2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
# include "Luau/Linter.h"
# include "Luau/BuiltinDefinitions.h"
# include "Fixture.h"
# include "ScopedFlags.h"
# include "doctest.h"
using namespace Luau ;
TEST_SUITE_BEGIN ( " Linter " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " CleanCode " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function fib ( n )
return n < 2 and 1 or fib ( n - 1 ) + fib ( n - 2 )
return math . max ( fib ( 5 ) , 1 )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " UnknownGlobal " )
LintResult result = lint ( " --!nocheck \n return foo " ) ;
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Unknown global 'foo' " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " DeprecatedGlobal " )
// Normally this would be defined externally, so hack it in for testing
addGlobalBinding ( typeChecker , " Wait " , Binding { typeChecker . anyType , { } , true , " wait " , " @test/global/Wait " } ) ;
LintResult result = lintTyped ( " Wait(5) " ) ;
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Global 'Wait' is deprecated, use 'wait' instead " ) ;
2022-08-25 22:53:50 +01:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " DeprecatedGlobalNoReplacement " )
ScopedFastFlag sff { " LuauLintFixDeprecationMessage " , true } ;
// Normally this would be defined externally, so hack it in for testing
const char * deprecationReplacementString = " " ;
addGlobalBinding ( typeChecker , " Version " , Binding { typeChecker . anyType , { } , true , deprecationReplacementString } ) ;
LintResult result = lintTyped ( " Version() " ) ;
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Global 'Version' is deprecated " ) ;
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " PlaceholderRead " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local _ = 5
return _
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Placeholder value '_' is read here; consider using a named variable " ) ;
2022-02-04 16:45:57 +00:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " PlaceholderReadGlobal " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
_ = 5
print ( _ )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Placeholder value '_' is read here; consider using a named variable " ) ;
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " PlaceholderWrite " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local _ = 5
_ = 6
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
2022-05-13 20:36:37 +01:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( BuiltinsFixture , " BuiltinGlobalWrite " )
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
math = { }
function assert ( x )
assert ( 5 )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 2 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Built-in global 'math' is overwritten here; consider using a local or changing the name " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Built-in global 'assert' is overwritten here; consider using a local or changing the name " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " MultilineBlock " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
if true then print ( 1 ) print ( 2 ) print ( 3 ) end
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " A new statement is on the same line; add semi-colon on previous statement to silence " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " MultilineBlockSemicolonsWhitelisted " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
print ( 1 ) ; print ( 2 ) ; print ( 3 )
) " );
CHECK ( result . warnings . empty ( ) ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " MultilineBlockMissedSemicolon " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
print ( 1 ) ; print ( 2 ) print ( 3 )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " A new statement is on the same line; add semi-colon on previous statement to silence " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " MultilineBlockLocalDo " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local _x do
_x = 5
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " ConfusingIndentation " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
print ( math . max ( 1 ,
2 ) )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Statement spans multiple lines; use indentation to silence " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " GlobalAsLocal " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function bar ( )
foo = 6
return foo
return bar ( )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Global 'foo' is only used in the enclosing function 'bar'; consider changing it to local " ) ;
2022-03-04 16:36:33 +00:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " GlobalAsLocalMultiFx " )
ScopedFastFlag sff { " LuauLintGlobalNeverReadBeforeWritten " , true } ;
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function bar ( )
foo = 6
return foo
function baz ( )
foo = 6
return foo
return bar ( ) + baz ( )
) " );
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Global 'foo' is never read before being written. Consider changing it to local " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " GlobalAsLocalMultiFxWithRead " )
ScopedFastFlag sff { " LuauLintGlobalNeverReadBeforeWritten " , true } ;
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function bar ( )
foo = 6
return foo
function baz ( )
foo = 6
return foo
function read ( )
print ( foo )
return bar ( ) + baz ( ) + read ( )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " GlobalAsLocalWithConditional " )
ScopedFastFlag sff { " LuauLintGlobalNeverReadBeforeWritten " , true } ;
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function bar ( )
if true then foo = 6 end
return foo
function baz ( )
foo = 6
return foo
return bar ( ) + baz ( )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " GlobalAsLocal3WithConditionalRead " )
ScopedFastFlag sff { " LuauLintGlobalNeverReadBeforeWritten " , true } ;
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function bar ( )
foo = 6
return foo
function baz ( )
foo = 6
return foo
function read ( )
if false then print ( foo ) end
return bar ( ) + baz ( ) + read ( )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " GlobalAsLocalInnerRead " )
ScopedFastFlag sff { " LuauLintGlobalNeverReadBeforeWritten " , true } ;
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function foo ( )
local f = function ( ) return bar end
f ( )
bar = 42
function baz ( ) bar = 0 end
return foo ( ) + baz ( )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " GlobalAsLocalMulti " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local createFunction = function ( configValue )
- - Create an internal convenience function
local function internalLogic ( )
print ( configValue ) - - prints passed - in value
- - Here , we thought we were creating another internal convenience function
- - that closed over the passed - in configValue , but this is actually being
- - declared at module scope !
