// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/AstQuery.h" #include "AstQueryDsl.h" #include "doctest.h" #include "Fixture.h" using namespace Luau; struct DocumentationSymbolFixture : BuiltinsFixture { std::optional getDocSymbol(const std::string& source, Position position) { check(source); SourceModule* sourceModule = getMainSourceModule(); ModulePtr module = getMainModule(); return getDocumentationSymbolAtPosition(*sourceModule, *module, position); } }; TEST_SUITE_BEGIN("AstQuery::getDocumentationSymbolAtPosition"); TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DocumentationSymbolFixture, "binding") { std::optional global = getDocSymbol( R"( local a = string.sub() )", Position(1, 21) ); CHECK_EQ(global, "@luau/global/string"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DocumentationSymbolFixture, "prop") { std::optional substring = getDocSymbol( R"( local a = string.sub() )", Position(1, 27) ); CHECK_EQ(substring, "@luau/global/string.sub"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DocumentationSymbolFixture, "event_callback_arg") { loadDefinition(R"( declare function Connect(fn: (string) -> ()) )"); std::optional substring = getDocSymbol( R"( Connect(function(abc) end) )", Position(1, 27) ); CHECK_EQ(substring, "@test/global/Connect/param/0/param/0"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DocumentationSymbolFixture, "overloaded_fn") { loadDefinition(R"( declare foo: ((string) -> number) & ((number) -> string) )"); std::optional symbol = getDocSymbol( R"( foo("asdf") )", Position(1, 10) ); CHECK_EQ(symbol, "@test/global/foo/overload/(string) -> number"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DocumentationSymbolFixture, "class_method") { loadDefinition(R"( declare class Foo function bar(self, x: string): number end declare Foo: { new: () -> Foo } )"); std::optional symbol = getDocSymbol( R"( local x: Foo = Foo.new() x:bar("asdf") )", Position(2, 11) ); CHECK_EQ(symbol, "@test/globaltype/Foo.bar"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DocumentationSymbolFixture, "overloaded_class_method") { loadDefinition(R"( declare class Foo function bar(self, x: string): number function bar(self, x: number): string end declare Foo: { new: () -> Foo } )"); std::optional symbol = getDocSymbol( R"( local x: Foo = Foo.new() x:bar("asdf") )", Position(2, 11) ); CHECK_EQ(symbol, "@test/globaltype/Foo.bar/overload/(Foo, string) -> number"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DocumentationSymbolFixture, "table_function_prop") { loadDefinition(R"( declare Foo: { new: (number) -> string } )"); std::optional symbol = getDocSymbol( R"( Foo.new("asdf") )", Position(1, 13) ); CHECK_EQ(symbol, "@test/global/Foo.new"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DocumentationSymbolFixture, "table_overloaded_function_prop") { loadDefinition(R"( declare Foo: { new: ((number) -> string) & ((string) -> number) } )"); std::optional symbol = getDocSymbol( R"( Foo.new("asdf") )", Position(1, 13) ); CHECK_EQ(symbol, "@test/global/Foo.new/overload/(string) -> number"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DocumentationSymbolFixture, "string_metatable_method") { std::optional symbol = getDocSymbol( R"( local x: string = "Foo" x:rep(2) )", Position(2, 12) ); CHECK_EQ(symbol, "@luau/global/string.rep"); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DocumentationSymbolFixture, "parent_class_method") { loadDefinition(R"( declare class Foo function bar(self, x: string): number end declare class Bar extends Foo function notbar(self, x: string): number end )"); std::optional symbol = getDocSymbol( R"( local x: Bar = Bar.new() x:bar("asdf") )", Position(2, 11) ); CHECK_EQ(symbol, "@test/globaltype/Foo.bar"); } TEST_SUITE_END(); TEST_SUITE_BEGIN("AstQuery"); TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "last_argument_function_call_type") { DOES_NOT_PASS_NEW_SOLVER_GUARD(); check(R"( local function foo() return 2 end local function bar(a: number) return -a end bar(foo()) )"); auto oty = findTypeAtPosition(Position(3, 7)); REQUIRE(oty); CHECK_EQ("number", toString(*oty)); auto expectedOty = findExpectedTypeAtPosition(Position(3, 7)); REQUIRE(expectedOty); CHECK_EQ("number", toString(*expectedOty)); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "ast_ancestry_at_eof") { check(R"( if true then )"); std::vector ancestry = findAstAncestryOfPosition(*getMainSourceModule(), Position(2, 4)); REQUIRE_GE(ancestry.size(), 2); AstStat* parentStat = ancestry[ancestry.size() - 2]->asStat(); REQUIRE(bool(parentStat)); REQUIRE(parentStat->is()); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "ac_ast_ancestry_at_number_const") { check(R"( print(3.) )"); std::vector