// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/Differ.h" #include "Luau/Common.h" #include "Luau/Error.h" #include "Luau/Frontend.h" #include "Fixture.h" #include "ClassFixture.h" #include "Luau/Symbol.h" #include "Luau/Type.h" #include "ScopedFlags.h" #include "doctest.h" #include <iostream> using namespace Luau; LUAU_FASTFLAG(DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution) TEST_SUITE_BEGIN("Differ"); TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_numbers") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo = 5 local almostFoo = 78 )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_strings") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo = "hello" local almostFoo = "world" )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_tables") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo = { x = 1, y = "where" } local almostFoo = { x = 5, y = "when" } )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "a_table_missing_property") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo = { x = 1, y = 2 } local almostFoo = { x = 1, z = 3 } )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", "DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at foo.y has type number, while the right type at almostFoo is missing " "the property y"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "left_table_missing_property") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo = { x = 1 } local almostFoo = { x = 1, z = 3 } )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", "DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at foo is missing the property z, while the right type at almostFoo.z " "has type number"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "a_table_wrong_type") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo = { x = 1, y = 2 } local almostFoo = { x = 1, y = "two" } )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", "DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at foo.y has type number, while the right type at almostFoo.y has type " "string"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "a_table_wrong_type") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo: string local almostFoo: number )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", "DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> has type string, while the right type at " "<unlabeled-symbol> has type number"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "a_nested_table_wrong_type") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo = { x = 1, inner = { table = { has = { wrong = { value = 5 } } } } } local almostFoo = { x = 1, inner = { table = { has = { wrong = { value = "five" } } } } } )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", "DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at foo.inner.table.has.wrong.value has type number, while the right " "type at almostFoo.inner.table.has.wrong.value has type string"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "a_nested_table_wrong_match") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo = { x = 1, inner = { table = { has = { wrong = { variant = { because = { it = { goes = { on = "five" } } } } } } } } } local almostFoo = { x = 1, inner = { table = { has = { wrong = { variant = "five" } } } } } )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", "DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at foo.inner.table.has.wrong.variant has type { because: { it: { goes: " "{ on: string } } } }, while the right type at almostFoo.inner.table.has.wrong.variant has type string"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "left_cyclic_table_right_table_missing_property") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function id<a>(x: a): a return x end -- Remove name from cyclic table local foo = id({}) foo.foo = foo local almostFoo = { x = 2 } )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol>.foo has type t1 where t1 = { foo: t1 }, while the right type at almostFoo is missing the property foo)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "left_cyclic_table_right_table_property_wrong") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function id<a>(x: a): a return x end -- Remove name from cyclic table local foo = id({}) foo.foo = foo local almostFoo = { foo = 2 } )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol>.foo has type t1 where t1 = { foo: t1 }, while the right type at almostFoo.foo has type number)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "right_cyclic_table_left_table_missing_property") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function id<a>(x: a): a return x end -- Remove name from cyclic table local foo = id({}) foo.foo = foo local almostFoo = { x = 2 } )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("almostFoo", "foo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at almostFoo.x has type number, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> is missing the property x)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "right_cyclic_table_left_table_property_wrong") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function id<a>(x: a): a return x end -- Remove name from cyclic table local foo = id({}) foo.foo = foo local almostFoo = { foo = 2 } )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("almostFoo", "foo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at almostFoo.foo has type number, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol>.foo has type t1 where