// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/BuiltinDefinitions.h" #include "Luau/Ast.h" #include "Luau/Frontend.h" #include "Luau/Symbol.h" #include "Luau/Common.h" #include "Luau/ToString.h" #include "Luau/ConstraintSolver.h" #include "Luau/ConstraintGenerator.h" #include "Luau/NotNull.h" #include "Luau/TypeInfer.h" #include "Luau/TypeFamily.h" #include "Luau/TypePack.h" #include "Luau/Type.h" #include "Luau/TypeUtils.h" #include /** FIXME: Many of these type definitions are not quite completely accurate. * * Some of them require richer generics than we have. For instance, we do not yet have a way to talk * about a function that takes any number of values, but where each value must have some specific type. */ LUAU_FASTFLAG(DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution); LUAU_FASTFLAGVARIABLE(LuauSetMetatableOnUnionsOfTables, false); namespace Luau { static std::optional> magicFunctionSelect( TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, WithPredicate withPredicate); static std::optional> magicFunctionSetMetaTable( TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, WithPredicate withPredicate); static std::optional> magicFunctionAssert( TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, WithPredicate withPredicate); static std::optional> magicFunctionPack( TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, WithPredicate withPredicate); static std::optional> magicFunctionRequire( TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, WithPredicate withPredicate); static bool dcrMagicFunctionSelect(MagicFunctionCallContext context); static bool dcrMagicFunctionRequire(MagicFunctionCallContext context); static bool dcrMagicFunctionPack(MagicFunctionCallContext context); TypeId makeUnion(TypeArena& arena, std::vector&& types) { return arena.addType(UnionType{std::move(types)}); } TypeId makeIntersection(TypeArena& arena, std::vector&& types) { return arena.addType(IntersectionType{std::move(types)}); } TypeId makeOption(NotNull builtinTypes, TypeArena& arena, TypeId t) { LUAU_ASSERT(t); return makeUnion(arena, {builtinTypes->nilType, t}); } TypeId makeFunction( TypeArena& arena, std::optional selfType, std::initializer_list paramTypes, std::initializer_list retTypes) { return makeFunction(arena, selfType, {}, {}, paramTypes, {}, retTypes); } TypeId makeFunction(TypeArena& arena, std::optional selfType, std::initializer_list generics, std::initializer_list genericPacks, std::initializer_list paramTypes, std::initializer_list retTypes) { return makeFunction(arena, selfType, generics, genericPacks, paramTypes, {}, retTypes); } TypeId makeFunction(TypeArena& arena, std::optional selfType, std::initializer_list paramTypes, std::initializer_list paramNames, std::initializer_list retTypes) { return makeFunction(arena, selfType, {}, {}, paramTypes, paramNames, retTypes); } TypeId makeFunction(TypeArena& arena, std::optional selfType, std::initializer_list generics, std::initializer_list genericPacks, std::initializer_list paramTypes, std::initializer_list paramNames, std::initializer_list retTypes) { std::vector params; if (selfType) params.push_back(*selfType); for (auto&& p : paramTypes) params.push_back(p); TypePackId paramPack = arena.addTypePack(std::move(params)); TypePackId retPack = arena.addTypePack(std::vector(retTypes)); FunctionType ftv{generics, genericPacks, paramPack, retPack, {}, selfType.has_value()}; if (selfType) ftv.argNames.push_back(Luau::FunctionArgument{"self", {}}); if (paramNames.size() != 0) { for (auto&& p : paramNames) ftv.argNames.push_back(Luau::FunctionArgument{std::move(p), {}}); } else if (selfType) { // If argument names were not provided, but we have already added a name for 'self' argument, we have to fill remaining slots as well for (size_t i = 0; i < paramTypes.size(); i++) ftv.argNames.push_back(std::nullopt); } return arena.addType(std::move(ftv)); } void attachMagicFunction(TypeId ty, MagicFunction fn) { if (auto ftv = getMutable(ty)) ftv->magicFunction = fn; else LUAU_ASSERT(!"Got a non functional type"); } void attachDcrMagicFunction(TypeId ty, DcrMagicFunction fn) { if (auto ftv = getMutable(ty)) ftv->dcrMagicFunction = fn; else LUAU_ASSERT(!"Got a non functional type"); } void attachDcrMagicRefinement(TypeId ty, DcrMagicRefinement fn) { if (auto ftv = getMutable(ty)) ftv->dcrMagicRefinement = fn; else LUAU_ASSERT(!"Got a non functional type"); } Property makeProperty(TypeId ty, std::optional documentationSymbol) { return { /* type */ ty, /* deprecated */ false, /* deprecatedSuggestion */ {}, /* location */ std::nullopt, /* tags */ {}, documentationSymbol, }; } void addGlobalBinding(GlobalTypes& globals, const