2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
-- This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
-- This file is based on Lua 5.x tests -- https://github.com/lua/lua/tree/master/testes
print ( " testing errors " )
function doit ( s )
local f , msg = loadstring ( s )
if f == nil then return msg end
local cond , msg = pcall ( f )
return ( not cond ) and msg
function checkmessage ( prog , msg )
-- assert(string.find(doit(prog), msg, 1, true))
function checksyntax ( prog , extra , token , line )
local msg = doit ( prog )
token = string.gsub ( token , " (%p) " , " %%%1 " )
local pt = string.format ( [[^%%[string ".*"%%]:]] ) -- only check that an error happened - ignore token/line since Luau error messages differ from Lua substantially
assert ( string.find ( msg , pt ) )
assert ( string.find ( msg , msg , 1 , true ) )
-- test error message with no extra info
assert ( doit ( " error('hi', 0) " ) == ' hi ' )
-- test error message with no info
-- assert(doit("error()") == nil)
-- test common errors/errors that crashed in the past
assert ( doit ( " unpack({}, 1, n=2^30) " ) )
assert ( doit ( " a=math.sin() " ) )
assert ( not doit ( " tostring(1) " ) and doit ( " tostring() " ) )
2021-12-02 23:20:08 +00:00
assert ( doit ( " tonumber() " ) )
assert ( doit ( " repeat until 1; a " ) )
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
checksyntax ( " break label " , " " , " label " , 1 )
2021-12-02 23:20:08 +00:00
assert ( doit ( " ; " ) )
assert ( doit ( " a=1;; " ) )
assert ( doit ( " return;; " ) )
assert ( doit ( " assert(false) " ) )
assert ( doit ( " assert(nil) " ) )
assert ( doit ( " a=math.sin \n (3) " ) )
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
assert ( doit ( " function a (... , ...) end " ) )
assert ( doit ( " function a (, ...) end " ) )
checksyntax ( [ [
local a = { 4
] ] , " '}' expected (to close '{' at line 1) " , " <eof> " , 3 )
-- tests for better error messages
checkmessage ( " a=1; bbbb=2; a=math.sin(3)+bbbb(3) " , " global 'bbbb' " )
checkmessage ( " a=1; local a,bbbb=2,3; a = math.sin(1) and bbbb(3) " ,
" local 'bbbb' " )
checkmessage ( " a={}; do local a=1 end a:bbbb(3) " , " method 'bbbb' " )
checkmessage ( " local a={}; a.bbbb(3) " , " field 'bbbb' " )
2021-12-02 23:20:08 +00:00
assert ( not string.find ( doit ( " a={13}; local bbbb=1; a[bbbb](3) " ) , " 'bbbb' " ) )
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
checkmessage ( " a={13}; local bbbb=1; a[bbbb](3) " , " number " )
aaa = nil
checkmessage ( " aaa.bbb:ddd(9) " , " global 'aaa' " )
checkmessage ( " local aaa={bbb=1}; aaa.bbb:ddd(9) " , " field 'bbb' " )
checkmessage ( " local aaa={bbb={}}; aaa.bbb:ddd(9) " , " method 'ddd' " )
checkmessage ( " local a,b,c; (function () a = b+1 end)() " , " upvalue 'b' " )
2021-12-02 23:20:08 +00:00
assert ( not doit ( " local aaa={bbb={ddd=next}}; aaa.bbb:ddd(nil) " ) )
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
checkmessage ( " b=1; local aaa='a'; x=aaa+b " , " local 'aaa' " )
checkmessage ( " aaa={}; x=3/aaa " , " global 'aaa' " )
checkmessage ( " aaa='2'; b=nil;x=aaa*b " , " global 'b' " )
checkmessage ( " aaa={}; x=-aaa " , " global 'aaa' " )
2021-12-02 23:20:08 +00:00
assert ( not string.find ( doit ( " aaa={}; x=(aaa or aaa)+(aaa and aaa) " ) , " 'aaa' " ) )
assert ( not string.find ( doit ( " aaa={}; (aaa or aaa)() " ) , " 'aaa' " ) )
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
checkmessage ( [ [ aaa = 9
repeat until 3 == 3
local x = math.sin ( math.cos ( 3 ) )
if math.sin ( 1 ) == x then return math.sin ( 1 ) end -- tail call
