-- This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details -- This file is based on Lua 5.x tests -- https://github.com/lua/lua/tree/master/testes print "testing datetime library" local function checkerr (msg, f, ...) local stat, err = pcall(f, ...) assert(not stat and string.find(err, msg, 1, true)) end assert(os.date("") == "") assert(os.date("!") == "") local x = string.rep("a", 10000) assert(os.date(x) == x) local t = os.time() D = os.date("*t", t) assert(os.date(string.rep("%d", 1000), t) == string.rep(os.date("%d", t), 1000)) assert(os.date(string.rep("%", 200)) == string.rep("%", 100)) assert(os.date("", -1) == nil) assert(os.time({ year = 1969, month = 12, day = 31, hour = 23, min = 59, sec = 59}) == nil) -- just before start assert(os.time({ year = 1970, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, min = 0, sec = 0}) == 0) -- start assert(os.time({ year = 3000, month = 12, day = 31, hour = 23, min = 59, sec = 59}) == 32535215999) -- just before Windows max range assert(os.time({ year = 1970, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, min = 0, sec = -1}) == nil) -- going before using time fields local function checkDateTable (t) local D = os.date("!*t", t) assert(os.time(D) == t) local DC = os.date("!%Y %m %d %H %M %S %w %j"):split(" ") assert(D.year == tonumber(DC[1])) assert(D.month == tonumber(DC[2])) assert(D.day == tonumber(DC[3])) assert(D.hour == tonumber(DC[4])) assert(D.min == tonumber(DC[5])) assert(D.sec == tonumber(DC[6])) assert(D.wday == tonumber(DC[7]) + 1) assert(D.yday == tonumber(DC[8])) end checkDateTable(os.time()) checkerr("invalid conversion specifier", os.date, "%9") checkerr("invalid conversion specifier", os.date, "%O") checkerr("invalid conversion specifier", os.date, "%E") checkerr("invalid conversion specifier", os.date, "%Ea") checkerr("missing", os.time, {hour = 12}) -- missing date do local D = os.date("*t") local t = os.time(D) if D.isdst == nil then print("no daylight saving information") else assert(type(D.isdst) == 'boolean') end D.isdst = nil local t1 = os.time(D) assert(t == t1) -- if isdst is absent uses correct default end local D = os.date("*t") t = os.time(D) D.year = D.year-1; local t1 = os.time(D) -- allow for leap years assert(math.abs(os.difftime(t,t1)/(24*3600) - 365) < 2) -- should not take more than 1 second to execute these two lines t = os.time() t1 = os.time(os.date("!*t")) local diff = os.difftime(t1,t) assert(0 <= diff and diff <= 1) diff = os.difftime(t,t1) assert(-1 <= diff and diff <= 0) local t1 = os.time{year=2000, month=10, day=1, hour=23, min=12} local t2 = os.time{year=2000, month=10, day=1, hour=23, min=10, sec=19} assert(os.difftime(t1,t2) == 60*2-19) assert(os.time({ year = 1970, day = 1, month = 1, hour = 0}) == 0) return 'OK'