std::string& name, TypeId ty, const std::string& packageName) { addGlobalBinding(globals, globals.globalScope, name, ty, packageName); } void addGlobalBinding(GlobalTypes& globals, const std::string& name, Binding binding) { addGlobalBinding(globals, globals.globalScope, name, binding); } void addGlobalBinding(GlobalTypes& globals, const ScopePtr& scope, const std::string& name, TypeId ty, const std::string& packageName) { std::string documentationSymbol = packageName + "/global/" + name; addGlobalBinding(globals, scope, name, Binding{ty, Location{}, {}, {}, documentationSymbol}); } void addGlobalBinding(GlobalTypes& globals, const ScopePtr& scope, const std::string& name, Binding binding) { scope->bindings[globals.globalNames.names->getOrAdd(name.c_str())] = binding; } std::optional tryGetGlobalBinding(GlobalTypes& globals, const std::string& name) { AstName astName = globals.globalNames.names->getOrAdd(name.c_str()); auto it = globals.globalScope->bindings.find(astName); if (it != globals.globalScope->bindings.end()) return it->second; return std::nullopt; } TypeId getGlobalBinding(GlobalTypes& globals, const std::string& name) { auto t = tryGetGlobalBinding(globals, name); LUAU_ASSERT(t.has_value()); return t->typeId; } Binding* tryGetGlobalBindingRef(GlobalTypes& globals, const std::string& name) { AstName astName = globals.globalNames.names->get(name.c_str()); if (astName == AstName()) return nullptr; auto it = globals.globalScope->bindings.find(astName); if (it != globals.globalScope->bindings.end()) return &it->second; return nullptr; } void assignPropDocumentationSymbols(TableType::Props& props, const std::string& baseName) { for (auto& [name, prop] : props) { prop.documentationSymbol = baseName + "." + name; } } void registerBuiltinGlobals(Frontend& frontend, GlobalTypes& globals, bool typeCheckForAutocomplete) { LUAU_ASSERT(!globals.globalTypes.types.isFrozen()); LUAU_ASSERT(!globals.globalTypes.typePacks.isFrozen()); TypeArena& arena = globals.globalTypes; NotNull builtinTypes = globals.builtinTypes; if (FFlag::DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution) kBuiltinTypeFamilies.addToScope(NotNull{&arena}, NotNull{globals.globalScope.get()}); LoadDefinitionFileResult loadResult = frontend.loadDefinitionFile( globals, globals.globalScope, getBuiltinDefinitionSource(), "@luau", /* captureComments */ false, typeCheckForAutocomplete); LUAU_ASSERT(loadResult.success); TypeId genericK = arena.addType(GenericType{"K"}); TypeId genericV = arena.addType(GenericType{"V"}); TypeId mapOfKtoV = arena.addType(TableType{{}, TableIndexer(genericK, genericV), globals.globalScope->level, TableState::Generic}); std::optional stringMetatableTy = getMetatable(builtinTypes->stringType, builtinTypes); LUAU_ASSERT(stringMetatableTy); const TableType* stringMetatableTable = get(follow(*stringMetatableTy)); LUAU_ASSERT(stringMetatableTable); auto it = stringMetatableTable->props.find("__index"); LUAU_ASSERT(it != stringMetatableTable->props.end()); addGlobalBinding(globals, "string", it->second.type(), "@luau"); // next(t: Table, i: K?) -> (K?, V) TypePackId nextArgsTypePack = arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{mapOfKtoV, makeOption(builtinTypes, arena, genericK)}}); TypePackId nextRetsTypePack = arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{makeOption(builtinTypes, arena, genericK), genericV}}); addGlobalBinding(globals, "next", arena.addType(FunctionType{{genericK, genericV}, {}, nextArgsTypePack, nextRetsTypePack}), "@luau"); TypePackId pairsArgsTypePack = arena.addTypePack({mapOfKtoV}); TypeId pairsNext = arena.addType(FunctionType{nextArgsTypePack, nextRetsTypePack}); TypePackId pairsReturnTypePack = arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{pairsNext, mapOfKtoV, builtinTypes->nilType}}); // pairs(t: Table) -> ((Table, K?) -> (K, V), Table, nil) addGlobalBinding(globals, "pairs", arena.addType(FunctionType{{genericK, genericV}, {}, pairsArgsTypePack, pairsReturnTypePack}), "@luau"); TypeId genericMT = arena.addType(GenericType{"MT"}); TableType tab{TableState::Generic, globals.globalScope->level}; TypeId tabTy = arena.addType(tab); TypeId tableMetaMT = arena.addType(MetatableType{tabTy, genericMT}); addGlobalBinding(globals, "getmetatable", makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {genericMT}, {}, {tableMetaMT}, {genericMT}), "@luau"); // clang-format off // setmetatable(T, MT) -> { @metatable MT, T } addGlobalBinding(globals, "setmetatable", arena.addType( FunctionType{ {genericMT}, {}, arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{tabTy, genericMT}}), arena.addTypePack(TypePack{{tableMetaMT}}) } ), "@luau" ); // clang-format on for (const auto& pair : globals.globalScope->bindings) { persist(pair.second.typeId); if (TableType* ttv = getMutable(pair.second.typeId)) { if (!ttv->name) ttv->name = "typeof(" + toString(pair.first) + ")"; } } attachMagicFunction(getGlobalBinding(globals, "assert"), magicFunctionAssert); attachMagicFunction(getGlobalBinding(globals, "setmetatable"), magicFunctionSetMetaTable); attachMagicFunction(getGlobalBinding(globals, "select"), magicFunctionSelect); attachDcrMagicFunction(getGlobalBinding(globals, "select"), dcrMagicFunctionSelect); if (TableType* ttv = getMutable(getGlobalBinding(globals, "table"))) { // tabTy is a generic table type which we can't express via declaration syntax yet ttv->props["freeze"] = makeProperty(makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {tabTy}, {tabTy}), "@luau/global/table.freeze"); ttv->props["clone"] = makeProperty(makeFunction(arena, std::nullopt, {tabTy}, {tabTy}), "@luau/global/table.clone"); ttv->props["getn"].deprecated = true; ttv->props["getn"].deprecatedSuggestion = "#"; ttv->props["foreach"].deprecated = true; ttv->props["foreachi"].deprecated = true; attachMagicFunction(ttv->props["pack"].type(), magicFunctionPack); attachDcrMagicFunction(ttv->props["pack"].type(), dcrMagicFunctionPack); } attachMagicFunction(getGlobalBinding(globals, "require"), magicFunctionRequire); attachDcrMagicFunction(getGlobalBinding(globals, "require"), dcrMagicFunctionRequire); } static std::vector parseFormatString(NotNull builtinTypes, const char* data, size_t size) { const char* options = "cdiouxXeEfgGqs*"; std::vector result; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (data[i] == '%') { i++; if (i < size && data[i] == '%') continue; // we just ignore all characters (including flags/precision) up until first alphabetic character while (i < size && !(data[i] > 0 && (isalpha(data[i]) || data[i] == '*'))) i++; if (i == size) break; if (data[i] == 'q' || data[i] == 's') result.push_back(builtinTypes->stringType); else if (data[i] == '*') result.push_back(builtinTypes->unknownType); else if (strchr(options, data[i])) result.push_back(builtinTypes->numberType); else result.push_back(builtinTypes->errorRecoveryType(builtinTypes->anyType)); } } return result; } std::optional> magicFunctionFormat( TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, WithPredicate withPredicate) { auto [paramPack, _predicates] = withPredicate; TypeArena& arena = typechecker.currentModule->internalTypes; AstExprConstantString* fmt = nullptr; if (auto index = expr.func->as(); index && expr.self) { if (auto group = index->expr->as()) fmt = group->expr->as(); else fmt = index->expr->as(); } if (!expr.self && expr.args.size > 0) fmt = expr.args.data[0]->as(); if (!fmt) return std::nullopt; std::vector expected = parseFormatString(typechecker.builtinTypes, fmt->value.data, fmt->value.size); const auto& [params, tail] = flatten(paramPack); size_t paramOffset = 1; size_t dataOffset = expr.self ? 0 : 1; // unify the prefix one argument at a time for (size_t i = 0; i < expected.size() && i + paramOffset < params.size(); ++i) { Location location = expr.args.data[std::min(i + dataOffset, expr.args.size - 1)]->location; typechecker.unify(params[i + paramOffset], expected[i], scope, location); } // if we know the argument count or if we have too many arguments for sure, we can issue an error size_t numActualParams = params.size(); size_t numExpectedParams = expected.size() + 1; // + 1 for the format string if (numExpectedParams != numActualParams && (!tail || numExpectedParams < numActualParams)) typechecker.reportError(TypeError{expr.location, CountMismatch{numExpectedParams, std::nullopt, numActualParams}}); return WithPredicate{arena.addTypePack({typechecker.stringType})}; } static bool dcrMagicFunctionFormat(MagicFunctionCallContext context) { TypeArena* arena = context.solver->arena; AstExprConstantString* fmt = nullptr; if (auto index = context.callSite->func->as(); index && context.callSite->self) { if (auto group = index->expr->as()) fmt = group->expr->as(); else fmt = index->expr->as(); } if (!context.callSite->self && context.callSite->args.size > 0) fmt = context.callSite->args.data[0]->as(); if (!fmt) return false; std::vector expected = parseFormatString(context.solver->builtinTypes, fmt->value.data, fmt->value.size); const auto& [params, tail] = flatten(context.arguments); size_t paramOffset = 1; // unify the prefix one argument at a time for (size_t i = 0; i < expected.size() && i + paramOffset < params.size(); ++i) { context.solver->unify(context.solver->rootScope, context.callSite->location, params[i + paramOffset], expected[i]); } // if we know the argument count or if we have