-- This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details -- This file is based on Lua 5.x tests -- https://github.com/lua/lua/tree/master/testes print("testing functions and calls") -- get the opportunity to test 'type' too ;) assert(type(1<2) == 'boolean') assert(type(true) == 'boolean' and type(false) == 'boolean') assert(type(nil) == 'nil' and type(-3) == 'number' and type'x' == 'string' and type{} == 'table' and type(type) == 'function') assert(type(assert) == type(print)) f = nil function f (x) return a:x (x) end assert(type(f) == 'function') local pack = table.pack local unpack = table.unpack -- testing local-function recursion fact = false do local res = 1 local function fact (n) if n==0 then return res else return n*fact(n-1) end end assert(fact(5) == 120) end assert(fact == false) -- testing declarations a = {i = 10} self = 20 function a:x (x) return x+self.i end function a.y (x) return x+self end assert(a:x(1)+10 == a.y(1)) a.t = {i=-100} a["t"].x = function (self, a,b) return self.i+a+b end assert(a.t:x(2,3) == -95) do local a = {x=0} function a:add (x) self.x, a.y = self.x+x, 20; return self end assert(a:add(10):add(20):add(30).x == 60 and a.y == 20) end local a = {b={c={}}} function a.b.c.f1 (x) return x+1 end function a.b.c:f2 (x,y) self[x] = y end assert(a.b.c.f1(4) == 5) a.b.c:f2('k', 12); assert(a.b.c.k == 12) print('+') t = nil -- 'declare' t function f(a,b,c) local d = 'a'; t={a,b,c,d} end f( -- this line change must be valid 1,2) assert(t[1] == 1 and t[2] == 2 and t[3] == nil and t[4] == 'a') f(1,2, -- this one too 3,4) assert(t[1] == 1 and t[2] == 2 and t[3] == 3 and t[4] == 'a') function fat(x) if x <= 1 then return 1 else return x*loadstring("return fat(" .. x-1 .. ")")() end end assert(loadstring "loadstring 'assert(fat(6)==720)' () ")() a = loadstring('return fat(5), 3') a,b = a() assert(a == 120 and b == 3) print('+') function err_on_n (n) if n==0 then error(); exit(1); else err_on_n (n-1); exit(1); end end do function dummy (n) if n > 0 then assert(not pcall(err_on_n, n)) dummy(n-1) end end end dummy(10) function deep (n) if n>0 then deep(n-1) end end deep(10) deep(200) -- testing tail call function deep (n) if n>0 then return deep(n-1) else return 101 end end assert(deep(10000) == 101) a = {} function a:deep (n) if n>0 then return self:deep(n-1) else return 101 end end assert(a:deep(10000) == 101) print('+') a = nil (function (x) a=x end)(23) assert(a == 23 and (function (x) return x*2 end)(20) == 40) local x,y,z,a a = {}; lim = 2000 for i=1, lim do a[i]=i end assert(select(lim, unpack(a)) == lim and select('#', unpack(a)) == lim) x = unpack(a) assert(x == 1) x = {unpack(a)} assert(table.getn(x) == lim and x[1] == 1 and x[lim] == lim) x = {unpack(a, lim-2)} assert(table.getn(x) == 3 and x[1] == lim-2 and x[3] == lim) x = {unpack(a, 10, 6)} assert(next(x) == nil) -- no elements x = {unpack(a, 11, 10)} assert(next(x) == nil) -- no elements x,y = unpack(a, 10, 10) assert(x == 10 and y == nil) x,y,z = unpack(a, 10, 11) assert(x == 10 and y == 11 and z == nil) a,x = unpack{1} assert(a==1 and x==nil) a,x = unpack({1,2}, 1, 1) assert(a==1 and x==nil) -- testing closures -- fixed-point operator Y = function (le) local function a (f) return le(function (x) return f(f)(x) end) end return a(a) end -- non-recursive factorial F = function (f) return function (n) if n == 0 then return 1 else return n*f(n-1) end end end fat = Y(F) assert(fat(0) == 1 and fat(4) == 24 and Y(F)(5)==5*Y(F)(4)) local function g (z) local function f (a,b,c,d) return function (x,y) return a+b+c+d+a+x+y+z end end return f(z,z+1,z+2,z+3) end f = g(10) assert(f(9, 16) == 10+11+12+13+10+9+16+10) Y, F, f = nil print('+') -- testing multiple returns function unlpack (t, i) i = i or 1 if (i <= table.getn(t)) then return t[i], unlpack(t, i+1) end end function equaltab (t1, t2) assert(table.getn(t1) == table.getn(t2)) for i,v1 in ipairs(t1) do assert(v1 == t2[i]) end end function f() return 1,2,30,4 end function ret2 (a,b) return a,b end local a,b,c,d = unlpack{1,2,3} assert(a==1 and b==2 and c==3 and d==nil) a = {1,2,3,4,false,10,'alo',false,assert} equaltab(pack(unlpack(a)), a) equaltab(pack(unlpack(a), -1), {1,-1}) a,b,c,d = ret2(f()), ret2(f()) assert(a==1 and b==1 and c==2 and d==nil) a,b,c,d = unlpack(pack(ret2(f()), ret2(f()))) assert(a==1 and b==1 and c==2 and d==nil) a,b,c,d = unlpack(pack(ret2(f()), (ret2(f())))) assert(a==1 and b==1 and c==nil and d==nil) a = ret2{ unlpack{1,2,3}, unlpack{3,2,1}, unlpack{"a", "b"}} assert(a[1] == 1 and a[2] == 3 and a[3] == "a" and a[4] == "b") -- testing calls with 'incorrect' arguments rawget({}, "x", 1) rawset({}, "x", 1, 2) assert(math.sin(1,2) == math.sin(1)) table.sort({10,9,8,4,19,23,0,0}, function (a,b) return a<b end, "extra arg") -- test for bug in parameter adjustment assert((function () return nil end)(4) == nil) assert((function () local a; return a end)(4) == nil) assert((function (a) return a end)() == nil) -- C-stack overflow while handling C-stack overflow if not limitedstack then local function loop () assert(pcall(loop)) end local err, msg = xpcall(loop, loop) assert(not err and string.find(msg, "error")) end return('OK')