ancestry = findAncestryAtPositionForAutocomplete(*getMainSourceModule(), Position(1, 8)); REQUIRE_GE(ancestry.size(), 2); REQUIRE(ancestry.back()->is()); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "ac_ast_ancestry_in_workspace_dot") { check(R"( print(workspace.) )"); std::vector ancestry = findAncestryAtPositionForAutocomplete(*getMainSourceModule(), Position(1, 16)); REQUIRE_GE(ancestry.size(), 2); REQUIRE(ancestry.back()->is()); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "ac_ast_ancestry_in_workspace_colon") { check(R"( print(workspace:) )"); std::vector ancestry = findAncestryAtPositionForAutocomplete(*getMainSourceModule(), Position(1, 16)); REQUIRE_GE(ancestry.size(), 2); REQUIRE(ancestry.back()->is()); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "Luau_query") { AstStatBlock* block = parse(R"( if true then end )"); AstStatIf* if_ = Luau::query(block); CHECK(if_); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "Luau_query_for_2nd_if_stat_which_doesnt_exist") { AstStatBlock* block = parse(R"( if true then end )"); AstStatIf* if_ = Luau::query(block); CHECK(!if_); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "Luau_nested_query") { AstStatBlock* block = parse(R"( if true then end )"); AstStatIf* if_ = Luau::query(block); REQUIRE(if_); AstExprConstantBool* bool_ = Luau::query(if_); REQUIRE(bool_); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "Luau_nested_query_but_first_query_failed") { AstStatBlock* block = parse(R"( if true then end )"); AstStatIf* if_ = Luau::query(block); REQUIRE(!if_); AstExprConstantBool* bool_ = Luau::query(if_); // ensure it doesn't crash REQUIRE(!bool_); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "Luau_selectively_query_for_a_different_boolean") { AstStatBlock* block = parse(R"( local x = false and true local y = true and false )"); AstExprConstantBool* fst = Luau::query(block, {nth(), nth(2)}); REQUIRE(fst); REQUIRE(fst->value == true); AstExprConstantBool* snd = Luau::query(block, {nth(2), nth(2)}); REQUIRE(snd); REQUIRE(snd->value == false); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "Luau_selectively_query_for_a_different_boolean_2") { AstStatBlock* block = parse(R"( local x = false and true local y = true and false )"); AstExprConstantBool* snd = Luau::query(block, {nth(2), nth()}); REQUIRE(snd); REQUIRE(snd->value == true); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "include_types_ancestry") { check("local x: number = 4;"); const Position pos(0, 10); std::vector ancestryNoTypes = findAstAncestryOfPosition(*getMainSourceModule(), pos); std::vector ancestryTypes = findAstAncestryOfPosition(*getMainSourceModule(), pos, true); CHECK(ancestryTypes.size() > ancestryNoTypes.size()); CHECK(!ancestryNoTypes.back()->asType()); CHECK(ancestryTypes.back()->asType()); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "find_name_ancestry") { check(R"( local tbl = {} function tbl:abc() end )"); const Position pos(2, 18); std::vector ancestry = findAstAncestryOfPosition(*getMainSourceModule(), pos); REQUIRE(!ancestry.empty()); CHECK(ancestry.back()->is()); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "find_expr_ancestry") { check(R"( local tbl = {} function tbl:abc() end )"); const Position pos(2, 29); std::vector ancestry = findAstAncestryOfPosition(*getMainSourceModule(), pos); REQUIRE(!ancestry.empty()); CHECK(ancestry.back()->is()); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "find_binding_at_position_global_start_of_file") { check("local x = string.char(1)"); const Position pos(0, 12); std::optional binding = findBindingAtPosition(*getMainModule(), *getMainSourceModule(), pos); REQUIRE(binding); CHECK_EQ(binding->location, Location{Position{0, 0}, Position{0, 0}}); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "interior_binding_location_is_consistent_with_exterior_binding") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function abcd(arg) abcd(arg) end abcd(0) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); // FIXME CLI-114385: findBindingByPosition does not properly handle AstStatLocalFunction. // std::optional declBinding = findBindingAtPosition(*getMainModule(), *getMainSourceModule(), {1, 26}); // REQUIRE(declBinding); // CHECK(declBinding->location == Location{{1, 25}, {1, 28}}); std::optional innerCallBinding = findBindingAtPosition(*getMainModule(), *getMainSourceModule(), {2, 15}); REQUIRE(innerCallBinding); CHECK(innerCallBinding->location == Location{{1, 23}, {1, 27}}); std::optional outerCallBinding = findBindingAtPosition(*getMainModule(), *getMainSourceModule(), {5, 8}); REQUIRE(outerCallBinding); CHECK(outerCallBinding->location == Location{{1, 23}, {1, 27}}); } TEST_SUITE_END();