// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details #include "lua.h" #include "lualib.h" #include "luacode.h" #include "Luau/BytecodeBuilder.h" #include "Luau/CodeGen.h" #include "Luau/Compiler.h" #include "Luau/Parser.h" #include "Luau/IrBuilder.h" #include "doctest.h" #include "ScopedFlags.h" #include "ConformanceIrHooks.h" #include #include static void luauLibraryConstantLookup(const char* library, const char* member, Luau::CompileConstant* constant) { // While 'vector' library constants are a Luau built-in, their constant value depends on the embedder LUA_VECTOR_SIZE value if (strcmp(library, "vector") == 0) { if (strcmp(member, "zero") == 0) return Luau::setCompileConstantVector(constant, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); if (strcmp(member, "one") == 0) return Luau::setCompileConstantVector(constant, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); } if (strcmp(library, "Vector3") == 0) { if (strcmp(member, "xAxis") == 0) return Luau::setCompileConstantVector(constant, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); if (strcmp(member, "yAxis") == 0) return Luau::setCompileConstantVector(constant, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } } static void luauLibraryConstantLookupC(const char* library, const char* member, lua_CompileConstant* constant) { if (strcmp(library, "test") == 0) { if (strcmp(member, "some_nil") == 0) return luau_set_compile_constant_nil(constant); if (strcmp(member, "some_boolean") == 0) return luau_set_compile_constant_boolean(constant, 1); if (strcmp(member, "some_number") == 0) return luau_set_compile_constant_number(constant, 4.75); if (strcmp(member, "some_vector") == 0) return luau_set_compile_constant_vector(constant, 1.0f, 2.0f, 4.0f, 8.0f); if (strcmp(member, "some_string") == 0) return luau_set_compile_constant_string(constant, "test", 4); } } static int luauLibraryTypeLookup(const char* library, const char* member) { if (strcmp(library, "Vector3") == 0) { if (strcmp(member, "xAxis") == 0) return LuauBytecodeType::LBC_TYPE_VECTOR; if (strcmp(member, "yAxis") == 0) return LuauBytecodeType::LBC_TYPE_VECTOR; } return LuauBytecodeType::LBC_TYPE_ANY; } static void setupAssemblyOptions(Luau::CodeGen::AssemblyOptions& options, bool includeIrTypes) { options.compilationOptions.hooks.vectorAccessBytecodeType = vectorAccessBytecodeType; options.compilationOptions.hooks.vectorNamecallBytecodeType = vectorNamecallBytecodeType; options.compilationOptions.hooks.vectorAccess = vectorAccess; options.compilationOptions.hooks.vectorNamecall = vectorNamecall; options.compilationOptions.hooks.userdataAccessBytecodeType = userdataAccessBytecodeType; options.compilationOptions.hooks.userdataMetamethodBytecodeType = userdataMetamethodBytecodeType; options.compilationOptions.hooks.userdataNamecallBytecodeType = userdataNamecallBytecodeType; options.compilationOptions.hooks.userdataAccess = userdataAccess; options.compilationOptions.hooks.userdataMetamethod = userdataMetamethod; options.compilationOptions.hooks.userdataNamecall = userdataNamecall; // For IR, we don't care about assembly, but we want a stable target options.target = Luau::CodeGen::AssemblyOptions::Target::X64_SystemV; options.outputBinary = false; options.includeAssembly = false; options.includeIr = true; options.includeOutlinedCode = false; options.includeIrTypes = includeIrTypes; options.includeIrPrefix = Luau::CodeGen::IncludeIrPrefix::No; options.includeUseInfo = Luau::CodeGen::IncludeUseInfo::No; options.includeCfgInfo = Luau::CodeGen::IncludeCfgInfo::No; options.includeRegFlowInfo = Luau::CodeGen::IncludeRegFlowInfo::No; } static void initializeCodegen(lua_State* L) { if (Luau::CodeGen::isSupported()) { // Type remapper requires the codegen runtime Luau::CodeGen::create(L); Luau::CodeGen::setUserdataRemapper( L, kUserdataRunTypes, [](void* context, const char* str, size_t len) -> uint8_t { const char** types = (const char**)context; uint8_t index = 0; std::string_view sv{str, len}; for (; *types; ++types) { if (sv == *types) return index; index++; } return 0xff; } ); } } static std::string getCodegenAssembly(const char* source, bool includeIrTypes = false, int debugLevel = 1) { Luau::Allocator allocator; Luau::AstNameTable names(allocator); Luau::ParseResult result = Luau::Parser::parse(source, strlen(source), names, allocator); if (!result.errors.empty()) throw Luau::ParseErrors(result.errors); Luau::CompileOptions copts = {}; copts.optimizationLevel = 2; copts.debugLevel = debugLevel; copts.typeInfoLevel = 1; copts.vectorCtor = "vector"; copts.vectorType = "vector"; static const char* kUserdataCompileTypes[] = {"vec2", "color", "mat3", nullptr}; copts.userdataTypes = kUserdataCompileTypes; static const char* kLibrariesWithConstants[] = {"vector", "Vector3", nullptr}; copts.librariesWithKnownMembers = kLibrariesWithConstants; copts.libraryMemberTypeCb = luauLibraryTypeLookup; copts.libraryMemberConstantCb = luauLibraryConstantLookup; Luau::BytecodeBuilder bcb; Luau::compileOrThrow(bcb, result, names, copts); std::string bytecode = bcb.getBytecode(); std::unique_ptr globalState(luaL_newstate(), lua_close); lua_State* L = globalState.get(); initializeCodegen(L); if (luau_load(L, "name", bytecode.data(), bytecode.size(), 0) == 0) { Luau::CodeGen::AssemblyOptions options; setupAssemblyOptions(options, includeIrTypes); // Runtime mapping is specifically created to NOT match the compilation mapping options.compilationOptions.userdataTypes = kUserdataRunTypes; return Luau::CodeGen::getAssembly(L, -1, options, nullptr); } FAIL("Failed to load bytecode"); return ""; } static std::string getCodegenAssemblyUsingCApi(const char* source, bool includeIrTypes = false, int debugLevel = 1) { lua_CompileOptions copts = {}; copts.optimizationLevel = 2; copts.debugLevel = debugLevel; copts.typeInfoLevel = 1; static const char* kLibrariesWithConstants[] = {"test", nullptr}; copts.librariesWithKnownMembers = kLibrariesWithConstants; copts.libraryMemberTypeCb = luauLibraryTypeLookup; copts.libraryMemberConstantCb = luauLibraryConstantLookupC; size_t bytecodeSize = 0; char* bytecode = luau_compile(source, strlen(source), &copts, &bytecodeSize); REQUIRE(bytecode); std::unique_ptr globalState(luaL_newstate(), lua_close); lua_State* L = globalState.get(); initializeCodegen(L); if (luau_load(L, "name", bytecode, bytecodeSize, 0) == 0) { free(bytecode); Luau::CodeGen::AssemblyOptions options; setupAssemblyOptions(options, includeIrTypes); // Runtime mapping is specifically created to NOT match the compilation mapping options.compilationOptions.userdataTypes = kUserdataRunTypes; return Luau::CodeGen::getAssembly(L, -1, options, nullptr); } free(bytecode); FAIL("Failed to load bytecode"); return ""; } static std::string getCodegenHeader(const char* source) { std::string assembly = getCodegenAssembly(source, /* includeIrTypes */ true, /* debugLevel */ 2); auto bytecodeStart = assembly.find("bb_bytecode_0:"); if (bytecodeStart == std::string::npos) bytecodeStart = assembly.find("bb_0:"); REQUIRE(bytecodeStart != std::string::npos); return assembly.substr(0, bytecodeStart); } TEST_SUITE_BEGIN("IrLowering"); TEST_CASE("VectorReciprocal") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function vecrcp(a: vector) return 1 / a end )"), R"( ; function vecrcp($arg0) line 2 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %6 = NUM_TO_VEC 1 %7 = LOAD_TVALUE R0 %8 = DIV_VEC %6, %7 %9 = TAG_VECTOR %8 STORE_TVALUE R1, %9 INTERRUPT 1u RETURN R1, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("VectorComponentRead") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function compsum(a: vector) return a.X + a.Y + a.Z end )"), R"( ; function compsum($arg0) line 2 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %6 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 0i %11 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 4i %20 = ADD_NUM %6, %11 %25 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 8i %34 = ADD_NUM %20, %25 STORE_DOUBLE R1, %34 STORE_TAG R1, tnumber INTERRUPT 8u RETURN R1, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("VectorAdd") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function vec3add(a: vector, b: vector) return a + b end )"), R"( ; function vec3add($arg0, $arg1) line 2 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R1, tvector, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %10 = LOAD_TVALUE R0 %11 = LOAD_TVALUE R1 %12 = ADD_VEC %10, %11 %13 = TAG_VECTOR %12 STORE_TVALUE R2, %13 INTERRUPT 1u RETURN R2, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("VectorMinus") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function vec3minus(a: vector) return -a end )"), R"( ; function vec3minus($arg0) line 2 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %6 = LOAD_TVALUE R0 %7 = UNM_VEC %6 %8 = TAG_VECTOR %7 STORE_TVALUE R1, %8 INTERRUPT 1u RETURN R1, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("VectorSubMulDiv") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function vec3combo(a: vector, b: vector, c: vector, d: vector) return a * b - c / d end )"), R"( ; function vec3combo($arg0, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3) line 2 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R1, tvector, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R2, tvector, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R3, tvector, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %14 = LOAD_TVALUE R0 %15 = LOAD_TVALUE R1 %16 = MUL_VEC %14, %15 %23 = LOAD_TVALUE R2 %24 = LOAD_TVALUE R3 %25 = DIV_VEC %23, %24 %34 = SUB_VEC %16, %25 %35 = TAG_VECTOR %34 STORE_TVALUE R4, %35 INTERRUPT 3u RETURN R4, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("VectorSubMulDiv2") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function vec3combo(a: vector) local tmp = a * a return (tmp - tmp) / (tmp + tmp) end )"), R"( ; function vec3combo($arg0) line 2 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %8 = LOAD_TVALUE R0 %10 = MUL_VEC %8, %8 %19 = SUB_VEC %10, %10 %28 = ADD_VEC %10, %10 %37 = DIV_VEC %19, %28 %38 = TAG_VECTOR %37 STORE_TVALUE R2, %38 INTERRUPT 4u RETURN R2, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("VectorMulDivMixed") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function vec3combo(a: vector, b: vector, c: vector, d: vector) return a * 2 + b / 4 + 0.5 * c + 40 / d end )"), R"( ; function vec3combo($arg0, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3) line 2 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R1, tvector, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R2, tvector, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R3, tvector, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %12 = LOAD_TVALUE R0 %13 = NUM_TO_VEC 2 %14 = MUL_VEC %12, %13 %19 = LOAD_TVALUE R1 %20 = NUM_TO_VEC 4 %21 = DIV_VEC %19, %20 %30 = ADD_VEC %14, %21 %40 = NUM_TO_VEC 0.5 %41 = LOAD_TVALUE R2 %42 = MUL_VEC %40, %41 %51 = ADD_VEC %30, %42 %56 = NUM_TO_VEC 40 %57 = LOAD_TVALUE R3 %58 = DIV_VEC %56, %57 %67 = ADD_VEC %51, %58 %68 = TAG_VECTOR %67 STORE_TVALUE R4, %68 INTERRUPT 8u RETURN R4, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("ExtraMathMemoryOperands") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function foo(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, e: number) return math.floor(a) + math.ceil(b) + math.round(c) + math.sqrt(d) + math.abs(e) end )"), R"( ; function foo($arg0, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4) line 2 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tnumber, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R1, tnumber, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R2, tnumber, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R3, tnumber, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R4, tnumber, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: CHECK_SAFE_ENV exit(1) %16 = FLOOR_NUM R0 %23 = CEIL_NUM R1 %32 = ADD_NUM %16, %23 %39 = ROUND_NUM R2 %48 = ADD_NUM %32, %39 %55 = SQRT_NUM R3 %64 = ADD_NUM %48, %55 %71 = ABS_NUM R4 %80 = ADD_NUM %64, %71 STORE_DOUBLE R5, %80 STORE_TAG R5, tnumber INTERRUPT 29u RETURN R5, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("DseInitialStackState") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function foo() while {} do local _ = not _,{} _ = nil end end )"), R"( ; function foo() line 2 bb_bytecode_0: SET_SAVEDPC 1u %1 = NEW_TABLE 0u, 0u STORE_POINTER R0, %1 STORE_TAG R0, ttable CHECK_GC JUMP bb_2 bb_2: CHECK_SAFE_ENV exit(3) JUMP_EQ_TAG K1 (nil), tnil, bb_fallback_4, bb_3 bb_3: %9 = LOAD_TVALUE K1 (nil) STORE_TVALUE R1, %9 JUMP bb_5 bb_5: SET_SAVEDPC 7u %21 = NEW_TABLE 0u, 0u STORE_POINTER R1, %21 STORE_TAG R1, ttable CHECK_GC STORE_TAG R0, tnil INTERRUPT 9u JUMP bb_bytecode_0 )" ); } TEST_CASE("DseInitialStackState2") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function foo(a) math.frexp(a) return a end )"), R"( ; function foo($arg0) line 2 bb_bytecode_0: CHECK_SAFE_ENV exit(1) CHECK_TAG R0, tnumber, exit(1) FASTCALL 14u, R1, R0, 2i INTERRUPT 5u RETURN R0, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("VectorConstantTag") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function vecrcp(a: vector) return vector(1, 2, 3) + a end )"), R"( ; function vecrcp($arg0) line 2 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %4 = LOAD_TVALUE K0 (1, 2, 3), 0i, tvector %11 = LOAD_TVALUE R0 %12 = ADD_VEC %4, %11 %13 = TAG_VECTOR %12 STORE_TVALUE R1, %13 INTERRUPT 2u RETURN R1, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("VectorNamecall") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function abs(a: vector) return a:Abs() end )"), R"( ; function abs($arg0) line 2 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: FALLBACK_NAMECALL 0u, R1, R0, K0 ('Abs') INTERRUPT 2u SET_SAVEDPC 3u CALL R1, 1i, -1i INTERRUPT 3u RETURN R1, -1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("VectorRandomProp") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function foo(a: vector) return a.XX + a.YY + a.ZZ end )"), R"( ; function foo($arg0) line 2 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: FALLBACK_GETTABLEKS 0u, R3, R0, K0 ('XX') FALLBACK_GETTABLEKS 2u, R4, R0, K1 ('YY') CHECK_TAG R3, tnumber, bb_fallback_3 CHECK_TAG R4, tnumber, bb_fallback_3 %14 = LOAD_DOUBLE R3 %16 = ADD_NUM %14, R4 STORE_DOUBLE R2, %16 STORE_TAG R2, tnumber JUMP bb_4 bb_4: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(5) FALLBACK_GETTABLEKS 5u, R3, R0, K2 ('ZZ') CHECK_TAG R2, tnumber, bb_fallback_5 CHECK_TAG R3, tnumber, bb_fallback_5 %30 = LOAD_DOUBLE R2 %32 = ADD_NUM %30, R3 STORE_DOUBLE R1, %32 STORE_TAG R1, tnumber JUMP bb_6 bb_6: INTERRUPT 8u RETURN R1, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("VectorCustomAccess") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function vec3magn(a: vector) return a.Magnitude * 3 end )"), R"( ; function vec3magn($arg0) line 2 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %6 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 0i %7 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 4i %8 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 8i %9 = MUL_NUM %6, %6 %10 = MUL_NUM %7, %7 %11 = MUL_NUM %8, %8 %12 = ADD_NUM %9, %10 %13 = ADD_NUM %12, %11 %14 = SQRT_NUM %13 %20 = MUL_NUM %14, 3 STORE_DOUBLE R1, %20 STORE_TAG R1, tnumber INTERRUPT 3u RETURN R1, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("VectorCustomNamecall") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function vec3dot(a: vector, b: vector) return (a:Dot(b)) end )"), R"( ; function vec3dot($arg0, $arg1) line 2 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R1, tvector, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %6 = LOAD_TVALUE R1 STORE_TVALUE R4, %6 %12 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 0i %13 = LOAD_FLOAT R4, 0i %14 = MUL_NUM %12, %13 %15 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 4i %16 = LOAD_FLOAT R4, 4i %17 = MUL_NUM %15, %16 %18 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 8i %19 = LOAD_FLOAT R4, 8i %20 = MUL_NUM %18, %19 %21 = ADD_NUM %14, %17 %22 = ADD_NUM %21, %20 STORE_DOUBLE R2, %22 STORE_TAG R2, tnumber INTERRUPT 4u RETURN R2, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("VectorCustomAccessChain") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function foo(a: vector, b: vector) return a.Unit * b.Magnitude end )"), R"( ; function foo($arg0, $arg1) line 2 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R1, tvector, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %8 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 0i %9 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 4i %10 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 8i %11 = MUL_NUM %8, %8 %12 = MUL_NUM %9, %9 %13 = MUL_NUM %10, %10 %14 = ADD_NUM %11, %12 %15 = ADD_NUM %14, %13 %16 = SQRT_NUM %15 %17 = DIV_NUM 1, %16 %18 = MUL_NUM %8, %17 %19 = MUL_NUM %9, %17 %20 = MUL_NUM %10, %17 STORE_VECTOR R3, %18, %19, %20 STORE_TAG R3, tvector %25 = LOAD_FLOAT R1, 0i %26 = LOAD_FLOAT R1, 4i %27 = LOAD_FLOAT R1, 8i %28 = MUL_NUM %25, %25 %29 = MUL_NUM %26, %26 %30 = MUL_NUM %27, %27 %31 = ADD_NUM %28, %29 %32 = ADD_NUM %31, %30 %33 = SQRT_NUM %32 %40 = LOAD_TVALUE R3 %42 = NUM_TO_VEC %33 %43 = MUL_VEC %40, %42 %44 = TAG_VECTOR %43 STORE_TVALUE R2, %44 INTERRUPT 5u RETURN R2, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("VectorCustomNamecallChain") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function foo(n: vector, b: vector, t: vector) return n:Cross(t):Dot(b) + 1 end )"), R"( ; function foo($arg0, $arg1, $arg2) line 2 