function moreInternalLogic ( )
print ( configValue ) - - nil ! ! !
return function ( )
internalLogic ( )
moreInternalLogic ( )
return nil
fnA = createFunction ( true )
fnB = createFunction ( false )
fnA ( ) - - prints " true " , " nil "
fnB ( ) - - prints " false " , " nil "
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text ,
" Global 'moreInternalLogic' is only used in the enclosing function defined at line 2; consider changing it to local " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " LocalShadowLocal " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local arg = 6
print ( arg )
local arg = 5
print ( arg )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Variable 'arg' shadows previous declaration at line 2 " ) ;
2022-05-13 20:36:37 +01:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( BuiltinsFixture , " LocalShadowGlobal " )
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local math = math
global = math
function bar ( )
local global = math . max ( 5 , 1 )
return global
return bar ( )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Variable 'global' shadows a global variable used at line 3 " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " LocalShadowArgument " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function bar ( a , b )
local a = b + 1
return a
return bar ( )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Variable 'a' shadows previous declaration at line 2 " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " LocalUnused " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local arg = 6
local function bar ( )
local arg = 5
local blarg = 6
if arg then
blarg = 42
return bar ( )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 2 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Variable 'arg' is never used; prefix with '_' to silence " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Variable 'blarg' is never used; prefix with '_' to silence " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " ImportUnused " )
// Normally this would be defined externally, so hack it in for testing
addGlobalBinding ( typeChecker , " game " , typeChecker . anyType , " @test " ) ;
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local Roact = require ( game . Packages . Roact )
local _Roact = require ( game . Packages . Roact )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Import 'Roact' is never used; prefix with '_' to silence " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " FunctionUnused " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function bar ( )
local function qux ( )
function foo ( )
local function _unusedl ( )
function _unusedg ( )
return foo ( )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 2 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Function 'bar' is never used; prefix with '_' to silence " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Function 'qux' is never used; prefix with '_' to silence " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " UnreachableCodeBasic " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
return ' ok '
print ( " hi! " )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line , 5 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Unreachable code (previous statement always returns) " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " UnreachableCodeLoopBreak " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
while true do
do break end
print ( " nope " )
print ( " hi! " )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line , 3 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Unreachable code (previous statement always breaks) " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " UnreachableCodeLoopContinue " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
while true do
do continue end
print ( " nope " )
print ( " hi! " )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line , 3 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Unreachable code (previous statement always continues) " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " UnreachableCodeIfMerge " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function foo1 ( a )
if a then
return ' x '
return ' y '
return ' z '
function foo2 ( a )
if a then
return ' x '
return ' z '
function foo3 ( a )
if a then
return ' x '
print ( ' y ' )
return ' z '
return { foo1 , foo2 , foo3 }
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line , 7 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Unreachable code (previous statement always returns) " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " UnreachableCodeErrorReturnSilent " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function foo1 ( a )
if a then
error ( ' x ' )
return ' z '
error ( ' y ' )
return foo1
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " UnreachableCodeAssertFalseReturnSilent " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function foo1 ( a )
if a then
return ' z '
assert ( false )
return foo1
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " UnreachableCodeErrorReturnNonSilentBranchy " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function foo1 ( a )
if a then
error ( ' x ' )
error ( ' y ' )
return ' z '
return foo1
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line , 7 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Unreachable code (previous statement always errors) " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " UnreachableCodeErrorReturnPropagate " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function foo1 ( a )
if a then
error ( ' x ' )
return ' z '
error ( ' y ' )
return ' x '
return foo1
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line , 8 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Unreachable code (previous statement always errors) " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " UnreachableCodeLoopWhile " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function foo1 ( a )
while a do
return ' z '
return ' x '
return foo1
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " UnreachableCodeLoopRepeat " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function foo1 ( a )
return ' z '
until a
return ' x '
return foo1
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) ,
0 ) ; // this is technically a bug, since the repeat body always returns; fixing this bug is a bit more involved than I'd like
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " UnknownType " )
unfreeze ( typeChecker . globalTypes ) ;
TableTypeVar : : Props instanceProps {
{ " ClassName " , { typeChecker . anyType } } ,
} ;
TableTypeVar instanceTable { instanceProps , std : : nullopt , typeChecker . globalScope - > level , Luau : : TableState : : Sealed } ;
TypeId instanceType = typeChecker . globalTypes . addType ( instanceTable ) ;
TypeFun instanceTypeFun { { } , instanceType } ;
2022-03-24 22:04:14 +00:00
typeChecker . globalScope - > exportedTypeBindings [ " Part " ] = instanceTypeFun ;
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
2022-03-24 22:04:14 +00:00
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local game = . . .
