package core import ( "bufio" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "os" "os/exec" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" logger "" "" "" "" ) // TODO: func Build() { fmt.Println("🔃 Setting up RootFS...") bar := spinner.New(spinner.CharSets[14], 100*time.Millisecond) bar.Prefix = " " bar.Suffix = " Determining the fastest mirror..." bar.Start() userLocation, err := http.Get("") if err != nil { print(err) } defer userLocation.Body.Close() body, reqErr := io.ReadAll(userLocation.Body) if reqErr != nil { logger.Error("An internal error occurred when attempting to pull the RootFS. This is probably a bug; you might want to report this.") bar.Stop() os.Exit(1) } var resStruct struct { Status string Country string CountryCode string Region string RegionName string City string Zip string Lat float64 Lon float64 Timezone string Isp string Org string As string Query string } parseErr := json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &resStruct) if parseErr != nil { logger.Error("Failed to parse response body! This is a probably a bug; you might want to report this.") bar.Stop() os.Exit(1) } mirror := getMirror(resStruct.Country) bar.Suffix = fmt.Sprintf(" Using mirror %s...", mirror) time.Sleep(time.Second * 5) bar.Stop() isSuccessful_1, version, _ := pullArchive(mirror) if !isSuccessful_1 { logger.Warn("Attempt #1 to pull RootFS failed, trying again with Worldwide mirror...") bar.Suffix = " Attempt #1 to pull RootFS failed, trying again with Worldwide mirror..." bar.Start() globalMirror := getMirror("Worldwide") isSuccessful_2, _, _ := pullArchive(globalMirror) if !isSuccessful_2 { logger.Error("Attempt #2 to pull RootFS failed. Please try again.") bar.Stop() os.Exit(1) } else { checkers.VerifySignature(globalMirror) } } else { checkers.VerifySignature(mirror) } archiveName := fmt.Sprintf(`archlinux-bootstrap-%s-x86_64.tar.gz`, version) untarArchive(archiveName, bar) preserveOwnership("root.x86_64", bar) } func untarArchive(archiveName string, bar *spinner.Spinner) { bar.Suffix = " Untarring archive..." bar.Start() untarSizeCmd, sizeCmdErr := exec.Command("wsl.exe", "bash", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("tar -tzf %s | wc -l", archiveName)).CombinedOutput() if sizeCmdErr != nil { bar.Stop() logger.Error("Failed to retrieve archive length; fatal. Refusing to continue.") } untarSizeArr := strings.Split(string(untarSizeCmd), "\n") untarSizeStr := strings.Trim(untarSizeArr[len(untarSizeArr)-2], "\n\r ") untarSize, convErr := strconv.ParseInt(untarSizeStr, 10, 64) if convErr != nil { bar.Stop() logger.Error("An internal error occurred while attempting to untar the archive. Aborting.") } bar.Stop() pb := progressbar.NewOptions(1000, progressbar.OptionEnableColorCodes(true), progressbar.OptionShowBytes(true), progressbar.OptionShowBytes(true), progressbar.OptionSetPredictTime(true), progressbar.OptionSetDescription("[yellow][1/3][reset] Untarring archive..."), progressbar.OptionSetTheme(progressbar.Theme{ Saucer: "=", SaucerHead: ">", SaucerPadding: " ", BarStart: "[", BarEnd: "]", })) progressbar.DefaultBytesSilent(untarSize*2 ^ 64) untarCmd := exec.Command("wsl.exe", "bash", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("tar -xzvf %s", archiveName)) stdout, stdoutErr := untarCmd.StdoutPipe() stderr, _ := untarCmd.StderrPipe() _ = untarCmd.Start() scanner := bufio.NewScanner(io.MultiReader(stdout, stderr)) scanner.Split(bufio.ScanWords) for scanner.Scan() { pb.Add64(1) } _ = untarCmd.Wait() if stdoutErr != nil { logger.Error("Failed to untar archive; this is a non-recoverable error. Quitting.") } bar.Stop() logger.Info("Successfully untarred archive!") } func preserveOwnership(extractedDir string, bar *spinner.Spinner) { bar.Suffix = " Building bootstrap package..." bar.Start() _d, buildErr := exec.Command("wsl.exe", "bash", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && tar -zcvf arch_bootstrap_package.tar.gz .", extractedDir)).CombinedOutput() if buildErr != nil { bar.Stop() println(buildErr.Error()) println(string(_d)) logger.Error("Failed to build bootstrap package; fatal. Aborting installation...") } bar.Stop() logger.Progress("Successfully built bootstrap package, proceeeding!") } // TODO: Distro importing with user-provided name prompt or autogenerated prompts func getMirror(country string) string { resp, err := http.Get("") if err != nil { logger.Error("Failed to download RootFS.") } defer resp.Body.Close() body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { logger.Error("An internal error occurred when attempting to pull the RootFS. This is probably a bug; you might want to report this.") } // Hackily get the mirror by filtering (splitting) the HTML a bunch of times mirrorLink := strings.Split(strings.Split(strings.Split(strings.Split(strings.Split(strings.Split(string(body), fmt.Sprintf(`title="%s"`, country))[1], `title="Download from`)[0], fmt.Sprintf(`> %s`, country))[1], `