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R1, tvector, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R2, tvector, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %8 = LOAD_TVALUE R2 STORE_TVALUE R6, %8 %14 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 0i %15 = LOAD_FLOAT R6, 0i %16 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 4i %17 = LOAD_FLOAT R6, 4i %18 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 8i %19 = LOAD_FLOAT R6, 8i %20 = MUL_NUM %16, %19 %21 = MUL_NUM %18, %17 %22 = SUB_NUM %20, %21 %23 = MUL_NUM %18, %15 %24 = MUL_NUM %14, %19 %25 = SUB_NUM %23, %24 %26 = MUL_NUM %14, %17 %27 = MUL_NUM %16, %15 %28 = SUB_NUM %26, %27 STORE_VECTOR R4, %22, %25, %28 STORE_TAG R4, tvector %31 = LOAD_TVALUE R1 STORE_TVALUE R6, %31 %37 = LOAD_FLOAT R4, 0i %38 = LOAD_FLOAT R6, 0i %39 = MUL_NUM %37, %38 %40 = LOAD_FLOAT R4, 4i %41 = LOAD_FLOAT R6, 4i %42 = MUL_NUM %40, %41 %43 = LOAD_FLOAT R4, 8i %44 = LOAD_FLOAT R6, 8i %45 = MUL_NUM %43, %44 %46 = ADD_NUM %39, %42 %47 = ADD_NUM %46, %45 %53 = ADD_NUM %47, 1 STORE_DOUBLE R3, %53 STORE_TAG R3, tnumber INTERRUPT 9u RETURN R3, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("VectorCustomNamecallChain2") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( type Vertex = {n: vector, b: vector} local function foo(v: Vertex, t: vector) return v.n:Cross(t):Dot(v.b) + 1 end )"), R"( ; function foo($arg0, $arg1) line 4 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, ttable, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R1, tvector, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %8 = LOAD_POINTER R0 %9 = GET_SLOT_NODE_ADDR %8, 0u, K1 ('n') CHECK_SLOT_MATCH %9, K1 ('n'), bb_fallback_3 %11 = LOAD_TVALUE %9, 0i STORE_TVALUE R3, %11 JUMP bb_4 bb_4: %16 = LOAD_TVALUE R1 STORE_TVALUE R5, %16 CHECK_TAG R3, tvector, exit(3) CHECK_TAG R5, tvector, exit(3) %22 = LOAD_FLOAT R3, 0i %23 = LOAD_FLOAT R5, 0i %24 = LOAD_FLOAT R3, 4i %25 = LOAD_FLOAT R5, 4i %26 = LOAD_FLOAT R3, 8i %27 = LOAD_FLOAT R5, 8i %28 = MUL_NUM %24, %27 %29 = MUL_NUM %26, %25 %30 = SUB_NUM %28, %29 %31 = MUL_NUM %26, %23 %32 = MUL_NUM %22, %27 %33 = SUB_NUM %31, %32 %34 = MUL_NUM %22, %25 %35 = MUL_NUM %24, %23 %36 = SUB_NUM %34, %35 STORE_VECTOR R3, %30, %33, %36 CHECK_TAG R0, ttable, exit(6) %41 = LOAD_POINTER R0 %42 = GET_SLOT_NODE_ADDR %41, 6u, K3 ('b') CHECK_SLOT_MATCH %42, K3 ('b'), bb_fallback_5 %44 = LOAD_TVALUE %42, 0i STORE_TVALUE R5, %44 JUMP bb_6 bb_6: CHECK_TAG R3, tvector, exit(8) CHECK_TAG R5, tvector, exit(8) %53 = LOAD_FLOAT R3, 0i %54 = LOAD_FLOAT R5, 0i %55 = MUL_NUM %53, %54 %56 = LOAD_FLOAT R3, 4i %57 = LOAD_FLOAT R5, 4i %58 = MUL_NUM %56, %57 %59 = LOAD_FLOAT R3, 8i %60 = LOAD_FLOAT R5, 8i %61 = MUL_NUM %59, %60 %62 = ADD_NUM %55, %58 %63 = ADD_NUM %62, %61 %69 = ADD_NUM %63, 1 STORE_DOUBLE R2, %69 STORE_TAG R2, tnumber INTERRUPT 12u RETURN R2, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("UserDataGetIndex") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function getxy(a: Point) return a.x + a.y end )"), R"( ; function getxy($arg0) line 2 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tuserdata, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: FALLBACK_GETTABLEKS 0u, R2, R0, K0 ('x') FALLBACK_GETTABLEKS 2u, R3, R0, K1 ('y') CHECK_TAG R2, tnumber, bb_fallback_3 CHECK_TAG R3, tnumber, bb_fallback_3 %14 = LOAD_DOUBLE R2 %16 = ADD_NUM %14, R3 STORE_DOUBLE R1, %16 STORE_TAG R1, tnumber JUMP bb_4 bb_4: INTERRUPT 5u RETURN R1, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("UserDataSetIndex") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function setxy(a: Point) a.x = 3 a.y = 4 end )"), R"( ; function setxy($arg0) line 2 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tuserdata, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: STORE_DOUBLE R1, 3 STORE_TAG R1, tnumber FALLBACK_SETTABLEKS 1u, R1, R0, K0 ('x') STORE_DOUBLE R1, 4 FALLBACK_SETTABLEKS 4u, R1, R0, K1 ('y') INTERRUPT 6u RETURN R0, 0i )" ); } TEST_CASE("UserDataNamecall") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly(R"( local function getxy(a: Point) return a:GetX() + a:GetY() end )"), R"( ; function getxy($arg0) line 2 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tuserdata, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: FALLBACK_NAMECALL 0u, R2, R0, K0 ('GetX') INTERRUPT 2u SET_SAVEDPC 3u CALL R2, 1i, 1i FALLBACK_NAMECALL 3u, R3, R0, K1 ('GetY') INTERRUPT 5u SET_SAVEDPC 6u CALL R3, 1i, 1i CHECK_TAG R2, tnumber, bb_fallback_3 CHECK_TAG R3, tnumber, bb_fallback_3 %20 = LOAD_DOUBLE R2 %22 = ADD_NUM %20, R3 STORE_DOUBLE R1, %22 STORE_TAG R1, tnumber JUMP bb_4 bb_4: INTERRUPT 7u RETURN R1, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("ExplicitUpvalueAndLocalTypes") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( local y: vector = ... local function getsum(t) local x: vector = t return x.X + x.Y + y.X + y.Y end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function getsum($arg0) line 4 ; U0: vector ; R0: vector from 0 to 14 bb_bytecode_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(0) %2 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 0i STORE_DOUBLE R4, %2 STORE_TAG R4, tnumber %7 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 4i %16 = ADD_NUM %2, %7 STORE_DOUBLE R3, %16 STORE_TAG R3, tnumber GET_UPVALUE R5, U0 CHECK_TAG R5, tvector, exit(6) %22 = LOAD_FLOAT R5, 0i %31 = ADD_NUM %16, %22 STORE_DOUBLE R2, %31 STORE_TAG R2, tnumber GET_UPVALUE R4, U0 CHECK_TAG R4, tvector, exit(10) %37 = LOAD_FLOAT R4, 4i %46 = ADD_NUM %31, %37 STORE_DOUBLE R1, %46 STORE_TAG R1, tnumber INTERRUPT 13u RETURN R1, 1i )" ); } #if LUA_VECTOR_SIZE == 3 TEST_CASE("FastcallTypeInferThroughLocal") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( local function getsum(x, c) local v = vector(x, 2, 3) if c then return v.X + v.Y else return v.Z end end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function getsum($arg0, $arg1) line 