2023-05-12 13:15:01 +01:00
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
# include "Luau/TypeFamily.h"
# include "Luau/Type.h"
# include "Fixture.h"
# include "doctest.h"
using namespace Luau ;
LUAU_FASTFLAG ( DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution )
struct FamilyFixture : Fixture
TypeFamily swapFamily ;
FamilyFixture ( )
: Fixture ( true , false )
swapFamily = TypeFamily { /* name */ " Swap " ,
/* reducer */
[ ] ( std : : vector < TypeId > tys , std : : vector < TypePackId > tps , NotNull < TypeArena > arena , NotNull < BuiltinTypes > builtins ,
2023-05-19 19:59:59 +01:00
NotNull < const TxnLog > log , NotNull < Scope > scope , NotNull < Normalizer > normalizer ) - > TypeFamilyReductionResult < TypeId > {
2023-05-12 13:15:01 +01:00
LUAU_ASSERT ( tys . size ( ) = = 1 ) ;
TypeId param = log - > follow ( tys . at ( 0 ) ) ;
if ( isString ( param ) )
return TypeFamilyReductionResult < TypeId > { builtins - > numberType , false , { } , { } } ;
else if ( isNumber ( param ) )
return TypeFamilyReductionResult < TypeId > { builtins - > stringType , false , { } , { } } ;
else if ( log - > get < BlockedType > ( param ) | | log - > get < FreeType > ( param ) | | log - > get < PendingExpansionType > ( param ) | |
log - > get < TypeFamilyInstanceType > ( param ) )
return TypeFamilyReductionResult < TypeId > { std : : nullopt , false , { param } , { } } ;
return TypeFamilyReductionResult < TypeId > { std : : nullopt , true , { } , { } } ;
} } ;
unfreeze ( frontend . globals . globalTypes ) ;
TypeId t = frontend . globals . globalTypes . addType ( GenericType { " T " } ) ;
GenericTypeDefinition genericT { t } ;
ScopePtr globalScope = frontend . globals . globalScope ;
globalScope - > exportedTypeBindings [ " Swap " ] =
TypeFun { { genericT } , frontend . globals . globalTypes . addType ( TypeFamilyInstanceType { NotNull { & swapFamily } , { t } , { } } ) } ;
freeze ( frontend . globals . globalTypes ) ;
} ;
TEST_SUITE_BEGIN ( " TypeFamilyTests " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( FamilyFixture , " basic_type_family " )
if ( ! FFlag : : DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution )
return ;
CheckResult result = check ( R " (
type A = Swap < number >
type B = Swap < string >
type C = Swap < boolean >
local x = 123
local y : Swap < typeof ( x ) > = " foo "
) " );
CHECK ( " string " = = toString ( requireTypeAlias ( " A " ) ) ) ;
CHECK ( " number " = = toString ( requireTypeAlias ( " B " ) ) ) ;
CHECK ( " Swap<boolean> " = = toString ( requireTypeAlias ( " C " ) ) ) ;
CHECK ( " string " = = toString ( requireType ( " y " ) ) ) ;
CHECK ( " Type family instance Swap<boolean> is uninhabited " = = toString ( result . errors [ 0 ] ) ) ;
} ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( FamilyFixture , " family_as_fn_ret " )
if ( ! FFlag : : DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution )
return ;
CheckResult result = check ( R " (
local swapper : < T > ( T ) - > Swap < T >
local a = swapper ( 123 )
local b = swapper ( " foo " )
local c = swapper ( false )
) " );
CHECK ( " string " = = toString ( requireType ( " a " ) ) ) ;
CHECK ( " number " = = toString ( requireType ( " b " ) ) ) ;
CHECK ( " Swap<boolean> " = = toString ( requireType ( " c " ) ) ) ;
CHECK ( " Type family instance Swap<boolean> is uninhabited " = = toString ( result . errors [ 0 ] ) ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( FamilyFixture , " family_as_fn_arg " )
if ( ! FFlag : : DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution )
return ;
CheckResult result = check ( R " (
local swapper : < T > ( Swap < T > ) - > T
local a = swapper ( 123 )
local b = swapper ( false )
) " );
// FIXME: Can we constrain these to `never` or `unknown`?
