// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "Luau/Scope.h" #include "Luau/ToDot.h" #include "Fixture.h" #include "doctest.h" using namespace Luau; LUAU_FASTFLAG(LuauSolverV2); struct ToDotClassFixture : Fixture { ToDotClassFixture() { TypeArena& arena = frontend.globals.globalTypes; unfreeze(arena); TypeId baseClassMetaType = arena.addType(TableType{}); TypeId baseClassInstanceType = arena.addType(ClassType{"BaseClass", {}, std::nullopt, baseClassMetaType, {}, {}, "Test", {}}); getMutable(baseClassInstanceType)->props = { {"BaseField", {builtinTypes->numberType}}, }; frontend.globals.globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["BaseClass"] = TypeFun{{}, baseClassInstanceType}; TypeId childClassInstanceType = arena.addType(ClassType{"ChildClass", {}, baseClassInstanceType, std::nullopt, {}, {}, "Test", {}}); getMutable(childClassInstanceType)->props = { {"ChildField", {builtinTypes->stringType}}, }; frontend.globals.globalScope->exportedTypeBindings["ChildClass"] = TypeFun{{}, childClassInstanceType}; for (const auto& [name, ty] : frontend.globals.globalScope->exportedTypeBindings) persist(ty.type); freeze(arena); } }; TEST_SUITE_BEGIN("ToDot"); TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "primitive") { CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="nil"]; })", toDot(builtinTypes->nilType) ); CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="number"]; })", toDot(builtinTypes->numberType) ); CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="any"]; })", toDot(builtinTypes->anyType) ); CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="unknown"]; })", toDot(builtinTypes->unknownType) ); CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="never"]; })", toDot(builtinTypes->neverType) ); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "no_duplicatePrimitives") { ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; opts.duplicatePrimitives = false; CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="PrimitiveType number"]; })", toDot(builtinTypes->numberType, opts) ); CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="AnyType 1"]; })", toDot(builtinTypes->anyType, opts) ); CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="UnknownType 1"]; })", toDot(builtinTypes->unknownType, opts) ); CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="NeverType 1"]; })", toDot(builtinTypes->neverType, opts) ); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "bound") { TypeArena arena; TypeId ty = arena.addType(BoundType{builtinTypes->numberType}); ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="BoundType 1"]; n1 -> n2; n2 [label="number"]; })", toDot(ty, opts) ); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "function") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local function f(a, ...: string) return a end )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); CHECK_EQ("(a, ...string) -> a", toString(requireType("f"))); ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) { CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="FunctionType 1"]; n1 -> n2 [label="arg"]; n2 [label="TypePack 2"]; n2 -> n3; n3 [label="GenericType 3"]; n2 -> n4 [label="tail"]; n4 [label="VariadicTypePack 4"]; n4 -> n5; n5 [label="string"]; n1 -> n6 [label="ret"]; n6 [label="BoundTypePack 6"]; n6 -> n7; n7 [label="TypePack 7"]; n7 -> n3; })", toDot(requireType("f"), opts) ); } else { CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="FunctionType 1"]; n1 -> n2 [label="arg"]; n2 [label="TypePack 2"]; n2 -> n3; n3 [label="GenericType 3"]; n2 -> n4 [label="tail"]; n4 [label="VariadicTypePack 4"]; n4 -> n5; n5 [label="string"]; n1 -> n6 [label="ret"]; n6 [label="BoundTypePack 6"]; n6 -> n7; n7 [label="TypePack 7"]; n7 -> n3; })", toDot(requireType("f"), opts) ); } } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "union") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local a: string | number )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="UnionType 1"]; n1 -> n2; n2 [label="string"]; n1 -> n3; n3 [label="number"]; })", toDot(requireType("a"), opts) ); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "intersection") { TypeArena arena; TypeId ty = arena.addType(IntersectionType{{builtinTypes->stringType, builtinTypes->numberType}}); ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="IntersectionType 1"]; n1 -> n2; n2 [label="string"]; n1 -> n3; n3 [label="number"]; })", toDot(ty, opts) ); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "table") { CheckResult result = check(R"( type A = { x: T, y: (U...) -> (), [string]: any } local a: A )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; if (FFlag::LuauSolverV2) { CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="TableType A"]; n1 -> n2 [label="x"]; n2 [label="number"]; n1 -> n3 [label="y"]; n3 [label="FunctionType 3"]; n3 -> n4 [label="arg"]; n4 [label="VariadicTypePack 4"]; n4 -> n5; n5 [label="string"]; n3 -> n6 [label="ret"]; n6 [label="TypePack 6"]; n1 -> n7 [label="[index]"]; n7 [label="string"]; n1 -> n8 [label="[value]"]; n8 [label="any"]; n1 -> n9 [label="typeParam"]; n9 [label="number"]; n1 -> n4 [label="typePackParam"]; })", toDot(requireType("a"), opts) ); } else { CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="TableType A"]; n1 -> n2 [label="x"]; n2 [label="number"]; n1 -> n3 [label="y"]; n3 [label="FunctionType 3"]; n3 -> n4 [label="arg"]; n4 [label="VariadicTypePack 4"]; n4 -> n5; n5 [label="string"]; n3 -> n6 [label="ret"]; n6 [label="TypePack 6"]; n1 -> n7 [label="[index]"]; n7 [label="string"]; n1 -> n8 [label="[value]"]; n8 [label="any"]; n1 -> n9 [label="typeParam"]; n9 [label="number"]; n1 -> n4 [label="typePackParam"]; })", toDot(requireType("a"), opts) ); } // Extra coverage with pointers (unstable values) (void)toDot(requireType("a")); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(BuiltinsFixture, "metatable") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local a: typeof(setmetatable({}, {})) )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="MetatableType 1"]; n1 -> n2 [label="table"]; n2 [label="TableType 2"]; n1 -> n3 [label="metatable"]; n3 [label="TableType 3"]; })", toDot(requireType("a"), opts) ); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "free") { DOES_NOT_PASS_NEW_SOLVER_GUARD(); Type type{TypeVariant{FreeType{TypeLevel{0, 0}, builtinTypes->neverType, builtinTypes->unknownType}}}; ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="FreeType 1"]; })", toDot(&type, opts) ); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "free_with_constraints") { ScopedFastFlag sff[] = { {FFlag::LuauSolverV2, true}, }; Type type{TypeVariant{FreeType{nullptr, builtinTypes->numberType, builtinTypes->optionalNumberType}}}; ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="FreeType 1"]; n1 -> n2 [label="[lowerBound]"]; n2 [label="number"]; n1 -> n3 [label="[upperBound]"]; n3 [label="UnionType 3"]; n3 -> n4; n4 [label="number"]; n3 -> n5; n5 [label="nil"]; })", toDot(&type, opts) ); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "error") { Type type{TypeVariant{ErrorType{}}}; ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="ErrorType 1"]; })", toDot(&type, opts) ); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "generic") { Type type{TypeVariant{GenericType{"T"}}}; ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="GenericType T"]; })", toDot(&type, opts) ); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ToDotClassFixture, "class") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local a: ChildClass )"); LUAU_REQUIRE_NO_ERRORS(result); ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="ClassType ChildClass"]; n1 -> n2 [label="ChildField"]; n2 [label="string"]; n1 -> n3 [label="[parent]"]; n3 [label="ClassType BaseClass"]; n3 -> n4 [label="BaseField"]; n4 [label="number"]; n3 -> n5 [label="[metatable]"]; n5 [label="TableType 5"]; })", toDot(requireType("a"), opts) ); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "free_pack") { TypePackVar pack{TypePackVariant{FreeTypePack{TypeLevel{0, 0}}}}; ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="FreeTypePack 1"]; })", toDot(&pack, opts) ); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "error_pack") { TypePackVar pack{TypePackVariant{ErrorTypePack{}}}; ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="ErrorTypePack 1"]; })", toDot(&pack, opts) ); // Extra coverage with pointers (unstable values) (void)toDot(&pack); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "generic_pack") { TypePackVar pack1{TypePackVariant{GenericTypePack{}}}; TypePackVar pack2{TypePackVariant{GenericTypePack{"T"}}}; ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="GenericTypePack 1"]; })", toDot(&pack1, opts) ); CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="GenericTypePack T"]; })", toDot(&pack2, opts) ); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "bound_pack") { TypePackVar pack{TypePackVariant{TypePack{{builtinTypes->numberType}, {}}}}; TypePackVar bound{TypePackVariant{BoundTypePack{&pack}}}; ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="BoundTypePack 1"]; n1 -> n2; n2 [label="TypePack 2"]; n2 -> n3; n3 [label="number"]; })", toDot(&bound, opts) ); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "bound_table") { TypeArena arena; TypeId ty = arena.addType(TableType{}); getMutable(ty)->props["x"] = {builtinTypes->numberType}; TypeId boundTy = arena.addType(TableType{}); getMutable(boundTy)->boundTo = ty; ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="TableType 1"]; n1 -> n2 [label="boundTo"]; n2 [label="TableType 2"]; n2 -> n3 [label="x"]; n3 [label="number"]; })", toDot(boundTy, opts) ); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "builtintypes") { CheckResult result = check(R"( local x: "hi" | "\"hello\"" | true | false )"); ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; CHECK_EQ( R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="UnionType 1"]; n1 -> n2; n2 [label="SingletonType string: hi"]; n1 -> n3; )" "n3 [label=\"SingletonType string: \\\"hello\\\"\"];" R"( n1 -> n4; n4 [label="SingletonType boolean: true"]; n1 -> n5; n5 [label="SingletonType boolean: false"]; })", toDot(requireType("x"), opts) ); } TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, "negation") { TypeArena arena; TypeId t = arena.addType(NegationType{builtinTypes->stringType}); ToDotOptions opts; opts.showPointers = false; CHECK(R"(digraph graphname { n1 [label="NegationType 1"]; n1 -> n2 [label="[negated]"]; n2 [label="string"]; })" == toDot(t, opts)); } TEST_SUITE_END();