2 ; R2: vector from 0 to 18 bb_bytecode_0: STORE_DOUBLE R4, 2 STORE_TAG R4, tnumber STORE_DOUBLE R5, 3 STORE_TAG R5, tnumber CHECK_SAFE_ENV exit(4) CHECK_TAG R0, tnumber, exit(4) %11 = LOAD_DOUBLE R0 STORE_VECTOR R2, %11, 2, 3 STORE_TAG R2, tvector JUMP_IF_FALSY R1, bb_bytecode_1, bb_3 bb_3: CHECK_TAG R2, tvector, exit(9) %19 = LOAD_FLOAT R2, 0i %24 = LOAD_FLOAT R2, 4i %33 = ADD_NUM %19, %24 STORE_DOUBLE R3, %33 STORE_TAG R3, tnumber INTERRUPT 14u RETURN R3, 1i bb_bytecode_1: CHECK_TAG R2, tvector, exit(15) %40 = LOAD_FLOAT R2, 8i STORE_DOUBLE R3, %40 STORE_TAG R3, tnumber INTERRUPT 17u RETURN R3, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("FastcallTypeInferThroughUpvalue") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( local v = ... local function getsum(x, c) v = vector(x, 2, 3) if c then return v.X + v.Y else return v.Z end end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function getsum($arg0, $arg1) line 4 ; U0: vector bb_bytecode_0: STORE_DOUBLE R4, 2 STORE_TAG R4, tnumber STORE_DOUBLE R5, 3 STORE_TAG R5, tnumber CHECK_SAFE_ENV exit(4) CHECK_TAG R0, tnumber, exit(4) %11 = LOAD_DOUBLE R0 STORE_VECTOR R2, %11, 2, 3 STORE_TAG R2, tvector SET_UPVALUE U0, R2, tvector JUMP_IF_FALSY R1, bb_bytecode_1, bb_3 bb_3: GET_UPVALUE R4, U0 CHECK_TAG R4, tvector, exit(11) %21 = LOAD_FLOAT R4, 0i STORE_DOUBLE R3, %21 STORE_TAG R3, tnumber GET_UPVALUE R5, U0 CHECK_TAG R5, tvector, exit(14) %27 = LOAD_FLOAT R5, 4i %36 = ADD_NUM %21, %27 STORE_DOUBLE R2, %36 STORE_TAG R2, tnumber INTERRUPT 17u RETURN R2, 1i bb_bytecode_1: GET_UPVALUE R3, U0 CHECK_TAG R3, tvector, exit(19) %44 = LOAD_FLOAT R3, 8i STORE_DOUBLE R2, %44 STORE_TAG R2, tnumber INTERRUPT 21u RETURN R2, 1i )" ); } #endif TEST_CASE("LoadAndMoveTypePropagation") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( local function getsum(n) local seqsum = 0 for i = 1,n do if i < 10 then seqsum += i else seqsum *= i end end return seqsum end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function getsum($arg0) line 2 ; R1: number from 0 to 13 ; R4: number from 1 to 11 bb_bytecode_0: STORE_DOUBLE R1, 0 STORE_TAG R1, tnumber STORE_DOUBLE R4, 1 STORE_TAG R4, tnumber %4 = LOAD_TVALUE R0 STORE_TVALUE R2, %4 STORE_DOUBLE R3, 1 STORE_TAG R3, tnumber CHECK_TAG R2, tnumber, exit(4) %12 = LOAD_DOUBLE R2 JUMP_CMP_NUM 1, %12, not_le, bb_bytecode_4, bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: INTERRUPT 5u STORE_DOUBLE R5, 10 STORE_TAG R5, tnumber CHECK_TAG R4, tnumber, bb_fallback_6 JUMP_CMP_NUM R4, 10, not_lt, bb_bytecode_2, bb_5 bb_5: CHECK_TAG R1, tnumber, exit(8) CHECK_TAG R4, tnumber, exit(8) %32 = LOAD_DOUBLE R1 %34 = ADD_NUM %32, R4 STORE_DOUBLE R1, %34 JUMP bb_bytecode_3 bb_bytecode_2: CHECK_TAG R1, tnumber, exit(10) CHECK_TAG R4, tnumber, exit(10) %41 = LOAD_DOUBLE R1 %43 = MUL_NUM %41, R4 STORE_DOUBLE R1, %43 JUMP bb_bytecode_3 bb_bytecode_3: %46 = LOAD_DOUBLE R2 %47 = LOAD_DOUBLE R4 %48 = ADD_NUM %47, 1 STORE_DOUBLE R4, %48 JUMP_CMP_NUM %48, %46, le, bb_bytecode_1, bb_bytecode_4 bb_bytecode_4: INTERRUPT 12u RETURN R1, 1i )" ); } #if LUA_VECTOR_SIZE == 3 TEST_CASE("ArgumentTypeRefinement") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( local function getsum(x, y) x = vector(1, y, 3) return x.Y + x.Z end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function getsum($arg0, $arg1) line 2 ; R0: vector [argument] bb_bytecode_0: STORE_DOUBLE R3, 1 STORE_TAG R3, tnumber STORE_DOUBLE R5, 3 STORE_TAG R5, tnumber CHECK_SAFE_ENV exit(4) CHECK_TAG R1, tnumber, exit(4) %12 = LOAD_DOUBLE R1 STORE_VECTOR R2, 1, %12, 3 STORE_TAG R2, tvector %16 = LOAD_TVALUE R2 STORE_TVALUE R0, %16 %20 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 4i %25 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 8i %34 = ADD_NUM %20, %25 STORE_DOUBLE R2, %34 STORE_TAG R2, tnumber INTERRUPT 14u RETURN R2, 1i )" ); } #endif TEST_CASE("InlineFunctionType") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( local function inl(v: vector, s: number) return v.Y * s end local function getsum(x) return inl(x, 3) + inl(x, 5) end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function inl($arg0, $arg1) line 2 ; R0: vector [argument] ; R1: number [argument] bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R1, tnumber, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %8 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 4i %17 = MUL_NUM %8, R1 STORE_DOUBLE R2, %17 STORE_TAG R2, tnumber INTERRUPT 3u RETURN R2, 1i ; function getsum($arg0) line 6 ; R0: vector from 0 to 3 ; R0: vector from 3 to 6 bb_bytecode_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(0) %2 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 4i %8 = MUL_NUM %2, 3 %13 = LOAD_FLOAT R0, 4i %19 = MUL_NUM %13, 5 %28 = ADD_NUM %8, %19 STORE_DOUBLE R1, %28 STORE_TAG R1, tnumber INTERRUPT 7u RETURN R1, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("ResolveTablePathTypes") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( type Vertex = {pos: vector, normal: vector} local function foo(arr: {Vertex}, i) local v = arr[i] return v.pos.Y end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true, /* debugLevel */ 2 ), R"( ; function foo(arr, i) line 4 ; R0: table [argument 'arr'] ; R2: table from 0 to 6 [local 'v'] ; R4: vector from 3 to 5 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, ttable, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: CHECK_TAG R1, tnumber, bb_fallback_3 %8 = LOAD_POINTER R0 %9 = LOAD_DOUBLE R1 %10 = TRY_NUM_TO_INDEX %9, bb_fallback_3 %11 = SUB_INT %10, 1i CHECK_ARRAY_SIZE %8, %11, bb_fallback_3 CHECK_NO_METATABLE %8, bb_fallback_3 %14 = GET_ARR_ADDR %8, %11 %15 = LOAD_TVALUE %14 STORE_TVALUE R2, %15 JUMP bb_4 bb_4: CHECK_TAG R2, ttable, exit(1) %23 = LOAD_POINTER R2 %24 = GET_SLOT_NODE_ADDR %23, 1u, K0 ('pos') CHECK_SLOT_MATCH %24, K0 ('pos'), bb_fallback_5 %26 = LOAD_TVALUE %24, 0i STORE_TVALUE R4, %26 