t1 = { foo: t1 })"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_table_two_cyclic_tables_are_not_different") { ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, false}; CheckResult result = check(R"( local function id<a>(x: a): a return x end -- Remove name from cyclic table local foo = id({}) foo.foo = foo local almostFoo = id({}) almostFoo.foo = almostFoo )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_table_two_shifted_circles_are_not_different") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function id<a>(x: a): a return x end -- Remove name from cyclic table local foo = id({}) foo.foo = id({}) foo.foo.foo = id({}) foo.foo.foo.foo = id({}) foo.foo.foo.foo.foo = foo local builder = id({}) builder.foo = id({}) builder.foo.foo = id({}) builder.foo.foo.foo = id({}) builder.foo.foo.foo.foo = builder -- Shift local almostFoo = builder.foo.foo )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "table_left_circle_right_measuring_tape") { // Left is a circle, right is a measuring tape CheckResult result = check(R"( local function id<a>(x: a): a return x end -- Remove name from cyclic table local foo = id({}) foo.foo = id({}) foo.foo.foo = id({}) foo.foo.foo.foo = id({}) foo.foo.foo.bar = id({}) -- anchor to pin shape foo.foo.foo.foo.foo = foo local almostFoo = id({}) almostFoo.foo = id({}) almostFoo.foo.foo = id({}) almostFoo.foo.foo.foo = id({}) almostFoo.foo.foo.bar = id({}) -- anchor to pin shape almostFoo.foo.foo.foo.foo = almostFoo.foo )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol>.foo.foo.foo.foo.foo is missing the property bar, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol>.foo.foo.foo.foo.foo.bar has type { })"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_table_measuring_tapes") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function id<a>(x: a): a return x end -- Remove name from cyclic table local foo = id({}) foo.foo = id({}) foo.foo.foo = id({}) foo.foo.foo.foo = id({}) foo.foo.foo.foo.foo = foo.foo local almostFoo = id({}) almostFoo.foo = id({}) almostFoo.foo.foo = id({}) almostFoo.foo.foo.foo = id({}) almostFoo.foo.foo.foo.foo = almostFoo.foo )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_table_A_B_C") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function id<a>(x: a): a return x end -- Remove name from cyclic table local foo = id({}) foo.foo = id({}) foo.foo.foo = id({}) foo.foo.foo.foo = id({}) foo.foo.foo.foo.foo = foo.foo local almostFoo = id({}) almostFoo.foo = id({}) almostFoo.foo.foo = id({}) almostFoo.foo.foo.foo = id({}) almostFoo.foo.foo.foo.foo = almostFoo.foo )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_table_kind_A") { CheckResult result = check(R"( -- Remove name from cyclic table local function id<a>(x: a): a return x end local foo = id({}) foo.left = id({}) foo.right = id({}) foo.left.left = id({}) foo.left.right = id({}) foo.right.left = id({}) foo.right.right = id({}) foo.right.left.left = id({}) foo.right.left.right = id({}) foo.right.left.left.child = foo.right local almostFoo = id({}) almostFoo.left = id({}) almostFoo.right = id({}) almostFoo.left.left = id({}) almostFoo.left.right = id({}) almostFoo.right.left = id({}) almostFoo.right.right = id({}) almostFoo.right.left.left = id({}) almostFoo.right.left.right = id({}) almostFoo.right.left.left.child = almostFoo.right -- Bindings for requireType local fooLeft = foo.left local fooRight = foo.left.right local fooLeftLeft = foo.left.left local fooLeftRight = foo.left.right local fooRightLeft = foo.right.left local fooRightRight = foo.right.right local fooRightLeftLeft = foo.right.left.left local fooRightLeftRight = foo.right.left.right local almostFooLeft = almostFoo.left local almostFooRight = almostFoo.left.right local almostFooLeftLeft = almostFoo.left.left local almostFooLeftRight = almostFoo.left.right local almostFooRightLeft = almostFoo.right.left local almostFooRightRight = almostFoo.right.right local almostFooRightLeftLeft = almostFoo.right.left.left local almostFooRightLeftRight = almostFoo.right.left.right )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_table_kind_B") { CheckResult result = check(R"( -- Remove name from cyclic table local function id<a>(x: a): a return x end local foo = id({}) foo.left = id({}) foo.right = id({}) foo.left.left = id({}) foo.left.right = id({}) foo.right.left = id({}) foo.right.right = id({}) foo.right.left.left = id({}) foo.right.left.right = id({}) foo.right.left.left.child = foo.left local almostFoo = id({}) almostFoo.left = id({}) almostFoo.right = id({}) almostFoo.left.left = id({}) almostFoo.left.right = id({}) almostFoo.right.left = id({}) almostFoo.right.right = id({}) almostFoo.right.left.left = id({}) almostFoo.right.left.right = id({}) almostFoo.right.left.left.child = almostFoo.left )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_table_kind_C") { CheckResult result = check(R"( -- Remove name from cyclic table local function id<a>(x: a): a return x end local foo = id({}) foo.left = id({}) foo.right = id({}) foo.left.left = id({}) foo.left.right = id({}) foo.right.left = id({}) foo.right.right = id({}) foo.right.left.left = id({}) foo.right.left.right = id({}) foo.right.left.left.child = foo local almostFoo = id({}) almostFoo.left = id({}) almostFoo.right = id({}) almostFoo.left.left = id({}) almostFoo.left.right = id({}) almostFoo.right.left = id({}) almostFoo.right.right = id({}) almostFoo.right.left.left = id({}) almostFoo.right.left.right = id({}) almostFoo.right.left.left.child = almostFoo )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_table_kind_D") { CheckResult result = check(R"( -- Remove name from cyclic table local function id<a>(x: a): a return x end local foo = id({}) foo.left = id({}) foo.right = id({}) foo.left.left = id({}) foo.left.right = id({}) foo.right.left = id({}) foo.right.right = id({}) foo.right.left.left = id({}) foo.right.left.right = id({}) foo.right.left.left.child = foo.right.left.left local almostFoo = id({}) almostFoo.left = id({}) almostFoo.right = id({}) almostFoo.left.left = id({}) almostFoo.left.right = id({}) almostFoo.right.left = id({}) almostFoo.right.right = id({}) almostFoo.right.left.left = id({}) almostFoo.right.left.right = id({}) almostFoo.right.left.left.child = almostFoo.right.left.left )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_table_cyclic_diamonds_unraveled") { CheckResult result = check(R"( -- Remove name from cyclic table local function id<a>(x: a): a return x end -- Pattern 1 local foo = id({}) foo.child = id({}) foo.child.left = id({}) foo.child.right = id({}) foo.child.left.child = foo foo.child.right.child = foo -- Pattern 2 local almostFoo = id({}) almostFoo.child = id({}) almostFoo.child.left = id({}) almostFoo.child.right = id({}) almostFoo.child.left.child = id({}) -- Use a new table almostFoo.child.right.child = almostFoo.child.left.child -- Refer to the same new table almostFoo.child.left.child.child = id({}) almostFoo.child.left.child.child.left = id({}) almostFoo.child.left.child.child.right = id({}) almostFoo.child.left.child.child.left.child = almostFoo.child.left.child almostFoo.child.left.child.child.right.child = almostFoo.child.left.child -- Pattern 3 local anotherFoo = id({}) anotherFoo.child = id({}) anotherFoo.child.left = id({}) anotherFoo.child.right = id({}) anotherFoo.child.left.child = id({}) -- Use a new table anotherFoo.child.right.child = id({}) -- Use another new table anotherFoo.child.left.child.child = id({}) anotherFoo.child.left.child.child.left = id({}) anotherFoo.child.left.child.child.right = id({}) anotherFoo.child.right.child.child = id({}) anotherFoo.child.right.child.child.left = id({}) anotherFoo.child.right.child.child.right = id({}) anotherFoo.child.left.child.child.left.child = anotherFoo.child.left.child anotherFoo.child.left.child.child.right.child = anotherFoo.child.left.child anotherFoo.child.right.child.child.left.child = anotherFoo.child.right.child anotherFoo.child.right.child.child.right.child = anotherFoo.child.right.child -- Pattern 4 local cleverFoo = id({}) cleverFoo.child = id({}) cleverFoo.child.left = id({}) cleverFoo.child.right = id({}) cleverFoo.child.left.child = id({}) -- Use a new table cleverFoo.child.right.child = id({}) -- Use another new table cleverFoo.child.left.child.child = id({}) cleverFoo.child.left.child.child.left = id({}) cleverFoo.child.left.child.child.right = id({}) cleverFoo.child.right.child.child = id({}) cleverFoo.child.right.child.child.left = id({}) cleverFoo.child.right.child.child.right = id({}) -- Same as pattern 3, but swapped here cleverFoo.child.left.child.child.left.child = cleverFoo.child.right.child -- Swap cleverFoo.child.left.child.child.right.child = cleverFoo.child.right.child cleverFoo.child.right.child.child.left.child = cleverFoo.child.left.child cleverFoo.child.right.child.child.right.child = cleverFoo.child.left.child -- Pattern 5 local cheekyFoo = id({}) cheekyFoo.child = id({}) cheekyFoo.child.left = id({}) cheekyFoo.child.right = id({}) cheekyFoo.child.left.child = foo -- Use existing pattern cheekyFoo.child.right.child = foo -- Use existing pattern )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); std::vector<std::string> symbols{"foo", "almostFoo", "anotherFoo", "cleverFoo", "cheekyFoo"}; for (auto left : symbols) { for (auto right : symbols) { compareTypesEq(left, right); } } } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_function_cyclic") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo() return foo end function almostFoo() function bar() return bar end return bar end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_function_table_cyclic") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo() return { bar = foo } end function almostFoo() function bar() return { bar = bar } end return { bar = bar } end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "function_table_self_referential_cyclic") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks // ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo() return { bar = foo } end function almostFoo() function bar() return bar end return { bar = bar } end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); if (FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution) compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol>.Ret[1].bar.Ret[1] has type t1 where t1 = { bar: () -> t1 }, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol>.Ret[1].bar.Ret[1] has type t1 where t1 = () -> t1)"); else compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol>.Ret[1].bar.Ret[1] has type t1 where t1 = {| bar: () -> t1 |}, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol>.Ret[1].bar.Ret[1] has type t1 where t1 = () -> t1)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_union_cyclic") { TypeArena arena; TypeId number = arena.addType(PrimitiveType{PrimitiveType::Number}); TypeId string = arena.addType(PrimitiveType{PrimitiveType::String}); TypeId foo = arena.addType(UnionType{std::vector<TypeId>{number, string}}); UnionType* unionFoo = getMutable<UnionType>(foo); unionFoo->options.push_back(foo); TypeId almostFoo = arena.addType(UnionType{std::vector<TypeId>{number, string}}); UnionType* unionAlmostFoo = getMutable<UnionType>(almostFoo); unionAlmostFoo->options.push_back(almostFoo); compareEq(foo, almostFoo); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_intersection_cyclic") { // Old solver does not correctly refine test types ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo1(x: number) return x end function foo2(x: string) return 0 end function bar1(x: number) return x end function bar2(x: string) return 0 end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); TypeId foo1 = requireType("foo1"); TypeId foo2 = requireType("foo2"); TypeId bar1 = requireType("bar1"); TypeId bar2 = requireType("bar2"); TypeArena arena; TypeId foo = arena.addType(IntersectionType{std::vector<TypeId>{foo1, foo2}}); IntersectionType* intersectionFoo = getMutable<IntersectionType>(foo); intersectionFoo->parts.push_back(foo); TypeId almostFoo = arena.addType(IntersectionType{std::vector<TypeId>{bar1, bar2}}); IntersectionType* intersectionAlmostFoo = getMutable<IntersectionType>(almostFoo); intersectionAlmostFoo->parts.push_back(almostFoo); compareEq(foo, almostFoo); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "singleton") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo: "hello" = "hello" local almostFoo: true = true )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> has type "hello", while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> has type true)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_singleton") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo: "hello" = "hello" local almostFoo: "hello" )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "singleton_string") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo: "hello" = "hello" local almostFoo: "world" = "world" )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> has type "hello", while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> has type "world")"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixtureWithBuiltins, "negation") { if (!FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution) return; CheckResult result = check(R"( local bar: { x: { y: unknown }} local almostBar: { x: { y: unknown }} local foo local almostFoo if typeof(bar.x.y) ~= "string" then foo = bar end if typeof(almostBar.x.y) ~= "number" then almostFoo = almostBar end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol>.x.y.Negation has type string, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol>.x.y.Negation has type number)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "union_missing_right") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo: string | number local almostFoo: boolean | string )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> is a union containing type number, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> is a union missing type number)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "union_missing_left") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo: string | number local almostFoo: boolean | string | number )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> is a union missing type boolean, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> is a union containing type boolean)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "union_missing") { // TODO: this test case produces an error message that is not the most UX-friendly CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo: { bar: number, pan: string } | { baz: boolean, rot: "singleton" } local almostFoo: { bar: number, pan: string } | { baz: string, rot: "singleton" } )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); if (FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution) compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> is a union containing type { baz: boolean, rot: "singleton" }, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> is a union missing type { baz: boolean, rot: "singleton" })"); else compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> is a union containing type {| baz: boolean, rot: "singleton" |}, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> is a union missing type {| baz: boolean, rot: "singleton" |})"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "intersection_missing_right") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo: (number) -> () & (string) -> () local almostFoo: (string) -> () & (boolean) -> () )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> is an intersection containing type (number) -> (), while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> is an intersection missing type (number) -> ())"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "intersection_missing_left") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo: (number) -> () & (string) -> () local almostFoo: (string) -> () & (boolean) -> () & (number) -> () )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> is an intersection missing type (boolean) -> (), while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> is an intersection containing type (boolean) -> ())"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "intersection_tables_missing_right") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo: { x: number } & { y: string } local almostFoo: { y: string } & { z: boolean } )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); if (FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution) compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> is an intersection containing type { x: number }, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> is an intersection missing type { x: number })"); else compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> is an intersection containing type {| x: number |}, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> is an intersection missing type {| x: number |})"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "intersection_tables_missing_left") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo: { x: number } & { y: string } local almostFoo: { y: string } & { z: boolean } & { x: number } )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); if (FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution) compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> is an intersection missing type { z: boolean }, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> is an intersection containing type { z: boolean })"); else compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> is an intersection missing type {| z: boolean |}, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> is an intersection containing type {| z: boolean |})"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_function") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo(x: number) return x end function almostFoo(y: number) return y + 10 end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_function_inferred_ret_length") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function bar(x: number, y: string) return x, y end function almostBar(a: number, b: string) return a, b end function foo(x: number, y: string, z: boolean) return z, bar(x, y) end function almostFoo(a: number, b: string, c: boolean) return c, almostBar(a, b) end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_function_inferred_ret_length_2") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function bar(x: number, y: string) return x, y end function foo(x: number, y: string, z: boolean) return bar(x, y), z end function almostFoo(a: number, b: string, c: boolean) return a, c end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "function_arg_normal") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo(x: number, y: number, z: number) return x * y * z end function almostFoo(a: number, b: number, msg: string) return a end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol>.Arg[3] has type number, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol>.Arg[3] has type string)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "function_arg_normal_2") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo(x: number, y: number, z: string) return x * y end function almostFoo(a: number, y: string, msg: string) return a end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol>.Arg[2] has type number, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol>.Arg[2] has type string)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "function_ret_normal") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo(x: number, y: number, z: string) return x end function almostFoo(a: number, b: number, msg: string) return msg end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol>.Ret[1] has type number, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol>.Ret[1] has type string)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "function_arg_length") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo(x: number, y: number) return x end function almostFoo(x: number, y: number, c: number) return x end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> takes 2 or more arguments, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> takes 3 or more arguments)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "function_arg_length_2") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo(x: number, y: string, z: number) return z end function almostFoo(x: number, y: string) return x end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> takes 3 or more arguments, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> takes 2 or more arguments)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "function_arg_length_none") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo() return 5 end function almostFoo(x: number, y: string) return x end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> takes 0 or more arguments, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> takes 2 or more arguments)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "function_arg_length_none_2") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo(x: number) return x end function almostFoo() return 5 end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> takes 1 or more arguments, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> takes 0 or more arguments)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "function_ret_length") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo(x: number, y: number) return x end function almostFoo(x: number, y: number) return x, y end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> returns 1 values, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> returns 2 values)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "function_ret_length_2") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo(x: number, y: string, z: number) return y, x, z end function almostFoo(x: number, y: string, z: number) return y, x