@InProceedings{BFJ21:GoalsLuau, author = {L. Brown and A. Friesen and A. S. A. Jeffrey}, title = {Position Paper: Goals of the Luau Type System}, booktitle = {Proc. Human Aspects of Types and Reasoning Assistants}, year = {2021}, url = {https://asaj.org/papers/hatra21.pdf}, } @Misc{Roblox, author = {Roblox}, title = {Reimagining the way people come together}, year = 2023, url = {https://corp.roblox.com}, } @Misc{Luau, author = {Roblox}, title = {The {Luau} Programming Language}, year = 2023, url = {https://luau-lang.org}, } @Misc{Lua, author = {Lua.org and {PUC}-Rio}, title = {The {Lua} Programming Language}, year = 2023, url = {https://lua.org}, } @Misc{Jef22:SemanticSubtyping, author = {A. S. A. Jeffrey}, title = {Semantic Subtyping in Luau}, howpublished = {Roblox Technical Blog}, year = {2022}, url = {https://blog.roblox.com/2022/11/semantic-subtyping-luau/}, } @InProceedings{GF05:GentleIntroduction, author = {G. Castagna and A. Frisch}, title = {A Gentle Introduction to Semantic Subtyping}, booktitle = {Proc. Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming}, year = {2005}, } @InProceedings{ST07:GradualTyping, author = {J. G. Siek and W. Taha}, title = {Gradual Typing for Objects}, booktitle = {Proc. European Conf Object-Oriented Programming}, year = {2007}, pages = {2-27}, } @Misc{BJ23:agda-typeck, author = {L. Brown and A. S. A. Jeffrey}, title = {Luau Prototype Typechecker}, year = {2023}, OPTnote = {}, url = {https://github.com/luau-lang/agda-typeck} } @article{PT00:LocalTypeInference, author = {Pierce, B. C. and Turner, D. N.}, title = {Local Type Inference}, year = {2000}, volume = {22}, number = {1}, journal = {ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst.}, pages = {1–44}, } @inproceedings{SuccessTyping, author = {Lindahl, T. and Sagonas, K.}, title = {Practical Type Inference Based on Success Typings}, year = {2006}, booktitle = {Proc. Int. Conf. Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming}, pages = {167–178}, } @InProceedings{Dialyzer, author="Lindahl, T. and Sagonas, K.", title="Detecting Software Defects in Telecom Applications Through Lightweight Static Analysis: A War Story", booktitle="Proc. Asian Symp. Programming Languages and Systems", year="2004", pages="91--106", } @Misc{NewNonStrictRFC, author = {A. S. A. Jeffrey}, title = {{RFC} For New Non-strict Mode}, howpublished = {Luau Request For Comment}, year = {2023}, note = {\url{https://github.com/Roblox/luau/pull/1037}}, } @Inbook{Nielson1999, author="Nielson, F. and Nielson, H. R.", title="Type and Effect Systems", bookTitle="Correct System Design: Recent Insights and Advances", year="1999", publisher="Springer", pages="114--136", isbn="978-3-540-48092-1", } @Misc{DesignElixir, author = {G. Castagna and G. Duboc and J. Valim}, title = {The Design Principles of the {Elixir} Type System}, year = {2023}, note = {\url{https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2306.06391}}, } @article{BidirectionalTyping, author = {Dunfield, J. and Krishnaswami, N.}, title = {Bidirectional Typing}, year = {2022}, volume = {54}, number = {5}, journal = {ACM Comput. Surv.}, articleno = {98}, numpages = {38}, }