too many arguments for sure, we can issue an error size_t numActualParams = params.size(); size_t numExpectedParams = expected.size() + 1; // + 1 for the format string if (numExpectedParams != numActualParams && (!tail || numExpectedParams < numActualParams)) context.solver->reportError(TypeError{context.callSite->location, CountMismatch{numExpectedParams, std::nullopt, numActualParams}}); TypePackId resultPack = arena->addTypePack({context.solver->builtinTypes->stringType}); asMutable(context.result)->ty.emplace(resultPack); return true; } static std::vector parsePatternString(NotNull builtinTypes, const char* data, size_t size) { std::vector result; int depth = 0; bool parsingSet = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (data[i] == '%') { ++i; if (!parsingSet && i < size && data[i] == 'b') i += 2; } else if (!parsingSet && data[i] == '[') { parsingSet = true; if (i + 1 < size && data[i + 1] == ']') i += 1; } else if (parsingSet && data[i] == ']') { parsingSet = false; } else if (data[i] == '(') { if (parsingSet) continue; if (i + 1 < size && data[i + 1] == ')') { i++; result.push_back(builtinTypes->optionalNumberType); continue; } ++depth; result.push_back(builtinTypes->optionalStringType); } else if (data[i] == ')') { if (parsingSet) continue; --depth; if (depth < 0) break; } } if (depth != 0 || parsingSet) return std::vector(); if (result.empty()) result.push_back(builtinTypes->optionalStringType); return result; } static std::optional> magicFunctionGmatch( TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, WithPredicate withPredicate) { auto [paramPack, _predicates] = withPredicate; const auto& [params, tail] = flatten(paramPack); if (params.size() != 2) return std::nullopt; TypeArena& arena = typechecker.currentModule->internalTypes; AstExprConstantString* pattern = nullptr; size_t index = expr.self ? 0 : 1; if (expr.args.size > index) pattern = expr.args.data[index]->as(); if (!pattern) return std::nullopt; std::vector returnTypes = parsePatternString(typechecker.builtinTypes, pattern->value.data, pattern->value.size); if (returnTypes.empty()) return std::nullopt; typechecker.unify(params[0], typechecker.stringType, scope, expr.args.data[0]->location); const TypePackId emptyPack = arena.addTypePack({}); const TypePackId returnList = arena.addTypePack(returnTypes); const TypeId iteratorType = arena.addType(FunctionType{emptyPack, returnList}); return WithPredicate{arena.addTypePack({iteratorType})}; } static bool dcrMagicFunctionGmatch(MagicFunctionCallContext context) { const auto& [params, tail] = flatten(context.arguments); if (params.size() != 2) return false; TypeArena* arena = context.solver->arena; AstExprConstantString* pattern = nullptr; size_t index = context.callSite->self ? 0 : 1; if (context.callSite->args.size > index) pattern = context.callSite->args.data[index]->as(); if (!pattern) return false; std::vector returnTypes = parsePatternString(context.solver->builtinTypes, pattern->value.data, pattern->value.size); if (returnTypes.empty()) return false; context.solver->unify(context.solver->rootScope, context.callSite->location, params[0], context.solver->builtinTypes->stringType); const TypePackId emptyPack = arena->addTypePack({}); const TypePackId returnList = arena->addTypePack(returnTypes); const TypeId iteratorType = arena->addType(FunctionType{emptyPack, returnList}); const TypePackId resTypePack = arena->addTypePack({iteratorType}); asMutable(context.result)->ty.emplace(resTypePack); return true; } static std::optional> magicFunctionMatch( TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, WithPredicate withPredicate) { auto [paramPack, _predicates] = withPredicate; const auto& [params, tail] = flatten(paramPack); if (params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 3) return std::nullopt; TypeArena& arena = typechecker.currentModule->internalTypes; AstExprConstantString* pattern = nullptr; size_t patternIndex = expr.self ? 0 : 1; if (expr.args.size > patternIndex) pattern = expr.args.data[patternIndex]->as(); if (!pattern) return std::nullopt; std::vector returnTypes = parsePatternString(typechecker.builtinTypes, pattern->value.data, pattern->value.size); if (returnTypes.empty()) return std::nullopt; typechecker.unify(params[0], typechecker.stringType, scope, expr.args.data[0]->location); const TypeId optionalNumber = arena.addType(UnionType{{typechecker.nilType, typechecker.numberType}}); size_t initIndex = expr.self ? 