local a , b = 1 , {
{ x = ' a ' .. ' b ' .. ' c ' , y = ' b ' , z = x } ,
{ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 } or 3 + 3 <= 3 + 3 ,
3 + 1 > 3 + 1 ,
{ d = x and aaa [ x or y ] } }
] ] , " global 'aaa' " )
checkmessage ( [ [
local x , y = { } , 1
if math.sin ( 1 ) == 0 then return 3 end -- return
x.a ( ) ] ] , " field 'a' " )
checkmessage ( [ [
prefix = nil
insert = nil
while 1 do
local a
if nil then break end
insert ( prefix , a )
end ] ] , " global 'insert' " )
checkmessage ( [ [ -- tail call
return math.sin ( " a " )
] ] , " 'sin' " )
checkmessage ( [[collectgarbage("nooption")]] , " invalid option " )
checkmessage ( [[x = print .. "a"]] , " concatenate " )
checkmessage ( " getmetatable(io.stdin).__gc() " , " no value " )
print ' + '
-- testing line error
function lineerror ( s )
local err , msg = pcall ( loadstring ( s ) )
local line = string.match ( msg , " :(%d+): " )
return line and line + 0
2021-12-02 23:20:08 +00:00
assert ( lineerror ( " local a \n for i=1,'a' do \n print(i) \n end " ) == 2 )
-- assert(lineerror("\n local a \n for k,v in 3 \n do \n print(k) \n end") == 3)
-- assert(lineerror("\n\n for k,v in \n 3 \n do \n print(k) \n end") == 4)
assert ( lineerror ( " function a.x.y () \n a=a+1 \n end " ) == 1 )
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
local p = [ [
function g ( ) f ( ) end
function f ( x ) error ( ' a ' , X ) end
g ( )
] ]
X = 3 ; assert ( lineerror ( p ) == 3 )
X = 0 ; assert ( lineerror ( p ) == nil )
X = 1 ; assert ( lineerror ( p ) == 2 )
X = 2 ; assert ( lineerror ( p ) == 1 )
lineerror = nil
if not limitedstack then
C = 0
-- local l = debug.getinfo(1, "l").currentline
function y ( ) C = C + 1 ; y ( ) end
local function checkstackmessage ( m )
return ( string.find ( m , " ^.-:%d+: stack overflow " ) )
assert ( checkstackmessage ( doit ( ' y() ' ) ) )
assert ( checkstackmessage ( doit ( ' y() ' ) ) )
assert ( checkstackmessage ( doit ( ' y() ' ) ) )
-- teste de linhas em erro
C = 0
local l1
local function g ( )
-- l1 = debug.getinfo(1, "l").currentline
y ( )
local _ , stackmsg = xpcall ( g , debug.traceback )
local stack = { }
for line in string.gmatch ( stackmsg , " [^ \n ]* " ) do
local curr = string.match ( line , " :(%d+): " )
if curr then table.insert ( stack , tonumber ( curr ) ) end
local i = 1
while stack [ i ] ~= l1 do
assert ( stack [ i ] == l )
i = i + 1
assert ( i > 15 )
] ] --
-- error in error handling
local res , msg = xpcall ( error , error )
assert ( not res and type ( msg ) == ' string ' )
local function f ( x )
if x == 0 then error ( ' a \n ' )
local aux = function ( ) return f ( x - 1 ) end
local a , b = xpcall ( aux , aux )
return a , b
if not limitedstack then
f ( 3 )
-- non string messages
function f ( ) error { msg = ' x ' } end
res , msg = xpcall ( f , function ( r ) return { msg = r.msg .. ' y ' } end )
assert ( msg.msg == ' xy ' )
print ( ' + ' )
checksyntax ( " syntax error " , " " , " error " , 1 )
checksyntax ( " 1.000 " , " " , " 1.000 " , 1 )
checksyntax ( " [[a]] " , " " , " [[a]] " , 1 )
checksyntax ( " 'aa' " , " " , " 'aa' " , 1 )
-- test 255 as first char in a chunk
checksyntax ( " \255 a = 1 " , " " , " \255 " , 1 )
doit ( ' I = loadstring("a=9+"); a=3 ' )
assert ( a == 3 and I == nil )
print ( ' + ' )
lim = 1000
if rawget ( _G , " _soft " ) then lim = 100 end
for i = 1 , lim do
doit ( ' a = ' )
doit ( ' a = 4+nil ' )
-- testing syntax limits
local function testrep ( init , rep )
local s = " local a; " .. init .. string.rep ( rep , 300 )
local a , b = loadstring ( s )