local _e01 = type ( game ) = = " Part "
local _e02 = typeof ( game ) = = " Bar "
local _e03 = typeof ( game ) = = " vector "
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
2022-03-24 22:04:14 +00:00
local _o01 = type ( game ) = = " number "
local _o02 = type ( game ) = = " vector "
local _o03 = typeof ( game ) = = " Part "
) " );
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
2022-03-24 22:04:14 +00:00
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 3 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line , 2 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Unknown type 'Part' (expected primitive type) " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . location . begin . line , 3 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Unknown type 'Bar' " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . location . begin . line , 4 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . text , " Unknown type 'vector' (expected primitive or userdata type) " ) ;
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " ForRangeTable " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local t = { }
for i = # t , 1 do
for i = # t , 1 , - 1 do
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line , 3 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " For loop should iterate backwards; did you forget to specify -1 as step? " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " ForRangeBackwards " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
for i = 8 , 1 do
for i = 8 , 1 , - 1 do
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " For loop should iterate backwards; did you forget to specify -1 as step? " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " ForRangeImprecise " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
for i = 1.3 , 7.5 do
for i = 1.3 , 7.5 , 1 do
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " For loop ends at 7.3 instead of 7.5; did you forget to specify step? " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " ForRangeZero " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
for i = 0 , # t do
for i = ( 0 ) , # t do - - to silence
for i = # t , 0 do
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 2 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " For loop starts at 0, but arrays start at 1 " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . location . begin . line , 7 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text ,
" For loop should iterate backwards; did you forget to specify -1 as step? Also consider changing 0 to 1 since arrays start at 1 " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " UnbalancedAssignment " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local _a , _b , _c = pcall ( )
local _a , _b , _c = pcall ( ) , 5
local _a , _b , _c = pcall ( ) , 5 , 6
local _a , _b , _c = pcall ( ) , 5 , 6 , 7
local _a , _b , _c = pcall ( ) , nil
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 2 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line , 5 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Assigning 2 values to 3 variables initializes extra variables with nil; add 'nil' to value list to silence " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . location . begin . line , 11 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Assigning 4 values to 3 variables leaves some values unused " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " ImplicitReturn " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function f1 ( a )
if not a then
return 5
function f2 ( a )
if not a then
function f3 ( a )
if not a then
return 5
function f4 ( a )
for i in pairs ( a ) do
if i > 5 then
return i
print ( " element not found " )
function f5 ( a )
for i in pairs ( a ) do
if i > 5 then
return i
error ( " element not found " )
f6 = function ( a )
if a = = 0 then
return 42
function f7 ( a )
return 10
until a ~ = nil
return f1 , f2 , f3 , f4 , f5 , f6 , f7
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 3 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line , 4 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text ,
" Function 'f1' can implicitly return no values even though there's an explicit return at line 4; add explicit return to silence " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . location . begin . line , 28 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text ,
" Function 'f4' can implicitly return no values even though there's an explicit return at line 25; add explicit return to silence " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . location . begin . line , 44 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . text ,
" Function can implicitly return no values even though there's an explicit return at line 44; add explicit return to silence " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " ImplicitReturnInfiniteLoop " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function f1 ( a )
while true do
if math . random ( ) > 0.5 then
return 5
function f2 ( a )
if math . random ( ) > 0.5 then
return 5
until false
function f3 ( a )
while true do
if math . random ( ) > 0.5 then
return 5
if math . random ( ) < 0.1 then
function f4 ( a )
if math . random ( ) > 0.5 then
return 5
if math . random ( ) < 0.1 then
until false
return f1 , f2 , f3 , f4
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 2 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line , 25 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text ,
" Function 'f3' can implicitly return no values even though there's an explicit return at line 21; add explicit return to silence " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . location . begin . line , 36 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text ,
" Function 'f4' can implicitly return no values even though there's an explicit return at line 32; add explicit return to silence " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " TypeAnnotationsShouldNotProduceWarnings " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (--!strict
type InputData = {
2021-11-05 15:47:21 +00:00
id : number ,
inputType : EnumItem ,
inputState : EnumItem ,
updated : number ,
position : Vector3 ,
keyCode : EnumItem ,
name : string
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " BreakFromInfiniteLoopMakesStatementReachable " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local bar = . . .
