diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 06b23253..17676303 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Alternatively, you can use one of the packaged distributions (note that these ar - macOS: [Install Homebrew](https://docs.brew.sh/Installation) and run `brew install luau` - Arch Linux: From the AUR (Arch Linux User Repository), install one of these packages via a AUR helper or manually (by cloning their repo and using ``makepkg``): [luau](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/luau) (manual build), [luau-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/luau-git) (manual build by cloning this repo), or [luau-bin](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/luau-bin) (pre-built binaries from releases) - Alpine Linux: [Enable community repositories](https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/w/index.php?title=Enable_Community_Repository) and run `apk add luau` +- Gentoo Linux: Luau is [officially packaged by Gentoo](https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/dev-lang/luau) and can be installed using `emerge dev-lang/luau`. You may have to unmask the package first before installing it (which can be done by including the `--autounmask=y` option in the `emerge` command). After installing, you will want to validate the installation was successful by running the test case [here](https://luau-lang.org/getting-started). diff --git a/docs/_pages/library.md b/docs/_pages/library.md index 5e9ee088..d6d1bc7f 100644 --- a/docs/_pages/library.md +++ b/docs/_pages/library.md @@ -403,11 +403,12 @@ When using a two-argument version, appends the value to the array portion of the When using a three-argument version, inserts the value at index `i` and shifts values at indices after that by 1. `i` should be in `[1..#t]` range. ``` -function table.remove(t: {V}, i: number?) +function table.remove(t: {V}, i: number?): V? ``` Removes element `i` from the table and shifts values at indices after that by 1. If `i` is not specified, removes the last element of the table. `i` should be in `[1..#t]` range. +Returns the value of the removed element, or `nil` if no element was removed (e.g. table was empty). ``` function table.sort(t: {V}, f: ((V, V) -> boolean)?) diff --git a/papers/hatra23/bibliography.bib b/papers/hatra23/bibliography.bib new file mode 100644 index 00000000..067bf967 --- /dev/null +++ b/papers/hatra23/bibliography.bib @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +@InProceedings{BFJ21:GoalsLuau, + author = {L. Brown and A. Friesen and A. S. A. Jeffrey}, + title = {Goals of the Luau Type System}, + booktitle = {Proc. Human Aspects of Types and Reasoning Assistants}, + year = {2021}, + url = {https://asaj.org/papers/hatra21.pdf}, +} + +@Misc{Roblox, + author = {Roblox}, + title = {Reimagining the way people come together}, + year = 2023, + url = {https://corp.roblox.com}, +} + +@Misc{Luau, + author = {Roblox}, + title = {The {Luau} Programming Language}, + year = 2023, + url = {https://luau-lang.org}, +} + +@Misc{Lua, + author = {Lua.org and {PUC}-Rio}, + title = {The {Lua} Programming Language}, + year = 2023, + url = {https://lua.org}, +} + +@Misc{Jef22:SemanticSubtyping, + author = {A. S. A. Jeffrey}, + title = {Semantic Subtyping in Luau}, + howpublished = {Roblox Technical Blog}, + year = {2022}, + url = {https://blog.roblox.com/2022/11/semantic-subtyping-luau/}, +} + +@InProceedings{GF05:GentleIntroduction, + author = {G. Castagna and A. Frisch}, + title = {A Gentle Introduction to Semantic Subtyping}, + booktitle = {Proc. Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming}, + year = {2005}, +} + +@InProceedings{ST07:GradualTyping, + author = {J. G. Siek and W. Taha}, + title = {Gradual Typing for Objects}, + booktitle = {Proc. European Conf Object-Oriented Programming}, + year = {2007}, + pages = {2-27}, +} + +@Misc{BJ23:agda-typeck, + author = {L. Brown and A. S. A. Jeffrey}, + title = {Luau Prototype Typechecker}, + year = {2023}, + OPTnote = {}, + url = {https://github.com/luau-lang/agda-typeck} +} + +@article{PT00:LocalTypeInference, +author = {Pierce, B. C. and Turner, D. N.}, +title = {Local Type Inference}, +year = {2000}, +volume = {22}, +number = {1}, +journal = {ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst.}, +pages = {1–44}, +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/papers/hatra23/cc-by.png b/papers/hatra23/cc-by.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c8473a24 Binary files /dev/null and b/papers/hatra23/cc-by.png differ diff --git a/papers/hatra23/hatra23.pdf b/papers/hatra23/hatra23.pdf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..60201e65 Binary files /dev/null and b/papers/hatra23/hatra23.pdf differ diff --git a/papers/hatra23/hatra23.tex b/papers/hatra23/hatra23.tex new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a5cf4359 --- /dev/null +++ b/papers/hatra23/hatra23.tex @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +\documentclass[acmsmall]{acmart} + +\setcopyright{rightsretained} +\copyrightyear{2023} +\acmYear{2023} +\acmConference[HATRA '23]{Human Aspects of Types and Reasoning Assistants}{October 2023}{Portugal, Spain} +\acmBooktitle{HATRA '23: Human Aspects of Types and Reasoning Assistants} +\acmDOI{} +\acmISBN{} +\expandafter\def\csname @copyrightpermission\endcsname{\raisebox{-1ex}{\includegraphics[height=3.5ex]{cc-by}} This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.