end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> returns 3 values, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> returns 2 values)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "function_ret_length_none") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo(x: number, y: string) return end function almostFoo(x: number, y: string) return x end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> returns 0 values, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> returns 1 values)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "function_ret_length_none_2") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo() return 5 end function almostFoo() return end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> returns 1 values, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> returns 0 values)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "function_variadic_arg_normal") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo(x: number, y: string, ...: number) return x, y end function almostFoo(a: number, b: string, ...: string) return a, b end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol>.Arg[Variadic] has type number, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol>.Arg[Variadic] has type string)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "function_variadic_arg_missing") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo(x: number, y: string, ...: number) return x, y end function almostFoo(a: number, b: string) return a, b end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol>.Arg[Variadic] has type number, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol>.Arg[Variadic] has type any)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "function_variadic_arg_missing_2") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo(x: number, y: string) return x, y end function almostFoo(a: number, b: string, ...: string) return a, b end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol>.Arg[Variadic] has type any, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol>.Arg[Variadic] has type string)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "function_variadic_oversaturation") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( -- allowed to be oversaturated function foo(x: number, y: string) return x, y end -- must not be oversaturated local almostFoo: (number, string) -> (number, string) = foo )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> takes 2 or more arguments, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> takes 2 arguments)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "function_variadic_oversaturation_2") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( -- must not be oversaturated local foo: (number, string) -> (number, string) -- allowed to be oversaturated function almostFoo(x: number, y: string) return x, y end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> takes 2 arguments, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> takes 2 or more arguments)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "generic") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo(x, y) return x, y end function almostFoo(x, y) return y, x end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left generic at <unlabeled-symbol>.Ret[1] cannot be the same type parameter as the right generic at <unlabeled-symbol>.Ret[1])"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "generic_one_vs_two") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo<X>(x: X, y: X) return end function almostFoo<T, U>(x: T, y: U) return end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left generic at <unlabeled-symbol>.Arg[2] cannot be the same type parameter as the right generic at <unlabeled-symbol>.Arg[2])"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "generic_three_or_three") { // Old solver does not correctly infer function typepacks ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, true}; CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo<X, Y>(x: X, y: X, z: Y) return end function almostFoo<T, U>(x: T, y: U, z: U) return end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left generic at <unlabeled-symbol>.Arg[2] cannot be the same type parameter as the right generic at <unlabeled-symbol>.Arg[2])"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixtureWithBuiltins, "equal_metatable") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local metaFoo = { metaBar = 5 } local metaAlmostFoo = { metaBar = 1 } local foo = { bar = 3 } setmetatable(foo, metaFoo) local almostFoo = { bar = 4 } setmetatable(almostFoo, metaAlmostFoo) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixtureWithBuiltins, "metatable_normal") { ScopedFastFlag sff{FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution, false}; CheckResult result = check(R"( local metaFoo = { metaBar = 5 } local metaAlmostFoo = { metaBar = 1 } local foo = { bar = 3 } setmetatable(foo, metaFoo) local almostFoo = { bar = "hello" } setmetatable(almostFoo, metaAlmostFoo) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol>.bar has type number, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol>.bar has type string)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixtureWithBuiltins, "metatable_metanormal") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local metaFoo = { metaBar = "world" } local metaAlmostFoo = { metaBar = 1 } local foo = { bar = "amazing" } setmetatable(foo, metaFoo) local almostFoo = { bar = "hello" } setmetatable(almostFoo, metaAlmostFoo) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol>.