if bar then
return 2
until true
return 1
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " IgnoreLintAll " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
- - ! nolint
return foo
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " IgnoreLintSpecific " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
- - ! nolint UnknownGlobal
local x = 1
return foo
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Variable 'x' is never used; prefix with '_' to silence " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " FormatStringFormat " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
- - incorrect format strings
string . format ( " % " )
string . format ( " %??d " )
string . format ( " %Y " )
- - incorrect format strings , self call
local _ = ( " % " ) : format ( )
- - correct format strings , just to uh make sure
2022-02-04 16:45:57 +00:00
string . format ( " hello %+10d %.02f %% " , 4 , 5 )
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 4 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Invalid format string: unfinished format specifier " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Invalid format string: invalid format specifier: must be a string format specifier or % " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . text , " Invalid format string: invalid format specifier: must be a string format specifier or % " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 3 ] . text , " Invalid format string: unfinished format specifier " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " FormatStringPack " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
- - incorrect pack specifiers
string . pack ( " ? " )
string . packsize ( " ? " )
string . unpack ( " ? " )
- - missing size
string . packsize ( " bc " )
- - incorrect X alignment
string . packsize ( " X " )
string . packsize ( " X i " )
- - correct X alignment
string . packsize ( " Xi " )
- - packsize can ' t be used with variable sized formats
string . packsize ( " s " )
- - out of range size specifiers
string . packsize ( " i0 " )
string . packsize ( " i17 " )
- - a very very very out of range size specifier
string . packsize ( " i99999999999999999999 " )
string . packsize ( " c99999999999999999999 " )
- - correct format specifiers
string . packsize ( " =!1bbbI3c42 " )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 11 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Invalid pack format: unexpected character; must be a pack specifier or space " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Invalid pack format: unexpected character; must be a pack specifier or space " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . text , " Invalid pack format: unexpected character; must be a pack specifier or space " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 3 ] . text , " Invalid pack format: fixed-sized string format must specify the size " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 4 ] . text , " Invalid pack format: X must be followed by a size specifier " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 5 ] . text , " Invalid pack format: X must be followed by a size specifier " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 6 ] . text , " Invalid pack format: pack specifier must be fixed-size " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 7 ] . text , " Invalid pack format: integer size must be in range [1,16] " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 8 ] . text , " Invalid pack format: integer size must be in range [1,16] " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 9 ] . text , " Invalid pack format: size specifier is too large " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 10 ] . text , " Invalid pack format: size specifier is too large " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " FormatStringMatch " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local s = . . .
- - incorrect character class specifiers
string . match ( s , " %q " )
string . gmatch ( s , " %q " )
string . find ( s , " %q " )
string . gsub ( s , " %q " , " " )
- - various errors
string . match ( s , " % " )
string . match ( s , " [%1] " )
string . match ( s , " %0 " )
string . match ( s , " (%d)%2 " )
string . match ( s , " %bx " )
string . match ( s , " %foo " )
string . match ( s , ' ( % d ) ) ' )
string . match ( s , ' ( % d ' )
string . match ( s , ' [ % d ' )
string . match ( s , ' % , ' )
- - self call - not detected because we don ' t know the type !
local _ = s : match ( " %q " )
- - correct patterns
string . match ( s , " [A-Z]+(%d)%1 " )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 14 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: invalid character class, must refer to a defined class or its inverse " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: invalid character class, must refer to a defined class or its inverse " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: invalid character class, must refer to a defined class or its inverse " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 3 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: invalid character class, must refer to a defined class or its inverse " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 4 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: unfinished character class " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 5 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: sets can not contain capture references " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 6 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: invalid capture reference, must be 1-9 " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 7 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: invalid capture reference, must refer to a valid capture " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 8 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: missing brace characters for balanced match " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 9 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: missing set after a frontier pattern " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 10 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: unexpected ) without a matching ( " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 11 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: expected ) at the end of the string to close a capture " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 12 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: expected ] at the end of the string to close a set " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 13 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: expected a magic character after % " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " FormatStringMatchNested " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " ~(
local s = . . .
- - correct reference to nested pattern
string . match ( s , " ((a)%2) " )
- - incorrect reference to nested pattern ( not closed yet )
string . match ( s , " ((a)%1) " )
- - incorrect reference to nested pattern ( index out of range )
string . match ( s , " ((a)%3) " )
) ~ " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 2 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: invalid capture reference, must refer to a closed capture " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line , 7 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: invalid capture reference, must refer to a valid capture " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . location . begin . line , 10 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " FormatStringMatchSets " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " ~(
local s = . . .
- - fake empty sets ( but actually sets that aren ' t closed )
string . match ( s , " [] " )
string . match ( s , " [^] " )
- - character ranges in sets
string . match ( s , " [%a-b] " )
string . match ( s , " [a-%b] " )
- - invalid escapes
string . match ( s , " [%q] " )
string . match ( s , " [%;] " )
- - capture refs in sets
string . match ( s , " [%1] " )
- - valid escapes and - at the end
string . match ( s , " [%]x-] " )
- - % escapes itself
string . match ( s , " [%%] " )
- - this abomination is a valid pattern due to rules wrt handling empty sets
string . match ( s , " []|'[] " )
string . match ( s , " [^]|'[] " )
) ~ " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 7 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: expected ] at the end of the string to close a set " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: expected ] at the end of the string to close a set " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: character range can't include character sets " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 3 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: character range can't include character sets " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 4 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: invalid character class, must refer to a defined class or its inverse " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 5 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: expected a magic character after % " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 6 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: sets can not contain capture references " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " FormatStringFindArgs " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local s = . . .
- - incorrect character class specifier
string . find ( s , " %q " )
- - raw string find
string . find ( s , " %q " , 1 , true )
string . find ( s , " %q " , 1 , math . random ( ) < 0.5 )
- - incorrect character class specifier
string . find ( s , " %q " , 1 , false )
- - missing arguments
string . find ( )
string . find ( " foo " ) ;
( " foo " ) : find ( )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 2 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: invalid character class, must refer to a defined class or its inverse " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line , 4 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: invalid character class, must refer to a defined class or its inverse " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . location . begin . line , 11 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " FormatStringReplace " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local s = . . .
