--[[ This exists because if the Option module were to have methods to convert to Result, and the Result module were to have methods to convert to Option, there would be a cyclic dependency. So, if a consumer of this library wants to convert between the two, they would rather import this conversion module. ]] local option = require(script.Parent.option) local Option = option.Option export type Option = option.Option local None = option.None local Some = option.Some local result = require(script.Parent.result) local Result = result.Result export type Result = result.Result local Ok = result.Ok local Err = result.Err --[=[ @within Result Converts from [Result]`` to [Option]``. Converts `self` into an [Option]``, and discarding the error, if any. ```lua local x: Result = Ok(2) assert(x:ok() == Some(2)) x = Err("Nothing here") assert(x:ok() == None()) ``` @param self Result @return Option ]=] function Result.ok(self: Result): Option if self:isOk() then if self._value == nil then return None() end return Some(self._value) end return None() end --[=[ @within Result Converts from [Result]`` to [Option]``. Converts `self` into an [Option]``, and discarding the success value, if any. ```lua local x: Result = Ok(2) assert(x:ok() == Some(2)) x = Err("Nothing here") assert(x:ok() == None()) ``` @param self Result @return Option ]=] function Result.err(self: Result): Option if self:isErr() then return Option.new(self._error) :: Option end return None() end --[=[ @within Result Transposes a [Result] of an [Option] into an [Option] of a [Result]. [Result:Ok]\([Option:None]\) will be mapped to [Option:None]. [Result:Ok]\([Option:Some]`(_)`\) and [Result:Err]\(`_`\) will be mapped to [Option:Some]\([Result:Ok]`(_)`\) and [Option:Some]\([Option:Err]`(_)`\). ```lua type SomeErr = {} local x: Result, SomeErr> = Ok(Some(2)) local y: Option> = Some(Ok(2)) assert(x:transpose() == y) ``` @param self Result, E> @return Option> ]=] function Result.transpose(self: Result, E>): Option> if self._value == None() then return None() elseif self:isOkAnd(function(val): boolean return val._optValue == nil end) then return Some(Ok(self._value._optValue)) elseif self:isErr() then return Some(Err(self._error)) end error("`Result` is not transposable") end --[=[ @within Option Transforms the [Option]`` into a [Result]``, mapping [Option:Some]`(v)` to [Result:Ok]`(v)` and [Option:None] to [Result:Err]`(err)`. Arguments passed to [Option:okOr] are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing the result of a function call, it is recommended to use [Option:okOrElse], which is lazily evaluated. ```lua local x: Option = Some("foo") assert(x:okOr(0) == Ok("foo")) x = None() assert(x:okOr(0) == Err(0)) ``` @param self Option @param err E @return Result ]=] function Option.okOr(self: Option, err: E): Result if self:isSome() then return Ok(self._optValue) end return Err(err) end --[=[ @within Option Transforms the [Option]`` into a [Result]``, mapping [Option:Some]`(v)` to [Result:Ok]`(v)` and [Option:None] to [Result:Err]`(err())`. ```lua local x: Option = Some("foo") assert(x:okOrElse(function() return 0 end) == Ok("foo")) x = None() assert(x:okOrElse(function() return 0 end) == Err(0)) ``` @param self Option @param err () -> E @return Result ]=] function Option.okOrElse(self: Option, err: () -> E): Result if self:isSome() then return Ok(self._optValue :: T) end return Err(err()) end --[=[ @within Option Transposes a [Option] of an [Result] into an [Result] of a [Option]. [Option:None] will be mapped to [Result:Ok]\([Option:None]\). [Option:Some]\([Result:Ok]`(_)`\) and [Option:Some]\([Result:Err]\(`_`\)\) will be mapped to [Result:Ok]\([Option:Some]`(_)`\) and [Result:Err]`(_)`. ```lua type SomeErr = {} local x: Result, SomeErr> = Ok(Some(5)) local y: Option> = Some(Ok(5)) assert(x == y:transpose()) ``` @param self Option> @return Result, E> ]=] function Option.transpose(self: Option>): Result, E> if self:isSome() then local inner = self._optValue assert(self.typeId == "Option" and inner.typeId == "Result", "Only an `Option` of a `Result` can be transposed") if inner:isOk() then return Some(Ok(inner._value)) elseif inner:isErr() then return Some(Err(inner._error)) end end return Ok(None()) end return { Ok = Ok, Err = Err, Result = Result, Some = Some, None = None, Option = Option, }