1 : 2; if (params.size() == 3 && expr.args.size > initIndex) typechecker.unify(params[2], optionalNumber, scope, expr.args.data[initIndex]->location); const TypePackId returnList = arena.addTypePack(returnTypes); return WithPredicate{returnList}; } static bool dcrMagicFunctionMatch(MagicFunctionCallContext context) { const auto& [params, tail] = flatten(context.arguments); if (params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 3) return false; TypeArena* arena = context.solver->arena; AstExprConstantString* pattern = nullptr; size_t patternIndex = context.callSite->self ? 0 : 1; if (context.callSite->args.size > patternIndex) pattern = context.callSite->args.data[patternIndex]->as(); if (!pattern) return false; std::vector returnTypes = parsePatternString(context.solver->builtinTypes, pattern->value.data, pattern->value.size); if (returnTypes.empty()) return false; context.solver->unify(context.solver->rootScope, context.callSite->location, params[0], context.solver->builtinTypes->stringType); const TypeId optionalNumber = arena->addType(UnionType{{context.solver->builtinTypes->nilType, context.solver->builtinTypes->numberType}}); size_t initIndex = context.callSite->self ? 1 : 2; if (params.size() == 3 && context.callSite->args.size > initIndex) context.solver->unify(context.solver->rootScope, context.callSite->location, params[2], optionalNumber); const TypePackId returnList = arena->addTypePack(returnTypes); asMutable(context.result)->ty.emplace(returnList); return true; } static std::optional> magicFunctionFind( TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, WithPredicate withPredicate) { auto [paramPack, _predicates] = withPredicate; const auto& [params, tail] = flatten(paramPack); if (params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 4) return std::nullopt; TypeArena& arena = typechecker.currentModule->internalTypes; AstExprConstantString* pattern = nullptr; size_t patternIndex = expr.self ? 0 : 1; if (expr.args.size > patternIndex) pattern = expr.args.data[patternIndex]->as(); if (!pattern) return std::nullopt; bool plain = false; size_t plainIndex = expr.self ? 2 : 3; if (expr.args.size > plainIndex) { AstExprConstantBool* p = expr.args.data[plainIndex]->as(); plain = p && p->value; } std::vector returnTypes; if (!plain) { returnTypes = parsePatternString(typechecker.builtinTypes, pattern->value.data, pattern->value.size); if (returnTypes.empty()) return std::nullopt; } typechecker.unify(params[0], typechecker.stringType, scope, expr.args.data[0]->location); const TypeId optionalNumber = arena.addType(UnionType{{typechecker.nilType, typechecker.numberType}}); const TypeId optionalBoolean = arena.addType(UnionType{{typechecker.nilType, typechecker.booleanType}}); size_t initIndex = expr.self ? 1 : 2; if (params.size() >= 3 && expr.args.size > initIndex) typechecker.unify(params[2], optionalNumber, scope, expr.args.data[initIndex]->location); if (params.size() == 4 && expr.args.size > plainIndex) typechecker.unify(params[3], optionalBoolean, scope, expr.args.data[plainIndex]->location); returnTypes.insert(returnTypes.begin(), {optionalNumber, optionalNumber}); const TypePackId returnList = arena.addTypePack(returnTypes); return WithPredicate{returnList}; } static bool dcrMagicFunctionFind(MagicFunctionCallContext context) { const auto& [params, tail] = flatten(context.arguments); if (params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 4) return false; TypeArena* arena = context.solver->arena; NotNull builtinTypes = context.solver->builtinTypes; AstExprConstantString* pattern = nullptr; size_t patternIndex = context.callSite->self ? 0 : 1; if (context.callSite->args.size > patternIndex) pattern = context.callSite->args.data[patternIndex]->as(); if (!pattern) return false; bool plain = false; size_t plainIndex = context.callSite->self ? 2 : 3; if (context.callSite->args.size > plainIndex) { AstExprConstantBool* p = context.callSite->args.data[plainIndex]->as(); plain = p && p->value; } std::vector returnTypes; if (!plain) { returnTypes = parsePatternString(builtinTypes, pattern->value.data, pattern->value.size); if (returnTypes.empty()) return false; } context.solver->unify(context.solver->rootScope, context.callSite->location, params[0], builtinTypes->stringType); const TypeId optionalNumber = arena->addType(UnionType{{builtinTypes->nilType, builtinTypes->numberType}}); const TypeId optionalBoolean = arena->addType(UnionType{{builtinTypes->nilType, builtinTypes->booleanType}}); size_t initIndex = context.callSite->self ? 