- - incorrect replacements
string . gsub ( s , ' ( % d + ) ' , " % " )
string . gsub ( s , ' ( % d + ) ' , " %x " )
string . gsub ( s , ' ( % d + ) ' , " %2 " )
string . gsub ( s , ' ' , " %1 " )
- - correct replacements
string . gsub ( s , ' [ A - Z ] + ( % d ) ' , " %0%1 " )
string . gsub ( s , ' foo ' , " %0 " )
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 4 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Invalid match replacement: unfinished replacement " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Invalid match replacement: unexpected replacement character; must be a digit or % " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . text , " Invalid match replacement: invalid capture index, must refer to pattern capture " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 3 ] . text , " Invalid match replacement: invalid capture index, must refer to pattern capture " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " FormatStringDate " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
- - incorrect formats
os . date ( " % " )
os . date ( " %L " )
os . date ( " %? " )
2022-02-04 16:45:57 +00:00
os . date ( " \0 " )
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
- - correct formats
os . date ( " it's %c now " )
os . date ( " !*t " )
) " );
2022-02-04 16:45:57 +00:00
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 4 ) ;
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Invalid date format: unfinished replacement " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Invalid date format: unexpected replacement character; must be a date format specifier or % " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . text , " Invalid date format: unexpected replacement character; must be a date format specifier or % " ) ;
2022-02-04 16:45:57 +00:00
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 3 ] . text , " Invalid date format: date format can not contain null characters " ) ;
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " FormatStringTyped " )
LintResult result = lintTyped ( R " ~(
local s : string , nons = . . .
string . match ( s , " [] " )
s : match ( " [] " )
- - no warning here since we don ' t know that it ' s a string
nons : match ( " [] " )
) ~ " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 2 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: expected ] at the end of the string to close a set " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line , 3 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Invalid match pattern: expected ] at the end of the string to close a set " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . location . begin . line , 4 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " TableLiteral " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (-- line 1
_ = {
first = 1 ,
second = 2 ,
first = 3 ,
_ = {
first = 1 ,
[ " first " ] = 2 ,
_ = {
1 , 2 , 3 ,
[ 1 ] = 42
_ = {
[ 3 ] = 42 ,
1 , 2 , 3 ,
local _ : {
first : number ,
second : string ,
first : boolean
_ = {
1 , 2 , 3 ,
[ 0 ] = 42 ,
[ 4 ] = 42 ,
_ = {
[ 1 ] = 1 ,
[ 2 ] = 2 ,
[ 1 ] = 3 ,
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 6 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Table field 'first' is a duplicate; previously defined at line 3 " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Table field 'first' is a duplicate; previously defined at line 9 " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . text , " Table index 1 is a duplicate; previously defined as a list entry " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 3 ] . text , " Table index 3 is a duplicate; previously defined as a list entry " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 4 ] . text , " Table type field 'first' is a duplicate; previously defined at line 24 " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 5 ] . text , " Table index 1 is a duplicate; previously defined at line 36 " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " ImportOnlyUsedInTypeAnnotation " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local Foo = require ( script . Parent . Foo )
local x : Foo . Y = 1
) " );
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Variable 'x' is never used; prefix with '_' to silence " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " DisableUnknownGlobalWithTypeChecking " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
- - ! strict
unknownGlobal ( )
) " );
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " no_spurious_warning_after_a_function_type_alias " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local exports = { }
export type PathFunction < P > = ( P ? ) - > string
exports . tokensToFunction = function ( ) end
return exports
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " use_all_parent_scopes_for_globals " )
ScopePtr testScope = frontend . addEnvironment ( " Test " ) ;
unfreeze ( typeChecker . globalTypes ) ;
loadDefinitionFile ( frontend . typeChecker , testScope , R " (
declare Foo : number
) " ,
" @test " ) ;
freeze ( typeChecker . globalTypes ) ;
fileResolver . environments [ " A " ] = " Test " ;
fileResolver . source [ " A " ] = R " (
local _foo : Foo = 123
- - os . clock comes from the global scope , the parent of this module ' s environment
local _bar : typeof ( os . clock ) = os . clock
) " ;
LintResult result = frontend . lint ( " A " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " DeadLocalsUsed " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
- - ! nolint LocalShadow
local x
for x in pairs ( { } ) do
print ( x )