CHECK ( " a " = = toString ( requireType ( " a " ) ) ) ;
CHECK ( " a " = = toString ( requireType ( " b " ) ) ) ;
CHECK ( " Type family instance Swap<a> is uninhabited " = = toString ( result . errors [ 0 ] ) ) ;
CHECK ( " Type family instance Swap<a> is uninhabited " = = toString ( result . errors [ 1 ] ) ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( FamilyFixture , " resolve_deep_families " )
if ( ! FFlag : : DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution )
return ;
CheckResult result = check ( R " (
local x : Swap < Swap < Swap < string > > >
) " );
CHECK ( " number " = = toString ( requireType ( " x " ) ) ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( FamilyFixture , " unsolvable_family " )
if ( ! FFlag : : DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution )
return ;
CheckResult result = check ( R " (
local impossible : < T > ( Swap < T > ) - > Swap < Swap < T > >
local a = impossible ( 123 )
local b = impossible ( true )
) " );
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < 4 ; + + i )
CHECK ( toString ( result . errors [ i ] ) = = " Type family instance Swap<a> is uninhabited " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( FamilyFixture , " table_internal_families " )
if ( ! FFlag : : DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution )
return ;
CheckResult result = check ( R " (
local t : < T > ( { T } ) - > { Swap < T > }
local a = t ( { 1 , 2 , 3 } )
local b = t ( { " a " , " b " , " c " } )
local c = t ( { true , false , true } )
) " );
CHECK ( toString ( requireType ( " a " ) ) = = " {string} " ) ;
CHECK ( toString ( requireType ( " b " ) ) = = " {number} " ) ;
CHECK ( toString ( requireType ( " c " ) ) = = " {Swap<boolean>} " ) ;
CHECK ( toString ( result . errors [ 0 ] ) = = " Type family instance Swap<boolean> is uninhabited " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( FamilyFixture , " function_internal_families " )
// This test is broken right now, but it's not because of type families. See
// CLI-71143.
if ( ! FFlag : : DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution )
return ;
CheckResult result = check ( R " (
local f0 : < T > ( T ) - > ( ( ) - > T )
local f : < T > ( T ) - > ( ( ) - > Swap < T > )
local a = f ( 1 )
local b = f ( " a " )
local c = f ( true )
local d = f0 ( 1 )
) " );
CHECK ( toString ( requireType ( " a " ) ) = = " () -> string " ) ;
CHECK ( toString ( requireType ( " b " ) ) = = " () -> number " ) ;
CHECK ( toString ( requireType ( " c " ) ) = = " () -> Swap<boolean> " ) ;
CHECK ( toString ( result . errors [ 0 ] ) = = " Type family instance Swap<boolean> is uninhabited " ) ;
2023-05-19 19:59:59 +01:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " add_family_at_work " )
if ( ! FFlag : : DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution )
return ;
CheckResult result = check ( R " (
local function add ( a , b )
return a + b
local a = add ( 1 , 2 )
local b = add ( 1 , " foo " )
local c = add ( " foo " , 1 )
) " );
CHECK ( toString ( requireType ( " a " ) ) = = " number " ) ;
CHECK ( toString ( requireType ( " b " ) ) = = " Add<number, string> " ) ;
CHECK ( toString ( requireType ( " c " ) ) = = " Add<string, number> " ) ;
CHECK ( toString ( result . errors [ 0 ] ) = = " Type family instance Add<number, string> is uninhabited " ) ;
CHECK ( toString ( result . errors [ 1 ] ) = = " Type family instance Add<string, number> is uninhabited " ) ;
2023-05-25 21:46:51 +01:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " internal_families_raise_errors " )
if ( ! FFlag : : DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution )
return ;
CheckResult result = check ( R " (
local function innerSum ( a , b )
local _ = a + b
) " );
CHECK ( toString ( result . errors [ 0 ] ) = = " Type family instance Add<a, b> depends on generic function parameters but does not appear in the function signature; this construct cannot be type-checked at this time " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( BuiltinsFixture , " type_families_inhabited_with_normalization " )
ScopedFastFlag sff { " DebugLuauDeferredConstraintResolution " , true } ;
CheckResult result = check ( R " (
local useGridConfig : any
local columns = useGridConfig ( " columns " , { } ) or 1
local gutter = useGridConfig ( ' gutter ' , { } ) or 0
local margin = useGridConfig ( ' margin ' , { } ) or 0
return function ( frameAbsoluteWidth : number )
local cellAbsoluteWidth = ( frameAbsoluteWidth - 2 * margin + gutter ) / columns - gutter
) " );
2023-05-12 13:15:01 +01:00