assert ( not a ) -- and string.find(b, "syntax levels"))
testrep ( " a= " , " { " )
testrep ( " a= " , " ( " )
testrep ( " " , " a( " )
testrep ( " " , " do " )
testrep ( " " , " while a do " )
testrep ( " " , " if a then else " )
testrep ( " " , " function foo () " )
testrep ( " a= " , " a.. " )
testrep ( " a= " , " a^ " )
-- testing other limits
-- upvalues
local s = " function foo () \n local "
for j = 1 , 70 do
s = s .. " a " .. j .. " , "
s = s .. " b \n "
for j = 1 , 70 do
s = s .. " function foo " .. j .. " () \n a " .. j .. " =3 \n "
local a , b = loadstring ( s )
assert ( not a )
-- assert(string.find(b, "line 3"))
-- local variables
s = " \n function foo () \n local "
for j = 1 , 300 do
s = s .. " a " .. j .. " , "
s = s .. " b \n "
local a , b = loadstring ( s )
assert ( not a )
--assert(string.find(b, "line 2"))
2022-02-11 18:43:14 +00:00
-- The xpcall is intentionally going to cause an exception
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
-- followed by a forced exception in the error handler.
-- If the secondary handler isn't trapped, it will cause
-- the unit test to fail. If the xpcall captures the
-- second fault, it's a success.
a , b = xpcall (
function ( )
return game [ { } ]
end ,
function ( )
return game.CoreGui . Name
end )
assert ( not a )
print ( b )
coroutine.wrap ( function ( )
assert ( not pcall ( debug.getinfo , coroutine.running ( ) , 0 , " > " ) )
end ) ( )
2022-02-11 18:43:14 +00:00
-- loadstring chunk truncation
local a , b = loadstring ( " nope " , " @short " )
assert ( not a and b : match ( ' [^ ]+ ' ) == " short:1: " )
local a , b = loadstring ( " nope " , " @ " .. string.rep ( " thisisaverylongstringitssolongthatitwontfitintotheinternalbufferprovidedtovariousdebugfacilities " , 10 ) )
assert ( not a and b : match ( ' [^ ]+ ' ) == " ...wontfitintotheinternalbufferprovidedtovariousdebugfacilitiesthisisaverylongstringitssolongthatitwontfitintotheinternalbufferprovidedtovariousdebugfacilitiesthisisaverylongstringitssolongthatitwontfitintotheinternalbufferprovidedtovariousdebugfacilities:1: " )
local a , b = loadstring ( " nope " , " =short " )
assert ( not a and b : match ( ' [^ ]+ ' ) == " short:1: " )
local a , b = loadstring ( " nope " , " = " .. string.rep ( " thisisaverylongstringitssolongthatitwontfitintotheinternalbufferprovidedtovariousdebugfacilities " , 10 ) )
assert ( not a and b : match ( ' [^ ]+ ' ) == " thisisaverylongstringitssolongthatitwontfitintotheinternalbufferprovidedtovariousdebugfacilitiesthisisaverylongstringitssolongthatitwontfitintotheinternalbufferprovidedtovariousdebugfacilitiesthisisaverylongstringitssolongthatitwontfitintotheinternalbuffe:1: " )
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
-- arith errors
function ecall ( fn , ... )
local ok , err = pcall ( fn , ... )
assert ( not ok )
return err : sub ( err : find ( " : " ) + 2 , # err )
assert ( ecall ( function ( ) return nil + 5 end ) == " attempt to perform arithmetic (add) on nil and number " )
assert ( ecall ( function ( ) return " a " + " b " end ) == " attempt to perform arithmetic (add) on string " )
assert ( ecall ( function ( ) return 1 > nil end ) == " attempt to compare nil < number " ) -- note reversed order (by design)
assert ( ecall ( function ( ) return " a " <= 5 end ) == " attempt to compare string <= number " )
2022-03-18 00:06:25 +00:00
assert ( ecall ( function ( ) local t = { } setmetatable ( t , { __newindex = function ( t , i , v ) end } ) t [ nil ] = 2 end ) == " table index is nil " )
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
return ( ' OK ' )