// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #pragma once #include <stdint.h> #include "ltm.h" typedef uint32_t Instruction; namespace Luau { namespace CodeGen { enum class IrCondition : uint8_t; struct IrOp; struct IrBuilder; enum class IrCmd : uint8_t; void translateInstLoadNil(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc); void translateInstLoadB(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstLoadN(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc); void translateInstLoadK(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc); void translateInstLoadKX(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc); void translateInstMove(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc); void translateInstJump(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstJumpBack(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstJumpIf(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, bool not_); void translateInstJumpIfEq(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, bool not_); void translateInstJumpIfCond(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, IrCondition cond); void translateInstJumpX(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstJumpxEqNil(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstJumpxEqB(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstJumpxEqN(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstJumpxEqS(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstBinary(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, TMS tm); void translateInstBinaryK(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, TMS tm); void translateInstNot(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc); void translateInstMinus(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstLength(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstNewTable(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstDupTable(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstGetUpval(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstSetUpval(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstCloseUpvals(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc); void translateFastCallN( IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos, bool customParams, int customParamCount, IrOp customArgs, IrOp next, IrCmd fallbackCmd); void translateInstForNPrep(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstForNLoop(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstForGPrepNext(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstForGPrepInext(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstForGLoopIpairs(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstGetTableN(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstSetTableN(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstGetTable(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstSetTable(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstGetImport(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstGetTableKS(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstSetTableKS(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstGetGlobal(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstSetGlobal(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstConcat(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); void translateInstCapture(IrBuilder& build, const Instruction* pc, int pcpos); } // namespace CodeGen } // namespace Luau