return { { "rust-lang/rust.vim" }, { "simrat39/rust-tools.nvim", lazy = true, config = function() local rt = require "rust-tools" rt.setup { tools = { -- rust-tools options -- how to execute terminal commands -- options right now: termopen / quickfix executor = require("rust-tools.executors").quickfix, -- callback to execute once rust-analyzer is done initializing the workspace -- The callback receives one parameter indicating the `health` of the server: "ok" | "warning" | "error" on_initialized = nil, -- automatically call RustReloadWorkspace when writing to a Cargo.toml file. reload_workspace_from_cargo_toml = true, -- These apply to the default RustSetInlayHints command inlay_hints = { -- automatically set inlay hints (type hints) -- default: true auto = true, -- Only show inlay hints for the current line only_current_line = false, -- whether to show parameter hints with the inlay hints or not -- default: true show_parameter_hints = true, -- prefix for parameter hints -- default: "<-" parameter_hints_prefix = "<- ", -- prefix for all the other hints (type, chaining) -- default: "=>" other_hints_prefix = "=> ", -- whether to align to the length of the longest line in the file max_len_align = false, -- padding from the left if max_len_align is true max_len_align_padding = 1, -- whether to align to the extreme right or not right_align = false, -- padding from the right if right_align is true right_align_padding = 7, -- The color of the hints highlight = "Comment", }, -- options same as lsp hover / vim.lsp.util.open_floating_preview() hover_actions = { -- the border that is used for the hover window -- see vim.api.nvim_open_win() border = { { "╭", "FloatBorder" }, { "─", "FloatBorder" }, { "╮", "FloatBorder" }, { "│", "FloatBorder" }, { "╯", "FloatBorder" }, { "─", "FloatBorder" }, { "╰", "FloatBorder" }, { "│", "FloatBorder" }, }, -- Maximal width of the hover window. Nil means no max. max_width = nil, -- Maximal height of the hover window. Nil means no max. max_height = nil, -- whether the hover action window gets automatically focused -- default: false auto_focus = false, }, -- settings for showing the crate graph based on graphviz and the dot -- command crate_graph = { -- Backend used for displaying the graph -- see: -- default: x11 backend = "x11", -- where to store the output, nil for no output stored (relative -- path from pwd) -- default: nil output = nil, -- true for all and external crates, false only the local -- crates -- default: true full = true, -- List of backends found on: -- Is used for input validation and autocompletion -- Last updated: 2021-08-26 enabled_graphviz_backends = { "bmp", "cgimage", "canon", "dot", "gv", "xdot", "xdot1.2", "xdot1.4", "eps", "exr", "fig", "gd", "gd2", "gif", "gtk", "ico", "cmap", "ismap", "imap", "cmapx", "imap_np", "cmapx_np", "jpg", "jpeg", "jpe", "jp2", "json", "json0", "dot_json", "xdot_json", "pdf", "pic", "pct", "pict", "plain", "plain-ext", "png", "pov", "ps", "ps2", "psd", "sgi", "svg", "svgz", "tga", "tiff", "tif", "tk", "vml", "vmlz", "wbmp", "webp", "xlib", "x11", }, }, }, -- all the opts to send to nvim-lspconfig -- these override the defaults set by rust-tools.nvim -- see server = { -- standalone file support -- setting it to false may improve startup time standalone = true, }, -- rust-analyzer options -- debugging stuff dap = { adapter = { type = "executable", command = "lldb-vscode", name = "rt_lldb", }, }, } end, }, }