdx; else newIdom = findCommonDominator(info.idoms, ordering, newIdom, predIdx); } } if (newIdom != info.idoms[blockIdx]) { info.idoms[blockIdx] = newIdom; // Run until a fixed point is reached updated = true; } } } // Entry node doesn't have an immediate dominator info.idoms[0] = ~0u; } void computeCfgDominanceTreeChildren(IrFunction& function) { CfgInfo& info = function.cfg; // Clear existing data info.domChildren.clear(); info.domChildrenOffsets.clear(); info.domChildrenOffsets.resize(function.blocks.size()); // First we need to know children count of each node in the dominance tree // We use offset array for to hold this data, counts will be readjusted to offsets later for (size_t blockIdx = 0; blockIdx < function.blocks.size(); blockIdx++) { uint32_t domParent = info.idoms[blockIdx]; if (domParent != ~0u) info.domChildrenOffsets[domParent]++; } // Convert counds to offsets using prefix sum uint32_t total = 0; for (size_t blockIdx = 0; blockIdx < function.blocks.size(); blockIdx++) { uint32_t& offset = info.domChildrenOffsets[blockIdx]; uint32_t count = offset; offset = total; total += count; } info.domChildren.resize(total); for (size_t blockIdx = 0; blockIdx < function.blocks.size(); blockIdx++) { // We use a trick here, where we use the starting offset of the dominance children list as the position where to write next child // The values will be adjusted back in a separate loop later uint32_t domParent = info.idoms[blockIdx]; if (domParent != ~0u) info.domChildren[info.domChildrenOffsets[domParent]++] = uint32_t(blockIdx); } // Offsets into the dominance children list were used as iterators in the previous loop // That process basically moved the values in the array 1 step towards the start // Here we move them one step towards the end and restore 0 for first offset for (int blockIdx = int(function.blocks.size() - 1); blockIdx > 0; blockIdx--) info.domChildrenOffsets[blockIdx] = info.domChildrenOffsets[blockIdx - 1]; info.domChildrenOffsets[0] = 0; computeBlockOrdering(function, info.domOrdering, /* preOrder */ nullptr, /* postOrder */ nullptr); } // This algorithm is based on 'A Linear Time Algorithm for Placing Phi-Nodes' [Vugranam C.Sreedhar] // It uses the optimized form from LLVM that relies an implicit DJ-graph (join edges are edges of the CFG that are not part of the dominance tree) void computeIteratedDominanceFrontierForDefs( IdfContext& ctx, const IrFunction& function, const std::vector& defBlocks, const std::vector& liveInBlocks) { CODEGEN_ASSERT(!function.cfg.domOrdering.empty()); CODEGEN_ASSERT(ctx.queue.empty()); CODEGEN_ASSERT(ctx.worklist.empty()); ctx.idf.clear(); ctx.visits.clear(); ctx.visits.resize(function.blocks.size()); for (uint32_t defBlock : defBlocks) { const BlockOrdering& ordering = function.cfg.domOrdering[defBlock]; ctx.queue.push({defBlock, ordering}); } while (!ctx.queue.empty()) { IdfContext::BlockAndOrdering root = ctx.queue.top(); ctx.queue.pop(); CODEGEN_ASSERT(ctx.worklist.empty()); ctx.worklist.push_back(root.blockIdx); ctx.visits[root.blockIdx].seenInWorklist = true; while (!ctx.worklist.empty()) { uint32_t blockIdx = ctx.worklist.back(); ctx.worklist.pop_back(); // Check if successor node is the node where dominance of the current root ends, making it a part of dominance frontier set for (uint32_t succIdx : successors(function.cfg, blockIdx)) { const BlockOrdering& succOrdering = function.cfg.domOrdering[succIdx]; // Nodes in the DF of root always have a level that is less than or equal to the level of root if (succOrdering.depth > root.ordering.depth) continue; if (ctx.visits[succIdx].seenInQueue) continue; ctx.visits[succIdx].seenInQueue = true; // Skip successor block if it doesn't have our variable as a live in there if (std::find(liveInBlocks.begin(), liveInBlocks.end(), succIdx) == liveInBlocks.end()) continue; ctx.idf.push_back(succIdx); // If block doesn't have its own definition of the variable, add it to the queue if (std::find(defBlocks.begin(), defBlocks.end(), succIdx) == defBlocks.end()) ctx.queue.push({succIdx, succOrdering}); } // Add dominance tree children that haven't been processed yet to the worklist for (uint32_t domChildIdx : domChildren(function.cfg, blockIdx)) { if (ctx.visits[domChildIdx].seenInWorklist) continue; ctx.visits[domChildIdx].seenInWorklist = true; ctx.worklist.push_back(domChildIdx); } } } } void computeCfgInfo(IrFunction& function) { computeCfgBlockEdges(function); computeCfgImmediateDominators(function); computeCfgDominanceTreeChildren(function); computeCfgLiveInOutRegSets(function); } BlockIteratorWrapper predecessors(const CfgInfo& cfg, uint32_t blockIdx) { CODEGEN_ASSERT(blockIdx < cfg.predecessorsOffsets.size()); uint32_t start = cfg.predecessorsOffsets[blockIdx]; uint32_t end = blockIdx + 1 < cfg.predecessorsOffsets.size() ? cfg.predecessorsOffsets[blockIdx + 1] : uint32_t(cfg.predecessors.size()); return BlockIteratorWrapper{cfg.predecessors.data() + start, cfg.predecessors.data() + end}; } BlockIteratorWrapper successors(const CfgInfo& cfg, uint32_t blockIdx) { CODEGEN_ASSERT(blockIdx < cfg.successorsOffsets.size()); uint32_t start = cfg.successorsOffsets[blockIdx]; uint32_t end = blockIdx + 1 < cfg.successorsOffsets.size() ? cfg.successorsOffsets[blockIdx + 1] : uint32_t(cfg.successors.size()); return BlockIteratorWrapper{cfg.successors.data() + start, cfg.successors.data() + end}; } BlockIteratorWrapper domChildren(const CfgInfo& cfg, uint32_t blockIdx) { CODEGEN_ASSERT(blockIdx < cfg.domChildrenOffsets.size()); uint32_t start = cfg.domChildrenOffsets[blockIdx]; uint32_t end = blockIdx + 1 < cfg.domChildrenOffsets.size() ? cfg.domChildrenOffsets[blockIdx + 1] : uint32_t(cfg.domChildren.size()); return BlockIteratorWrapper{cfg.domChildren.data() + start, cfg.domChildren.data() + end}; } } // namespace CodeGen } // namespace Luau