return function() local bufferline = require "bufferline" bufferline.setup { options = { mode = "buffers", -- set to "tabs" to only show tabpages instead style_preset = bufferline.style_preset.default, -- or bufferline.style_preset.minimal, themable = true, -- allows highlight groups to be overriden i.e. sets highlights as default --numbers = function(opts) -- return string.format("%s·%s", opts.raise(, opts.lower(opts.ordinal)) --end, indicator = { icon = "▎", -- this should be omitted if indicator style is not 'icon' style = "icon", }, diagnostics = "nvim_lsp", diagnostics_update_in_insert = false, offsets = { { filetype = "neo-tree", text = require("custom_opts").file_explorer_title, text_align = "left", separator = true, }, }, color_icons = true, -- whether or not to add the filetype icon highlights separator_style = require("custom_opts").tab_style, hover = { enabled = true, delay = 200, reveal = { "close" }, }, }, } end