1 : 2; if (params.size() >= 3 && context.callSite->args.size > initIndex) context.solver->unify(context.solver->rootScope, context.callSite->location, params[2], optionalNumber); if (params.size() == 4 && context.callSite->args.size > plainIndex) context.solver->unify(context.solver->rootScope, context.callSite->location, params[3], optionalBoolean); returnTypes.insert(returnTypes.begin(), {optionalNumber, optionalNumber}); const TypePackId returnList = arena->addTypePack(returnTypes); asMutable(context.result)->ty.emplace(returnList); return true; } TypeId makeStringMetatable(NotNull builtinTypes) { NotNull arena{builtinTypes->arena.get()}; const TypeId nilType = builtinTypes->nilType; const TypeId numberType = builtinTypes->numberType; const TypeId booleanType = builtinTypes->booleanType; const TypeId stringType = builtinTypes->stringType; const TypeId anyType = builtinTypes->anyType; const TypeId optionalNumber = arena->addType(UnionType{{nilType, numberType}}); const TypeId optionalString = arena->addType(UnionType{{nilType, stringType}}); const TypeId optionalBoolean = arena->addType(UnionType{{nilType, booleanType}}); const TypePackId oneStringPack = arena->addTypePack({stringType}); const TypePackId anyTypePack = arena->addTypePack(TypePackVar{VariadicTypePack{anyType}, true}); FunctionType formatFTV{arena->addTypePack(TypePack{{stringType}, anyTypePack}), oneStringPack}; formatFTV.magicFunction = &magicFunctionFormat; const TypeId formatFn = arena->addType(formatFTV); attachDcrMagicFunction(formatFn, dcrMagicFunctionFormat); const TypePackId emptyPack = arena->addTypePack({}); const TypePackId stringVariadicList = arena->addTypePack(TypePackVar{VariadicTypePack{stringType}}); const TypePackId numberVariadicList = arena->addTypePack(TypePackVar{VariadicTypePack{numberType}}); const TypeId stringToStringType = makeFunction(*arena, std::nullopt, {}, {}, {stringType}, {}, {stringType}); const TypeId replArgType = arena->addType(UnionType{{stringType, arena->addType(TableType({}, TableIndexer(stringType, stringType), TypeLevel{}, TableState::Generic)), makeFunction(*arena, std::nullopt, {}, {}, {stringType}, {}, {stringType})}}); const TypeId gsubFunc = makeFunction(*arena, stringType, {}, {}, {stringType, replArgType, optionalNumber}, {}, {stringType, numberType}); const TypeId gmatchFunc = makeFunction(*arena, stringType, {}, {}, {stringType}, {}, {arena->addType(FunctionType{emptyPack, stringVariadicList})}); attachMagicFunction(gmatchFunc, magicFunctionGmatch); attachDcrMagicFunction(gmatchFunc, dcrMagicFunctionGmatch); const TypeId matchFunc = arena->addType( FunctionType{arena->addTypePack({stringType, stringType, optionalNumber}), arena->addTypePack(TypePackVar{VariadicTypePack{stringType}})}); attachMagicFunction(matchFunc, magicFunctionMatch); attachDcrMagicFunction(matchFunc, dcrMagicFunctionMatch); const TypeId findFunc = arena->addType(FunctionType{arena->addTypePack({stringType, stringType, optionalNumber, optionalBoolean}), arena->addTypePack(TypePack{{optionalNumber, optionalNumber}, stringVariadicList})}); attachMagicFunction(findFunc, magicFunctionFind); attachDcrMagicFunction(findFunc, dcrMagicFunctionFind); TableType::Props stringLib = { {"byte", {arena->addType(FunctionType{arena->addTypePack({stringType, optionalNumber, optionalNumber}), numberVariadicList})}}, {"char", {arena->addType(FunctionType{numberVariadicList, arena->addTypePack({stringType})})}}, {"find", {findFunc}}, {"format", {formatFn}}, // FIXME {"gmatch", {gmatchFunc}}, {"gsub", {gsubFunc}}, {"len", {makeFunction(*arena, stringType, {}, {}, {}, {}, {numberType})}}, {"lower", {stringToStringType}}, {"match", {matchFunc}}, {"rep", {makeFunction(*arena, stringType, {}, {}, {numberType}, {}, {stringType})}}, {"reverse", {stringToStringType}}, {"sub", {makeFunction(*arena, stringType, {}, {}, {numberType, optionalNumber}, {}, {stringType})}}, {"upper", {stringToStringType}}, {"split", {makeFunction(*arena, stringType, {}, {}, {optionalString}, {}, {arena->addType(TableType{{}, TableIndexer{numberType, stringType}, TypeLevel{}, TableState::Sealed})})}}, {"pack", {arena->addType(FunctionType{ arena->addTypePack(TypePack{{stringType}, anyTypePack}), oneStringPack, })}}, {"packsize", {makeFunction(*arena, stringType, {}, {}, {}, {}, {numberType})}}, {"unpack", {arena->addType(FunctionType{ arena->addTypePack(TypePack{{stringType, stringType, optionalNumber}}), anyTypePack, })}}, }; assignPropDocumentationSymbols(stringLib, "@luau/global/string"); TypeId tableType = arena->addType(TableType{std::move(stringLib), std::nullopt, TypeLevel{}, TableState::Sealed}); if (TableType* ttv = getMutable(tableType)) ttv->name = "typeof(string)"; return arena->addType(TableType{{{{"__index", {tableType}}}}, std::nullopt, TypeLevel{}, TableState::Sealed}); } static std::optional> magicFunctionSelect( TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, WithPredicate withPredicate) { auto [paramPack, _predicates] = withPredicate; (void)scope; if (expr.args.size <= 