print ( x ) - - x is not initialized
local a , b , c = 1 , 2
print ( a , b , c ) - - c is not initialized
local a , b , c = table . unpack ( { } )
print ( a , b , c ) - - no warning as we don ' t know anything about c
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 3 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Variable 'x' defined at line 4 is never initialized or assigned; initialize with 'nil' to silence " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Assigning 2 values to 3 variables initializes extra variables with nil; add 'nil' to value list to silence " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . text , " Variable 'c' defined at line 12 is never initialized or assigned; initialize with 'nil' to silence " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " LocalFunctionNotDead " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local foo
function foo ( ) end
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " DuplicateGlobalFunction " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function x ( ) end
function x ( ) end
return x
) " );
REQUIRE_EQ ( 1 , result . warnings . size ( ) ) ;
const auto & w = result . warnings [ 0 ] ;
CHECK_EQ ( LintWarning : : Code_DuplicateFunction , w . code ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( " Duplicate function definition: 'x' also defined on line 2 " , w . text ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " DuplicateLocalFunction " )
LintOptions options ;
options . setDefaults ( ) ;
options . enableWarning ( LintWarning : : Code_DuplicateFunction ) ;
options . enableWarning ( LintWarning : : Code_LocalShadow ) ;
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local function x ( ) end
print ( x )
local function x ( ) end
return x
) " ,
options ) ;
REQUIRE_EQ ( 1 , result . warnings . size ( ) ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( LintWarning : : Code_DuplicateFunction , result . warnings [ 0 ] . code ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " DuplicateMethod " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local T = { }
function T : x ( ) end
function T : x ( ) end
return x
) " );
REQUIRE_EQ ( 1 , result . warnings . size ( ) ) ;
const auto & w = result . warnings [ 0 ] ;
CHECK_EQ ( LintWarning : : Code_DuplicateFunction , w . code ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( " Duplicate function definition: 'T.x' also defined on line 3 " , w . text ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " DontTriggerTheWarningIfTheFunctionsAreInDifferentScopes " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
if true then
function c ( ) end
function c ( ) end
return c
) " );
CHECK ( result . warnings . empty ( ) ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " LintHygieneUAF " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local Hooty = require ( workspace . A )
local HoHooty = require ( workspace . A )
local h : Hooty . Pointy = ruire ( workspace . A )
local h : H
local h : Hooty . Pointy = ruire ( workspace . A )
local hh : Hooty . Pointy = ruire ( workspace . A )
local h : Hooty . Pointy = ruire ( workspace . A )
linooty . Pointy = ruire ( workspace . A )
local hh : Hooty . Pointy = ruire ( workspace . A )
local h : Hooty . Pointy = ruire ( workspace . A )
linty = ruire ( workspace . A )
local h : Hooty . Pointy = ruire ( workspace . A )
local hh : Hooty . Pointy = ruire ( workspace . A )
local h : Hooty . Pointy = ruire ( workspace . A )
local h : Hooty . Pt
) " );
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 12 ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " DeprecatedApi " )
unfreeze ( typeChecker . globalTypes ) ;
2022-04-21 22:44:27 +01:00
TypeId instanceType = typeChecker . globalTypes . addType ( ClassTypeVar { " Instance " , { } , std : : nullopt , std : : nullopt , { } , { } , " Test " } ) ;
2022-04-15 00:57:43 +01:00
persist ( instanceType ) ;
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
typeChecker . globalScope - > exportedTypeBindings [ " Instance " ] = TypeFun { { } , instanceType } ;
getMutable < ClassTypeVar > ( instanceType ) - > props = {
{ " Name " , { typeChecker . stringType } } ,
{ " DataCost " , { typeChecker . numberType , /* deprecated= */ true } } ,
{ " Wait " , { typeChecker . anyType , /* deprecated= */ true } } ,
} ;
2022-02-11 19:02:09 +00:00
TypeId colorType = typeChecker . globalTypes . addType ( TableTypeVar { { } , std : : nullopt , typeChecker . globalScope - > level , Luau : : TableState : : Sealed } ) ;
2022-02-18 01:18:01 +00:00
getMutable < TableTypeVar > ( colorType ) - > props = { { " toHSV " , { typeChecker . anyType , /* deprecated= */ true , " Color3:ToHSV " } } } ;
2022-02-11 19:02:09 +00:00
addGlobalBinding ( typeChecker , " Color3 " , Binding { colorType , { } } ) ;
2022-02-18 01:18:01 +00:00
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
freeze ( typeChecker . globalTypes ) ;
LintResult result = lintTyped ( R " (
return function ( i : Instance )
i : Wait ( 1.0 )
print ( i . Name )
2022-02-11 19:02:09 +00:00
print ( Color3 . toHSV ( ) )
print ( Color3 . doesntexist , i . doesntexist ) - - type error , but this verifies we correctly handle non - existent members
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
return i . DataCost
) " );
2022-02-11 19:02:09 +00:00
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 3 ) ;
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Member 'Instance.Wait' is deprecated " ) ;
2022-02-11 19:02:09 +00:00