} +\expandafter\def\csname @copyrightowner\endcsname{Roblox.} + +\newcommand{\ANY}{\mathtt{any}} +\newcommand{\ERROR}{\mathtt{error}} + +\begin{document} + +\title{Goals of the Luau Type System, Two Years On} + +\author{Lily Brown} +\author{Andy Friesen} +\author{Alan Jeffrey} +\affiliation{ + \institution{Roblox} + \city{San Mateo} + \state{CA} + \country{USA} +} + +\begin{abstract} +In HATRA 2021, we presented \emph{The Goals Of The Luau Type System}, +describing the human factors of a type system for a +language with a heterogeneous developer community. In this extended +abstract we provide a progress report, focusing on +the unexpected aspects: semantic subtyping and type error +suppression. +\end{abstract} + +\maketitle + +\section{Recap} + +Luau~\cite{Luau} is the scripting language used by the +Roblox~\cite{Roblox} platform for shared immersive experiences. Luau extends +the Lua~\cite{Lua} language, notably by providing type-driven tooling +such as autocomplete and API documentation (as well as traditional type +error reporting). Roblox has hundreds of millions of users, and +millions of creators, ranging from children learning to program for +the first time to professional development studios. + +In HATRA 2021, we presented \emph{The Goals Of The Luau Type +System}~\cite{BFJ21:GoalsLuau}, describing the human factors issues +with designing a type system for a language with a heterogeneous +developer community. The design flows from the needs of the different +communities: beginners are focused on immediate goals (``the stairs +should light up when a player walks on them'') and less on the code +quality concerns of more experienced developers; for all users +type-driven tooling is important for productivity. These needs result in a design with two modes: +\begin{itemize} +\item \emph{non-strict mode}, aimed at non-professionals, focused on + minimizing false positives, and +\item \emph{strict mode}, aimed at professionals, focused on + minimizing false negatives (i.e.~type soundness). +\end{itemize} +%% For both communities, type-driven tooling is important, so we +%% provide \emph{infallible type inference}, which infers types +%% even for ill-typed or syntactically invalid programs. + +\section{Progress} + +In the two years since the position paper, we have been making changes +to the Luau type system to achieve the goals we set out. Most of the +changes were straightforward, but two were large changes in how we +thought about the design of the type system: replacing the existing +syntactic subtyping algorithm by \emph{semantic subtyping}, and +treating gradual typing as \emph{type error suppression}. + +Semantic subtyping +interprets types as sets of values, and subtyping as set +inclusion~\cite{GF05:GentleIntroduction}. This is aligned with the +\emph{minimize false positives} goal of Luau non-strict mode, since +semantic subtyping only reports a failure of subtyping when there is a +value which inhabits the candidate subtype, but not the candidate +supertype. This has the added benefit of improving error reporting in +the prototype implementation: since the prototype is constructive, the +witness for the failure of subtyping can help drive error reports. +See our technical blog for more details~\cite{Jef22:SemanticSubtyping}. + +Rather than the gradual typing approach +of~\cite{ST07:GradualTyping}, which uses \emph{consistent +subtyping} where $\ANY \lesssim T \lesssim \ANY$ for any type $T$, we +adopt an approach based on \emph{error suppression}, where $\ANY$ is +an error-suppressing type, and any failures of subtyping involving +error-suppressing types are not reported. Users can explicitly +suppress type errors by declaring variables with type $\ANY$, and +since an expression with a type error has an error-suppressing type we +avoid cascading errors. Error suppression is in production Luau, and is +mechanically verified~\cite{BJ23:agda-typeck}. + +\section{Further work} + +Currently the type inference system uses greedy inference, which is +very sensitive to order of declarations, and can easily result in +false positives. We plan to replace this by some form of local type +inference~\cite{PT00:LocalTypeInference}. + +Currently, non-strict mode operates in the style of gradual type +systems by inferring $\ANY$ as the type for local variables. This does +not play well with type-directed tooling, for example $\ANY$ cannot +provide autocomplete suggestions. Local type inference will infer more +precise union types, and hence better type-driven tooling. + +At some point, we hope that error suppression will be the only difference +between strict mode and non-strict mode. + +\bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format} \bibliography{bibliography} + +\end{document}