// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "IrDump.h" #include "IrUtils.h" #include "lua.h" #include namespace Luau { namespace CodeGen { static const char* textForCondition[] = { "eq", "not_eq", "lt", "not_lt", "le", "not_le", "gt", "not_gt", "ge", "not_ge", "u_lt", "u_le", "u_gt", "u_ge"}; static_assert(sizeof(textForCondition) / sizeof(textForCondition[0]) == size_t(IrCondition::Count), "all conditions have to be covered"); const int kDetailsAlignColumn = 60; LUAU_PRINTF_ATTR(2, 3) static void append(std::string& result, const char* fmt, ...) { char buf[256]; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); va_end(args); result.append(buf); } static const char* getTagName(uint8_t tag) { switch (tag) { case LUA_TNIL: return "tnil"; case LUA_TBOOLEAN: return "tboolean"; case LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA: return "tlightuserdata"; case LUA_TNUMBER: return "tnumber"; case LUA_TVECTOR: return "tvector"; case LUA_TSTRING: return "tstring"; case LUA_TTABLE: return "ttable"; case LUA_TFUNCTION: return "tfunction"; case LUA_TUSERDATA: return "tuserdata"; case LUA_TTHREAD: return "tthread"; default: LUAU_UNREACHABLE(); } } const char* getCmdName(IrCmd cmd) { switch (cmd) { case IrCmd::NOP: return "NOP"; case IrCmd::LOAD_TAG: return "LOAD_TAG"; case IrCmd::LOAD_POINTER: return "LOAD_POINTER"; case IrCmd::LOAD_DOUBLE: return "LOAD_DOUBLE"; case IrCmd::LOAD_INT: return "LOAD_INT"; case IrCmd::LOAD_TVALUE: return "LOAD_TVALUE"; case IrCmd::LOAD_NODE_VALUE_TV: return "LOAD_NODE_VALUE_TV"; case IrCmd::LOAD_ENV: return "LOAD_ENV"; case IrCmd::GET_ARR_ADDR: return "GET_ARR_ADDR"; case IrCmd::GET_SLOT_NODE_ADDR: return "GET_SLOT_NODE_ADDR"; case IrCmd::STORE_TAG: return "STORE_TAG"; case IrCmd::STORE_POINTER: return "STORE_POINTER"; case IrCmd::STORE_DOUBLE: return "STORE_DOUBLE"; case IrCmd::STORE_INT: return "STORE_INT"; case IrCmd::STORE_TVALUE: return "STORE_TVALUE"; case IrCmd::STORE_NODE_VALUE_TV: return "STORE_NODE_VALUE_TV"; case IrCmd::ADD_INT: return "ADD_INT"; case IrCmd::SUB_INT: return "SUB_INT"; case IrCmd::ADD_NUM: return "ADD_NUM"; case IrCmd::SUB_NUM: return "SUB_NUM"; case IrCmd::MUL_NUM: return "MUL_NUM"; case IrCmd::DIV_NUM: return "DIV_NUM"; case IrCmd::MOD_NUM: return "MOD_NUM"; case IrCmd::POW_NUM: return "POW_NUM"; case IrCmd::UNM_NUM: return "UNM_NUM"; case IrCmd::NOT_ANY: return "NOT_ANY"; case IrCmd::JUMP: return "JUMP"; case IrCmd::JUMP_IF_TRUTHY: return "JUMP_IF_TRUTHY"; case IrCmd::JUMP_IF_FALSY: return "JUMP_IF_FALSY"; case IrCmd::JUMP_EQ_TAG: return "JUMP_EQ_TAG"; case IrCmd::JUMP_EQ_BOOLEAN: return "JUMP_EQ_BOOLEAN"; case IrCmd::JUMP_EQ_POINTER: return "JUMP_EQ_POINTER"; case IrCmd::JUMP_CMP_NUM: return "JUMP_CMP_NUM"; case IrCmd::JUMP_CMP_STR: return "JUMP_CMP_STR"; case IrCmd::JUMP_CMP_ANY: return "JUMP_CMP_ANY"; case IrCmd::TABLE_LEN: return "TABLE_LEN"; case IrCmd::NEW_TABLE: return "NEW_TABLE"; case IrCmd::DUP_TABLE: return "DUP_TABLE"; case IrCmd::NUM_TO_INDEX: return "NUM_TO_INDEX"; case IrCmd::DO_ARITH: return "DO_ARITH"; case IrCmd::DO_LEN: return "DO_LEN"; case IrCmd::GET_TABLE: return "GET_TABLE"; case IrCmd::SET_TABLE: return "SET_TABLE"; case IrCmd::GET_IMPORT: return "GET_IMPORT"; case IrCmd::CONCAT: return "CONCAT"; case IrCmd::GET_UPVALUE: return "GET_UPVALUE"; case IrCmd::SET_UPVALUE: return "SET_UPVALUE"; case IrCmd::CHECK_TAG: return "CHECK_TAG"; case IrCmd::CHECK_READONLY: return "CHECK_READONLY"; case IrCmd::CHECK_NO_METATABLE: return "CHECK_NO_METATABLE"; case IrCmd::CHECK_SAFE_ENV: return "CHECK_SAFE_ENV"; case IrCmd::CHECK_ARRAY_SIZE: return "CHECK_ARRAY_SIZE"; case IrCmd::CHECK_SLOT_MATCH: return "CHECK_SLOT_MATCH"; case IrCmd::INTERRUPT: return "INTERRUPT"; case IrCmd::CHECK_GC: return "CHECK_GC"; case IrCmd::BARRIER_OBJ: return "BARRIER_OBJ"; case IrCmd::BARRIER_TABLE_BACK: return "BARRIER_TABLE_BACK"; case IrCmd::BARRIER_TABLE_FORWARD: return "BARRIER_TABLE_FORWARD"; case IrCmd::SET_SAVEDPC: return "SET_SAVEDPC"; case IrCmd::CLOSE_UPVALS: return "CLOSE_UPVALS"; case IrCmd::CAPTURE: return "CAPTURE"; case IrCmd::LOP_SETLIST: return "LOP_SETLIST"; case IrCmd::LOP_NAMECALL: return "LOP_NAMECALL"; case IrCmd::LOP_CALL: return "LOP_CALL"; case IrCmd::LOP_RETURN: return "LOP_RETURN"; case IrCmd::LOP_FASTCALL: return "LOP_FASTCALL"; case IrCmd::LOP_FASTCALL1: return "LOP_FASTCALL1"; case IrCmd::LOP_FASTCALL2: return "LOP_FASTCALL2"; case IrCmd::LOP_FASTCALL2K: return "LOP_FASTCALL2K"; case IrCmd::LOP_FORNPREP: return "LOP_FORNPREP"; case IrCmd::LOP_FORNLOOP: return "LOP_FORNLOOP"; case IrCmd::LOP_FORGLOOP: return "LOP_FORGLOOP"; case IrCmd::LOP_FORGLOOP_FALLBACK: return "LOP_FORGLOOP_FALLBACK"; case IrCmd::LOP_FORGPREP_NEXT: return "LOP_FORGPREP_NEXT"; case IrCmd::LOP_FORGPREP_INEXT: return "LOP_FORGPREP_INEXT"; case IrCmd::LOP_FORGPREP_XNEXT_FALLBACK: return "LOP_FORGPREP_XNEXT_FALLBACK"; case IrCmd::LOP_AND: return "LOP_AND"; case IrCmd::LOP_ANDK: return "LOP_ANDK"; case IrCmd::LOP_OR: return "LOP_OR"; case IrCmd::LOP_ORK: return "LOP_ORK"; case IrCmd::LOP_COVERAGE: return "LOP_COVERAGE"; case IrCmd::FALLBACK_GETGLOBAL: return "FALLBACK_GETGLOBAL"; case IrCmd::FALLBACK_SETGLOBAL: return "FALLBACK_SETGLOBAL"; case IrCmd::FALLBACK_GETTABLEKS: return "FALLBACK_GETTABLEKS"; case IrCmd::FALLBACK_SETTABLEKS: return "FALLBACK_SETTABLEKS"; case IrCmd::FALLBACK_NAMECALL: return "FALLBACK_NAMECALL"; case IrCmd::FALLBACK_PREPVARARGS: return "FALLBACK_PREPVARARGS"; case IrCmd::FALLBACK_GETVARARGS: return "FALLBACK_GETVARARGS"; case IrCmd::FALLBACK_NEWCLOSURE: return "FALLBACK_NEWCLOSURE"; case IrCmd::FALLBACK_DUPCLOSURE: return "FALLBACK_DUPCLOSURE"; case IrCmd::FALLBACK_FORGPREP: return "FALLBACK_FORGPREP"; } LUAU_UNREACHABLE(); } const char* getBlockKindName(IrBlockKind kind) { switch (kind) { case IrBlockKind::Bytecode: return "bb_bytecode"; case IrBlockKind::Fallback: return "bb_fallback"; case IrBlockKind::Internal: return "bb"; } LUAU_UNREACHABLE(); } void toString(IrToStringContext& ctx, IrInst inst, uint32_t index) { append(ctx.result, " "); // Instructions with a result display target virtual register if (hasResult(inst.cmd)) append(ctx.result, "%%%u = ", index); ctx.result.append(getCmdName(inst.cmd)); if (inst.a.kind != IrOpKind::None) { append(ctx.result, " "); toString(ctx, inst.a); } if (inst.b.kind != IrOpKind::None) { append(ctx.result, ", "); toString(ctx, inst.b); } if (inst.c.kind != IrOpKind::None) { append(ctx.result, ", "); toString(ctx, inst.c); } if (inst.d.kind != IrOpKind::None) { append(ctx.result, ", "); toString(ctx, inst.d); } if (inst.e.kind != IrOpKind::None) { append(ctx.result, ", "); toString(ctx, inst.e); } } void toString(IrToStringContext& ctx, IrOp op) { switch (op.kind) { case IrOpKind::None: break; case IrOpKind::Constant: toString(ctx.result, ctx.constants[op.index]); break; case IrOpKind::Condition: LUAU_ASSERT(op.index < uint32_t(IrCondition::Count)); ctx.result.append(textForCondition[op.index]); break; case IrOpKind::Inst: append(ctx.result, "%%%u", op.index); break; case IrOpKind::Block: append(ctx.result, "%s_%u", getBlockKindName(ctx.blocks[op.index].kind), op.index); break; case IrOpKind::VmReg: append(ctx.result, "R%u", op.index); break; case IrOpKind::VmConst: append(ctx.result, "K%u", op.index); break; case IrOpKind::VmUpvalue: append(ctx.result, "U%u", op.index); break; } } void toString(std::string& result, IrConst constant) { switch (constant.kind) { case IrConstKind::Bool: append(result, constant.valueBool ? "true" : "false"); break; case IrConstKind::Int: append(result, "%di", constant.valueInt); break; case IrConstKind::Uint: append(result, "%uu", constant.valueUint); break; case IrConstKind::Double: append(result, "%.17g", constant.valueDouble); break; case IrConstKind::Tag: result.append(getTagName(constant.valueTag)); break; } } void toStringDetailed(IrToStringContext& ctx, IrInst inst, uint32_t index) { size_t start = ctx.result.size(); toString(ctx, inst, index); int pad = kDetailsAlignColumn - int(ctx.result.size() - start); if (pad > 0) ctx.result.append(pad, ' '); LUAU_ASSERT(inst.useCount == 0 || inst.lastUse != 0); if (inst.useCount == 0 && hasSideEffects(inst.cmd)) append(ctx.result, "; %%%u, has side-effects\n", index); else append(ctx.result, "; useCount: %d, lastUse: %%%u\n", inst.useCount, inst.lastUse); } std::string dump(IrFunction& function) { std::string result; IrToStringContext ctx{result, function.blocks, function.constants}; for (size_t i = 0; i < function.blocks.size(); i++) { IrBlock& block = function.blocks[i]; append(ctx.result, "%s_%u:\n", getBlockKindName(block.kind), unsigned(i)); if (block.start == ~0u) { append(ctx.result, " *empty*\n\n"); continue; } for (uint32_t index = block.start; true; index++) { LUAU_ASSERT(index < function.instructions.size()); IrInst& inst = function.instructions[index]; // Nop is used to replace dead instructions in-place, so it's not that useful to see them if (inst.cmd == IrCmd::NOP) continue; append(ctx.result, " "); toStringDetailed(ctx, inst, index); if (isBlockTerminator(inst.cmd)) { append(ctx.result, "\n"); break; } } } printf("%s\n", result.c_str()); return result; } } // namespace CodeGen } // namespace Luau