return { -- Syntax highlighting { "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter", config = function() require("nvim-treesitter.configs").setup { indent = { enable = true, disable = {}, }, ensure_installed = { "markdown", "markdown_inline", "regex" }, sync_install = false, auto_install = true, ignore_install = {}, highlight = { enable = true, disable = {}, disable = function(lang, buf) local max_filesize = 100 * 1024 -- 100 KB local ok, stats = pcall(vim.loop.fs_stat, vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf)) if ok and stats and stats.size > max_filesize then return true end end, additional_vim_regex_highlighting = false, }, } -- let it to use 'markdown' parser for mdx filetype. vim.treesitter.language.register("markdown", "mdx") end, }, -- Colors highlighting { "NvChad/nvim-colorizer.lua", config = function(plun) require("colorizer").setup { user_default_options = { names = false, }, } end, }, }