local plugins = { ["nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"] = { module = "plenary" }, ["lewis6991/impatient.nvim"] = {}, ["wbthomason/packer.nvim"] = { cmd = require("core.lazy_load").packer_cmds, config = function() require "plugins" end, }, ["NvChad/extensions"] = { branch = "main", module = { "telescope", "nvchad" } }, ["NvChad/base46"] = { branch = "master", config = function() local ok, base46 = pcall(require, "base46") if ok then base46.load_theme() end end, }, ["NvChad/ui"] = { branch = "main", after = "base46", config = function() local present, nvchad_ui = pcall(require, "nvchad_ui") if present then nvchad_ui.setup() end end, }, ["NvChad/nvterm"] = { module = "nvterm", config = function() require "plugins.configs.nvterm" end, setup = function() require("core.utils").load_mappings "nvterm" end, }, ["nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons"] = { after = "ui", module = "nvim-web-devicons", commit = "dd468f6991a4e447607097dfc89d47ae97d14dea", config = function() require("plugins.configs.others").devicons() end, }, ["lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim"] = { opt = true, setup = function() require("core.lazy_load").on_file_open "indent-blankline.nvim" require("core.utils").load_mappings "blankline" end, config = function() require("plugins.configs.others").blankline() end, }, ["NvChad/nvim-colorizer.lua"] = { opt = true, setup = function() require("core.lazy_load").on_file_open "nvim-colorizer.lua" end, config = function() require("plugins.configs.others").colorizer() end, }, ["nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter"] = { module = "nvim-treesitter", setup = function() require("core.lazy_load").on_file_open "nvim-treesitter" end, cmd = require("core.lazy_load").treesitter_cmds, run = ":TSUpdate", config = function() require "plugins.configs.treesitter" end, }, ["EthanJWright/vs-tasks.nvim"] = { requires = { 'nvim-lua/popup.nvim', 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim', 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' }, setup = function() require("vstask").setup({ cache_json_conf = true, -- don't read the json conf every time a task is ran cache_strategy = "last", -- can be "most" or "last" (most used / last used) use_harpoon = true, -- use harpoon to auto cache terminals telescope_keys = { -- change the telescope bindings used to launch tasks vertical = '', split = '', tab = '', current = '', }, autodetect = { -- auto load scripts npm = "on" }, terminal = 'nvterm', term_opts = { vertical = { direction = "vertical", size = "80" }, horizontal = { direction = "horizontal", size = "10" }, current = { direction = "float", }, tab = { direction = 'tab', } } }) end, }, -- git stuff ["lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim"] = { ft = "gitcommit", setup = function() require("core.lazy_load").gitsigns() end, config = function() require("plugins.configs.others").gitsigns() end, }, -- lsp stuff ["williamboman/mason.nvim"] = { cmd = require("core.lazy_load").mason_cmds, config = function() require "plugins.configs.mason" end, }, ["neovim/nvim-lspconfig"] = { opt = true, setup = function() require("core.lazy_load").on_file_open "nvim-lspconfig" end, config = function() require "plugins.configs.lspconfig" end, }, ["simrat39/rust-tools.nvim"] = { after = "nvim-lspconfig", config = function() require('rust-tools').setup({}) end, }, ["jose-elias-alvarez/typescript.nvim"] = { after = "nvim-lspconfig", config = function() require("typescript").setup({ disable_commands = false, -- prevent the plugin from creating Vim commands debug = false, -- enable debug logging for commands go_to_source_definition = { fallback = true, -- fall back to standard LSP definition on failure }, server = { -- pass options to lspconfig's setup method on_attach = function() print("attached to TypeScript project") end, }, }) end, }, -- load luasnips + cmp related in insert mode only ["rafamadriz/friendly-snippets"] = { module = { "cmp", "cmp_nvim_lsp" }, event = "InsertEnter", }, ["hrsh7th/nvim-cmp"] = { after = "friendly-snippets", config = function() require "plugins.configs.cmp" end, }, ["L3MON4D3/LuaSnip"] = { wants = "friendly-snippets", after = "nvim-cmp", config = function() require("plugins.configs.others").luasnip() end, }, ["saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip"] = { after = "LuaSnip" }, ["hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lua"] = { after = "cmp_luasnip" }, ["hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp"] = { after = "cmp-nvim-lua" }, ["hrsh7th/cmp-buffer"] = { after = "cmp-nvim-lsp" }, ["hrsh7th/cmp-path"] = { after = "cmp-buffer" }, -- misc plugins ["windwp/nvim-autopairs"] = { after = "nvim-cmp", config = function() require("plugins.configs.others").autopairs() end, }, ["goolord/alpha-nvim"] = { after = "base46", disable = true, config = function() require "plugins.configs.alpha" end, }, ["numToStr/Comment.nvim"] = { module = "Comment", keys = { "gc", "gb" }, config = function() require("plugins.configs.others").comment() end, setup = function() require("core.utils").load_mappings "comment" end, }, -- file managing , picker etc ["nvim-tree/nvim-tree.lua"] = { ft = "alpha", cmd = { "NvimTreeToggle", "NvimTreeFocus" }, config = function() require "plugins.configs.nvimtree" end, setup = function() require("core.utils").load_mappings "nvimtree" end, }, ["nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim"] = { cmd = "Telescope", config = function() require "plugins.configs.telescope" end, setup = function() require("core.utils").load_mappings "telescope" end, }, -- Only load whichkey after all the gui ["folke/which-key.nvim"] = { disable = true, module = "which-key", keys = { "", '"', "'", "`" }, config = function() require "plugins.configs.whichkey" end, setup = function() require("core.utils").load_mappings "whichkey" end, }, } -- Load all plugins local present, packer = pcall(require, "packer") if present then vim.cmd "packadd packer.nvim" -- Override with default plugins with user ones plugins = require("core.utils").merge_plugins(plugins) -- load packer init options local init_options = require("plugins.configs.others").packer_init() init_options = require("core.utils").load_override(init_options, "wbthomason/packer.nvim") packer.init(init_options) packer.startup { plugins } end