local isRoblox = _VERSION == "Luau" local isLune = _VERSION:find("Lune") == 1 local deps = if isLune then require(script.Parent.Parent.deps)elseif isRoblox then require(script.Parent.deps) else error("Unsupported Runtime!") local requires = deps(isRoblox, isLune) local LuauSignal: { new: () -> Signal } = requires.signal export type Signal = { Fire: (self: Signal,T...) -> (), Connect: (self: Signal, callback: (T...) -> ()) -> () -> (), Once: (self: Signal, callback: (T...) -> ()) -> () -> (), DisconnectAll: (self: Signal) -> () } -- From https://gist.github.com/sapphyrus/fd9aeb871e3ce966cc4b0b969f62f539 local function tableEq(tbl1, tbl2) -- if tbl1 == tbl2 then -- return true -- elseif type(tbl1) == "table" and type(tbl2) == "table" then -- for key1, value1 in pairs(tbl1) do -- local value2 = tbl2[key1] -- if value2 == nil then -- -- avoid the type call for missing keys in tbl2 by directly comparing with nil -- return false -- elseif value1 ~= value2 then -- if type(value1) == "table" and type(value2) == "table" then -- if not tableEq(value1, value2) then -- return false -- end -- else -- return false -- end -- end -- end -- -- check for missing keys in tbl1 -- for key2, _ in pairs(tbl2) do -- if tbl1[key2] == nil then -- return false -- end -- end -- return true -- end -- return false return true end local RobloxEvent = {} type RobloxEvent = Signal & { _inner: BindableEvent } function RobloxEvent.new() local instance = Instance.new("BindableEvent") instance.Parent = script instance.Name = tostring({}):split(" ")[2] return setmetatable({ _inner = instance }, { __index = RobloxEvent }) end function RobloxEvent.Fire(self: RobloxEvent, ...: T...) return self._inner:Fire(...) end function RobloxEvent.Connect(self: RobloxEvent, callback: (T...) -> ()) local conn = self._inner.Event:Connect(callback) return { DisconnectAll = function(self: RobloxEvent) conn:Disconnect() self._inner:Destroy() end } end function RobloxEvent.Once(self: RobloxEvent, callback: (T...) -> ()) local conn = self._inner.Event:Connect(callback) return { DisconnectAll = function(self: RobloxEvent) conn:Disconnect() self._inner:Destroy() end } end return { tableEq = tableEq, Signal = setmetatable({}, { __index = if isLune then LuauSignal elseif isRoblox then RobloxEvent else error("Unsupported runtime!"), }), }