JUMP bb_6 bb_6: CHECK_TAG R4, tvector, exit(3) %33 = LOAD_FLOAT R4, 4i STORE_DOUBLE R3, %33 STORE_TAG R3, tnumber INTERRUPT 5u RETURN R3, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("ResolvableSimpleMath") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenHeader(R"( type Vertex = { p: vector, uv: vector, n: vector, t: vector, b: vector, h: number } local mesh: { vertices: {Vertex}, indices: {number} } = ... local function compute() for i = 1,#mesh.indices,3 do local a = mesh.vertices[mesh.indices[i]] local b = mesh.vertices[mesh.indices[i + 1]] local c = mesh.vertices[mesh.indices[i + 2]] local vba = b.p - a.p local vca = c.p - a.p local uvba = b.uv - a.uv local uvca = c.uv - a.uv local r = 1.0 / (uvba.X * uvca.Y - uvca.X * uvba.Y); local sdir = (uvca.Y * vba - uvba.Y * vca) * r a.t += sdir end end )"), R"( ; function compute() line 5 ; U0: table ['mesh'] ; R2: number from 0 to 78 [local 'i'] ; R3: table from 7 to 78 [local 'a'] ; R4: table from 15 to 78 [local 'b'] ; R5: table from 24 to 78 [local 'c'] ; R6: vector from 33 to 78 [local 'vba'] ; R7: vector from 37 to 38 ; R7: vector from 38 to 78 [local 'vca'] ; R8: vector from 37 to 38 ; R8: vector from 42 to 43 ; R8: vector from 43 to 78 [local 'uvba'] ; R9: vector from 42 to 43 ; R9: vector from 47 to 48 ; R9: vector from 48 to 78 [local 'uvca'] ; R10: vector from 47 to 48 ; R10: vector from 52 to 53 ; R10: number from 53 to 78 [local 'r'] ; R11: vector from 52 to 53 ; R11: vector from 65 to 78 [local 'sdir'] ; R12: vector from 72 to 73 ; R12: vector from 75 to 76 ; R13: vector from 71 to 72 ; R14: vector from 71 to 72 )" ); } TEST_CASE("ResolveVectorNamecalls") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( type Vertex = {pos: vector, normal: vector} local function foo(arr: {Vertex}, i) return arr[i].normal:Dot(vector(0.707, 0, 0.707)) end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function foo($arg0, $arg1) line 4 ; R0: table [argument] ; R2: vector from 4 to 6 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, ttable, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: CHECK_TAG R1, tnumber, bb_fallback_3 %8 = LOAD_POINTER R0 %9 = LOAD_DOUBLE R1 %10 = TRY_NUM_TO_INDEX %9, bb_fallback_3 %11 = SUB_INT %10, 1i CHECK_ARRAY_SIZE %8, %11, bb_fallback_3 CHECK_NO_METATABLE %8, bb_fallback_3 %14 = GET_ARR_ADDR %8, %11 %15 = LOAD_TVALUE %14 STORE_TVALUE R3, %15 JUMP bb_4 bb_4: CHECK_TAG R3, ttable, bb_fallback_5 %23 = LOAD_POINTER R3 %24 = GET_SLOT_NODE_ADDR %23, 1u, K0 ('normal') CHECK_SLOT_MATCH %24, K0 ('normal'), bb_fallback_5 %26 = LOAD_TVALUE %24, 0i STORE_TVALUE R2, %26 JUMP bb_6 bb_6: %31 = LOAD_TVALUE K1 (0.707000017, 0, 0.707000017), 0i, tvector STORE_TVALUE R4, %31 CHECK_TAG R2, tvector, exit(4) %37 = LOAD_FLOAT R2, 0i %38 = LOAD_FLOAT R4, 0i %39 = MUL_NUM %37, %38 %40 = LOAD_FLOAT R2, 4i %41 = LOAD_FLOAT R4, 4i %42 = MUL_NUM %40, %41 %43 = LOAD_FLOAT R2, 8i %44 = LOAD_FLOAT R4, 8i %45 = MUL_NUM %43, %44 %46 = ADD_NUM %39, %42 %47 = ADD_NUM %46, %45 STORE_DOUBLE R2, %47 STORE_TAG R2, tnumber ADJUST_STACK_TO_REG R2, 1i INTERRUPT 7u RETURN R2, -1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("ImmediateTypeAnnotationHelp") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( local function foo(arr, i) return (arr[i] :: vector) / 5 end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function foo($arg0, $arg1) line 2 ; R3: vector from 1 to 2 bb_bytecode_0: CHECK_TAG R0, ttable, bb_fallback_1 CHECK_TAG R1, tnumber, bb_fallback_1 %4 = LOAD_POINTER R0 %5 = LOAD_DOUBLE R1 %6 = TRY_NUM_TO_INDEX %5, bb_fallback_1 %7 = SUB_INT %6, 1i CHECK_ARRAY_SIZE %4, %7, bb_fallback_1 CHECK_NO_METATABLE %4, bb_fallback_1 %10 = GET_ARR_ADDR %4, %7 %11 = LOAD_TVALUE %10 STORE_TVALUE R3, %11 JUMP bb_2 bb_2: CHECK_TAG R3, tvector, exit(1) %19 = LOAD_TVALUE R3 %20 = NUM_TO_VEC 5 %21 = DIV_VEC %19, %20 %22 = TAG_VECTOR %21 STORE_TVALUE R2, %22 INTERRUPT 2u RETURN R2, 1i )" ); } #if LUA_VECTOR_SIZE == 3 TEST_CASE("UnaryTypeResolve") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenHeader(R"( local function foo(a, b: vector, c) local d = not a local e = -b local f = #c return (if d then e else vector(f, 2, 3)).X end )"), R"( ; function foo(a, b, c) line 2 ; R1: vector [argument 'b'] ; R3: boolean from 0 to 17 [local 'd'] ; R4: vector from 1 to 17 [local 'e'] ; R5: number from 2 to 17 [local 'f'] ; R7: vector from 14 to 16 )" ); } #endif TEST_CASE("ForInManualAnnotation") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( type Vertex = {pos: vector, normal: vector} local function foo(a: {Vertex}) local sum = 0 for k, v: Vertex in ipairs(a) do sum += v.pos.X end return sum end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true, /* debugLevel */ 2 ), R"( ; function foo(a) line 4 ; R0: table [argument 'a'] ; R1: number from 0 to 14 [local 'sum'] ; R5: number from 5 to 11 [local 'k'] ; R6: table from 5 to 11 [local 'v'] ; R8: vector from 8 to 10 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, ttable, exit(entry) JUMP bb_4 bb_4: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: STORE_DOUBLE R1, 0 STORE_TAG R1, tnumber CHECK_SAFE_ENV exit(1) JUMP_EQ_TAG K1 (nil), tnil, bb_fallback_6, bb_5 bb_5: %9 = LOAD_TVALUE K1 (nil) STORE_TVALUE R2, %9 JUMP bb_7 bb_7: %15 = LOAD_TVALUE R0 STORE_TVALUE R3, %15 INTERRUPT 4u SET_SAVEDPC 5u CALL R2, 1i, 3i CHECK_SAFE_ENV exit(5) CHECK_TAG R3, ttable, bb_fallback_8 CHECK_TAG R4, tnumber, bb_fallback_8 JUMP_CMP_NUM R4, 0, not_eq, bb_fallback_8, bb_9 bb_9: STORE_TAG R2, tnil STORE_POINTER R4, 0i STORE_EXTRA R4, 128i STORE_TAG R4, tlightuserdata JUMP bb_bytecode_3 bb_bytecode_2: CHECK_TAG R6, ttable, exit(6) %35 = LOAD_POINTER R6 %36 = GET_SLOT_NODE_ADDR %35, 6u, K2 ('pos') CHECK_SLOT_MATCH %36, K2 ('pos'), bb_fallback_10 %38 = LOAD_TVALUE %36, 0i STORE_TVALUE R8, %38 JUMP bb_11 bb_11: CHECK_TAG R8, tvector, exit(8) %45 = LOAD_FLOAT R8, 0i STORE_DOUBLE R7, %45 STORE_TAG