-- -- You can edit the default settings of the shortcut keys here -- return { -- The default '' is the space. leader = " ", -- Use the shortcut to switch/jump window. jump_left_window = "", jump_right_window = "", jump_up_window = "", jump_down_window = "", -- View other usage of the plugin: https://github.com/akinsho/bufferline.nvim -- Use the shortcut to pick a buffer tab. pick_tab = "tt", -- View other usage of the plugin: https://github.com/nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim -- Use the shortcut to open or close file explorer. file_explorer = "", -- Use the shortcut to open or close git status on a float window. git_status = "", -- View other usage of the plugin: https://github.com/stevearc/aerial.nvim -- Use the shortcut to open or close the outline, it need to call the lsp server. outline = "", -- View other usage of the plugin: https://github.com/akinsho/toggleterm.nvim -- Use the shortcut to open or close the terminal. terminal_float = "", -- open terminal in a float window terminal_bottom = "", -- open terminal at the bottom -- View other usage of the plugin: https://github.com/Shatur/neovim-session-manager -- Use the shortcut to switch a session. switch_session = "ss", -- View other usage of the plugin: https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim -- Use the shortcut to find, search files and find buffers. find_files = "ff", live_grep = "gg", search_cursor = "cc", find_buffer = "bb", -- Use the to close telescope window. is the default setting, can't edit it here. -- close_telescope = "", -- View other usage of the plugin: https://github.com/sindrets/diffview.nvim -- Use the shortcut to open 'git diff'. diff_open = "df", -- Use the shortcut to close 'git diff'. diff_close = "dc", -- View other usage of the plugin: https://github.com/mrjones2014/smart-splits.nvim -- Use the shortcut to resize the window, resize_left = "", resize_down = "", resize_up = "", resize_right = "", -- View other usage of the plugin: https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig -- Goto goto_definition = "gd", goto_references = "gr", goto_declaration = "gD", goto_impl = "gi", -- goto_back = "", -- Use the shortcut to rename the code symbols. lsp_rename = "re", -- Use the shortcut to format your codes. format = "ft", }