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Member 'toHSV' is deprecated, use 'Color3:ToHSV' instead " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . text , " Member 'Instance.DataCost' is deprecated " ) ;
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
2022-05-13 20:36:37 +01:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( BuiltinsFixture , " TableOperations " )
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
LintResult result = lintTyped ( R " (
local t = { }
local tt = { }
table . insert ( t , # t , 42 )
table . insert ( t , ( # t ) , 42 ) - - silenced
table . insert ( t , # t + 1 , 42 )
table . insert ( t , # tt + 1 , 42 ) - - different table , ok
table . insert ( t , 0 , 42 )
table . remove ( t , 0 )
table . remove ( t , # t - 1 )
table . insert ( t , string . find ( " hello " , " h " ) )
2021-11-05 02:34:35 +00:00
table . move ( t , 0 , # t , 1 , tt )
table . move ( t , 1 , # t , 0 , tt )
2022-01-21 17:00:19 +00:00
table . create ( 42 , { } )
table . create ( 42 , { } : : { } )
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
) " );
2022-01-21 17:00:19 +00:00
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 10 ) ;
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " table.insert will insert the value before the last element, which is likely a bug; consider removing the "
" second argument or wrap it in parentheses to silence " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " table.insert will append the value to the table; consider removing the second argument for efficiency " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . text , " table.insert uses index 0 but arrays are 1-based; did you mean 1 instead? " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 3 ] . text , " table.remove uses index 0 but arrays are 1-based; did you mean 1 instead? " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 4 ] . text , " table.remove will remove the value before the last element, which is likely a bug; consider removing the "
" second argument or wrap it in parentheses to silence " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 5 ] . text ,
" table.insert may change behavior if the call returns more than one result; consider adding parentheses around second argument " ) ;
2021-11-05 02:34:35 +00:00
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 6 ] . text , " table.move uses index 0 but arrays are 1-based; did you mean 1 instead? " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 7 ] . text , " table.move uses index 0 but arrays are 1-based; did you mean 1 instead? " ) ;
2022-02-04 16:45:57 +00:00
result . warnings [ 8 ] . text , " table.create with a table literal will reuse the same object for all elements; consider using a for loop instead " ) ;
result . warnings [ 9 ] . text , " table.create with a table literal will reuse the same object for all elements; consider using a for loop instead " ) ;
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " DuplicateConditions " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
if true then
elseif false then
elseif true then - - duplicate
if true then
elseif false then
if true then - - duplicate
_ = true and true
_ = true or true
_ = ( true and false ) and true
_ = ( true and true ) and true
_ = ( true and true ) or true
_ = ( true and false ) and ( 42 and false )
_ = true and true or false - - no warning since this is is a common pattern used as a ternary replacement
2022-02-11 19:02:09 +00:00
_ = if true then 1 elseif true then 2 else 3
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
) " );
2022-02-11 19:02:09 +00:00
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 8 ) ;
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Condition has already been checked on line 2 " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line + 1 , 4 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Condition has already been checked on column 5 " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . text , " Condition has already been checked on column 5 " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 3 ] . text , " Condition has already been checked on column 6 " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 4 ] . text , " Condition has already been checked on column 6 " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 5 ] . text , " Condition has already been checked on column 6 " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 6 ] . text , " Condition has already been checked on column 15 " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 6 ] . location . begin . line + 1 , 19 ) ;
2022-02-11 19:02:09 +00:00
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 7 ] . text , " Condition has already been checked on column 8 " ) ;
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
2021-12-03 06:41:04 +00:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " DuplicateConditionsExpr " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local correct , opaque = . . .
if correct ( { a = 1 , b = 2 * ( - 2 ) , c = opaque . path [ ' with ' ] ( " calls " ) } ) then
elseif correct ( { a = 1 , b = 2 * ( - 2 ) , c = opaque . path [ ' with ' ] ( " calls " ) } ) then
elseif correct ( { a = 1 , b = 2 * ( - 2 ) , c = opaque . path [ ' with ' ] ( " calls " , false ) } ) then
) " );
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Condition has already been checked on line 4 " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . location . begin . line + 1 , 5 ) ;
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " DuplicateLocal " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
function foo ( a1 , a2 , a3 , a1 )
local _ , _ , _ = . . . - - ok !