R7, tnumber CHECK_TAG R1, tnumber, exit(10) %52 = LOAD_DOUBLE R1 %54 = ADD_NUM %52, %45 STORE_DOUBLE R1, %54 JUMP bb_bytecode_3 bb_bytecode_3: INTERRUPT 11u CHECK_TAG R2, tnil, bb_fallback_13 %60 = LOAD_POINTER R3 %61 = LOAD_INT R4 %62 = GET_ARR_ADDR %60, %61 CHECK_ARRAY_SIZE %60, %61, bb_12 %64 = LOAD_TAG %62 JUMP_EQ_TAG %64, tnil, bb_12, bb_14 bb_14: %66 = ADD_INT %61, 1i STORE_INT R4, %66 %68 = INT_TO_NUM %66 STORE_DOUBLE R5, %68 STORE_TAG R5, tnumber %71 = LOAD_TVALUE %62 STORE_TVALUE R6, %71 JUMP bb_bytecode_2 bb_12: INTERRUPT 13u RETURN R1, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("ForInAutoAnnotationIpairs") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenHeader(R"( type Vertex = {pos: vector, normal: vector} local function foo(a: {Vertex}) local sum = 0 for k, v in ipairs(a) do local n = v.pos.X sum += n end return sum end )"), R"( ; function foo(a) line 4 ; R0: table [argument 'a'] ; R1: number from 0 to 14 [local 'sum'] ; R5: number from 5 to 11 [local 'k'] ; R6: table from 5 to 11 [local 'v'] ; R7: number from 6 to 11 [local 'n'] ; R8: vector from 8 to 10 )" ); } TEST_CASE("ForInAutoAnnotationPairs") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenHeader(R"( type Vertex = {pos: vector, normal: vector} local function foo(a: {[string]: Vertex}) local sum = 0 for k, v in pairs(a) do local n = v.pos.X sum += n end return sum end )"), R"( ; function foo(a) line 4 ; R0: table [argument 'a'] ; R1: number from 0 to 14 [local 'sum'] ; R5: string from 5 to 11 [local 'k'] ; R6: table from 5 to 11 [local 'v'] ; R7: number from 6 to 11 [local 'n'] ; R8: vector from 8 to 10 )" ); } TEST_CASE("ForInAutoAnnotationGeneric") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenHeader(R"( type Vertex = {pos: vector, normal: vector} local function foo(a: {Vertex}) local sum = 0 for k, v in a do local n = v.pos.X sum += n end return sum end )"), R"( ; function foo(a) line 4 ; R0: table [argument 'a'] ; R1: number from 0 to 13 [local 'sum'] ; R5: number from 4 to 10 [local 'k'] ; R6: table from 4 to 10 [local 'v'] ; R7: number from 5 to 10 [local 'n'] ; R8: vector from 7 to 9 )" ); } TEST_CASE("CustomUserdataTypes") { // This test requires runtime component to be present if (!Luau::CodeGen::isSupported()) return; CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenHeader(R"( local function foo(v: vec2, x: mat3) return v.X * x end )"), R"( ; function foo(v, x) line 2 ; R0: vec2 [argument 'v'] ; R1: mat3 [argument 'x'] )" ); } TEST_CASE("CustomUserdataPropertyAccess") { // This test requires runtime component to be present if (!Luau::CodeGen::isSupported()) return; CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( local function foo(v: vec2) return v.X + v.Y end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function foo($arg0) line 2 ; R0: vec2 [argument] bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tuserdata, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %6 = LOAD_POINTER R0 CHECK_USERDATA_TAG %6, 12i, exit(0) %8 = BUFFER_READF32 %6, 0i, tuserdata %15 = BUFFER_READF32 %6, 4i, tuserdata %24 = ADD_NUM %8, %15 STORE_DOUBLE R1, %24 STORE_TAG R1, tnumber INTERRUPT 5u RETURN R1, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("CustomUserdataPropertyAccess2") { // This test requires runtime component to be present if (!Luau::CodeGen::isSupported()) return; CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( local function foo(a: mat3) return a.Row1 * a.Row2 end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function foo($arg0) line 2 ; R0: mat3 [argument] bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tuserdata, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: FALLBACK_GETTABLEKS 0u, R2, R0, K0 ('Row1') FALLBACK_GETTABLEKS 2u, R3, R0, K1 ('Row2') CHECK_TAG R2, tvector, exit(4) CHECK_TAG R3, tvector, exit(4) %14 = LOAD_TVALUE R2 %15 = LOAD_TVALUE R3 %16 = MUL_VEC %14, %15 %17 = TAG_VECTOR %16 STORE_TVALUE R1, %17 INTERRUPT 5u RETURN R1, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("CustomUserdataNamecall1") { // This test requires runtime component to be present if (!Luau::CodeGen::isSupported()) return; CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( local function foo(a: vec2, b: vec2) return a:Dot(b) end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function foo($arg0, $arg1) line 2 ; R0: vec2 [argument] ; R1: vec2 [argument] bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tuserdata, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R1, tuserdata, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %6 = LOAD_TVALUE R1 STORE_TVALUE R4, %6 %10 = LOAD_POINTER R0 CHECK_USERDATA_TAG %10, 12i, exit(1) %14 = LOAD_POINTER R4 CHECK_USERDATA_TAG %14, 12i, exit(1) %16 = BUFFER_READF32 %10, 0i, tuserdata %17 = BUFFER_READF32 %14, 0i, tuserdata %18 = MUL_NUM %16, %17 %19 = BUFFER_READF32 %10, 4i, tuserdata %20 = BUFFER_READF32 %14, 4i, tuserdata %21 = MUL_NUM %19, %20 %22 = ADD_NUM %18, %21 STORE_DOUBLE R2, %22 STORE_TAG R2, tnumber ADJUST_STACK_TO_REG R2, 1i INTERRUPT 4u RETURN R2, -1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("CustomUserdataNamecall2") { // This test requires runtime component to be present if (!Luau::CodeGen::isSupported()) return; CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( local function foo(a: vec2, b: vec2) return a:Min(b) end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function foo($arg0, $arg1) line 2 ; R0: vec2 [argument] ; R1: vec2 [argument] bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tuserdata, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R1, tuserdata, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %6 = LOAD_TVALUE R1 STORE_TVALUE R4, %6 %10 = LOAD_POINTER R0 CHECK_USERDATA_TAG %10, 12i, exit(1) %14 = LOAD_POINTER R4 CHECK_USERDATA_TAG %14, 12i, exit(1) %16 = BUFFER_READF32 %10, 0i, tuserdata %17 = BUFFER_READF32 %14, 