__metatable.metaBar has type string, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol>.__metatable.metaBar has type number)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixtureWithBuiltins, "metatable_metamissing_left") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local metaFoo = { metaBar = "world" } local metaAlmostFoo = { metaBar = 1, thisIsOnlyInRight = 2, } local foo = { bar = "amazing" } setmetatable(foo, metaFoo) local almostFoo = { bar = "hello" } setmetatable(almostFoo, metaAlmostFoo) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol>.__metatable is missing the property thisIsOnlyInRight, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol>.__metatable.thisIsOnlyInRight has type number)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixtureWithBuiltins, "metatable_metamissing_right") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local metaFoo = { metaBar = "world", thisIsOnlyInLeft = 2, } local metaAlmostFoo = { metaBar = 1, } local foo = { bar = "amazing" } setmetatable(foo, metaFoo) local almostFoo = { bar = "hello" } setmetatable(almostFoo, metaAlmostFoo) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol>.__metatable.thisIsOnlyInLeft has type number, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol>.__metatable is missing the property thisIsOnlyInLeft)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixtureGeneric<ClassFixture>, "equal_class") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo = BaseClass local almostFoo = BaseClass )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixtureGeneric<ClassFixture>, "class_normal") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo = BaseClass local almostFoo = ChildClass )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> has type BaseClass, while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> has type ChildClass)"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_generictp") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo: <T...>() -> T... local almostFoo: <U...>() -> U... )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "generictp_ne_fn") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo: <T, U...>(...T) -> U... local almostFoo: <U...>(U...) -> U... )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at <unlabeled-symbol> has type <T, U...>(...T) -> (U...), while the right type at <unlabeled-symbol> has type <U...>(U...) -> (U...))"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "generictp_normal") { CheckResult result = check(R"( -- trN should be X... -> Y... -- s should be X -> Y... -- x should be X -- bij should be X... -> X... -- Intended signature: <X..., Y..., Z>(X... -> Y..., Z -> X..., X... -> Y..., Z, Y... -> Y...) -> () function foo(tr, s, tr2, x, bij) bij(bij(tr(s(x)))) bij(bij(tr2(s(x)))) end -- Intended signature: <X..., Y..., Z>(X... -> X..., Z -> X..., X... -> Y..., Z, Y... -> Y...) -> () function almostFoo(bij, s, tr, x, bij2) bij(bij(s(x))) bij2(bij2(tr(s(x)))) end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); INFO(Luau::toString(requireType("foo"))); INFO(Luau::toString(requireType("almostFoo"))); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left generic at <unlabeled-symbol>.Arg[1].Ret[Variadic] cannot be the same type parameter as the right generic at <unlabeled-symbol>.Arg[1].Ret[Variadic])"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "generictp_normal_2") { CheckResult result = check(R"( -- trN should be X... -> Y... -- s should be X -> Y... -- x should be X -- bij should be X... -> X... function foo(s, tr, tr2, x, bij) bij(bij(tr(s(x)))) bij(bij(tr2(s(x)))) end function almostFoo(s, bij, tr, x, bij2) bij2(bij2(bij(bij(tr(s(x)))))) end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); INFO(Luau::toString(requireType("foo"))); INFO(Luau::toString(requireType("almostFoo"))); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left generic at <unlabeled-symbol>.Arg[2].Arg[Variadic] cannot be the same type parameter as the right generic at <unlabeled-symbol>.Arg[2].Arg[Variadic])"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "equal_generictp_cyclic") { CheckResult result = check(R"( function foo(f, g, s, x) f(f(g(g(s(x))))) return foo end function almostFoo(f, g, s, x) g(g(f(f(s(x))))) return almostFoo end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); INFO(Luau::toString(requireType("foo"))); INFO(Luau::toString(requireType("almostFoo"))); compareTypesEq("foo", "almostFoo"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "symbol_forward") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo = 5 local almostFoo = "five" )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); INFO(Luau::toString(requireType("foo"))); INFO(Luau::toString(requireType("almostFoo"))); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at foo has type number, while the right type at almostFoo has type string)", true); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DifferFixture, "newlines") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local foo = 5 local almostFoo = "five" )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); INFO(Luau::toString(requireType("foo"))); INFO(Luau::toString(requireType("almostFoo"))); compareTypesNe("foo", "almostFoo", R"(DiffError: these two types are not equal because the left type at foo has type number, while the right type at almostFoo has type string)", true, true); } TEST_SUITE_END();