local a1 , a2 , a1 = . . . - - not ok
local moo = { }
function moo : bar ( self )
return foo , moo , a1 , a2
) " );
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 4 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Function parameter 'a1' already defined on column 14 " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Variable 'a1' is never used; prefix with '_' to silence " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . text , " Variable 'a1' already defined on column 7 " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 3 ] . text , " Function parameter 'self' already defined implicitly " ) ;
2022-02-11 19:02:09 +00:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " MisleadingAndOr " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
_ = math . random ( ) < 0.5 and true or 42
_ = math . random ( ) < 0.5 and false or 42 - - misleading
_ = math . random ( ) < 0.5 and nil or 42 - - misleading
_ = math . random ( ) < 0.5 and 0 or 42
_ = ( math . random ( ) < 0.5 and false ) or 42 - - currently ignored
) " );
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 2 ) ;
2022-02-18 01:18:01 +00:00
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " The and-or expression always evaluates to the second alternative because the first alternative is false; "
" consider using if-then-else expression instead " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " The and-or expression always evaluates to the second alternative because the first alternative is nil; "
" consider using if-then-else expression instead " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " WrongComment " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
- - ! strict
- - ! struct
- - ! nolintGlobal
- - ! nolint Global
- - ! nolint KnownGlobal
- - ! nolint UnknownGlobal
- - ! no more lint
- - ! strict here
do end
- - ! nolint
) " );
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 6 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Unknown comment directive 'struct'; did you mean 'strict'? " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Unknown comment directive 'nolintGlobal' " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . text , " nolint directive refers to unknown lint rule 'Global' " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 3 ] . text , " nolint directive refers to unknown lint rule 'KnownGlobal'; did you mean 'UnknownGlobal'? " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 4 ] . text , " Comment directive with the type checking mode has extra symbols at the end of the line " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 5 ] . text , " Comment directive is ignored because it is placed after the first non-comment token " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " WrongCommentMuteSelf " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
- - ! nolint
- - ! struct
) " );
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 0 ) ; // --!nolint disables WrongComment lint :)
2022-02-11 19:02:09 +00:00
2022-02-24 23:53:37 +00:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " DuplicateConditionsIfStatAndExpr " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
if if 1 then 2 else 3 then
elseif if 1 then 2 else 3 then
elseif if 0 then 5 else 4 then
) " );
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Condition has already been checked on line 2 " ) ;
2022-07-14 23:52:26 +01:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " WrongCommentOptimize " )
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
- - ! optimize
- - ! optimize me
- - ! optimize 100500
- - ! optimize 2
) " );
2022-08-24 20:01:00 +01:00
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 3 ) ;
2022-07-14 23:52:26 +01:00
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " optimize directive requires an optimization level " ) ;
2022-08-24 20:01:00 +01:00
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " optimize directive uses unknown optimization level 'me', 0..2 expected " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . text , " optimize directive uses unknown optimization level '100500', 0..2 expected " ) ;
result = lint ( " --!optimize " ) ;
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " optimize directive requires an optimization level " ) ;
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " TestStringInterpolation " )
ScopedFastFlag sff { " LuauInterpolatedStringBaseSupport " , true } ;
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
- - ! nocheck
local _ = ` unknown { foo } `
) " );
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 1 ) ;
2022-07-14 23:52:26 +01:00
2022-08-11 22:01:33 +01:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " IntegerParsing " )
2022-08-04 23:35:33 +01:00
ScopedFastFlag luauLintParseIntegerIssues { " LuauLintParseIntegerIssues " , true } ;
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local _ = 0b10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
local _ = 0x10000000000000000
) " );
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 2 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " Binary number literal exceeded available precision and has been truncated to 2^64 " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " Hexadecimal number literal exceeded available precision and has been truncated to 2^64 " ) ;
// TODO: remove with FFlagLuauErrorDoubleHexPrefix
2022-08-11 22:01:33 +01:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " IntegerParsingDoublePrefix " )
2022-08-04 23:35:33 +01:00
ScopedFastFlag luauLintParseIntegerIssues { " LuauLintParseIntegerIssues " , true } ;
ScopedFastFlag luauErrorDoubleHexPrefix { " LuauErrorDoubleHexPrefix " , false } ; // Lint will be available until we start rejecting code
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local _ = 0x0 x123
local _ = 0x0 xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
) " );
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 2 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text ,
" Hexadecimal number literal has a double prefix, which will fail to parse in the future; remove the extra 0x to fix " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text ,
" Hexadecimal number literal has a double prefix, which will fail to parse in the future; remove the extra 0x to fix " ) ;
2022-08-11 22:01:33 +01:00
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE ( Fixture , " ComparisonPrecedence " )
ScopedFastFlag sff ( " LuauLintComparisonPrecedence " , true ) ;
LintResult result = lint ( R " (
local a , b = . . .
local _ = not a = = b
local _ = not a ~ = b
local _ = not a < = b
local _ = a < = b = = 0
local _ = not a = = not b - - weird but ok
- - silence tests for all of the above
local _ = not ( a = = b )
local _ = ( not a ) = = b
local _ = not ( a ~ = b )
local _ = ( not a ) ~ = b
local _ = not ( a < = b )
local _ = ( not a ) < = b
local _ = ( a < = b ) = = 0
local _ = a < = ( b = = 0 )
) " );
REQUIRE_EQ ( result . warnings . size ( ) , 4 ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 0 ] . text , " not X == Y is equivalent to (not X) == Y; consider using X ~= Y, or wrap one of the expressions in parentheses to silence " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 1 ] . text , " not X ~= Y is equivalent to (not X) ~= Y; consider using X == Y, or wrap one of the expressions in parentheses to silence " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 2 ] . text , " not X <= Y is equivalent to (not X) <= Y; wrap one of the expressions in parentheses to silence " ) ;
CHECK_EQ ( result . warnings [ 3 ] . text , " X <= Y == Z is equivalent to (X <= Y) == Z; wrap one of the expressions in parentheses to silence " ) ;
2021-10-29 21:25:12 +01:00