0) { typechecker.reportError(TypeError{expr.location, GenericError{"select should take 1 or more arguments"}}); return std::nullopt; } AstExpr* arg1 = expr.args.data[0]; if (AstExprConstantNumber* num = arg1->as()) { const auto& [v, tail] = flatten(paramPack); int offset = int(num->value); if (offset > 0) { if (size_t(offset) < v.size()) { std::vector result(v.begin() + offset, v.end()); return WithPredicate{typechecker.currentModule->internalTypes.addTypePack(TypePack{std::move(result), tail})}; } else if (tail) return WithPredicate{*tail}; } typechecker.reportError(TypeError{arg1->location, GenericError{"bad argument #1 to select (index out of range)"}}); } else if (AstExprConstantString* str = arg1->as()) { if (str->value.size == 1 && str->value.data[0] == '#') return WithPredicate{typechecker.currentModule->internalTypes.addTypePack({typechecker.numberType})}; } return std::nullopt; } static bool dcrMagicFunctionSelect(MagicFunctionCallContext context) { if (context.callSite->args.size <= 0) { context.solver->reportError(TypeError{context.callSite->location, GenericError{"select should take 1 or more arguments"}}); return false; } AstExpr* arg1 = context.callSite->args.data[0]; if (AstExprConstantNumber* num = arg1->as()) { const auto& [v, tail] = flatten(context.arguments); int offset = int(num->value); if (offset > 0) { if (size_t(offset) < v.size()) { std::vector res(v.begin() + offset, v.end()); TypePackId resTypePack = context.solver->arena->addTypePack({std::move(res), tail}); asMutable(context.result)->ty.emplace(resTypePack); } else if (tail) asMutable(context.result)->ty.emplace(*tail); return true; } return false; } if (AstExprConstantString* str = arg1->as()) { if (str->value.size == 1 && str->value.data[0] == '#') { TypePackId numberTypePack = context.solver->arena->addTypePack({context.solver->builtinTypes->numberType}); asMutable(context.result)->ty.emplace(numberTypePack); return true; } } return false; } static std::optional> magicFunctionSetMetaTable( TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, WithPredicate withPredicate) { auto [paramPack, _predicates] = withPredicate; if (size(paramPack) < 2 && finite(paramPack)) return std::nullopt; TypeArena& arena = typechecker.currentModule->internalTypes; std::vector expectedArgs = typechecker.unTypePack(scope, paramPack, 2, expr.location); TypeId target = follow(expectedArgs[0]); TypeId mt = follow(expectedArgs[1]); typechecker.tablify(target); typechecker.tablify(mt); if (const auto& tab = get(target)) { if (target->persistent) { typechecker.reportError(TypeError{expr.location, CannotExtendTable{target, CannotExtendTable::Metatable}}); } else { const TableType* mtTtv = get(mt); MetatableType mtv{target, mt}; if ((tab->name || tab->syntheticName) && (mtTtv && (mtTtv->name || mtTtv->syntheticName))) { std::string tableName = tab->name ? *tab->name : *tab->syntheticName; std::string metatableName = mtTtv->name ? *mtTtv->name : *mtTtv->syntheticName; if (tableName == metatableName) mtv.syntheticName = tableName; } TypeId mtTy = arena.addType(mtv); if (expr.args.size < 1) return std::nullopt; if (!expr.self) { AstExpr* targetExpr = expr.args.data[0]; if (AstExprLocal* targetLocal = targetExpr->as()) { const Name targetName(targetLocal->local->name.value); scope->bindings[targetLocal->local] = Binding{mtTy, expr.location}; } } return WithPredicate{arena.addTypePack({mtTy})}; } } else if (get(target) || get(target) || isTableIntersection(target)) { } else if (FFlag::LuauSetMetatableOnUnionsOfTables && isTableUnion(target)) { const UnionType* ut = get(target); LUAU_ASSERT(ut); std::vector resultParts; for (TypeId ty : ut) resultParts.push_back(arena.addType(MetatableType{ty, mt})); return WithPredicate{arena.addTypePack({arena.addType(UnionType{std::move(resultParts)})})}; } else { typechecker.reportError(TypeError{expr.location, GenericError{"setmetatable should take a table"}}); } return WithPredicate{arena.addTypePack({target})}; } static std::optional> magicFunctionAssert( TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, WithPredicate withPredicate) { auto [paramPack, predicates] = withPredicate; TypeArena& arena = typechecker.currentModule->internalTypes; auto [head, tail] = flatten(paramPack); if (head.empty() && tail) { std::optional fst = first(*tail); if (!fst) return WithPredicate{paramPack}; head.push_back(*fst); } typechecker.resolve(predicates, scope, true); if (head.size() > 0) { auto [ty, ok] = typechecker.pickTypesFromSense(head[0], true, typechecker.builtinTypes->nilType); if (get(*ty)) head = {*ty}; else head[0] = *ty; } return WithPredicate{arena.addTypePack(TypePack{std::move(head), tail})}; } static