0i, tuserdata %18 = MIN_NUM %16, %17 %19 = BUFFER_READF32 %10, 4i, tuserdata %20 = BUFFER_READF32 %14, 4i, tuserdata %21 = MIN_NUM %19, %20 CHECK_GC %23 = NEW_USERDATA 8i, 12i BUFFER_WRITEF32 %23, 0i, %18, tuserdata BUFFER_WRITEF32 %23, 4i, %21, tuserdata STORE_POINTER R2, %23 STORE_TAG R2, tuserdata ADJUST_STACK_TO_REG R2, 1i INTERRUPT 4u RETURN R2, -1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("CustomUserdataMetamethodDirectFlow") { // This test requires runtime component to be present if (!Luau::CodeGen::isSupported()) return; CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( local function foo(a: mat3, b: mat3) return a * b end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function foo($arg0, $arg1) line 2 ; R0: mat3 [argument] ; R1: mat3 [argument] bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tuserdata, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R1, tuserdata, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: SET_SAVEDPC 1u DO_ARITH R2, R0, R1, 10i INTERRUPT 1u RETURN R2, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("CustomUserdataMetamethodDirectFlow2") { // This test requires runtime component to be present if (!Luau::CodeGen::isSupported()) return; CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( local function foo(a: mat3) return -a end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function foo($arg0) line 2 ; R0: mat3 [argument] bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tuserdata, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: SET_SAVEDPC 1u DO_ARITH R1, R0, R0, 15i INTERRUPT 1u RETURN R1, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("CustomUserdataMetamethodDirectFlow3") { // This test requires runtime component to be present if (!Luau::CodeGen::isSupported()) return; CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( local function foo(a: sequence) return #a end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function foo($arg0) line 2 ; R0: userdata [argument] bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tuserdata, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: SET_SAVEDPC 1u DO_LEN R1, R0 INTERRUPT 1u RETURN R1, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("CustomUserdataMetamethod") { // This test requires runtime component to be present if (!Luau::CodeGen::isSupported()) return; CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( local function foo(a: vec2, b: vec2, c: vec2) return -c + a * b end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function foo($arg0, $arg1, $arg2) line 2 ; R0: vec2 [argument] ; R1: vec2 [argument] ; R2: vec2 [argument] bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tuserdata, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R1, tuserdata, exit(entry) CHECK_TAG R2, tuserdata, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %10 = LOAD_POINTER R2 CHECK_USERDATA_TAG %10, 12i, exit(0) %12 = BUFFER_READF32 %10, 0i, tuserdata %13 = BUFFER_READF32 %10, 4i, tuserdata %14 = UNM_NUM %12 %15 = UNM_NUM %13 CHECK_GC %17 = NEW_USERDATA 8i, 12i BUFFER_WRITEF32 %17, 0i, %14, tuserdata BUFFER_WRITEF32 %17, 4i, %15, tuserdata STORE_POINTER R4, %17 STORE_TAG R4, tuserdata %26 = LOAD_POINTER R0 CHECK_USERDATA_TAG %26, 12i, exit(1) %28 = LOAD_POINTER R1 CHECK_USERDATA_TAG %28, 12i, exit(1) %30 = BUFFER_READF32 %26, 0i, tuserdata %31 = BUFFER_READF32 %28, 0i, tuserdata %32 = MUL_NUM %30, %31 %33 = BUFFER_READF32 %26, 4i, tuserdata %34 = BUFFER_READF32 %28, 4i, tuserdata %35 = MUL_NUM %33, %34 %37 = NEW_USERDATA 8i, 12i BUFFER_WRITEF32 %37, 0i, %32, tuserdata BUFFER_WRITEF32 %37, 4i, %35, tuserdata STORE_POINTER R5, %37 STORE_TAG R5, tuserdata %50 = BUFFER_READF32 %17, 0i, tuserdata %51 = BUFFER_READF32 %37, 0i, tuserdata %52 = ADD_NUM %50, %51 %53 = BUFFER_READF32 %17, 4i, tuserdata %54 = BUFFER_READF32 %37, 4i, tuserdata %55 = ADD_NUM %53, %54 %57 = NEW_USERDATA 8i, 12i BUFFER_WRITEF32 %57, 0i, %52, tuserdata BUFFER_WRITEF32 %57, 4i, %55, tuserdata STORE_POINTER R3, %57 STORE_TAG R3, tuserdata INTERRUPT 3u RETURN R3, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("LibraryFieldTypesAndConstants") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( local function foo(a: vector) return Vector3.xAxis * a + Vector3.yAxis end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function foo($arg0) line 2 ; R0: vector [argument] ; R2: vector from 3 to 4 ; R3: vector from 1 to 2 ; R3: vector from 3 to 4 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %4 = LOAD_TVALUE K0 (1, 0, 0), 0i, tvector %11 = LOAD_TVALUE R0 %12 = MUL_VEC %4, %11 %15 = LOAD_TVALUE K1 (0, 1, 0), 0i, tvector %23 = ADD_VEC %12, %15 %24 = TAG_VECTOR %23 STORE_TVALUE R1, %24 INTERRUPT 4u RETURN R1, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("LibraryFieldTypesAndConstants") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssembly( R"( local function foo(a: vector) local x = vector.zero x += a return x end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function foo($arg0) line 2 ; R0: vector [argument] ; R1: vector from 0 to 3 bb_0: CHECK_TAG R0, tvector, exit(entry) JUMP bb_2 bb_2: JUMP bb_bytecode_1 bb_bytecode_1: %4 = LOAD_TVALUE K0 (0, 0, 0), 0i, tvector %11 = LOAD_TVALUE R0 %12 = ADD_VEC %4, %11 %13 = TAG_VECTOR %12 STORE_TVALUE R1, %13 INTERRUPT 2u RETURN R1, 1i )" ); } TEST_CASE("LibraryFieldTypesAndConstantsCApi") { CHECK_EQ( "\n" + getCodegenAssemblyUsingCApi( R"( local function foo() return test.some_nil, test.some_boolean, test.some_number, test.some_vector, test.some_string end )", /* includeIrTypes */ true ), R"( ; function foo() line 2 bb_bytecode_0: STORE_TAG R0, tnil STORE_INT R1, 1i STORE_TAG R1, tboolean STORE_DOUBLE R2, 4.75 STORE_TAG R2, tnumber %5 = LOAD_TVALUE K1 (1, 2, 4), 0i, tvector STORE_TVALUE R3, %5 %7 = LOAD_TVALUE K2 ('test'), 0i, tstring STORE_TVALUE R4, %7 INTERRUPT 5u RETURN R0, 5i )" ); } TEST_SUITE_END();