std::optional> magicFunctionPack( TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, WithPredicate withPredicate) { auto [paramPack, _predicates] = withPredicate; TypeArena& arena = typechecker.currentModule->internalTypes; const auto& [paramTypes, paramTail] = flatten(paramPack); std::vector options; options.reserve(paramTypes.size()); for (auto type : paramTypes) options.push_back(type); if (paramTail) { if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = get(*paramTail)) options.push_back(vtp->ty); } options = reduceUnion(options); // table.pack() -> {| n: number, [number]: nil |} // table.pack(1) -> {| n: number, [number]: number |} // table.pack(1, "foo") -> {| n: number, [number]: number | string |} TypeId result = nullptr; if (options.empty()) result = typechecker.nilType; else if (options.size() == 1) result = options[0]; else result = arena.addType(UnionType{std::move(options)}); TypeId packedTable = arena.addType(TableType{{{"n", {typechecker.numberType}}}, TableIndexer(typechecker.numberType, result), scope->level, TableState::Sealed}); return WithPredicate{arena.addTypePack({packedTable})}; } static bool dcrMagicFunctionPack(MagicFunctionCallContext context) { TypeArena* arena = context.solver->arena; const auto& [paramTypes, paramTail] = flatten(context.arguments); std::vector options; options.reserve(paramTypes.size()); for (auto type : paramTypes) options.push_back(type); if (paramTail) { if (const VariadicTypePack* vtp = get(*paramTail)) options.push_back(vtp->ty); } options = reduceUnion(options); // table.pack() -> {| n: number, [number]: nil |} // table.pack(1) -> {| n: number, [number]: number |} // table.pack(1, "foo") -> {| n: number, [number]: number | string |} TypeId result = nullptr; if (options.empty()) result = context.solver->builtinTypes->nilType; else if (options.size() == 1) result = options[0]; else result = arena->addType(UnionType{std::move(options)}); TypeId numberType = context.solver->builtinTypes->numberType; TypeId packedTable = arena->addType(TableType{{{"n", {numberType}}}, TableIndexer(numberType, result), {}, TableState::Sealed}); TypePackId tableTypePack = arena->addTypePack({packedTable}); asMutable(context.result)->ty.emplace(tableTypePack); return true; } static bool checkRequirePath(TypeChecker& typechecker, AstExpr* expr) { // require(foo.parent.bar) will technically work, but it depends on legacy goop that // Luau does not and could not support without a bunch of work. It's deprecated anyway, so // we'll warn here if we see it. bool good = true; AstExprIndexName* indexExpr = expr->as(); while (indexExpr) { if (indexExpr->index == "parent") { typechecker.reportError(indexExpr->indexLocation, DeprecatedApiUsed{"parent", "Parent"}); good = false; } indexExpr = indexExpr->expr->as(); } return good; } static std::optional> magicFunctionRequire( TypeChecker& typechecker, const ScopePtr& scope, const AstExprCall& expr, WithPredicate withPredicate) { TypeArena& arena = typechecker.currentModule->internalTypes; if (expr.args.size != 1) { typechecker.reportError(TypeError{expr.location, GenericError{"require takes 1 argument"}}); return std::nullopt; } if (!checkRequirePath(typechecker, expr.args.data[0])) return std::nullopt; if (auto moduleInfo = typechecker.resolver->resolveModuleInfo(typechecker.currentModule->name, expr)) return WithPredicate{arena.addTypePack({typechecker.checkRequire(scope, *moduleInfo, expr.location)})}; return std::nullopt; } static bool checkRequirePathDcr(NotNull solver, AstExpr* expr) { // require(foo.parent.bar) will technically work, but it depends on legacy goop that // Luau does not and could not support without a bunch of work. It's deprecated anyway, so // we'll warn here if we see it. bool good = true; AstExprIndexName* indexExpr = expr->as(); while (indexExpr) { if (indexExpr->index == "parent") { solver->reportError(DeprecatedApiUsed{"parent", "Parent"}, indexExpr->indexLocation); good = false; } indexExpr = indexExpr->expr->as(); } return good; } static bool dcrMagicFunctionRequire(MagicFunctionCallContext context) { if (context.callSite->args.size != 1) { context.solver->reportError(GenericError{"require takes 1 argument"}, context.callSite->location); return false; } if (!checkRequirePathDcr(context.solver, context.callSite->args.data[0])) return false; if (auto moduleInfo = context.solver->moduleResolver->resolveModuleInfo(context.solver->currentModuleName, *context.callSite)) { TypeId moduleType = context.solver->resolveModule(*moduleInfo, context.callSite->location); TypePackId moduleResult = context.solver->arena->addTypePack({moduleType}); asMutable(context.result)->ty.emplace(moduleResult); return true; } return false; } } // namespace Luau